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Sword & Shield 1-20 Level Boost

Home – New WorldGear & Items – Sword & Shield 1-20

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Quickly equip both sword and shield, and prepare yourself for fights.


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13 Weapon Mastering
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Hello everyone! Librarian Husky here, and today we’re going to talk about the Sword and Shield weapon class 1-20 level boost in New World. If you’re deciding what weapon to use in the game or you want an idea of the possibilities, stick around, and we’re going to talk about the gameplay skills, abilities, and attributes for this armament. This weapon type is for anyone who wants to tank group content in the game because it’s the only class you can use for tanking.

Why should I buy the Sword & Shield 1-20 Level Boost?

This armament could also be an excellent primary or secondary weapon if you’re a solo player who wants more survivability in challenging encounters. It will deal slash damage to enemies, and its attack power scales with strength as its primary stat and skill as the secondary stat. If you’re planning to tank, you’ll also want to focus on constitution attributes for your overall health pool.

Let’s look at your basic light attack combo and heavy attack with the Sword and Shield, frequently used in 1 to 20 leveling services in New World. The heavy attack is a bit of a lunge so that you can close small distances between you and the enemy. The slashes from the light attack combo can hit multiple enemies, but only if they’re tightly grouped. Blocking with your shield will stop all elemental attack damage, but it does cost stamina, so keep an eye on that yellow bar. Of course, you’re not going to be spending all of your time spamming basic attacks, just a lot of it.

What do Customers receive?

  • We will complete an excellent leveling for the Sword & Shield on any desired level.
  • All items and gold collected by the character during the order process belong to the customer.

Estimation time

Usually, we start all orders in 1-5 hours. Please check the start time in the desired boost price calculator for more exact information.

How does Sword & Shield 1-20 Level Boost work?

Execution Speed

  • Express speed – We will complete your order with a higher priority, and the completion time will be faster by 30%.

Additional options

  • Broadcast – Want to spectate the whole process of farming items & completing your order? No problem, you will be able to do it. Our professional player will start the stream for you.

Buy Sword & Shield 1-20 Level Boost now!

Advantages of leveling Sword & Shield

Once you have all your active abilities, it’s time to look at the skill trees’ minor abilities. Let’s look at the support skills that buff our three active skills. The whirling blade can be improved by taking Opportunity, which adds 10 seconds of Rend, reducing the armor of any enemy hit, and Tactical Strike, which reduces Whirling Blade’s cooldown by 10 seconds for every enemy hit. Reverse Stab can be augmented with Unstoppable Stab, which does exactly what it says and makes the attack unstoppable, and Tactician, which reduces all sword cooldowns by 25 seconds on a successful hit.

Improving the abilities

Leaping Strike can be improved by taking Final Strike, which will cause the ability to deal 50 percent more damage to enemies that are below 30 percent health. Kind of like in execute phase in a particular other game. We’re not trying to blame the New World developers for plagiarism, but we offer you to buy 1-20 Sword, and Shield level carry in both games. You can also take Cowardly Punishment, which will slow an enemy for 8 seconds if you strike them in the back. To me, this one seems PvP-specific. Swordmaster has nine minor abilities not tied directly to our acting skills.

However, I don’t want to go into these in too much detail because I feel these abilities are the most likely ones to be changed over time as part of balancing classes. And let’s not forget the very bottom of the Swordmaster tree, where you get access to Leadership. This grants everyone in your party a flat 10% increased damage buff for as long as you have the sword equipped.

This ability will make Swordmasters very much wanted in group content. Sword & Shield will be in demand in the late game of New World, so consider getting a 1 to 20 leveling service early.

Skill trees of the Sword & Shield

Let’s look at the skill trees and talk about active abilities. Like every weapon class in New World, Sword and Shield have two separate skill trees, each with three active abilities and a bevy of support abilities that alter the active abilities or give passive bonuses to our character throughout the 1-20 power leveling progression and boosting. It is important to note that you’re never restricted to one tree or the other. You’re allowed to spend points on both.

Focusing on abilities

The Swordmaster tree focuses on dealing with damage. And, as you can imagine, Defender focuses on becoming a straight-up tank. As a Swordmaster, the first ability you’ll get is Whirling Blade, which looks exactly like it sounds. This does 145% weapon damage to all enemies within 2 meters with a base cooldown of 15 seconds. I say base cooldown because many cooldown times in New World can be reduced by taking specific support abilities in the skill trees. The next ability you’ll take as a Swordmaster is Reverse Stab.

This single-target attack deals 175% weapon damage to the target and has a base cooldown of 20 seconds. This is meant as a single target ability. Ironically, the last ability you’ll get is Leaping Strike. Even though it’s the last ability you’ll get, you’ll probably use this one as your opener, as it sends you flying forward 4 meters to do 125% weapon damage. Since this ability is on a 25-second cooldown, you may be able to open every second combat with it. Sword & Shield is a well-balanced weapon class, often used for 1-20 Powerleveling services in New World.

Defender tree

Now let’s flip over and take a look at the Defender tree. Your first ability here is Shield Rush which is precisely what it sounds like. You charge forward five meters and knock back anyone you hit, dealing 125% weapon damage. This ability has a base cooldown of 20 seconds, so depending on your kill rate, you’ll likely only be using it every other encounter while soloing. The next ability you’ll take in the Defender tree is Shield Bash, which will stun all enemies in front of you for 2 seconds. This ability is unique because it is referred to as taunt gem compatible. This means that Shield Bash will taunt an enemy with the correct gem-type socket in your weapon.

Taunting ensures that the enemy focuses on you and not one of your group mates. The last ability you’ll take in the Defender tree is Defiant Stance. This will reduce the incoming damage by all attackers by 30% for 8 seconds. This is also taunting gem compatible, and it will taunt all enemies around you within 8 meters. That’s a pretty big taunt. And this Sword & Shield ability will be helpful to every New World party, so our service recommends a 1-20 Powerleveling.

Buy help from our carriers to level Sword and Shield 1-20 in New World easily and fast.

Tons of usable skills

Now let’s glance at the skills we can take to improve our active Defender abilities. Shield Rush can be augmented with Improved Rush, which will weaken all enemies within 5 meters of a successful hit, reducing their attack power. And Intimidating Rush can be taken if you want Shield Rush to slow all enemies within 5 meters of the attack. Again, this seems like something that would be useful in PvP. Intimidating Bash makes your Shield Bash attack deal 100% more damage and causes additional threats. This is going to be a must-have for anyone trying to tank. Our New World boosting masters know that and are already leveling the power of their Sword and Shield 1-20.

Concussive Bash will increase its stun duration. Final Countdown changes Final Stand so that the damage reduction is increased by 20% if you’re above 50% health. And taking Restoration will cause you to gain 15% of your max health back when Final Stand ends. Once again, I’ll not detail the minor skills that aren’t associated with our active abilities.

Please check the wiki if you want to check those out in detail. Again, I expect a lot of these to be changed. We’re still in closed beta, so I’m expecting the devs to balance many of these minor skills. At the bottom of the Defender tree, you get access to Defensive Formation. This ability reduces damage to all allies within 2 meters by 30% whenever you’re actively blocking.

Pair weapons

In New World, you’ll always have two weapons equipped, so you’ll need more than a Sword and Shield 1-20 level boost. So, what weapons should you pair with your Sword and Shield? Personally, I’d recommend something that scales with Strength as its primary stat so that you can optimize Strength, and you don’t have to worry about spending points in Dexterity or anywhere else besides Constitution. I liked the Warhammer; it scaled primarily with Strength and dealt impact-type damage, whereas the sword dealt slash damage.

When I would come up against enemies that were strong against the Sword, I could switch over to the Warhammer, and they were usually weak against it. That was cool. But you could also go with the Great Axe, which scales with strength, or the Hatchet, which also scales with strength. And one of its talent trees focuses on throwing the Hatchet, so that could give you some ranged attack along with your Sword and Shield in New World; if you buy our carry, they will most likely utilize this in the 1-20 leveling process.

Last words

In conclusion, whether you’re planning to tank end-game group content or you just like the aesthetic the way I do, and you want a little bit more survivability while soloing, the Sword and Shield is a great weapon. I’ve had a lot of fun with my time on it. One of the most incredible things about New World is that it gives you many opportunities to diversify your skill loadout between the two skill trees. And I’d love to see what exciting hybrids people can come up with. That’s all from me on this topic today. I hope you enjoyed the article. Come to our main WoW boosting page, and check out other offers. Goodbye!