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Ice Gauntlet 1-20 Level Boost in NW

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Cold your enemies to death with the Ice Gauntlet.


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What’s up, guys? Today we will be going over the 1-20 level boost of the Ice Gauntlet, a weapon that I believe will be one of the most used ones in New World. Wonder why? Don’t worry; we’ll get to it in a second. We’ll make sure to explain carefully why our services might be of use to you and prove the usability of this particular armament. Let’s get started, then.

Why should I buy the Ice Gauntlet 1-20 Level Boost in NW?

First, it has a ton of Crowd Control and Utility-based skills that make nasty pairs with almost every weapon in the game, including the Great Axe and Bow, which we will go over in this guide. So what is the Ice Gauntlet, and what are the Abilities? It is an Intelligence-based magic weapon with no secondary stats and is ranged. It has two skill trees: Ice Tempest and Builder. Ice Tempest has more AOE-focused abilities and raw damage. Meanwhile, the Builder tree has more Crowd Control or CC for short and survivability.

While the Ice Tempest tree has the most damaging abilities, nothing about this weapon screams heavy damage. There are some damaging abilities and passives, but other weapons do the same but better. And that’s why our service recommends focusing on its utility of it because no other NW weapon has the amount of utility the Ice Gauntlet has. It’s the best for 1-20 Powerleveling. It’s not even close, making it super easy to pair it with a weapon that does excellent damage no matter what kind of mobility or CC it has since the Gauntlet will have it all covered.

What do Customers receive?

  • We will complete an excellent leveling for the Ice Gauntlet on any desired level.
  • All items and gold collected by the character during the order process belong to the customer.

How does Ice Gauntlet 1-20 Level Boost in NW work?

Execution Speed

  • Express speed – We will complete your order with a higher priority, and the completion time will be faster by 30%.

Estimation time

Usually, we start all orders in 1-5 hours. Please check the start time in the desired boost price calculator for more exact information.

Additional options

  • Broadcast – Want to spectate the whole process of farming items & completing your order? No problem, you will be able to do it. Our professional player will start the stream for you.

Buy Ice Gauntlet 1-20 Level Boost in NW now!

Ice Gauntlet abilities

Let’s look at some of the abilities and passives that make this weapon so damn useful. Let’s start with the Ice Tempest tree, its three active abilities, and notable passive upgrades. We have Ice Spikes, which Create a trail of spikes that start from the player and go out in a straight line for 8 meters. The path ends with a Mighty Spike that will cause extensive damage and pushback, and you can release the massive spike at any time before the endpoint with a button press. There’s one passive upgrade that adds stagger to the path of the ability called Deadly Path. But there’s much more to the Ice Gauntlet, which accumulates into a perfect New World armament full of power for 1-20 leveling services.

Ice Storm ability

Ice Storm ability is a ranged attack that damages and slows enemies within a 5-meter radius frosted area. 25% slow, 20-meter range, and 5-second duration. With a passive to increase damage to enemies if they are below 50% health while inside the area, which is called the Weaking Gus. The Wind Chill attack blasts a focused beam of freezing winds forward that will push back any enemies in its area, causing damage. Wind Chill lasts 2 seconds, has a range of 5 meters, and can be directed by the player’s facing.

The player can move during the attack. With a passive that reduces defense by 5%, which can stack up to 5 times, a 25% reduction in defense lasts 2 seconds. It’s called Shatter. In this tree, we have Heavy Freeze passive towards the bottom, which gives Heavy attacks the ability to freeze the target for 1 second if the enemy is in your Ice Storm or they have Frostbite. That’s one part of the Ice Gauntlet covered, wait and see, as our 1-20 leveling service provides you more proof of its overwhelming power in NW.

Tree abilities

Now we can talk about the Builder tree and its abilities. After that, we will go over how these abilities can be paired to give you insane amounts of CC with any weapon. First, we have Ice Pylon. This skill places an Ice Pylon that fires ice projectiles at enemies within a 20-meter range for 15 seconds or until killed. Ice Pylon creates a 1-meter radius frost area that enables frost powers. There are three passives of note; One increases the Pylons attack rate for 3 seconds if you dodge with total stamina. It’s called Pylon Dodge.

Pylon Refresh ability

The Second is named Pylon Refresh, which extends the duration of the Ice Pylon by 1 second per hit. And the third, Ultimate Frost, doubles the Ice Pylon’s health and extends the radius to 5 meters. Standing in this radius doubles Quick Frost and Empowered Frost bonuses. Our service ensures that leveling the Ice Gauntlet from 1 to 20 in New World is a piece of cake.

Ice Shower ability

Ice Shower ability summons a shower of ice that creates a frosted area approximately 1 meter by 5 meters. Enemies that enter the Ice Shower will be stricken with a powerful Frostbite. Frostbite blocks sprinting and dodging, slows speed by 50%, and will remain on target for 1 second after exiting the Ice Shower. Ice Shower has a lifetime of 4 seconds. Entombed: players can entomb themselves in ice to become invulnerable and increase mana regen. The Ice Tomb has a lifetime of 10 seconds and can be destroyed.

RMB Options

Players have two options to cancel Entomb. They could exit it by pressing RMB or leave it by pressing LMB, causing a damaging knockback for 20 mana. And one more passive called Cleansing Tomb clears all debuffs when Entombed. Truly, Ice Gauntlet is a powerful New World tool for restricting enemies’ movement in PvP and providing PvE Powerleveling services, 1-20 included.

So now that we know all the abilities and the passives that play into the utility part, we can talk about all the weapons you can pair with the Ice Gauntlet that will make it a must-have for leveling and PVP.

Weapon pair

The first weapon that came to mind was the Bow due to its mobility, knockbacks, and AOE that can stack with some of the Gauntlet’s abilities like Ice Storm. The Bow has Evade Shot, where you leap back 5m and shoot an arrow, Rain of Arrows, where you shoot a barrage of arrows in a 7m circle, Poison Shot that’s a 3m wide cloud that lasts 10 seconds and deals 10% weapon damage every second for 20 seconds, and, lastly, Rapid Shot that shoots three consecutive arrows and the last one will do a knockback. As you can see, the Bow has many abilities that can work alongside the Gauntlet.

Stacking Rain of Arrows or Poison Shot with Ice Storm is insane. The Evade Shot for added mobility might make it very hard for anyone to get close to you since the Skirmisher tree for the bow also has a few passives that grant increased movement speed. I think this combination of armaments will be a powerful meta-build for PVP and casual leveling. Ice Gauntlet won’t be the best damage for speed leveling, but the slows will surely make the 1 to 20 boost process in NW easier.

Top PvP combination

This next one might also be a top-tier combo for PVP it’s devastating for melee combat, and it looks almost impossible to escape from; it’s the Gauntlet and Great Axe. Here are a few of the abilities, and I think you’ll start to see why this combo is so nasty up close. The first one is Reap. This ability makes your character extend the axe 5m pulling foes to you, which gets extended to 8m with passive unlocks. Next, we have Charge. When you reach a target or press LMB, you charge a 10m dealing 130% weapon damage.

This ability is Unstoppable, which means you cannot be interrupted while performing. And then, we have Maelstrom, a fast-spinning attack that pulls targets closer to you. All three of these abilities can be unlocked on the Great Axe at once, along with a few passives that increase movement speed and make heavy attacks pull enemies toward you.

At the bottom of the Reaper tree, you have Bloodlust, which makes you move 30% faster and deal 15% more damage when looking at a foe within 15m. Ice Gauntlet is a monster in New World PvP paired with that weapon, so hurry up and buy a 1-20 level carry as soon as possible.

Combo details

With all that in mind, it’s easy to see why this combo might be so powerful. There is no way for someone to escape once you’re on top of them. You have three chances to pull them back to you, a charge ability, and multiple slows from the gauntlet. The only thing you might potentially lack is damage due to the Gauntlet just being there for support, so if you get on top of someone and they have more damage, they will have free reign to nuke you and move on.

Combination examples

So the following and final example is an interesting one for sure. It’s the combination of the Ice Gauntlet and Sword and Shield. Specifically, the defender tree or tank tree for Sword and Shield. While no abilities flow with each other, the exciting thing is that the AOE slows and freezes from the Gauntlet while tanking. It could make it significantly easier to hold threats and stop things from getting out of hand due to the enemies being slowed and frozen. In most games that use the tank-healer-DPS triangle, the tanks have some AOE to help hold threats.

The sword and shield have one in the Swordmaster tree, but it would take a tank ability away, and all of those are needed. So this makes me think that the Gauntlet with the Ice Storm, Ice Pylon, and Entomb will be a muscular meta build for tanking dungeons and maybe raids if they will be added anytime later. Especially with the Entomb potentially being a powerful panic ability for tanks when things get out of control.

Final words

With all the examples, I’m sure you can see why I think the Ice Gauntlet will be a top-tier weapon for almost every NW armament combo and a good one to grab early in the game while leveling 1-20 or if you want to boost something. As we mentioned earlier, this weapon would strictly be for utility. In these cases, you’d completely ignore the Intelligence stat as it doesn’t affect the CC on the weapon and throw all your attribute points into your primary weapon. I hope you all enjoyed or found some use in this guide! If you enjoyed what you read, visit our main WoW boost page, and you will find something interesting. Until we meet again, farewell.