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8 Best Heroes patch 7.31 in Dota 2

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8 Best Heroes patch 7.31 in Dota 2

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List of the eight best heroes in patch 7.31.
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What’s up? My name is Librarian Husky. There you go with the details of the best heroes for this patch.

Anti Mage

Speaking about this hero, you would definitely like to know the hero changes in order to understand its mechanics, advantages, and more.

Anti mage changes

Two units have changed the starting Strenght, and now the hero has 21 Strenght at the start. Diffusal Blade mana burnout works with Mana Break mana burn

Mana Break now slows an enemy by ten/twenty/thirty/forty% if it burns out the last mana. Duration 0.75 seconds. The effect works on illusions as well.

Anti Mage Gameplay

Take Power Treads as the first item; If a lot of farms, then Falcon Blade; if not, then immediately Diffusal Blade; Other purchase depends on the position and the situation on the map but would not be superfluous standard artifacts: Manta Style, Eye of Skadi, Abyssal Blade, and so on; Hero has become more team-oriented. It’s worth connecting to allies more often and less farming.


Axe has rarely appeared in pubs and pro matches in the past, but in 7.31, he may be the best hero on the offlane. He’s had almost all of his abilities improved, making gameplay that much fresher for him. In particular, they added the motivation to kill enemies with Ultimate.

Axe changes

Battle Hunger used to deal periodic magic damage sixteen/twenty-four/thirty-two/forty, now deals ten/fifteen/twenty/twenty-five periodic physical damage + 1 * armor of ability wearer. Battle Hunger is used to speed up the Axe and slow the opponent by twelve/thirteen/fourteen/fifteen%; now, it does not speed up the Axe but slows the opponent by eight/seventeen/twenty-six/thirty-five if he turns away from the Axe. It is also possible to kill an ally.

Axe gameplay

The main items remained the same: Vanguard, Blink Dagger, and Blade Mail. However, they started to buy Soul Ring more often; Aghanim’s Shard also became a must-have artifact again – they try to take it 20 minutes after Blink Dagger; Players are increasingly pumping Battle Hunger, usually at levels 1 and 3. Previously you only took the ability once.

Eight best Heroes 7.31 Guide will help you a lot

There you go with the list of Eight best Heroes 7.31 Guide will help you a lot.

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Summoners haven’t been meta for a long time. Fans of Chen are hardly ever found in ranked games, as the hero didn’t bring the benefit that other characters did. However, with the modification of the forest creeps and the reworking of the ultimates, Chen has become much more potent.

Chen changes

Creeps controlled by Holy Persuasion used to move ten/fifteen/twenty/twenty-five faster; now, they move ten/twenty/thirty/forty faster. The Hand of God used to heal all heroes at 275/400/625 health, but now heals at two hundred/three hundred/four hundred and occasionally restores twenty/thirty/forty health for ten seconds.

Chen gameplay

You should now take Holy Persuasion at the first level and look for a good creep. Also, make sure you don’t block the small neutral camp; The item build hasn’t changed: the first item is Mekansm, Drum of Endurance, and Aghanim’s Shard. You can also buy Holy Locket; You can create pressure with your creeps on towers if your opponent has no heroes who can stop the fluff. There are options to pick up Roshan quickly.


Year after year, IO is the strongest hero on the professional scene. Indeed, he is hardly ever taken in ranked games because you have to play with him more as a team. Valve decided to fix the low pick rate and upgraded the hero again.

IO changes

Previously, Aghanim’s Shard worked on Tether passively and stunned enemies touched by the beam, dealing damage and increasing movement speed. Now: Aghanim’s Shard works on Tether but increases IO’s vampirism with spells by ten %. And under Overcharge, IO shares this skill with the bound hero and gives him ten % extra damage from spells. Previously, Spirits dealt thirty/fifty/seventy/ninety damage to the hero, with Agha nim’s Scepter working without cooldown. Now it deals damage and slows it down, and the duration is 0.3 seconds.

IO gameplay

When choosing IO, you must ask an ally to take a hero with great magic damage: Storm Spirit, Leshrac, maybe Necrophos; Standard item choices: Holy Locket, Mekansm, Aghanim’s Shard. If IO is in the Cor position, Helm of the Dominator and Aghanim’s Scepter is needed.

Lone Druid

Players on Lone Druid finally get what they’ve been asking for: the summoned bear’s attack rate has been raised, and it will make him stronger not only on the line but also in-game. And the minibear will also be able to get extra armor with the redesigned Spirit Link.

Lone Druid changes

Before this, Spirit Bear’s damage at the first level was 20. Now it’s 28. Spirit Bear used to have roots tied at 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 seconds. Now it’s tied at 1/1.2/2.2/2.8 seconds. The change is minor, but the hero is relatively more robust at the beginning. You used Spirit Link to increase attack speed by 16/34/52/70. Now Spirit. Link transfers ten/fifteen/twenty/twenty five% armor between hero and bear. Proper Form is used to cool down if the hero was killed while applying it. Now dying while applying True Form will not send the ability to cool down.

Lone Druid gameplay

Top players on Lone Druid try to take Spirit Link as quickly as possible. They can even take it sooner than a level 4 bear; There’s a variety of items again: Hand of Midas + Radiance, Phase Boots + Mjollnir, but more often Mask of Madness + Desolater; In every game, without exception, players acquire Agha nim’s Shard.е items: Hand of Midas + Radiance, Phase Boots + Mjollnir, but usually Mask of Madness + Desolater; In every game, without exception, players acquire an Aganim Shard.


Many gamers didn’t understand why Mars got even more potent when examining the patch note. Honestly, there is no explanation. The hero was one of the best at The International 10, showed his strengths in ranked matches and during the DPC season, but still wasn’t weakened.

Mars changes

Before, the strength gain was 3.4, and now it’s 3.7. You used to get out of the Arena of Blood with different spells. Now you can’t fly over it or jump out of it anymore. Mars did get the Spear of Mars, and Arena of Blood nerfs, but they were minor. That’s why the gameplay for the hero remained the same, but Valve still helped him get more robust.

Mars gameplay

Powerful setups with our eight best Heroes 7.31 Dota 2 Guide

There you go with the Powerful setups with our eight best Heroes 7.31 Dota 2 Guide.


Pudge is the favorite character of many players in Dota 2. The character is always in a bane or peak, but he has lost his power since the last Flesh Heap change. Valve has breathed new life into the hero, and the developers have added unique mechanics to the Flesh Heap ability.

Pudge changes

Increased intelligence gain, from 1.5 to 1.8. Previously, Flesh Heap gave magical protection of twelve/fourteen/sixteen/eighteen % and a bonus power per kill of 1/2/2.5/3. Now Flesh Heap has a kill power bonus of 1.11/1.4/1.7/2, but you can now activate the ability. It blocks five/ten/fifteen/twenty damage for seven seconds.

Pudge gameplay

You can pick the upgraded Pudge to Offlane again. He now gets no damage from Rot when Flesh Heap is turned on, so he doesn’t lose health; For your first money, it’s best to buy two Bracer and later Phase Boots. After that, you can buy anything you want, as long as you are helpful; In a bad game, you should become a support pudge with Aghanim’s Shard; in a good game, you should become a tank with Heart of Tarrasque and Assault Cuirass.

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In patch 7.31, there was a significant rework of Techies. The hero now fits entirely into the standard game concept, and the Techies can no longer blast anyone on another part of the map.

Techies changes

Previously, the Stasis Trap ability – rooted up enemies in its radius of action. Now, it’s removed from the game. The New Reactive Tazer ability increases movement speed by fifteen/twenty/twenty-five/thirty %. It also gives powerlessness to whoever attacks Techies, and it explodes after 6 seconds. Previously, the Remote Mines ability allowed you to place green mines that explode remotely.

Techies now have a new ultimate. It used to be the 1st skill, but now it’s been strengthened, but the mechanics haven’t changed. Another new ability is Sticky Bomb, which you can use to throw a sticky bomb. It slows enemy movement by twenty-five/thirty-five/forty-five/fifty-five% and, after 3 seconds, explodes within 300 radii, dealing 90/180/270/360 damage.

Techies gameplay

Surprisingly, the hero has become much more versatile, now even being taken to mid or offlane; Everyone buys two Null Talisman, Soul Ring, Aghanim’s Shard, and Aether Lens; The emphasis in abilities is on Sticky Bomb, and then the Blast Off! Reactive Tazer is the last one to be picked up.

Final words

After patch 7.31, there are a few heroes that have improved. Pugna, Puck, Rubick, Tusk, Tiny, and Visage. Thanks to this, Dota 2 has become more diverse. On the pro scene, there were already characters that peaked before, by the way, if you are interested in Dota 2 Boosting Services, please check our main page. Cya!

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