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HomeLoL – Placement

挑戰者玩家以盡可能高的勝率完成您的排名賽。 立即開始! 提供飛行員和自拍選項


01.01. Elo Boost
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
LP Gain:
Enjoy a fast start & receive the service with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated player: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Choose the Roles:
Free Options:
Additional Options:
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
01. Elo Boost
Choose the Roles:
Free options:
🕑 15 Minutes: Start time
Get [variable-16636] USD back by Cashback
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
02. Duo Elo Boost
🕑 15 Minutes: Start time
Get [variable-16636] USD back by Cashback
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.

You need to choose something to proceed
05. RP boost
Select Amount of LoL RP:
Enjoy a fast start & receive the service with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated player: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!

You need to choose something to proceed
03. Net Win
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Enjoy a fast start & receive the lvling with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated booster: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
LP Gain:
Choose the Roles:
Free Options:
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
06. The Hall of Legends
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Select The Bundle:
Orb Bundles:
Enjoy a fast start & receive the service with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated player: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!

You need to choose something to proceed
04. Placement
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Enjoy a fast start & receive the lvling with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated booster: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Additional Options:
🥇 70% Winrate Guaranteed!
🕑 15 Minutes: Start time
🥇 70% Winrate Guaranteed!
~ Flexible: Delivery time
Get [variable-16636] USD back by Cashback
🥇 70% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 70% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 No Winrate Guarantee for Duo option!
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
07. Elo Deboost
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
LP Gain:
Enjoy a fast start & receive the service with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated player: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Choose the Roles:
Free Options:
Additional Options:
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
08. Lol Elo deboost by games
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Enjoy a fast start & receive the lvling with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated booster: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
LP Gain:
Choose the Roles:
Free Options:
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
02.01. Duo Elo Boost
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
LP Gain:
Enjoy a fast start & receive the service with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated player: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Free Options:
Choose the Roles:
Additional Options:
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed

The final estimated price is :

Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :

嘿,準備好親眼看看英雄聯盟排名提升服務吧。如果我們談論賽季的開始,排名賽是至關重要的。聘請專業助推器有一個美妙的開始。極低的 70-80% 勝率保證。最好從 Huskyboost 購買 Lol 安置服務,而不是失去 50% 的遊戲。


我為什麼要購買 Lol 安置促進服務?

每個初級資格系列賽總共將進行十場比賽。該系統的設計方式是您應該能夠贏得其中的4個,並輸掉另外的4個,最後兩個由您決定。我想說的是,如果你以 5/5 的成績完成系列賽,那麼你的分區與去年匹配的概率約為 90%。如果你在這幾年之間沒有玩任何遊戲,它會更低,如果你在那段時間參加排名隊列,它會更高一些。系統如何迫使你輸贏這八次嘗試?這很簡單。它只會給你更差或更好的隊友。但是,為什麼不借助我們的英雄聯盟提升服務來規避所有不好的事情呢?不用擔心。我們並不專注於單一世界,而是支持所有遊戲世界的粉絲。



  • Iron – 白金聯賽保證 80% 的勝率。 (如果助推器輸掉超過兩場比賽,每多輸一場,您將獲得一場淨胜。如果助推器在排名賽后上升兩個分區,您的助推器將被視為已完成。)
  • 70% 勝率(非排位賽/鑽石+)(如果助推器輸掉超過三場比賽,每多輸一場,您將額外獲得一場胜利。如果助推器在排名賽后上升兩個分區,您的助推器將被視為已完成)


  • 快遞速度——我們將以更高的優先級完成您的訂單,完成時間將加快 30%。


  • 廣播 – 想要觀看種植物品的全過程完成您的訂單?沒問題,您將能夠做到。我們的專業選手將為您開始直播。






立即購買 Lol Placement Boost 服務!