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FFXIV Resistance Weapons Boost

HomeFinal Fantasy XIVGearing – Resistance Weapons

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Good day, esteemed customer! I’m a Librarian Husky. I am here to provide you with top-notch assistance. Improve your FF 14 experience with Huskyboost’s exclusive service by receiving the outstanding Shadowbringer weapon skins for your job! Known for their strength and stunning aesthetics, RWs are one of the game’s most desirable items. We understand how much effort it will take to receive all the relics, but the result will be rewarding.

Why should I buy the FFXIV Resistance Weapons Boost?

In the Shadowbringer’s expansion, Resistance Weapons represent the pinnacle of lvl 80 Relic Weapons. These weapons come in various stages, starting with the base Resistance Weapons at an item level of 485, advancing to the Augmented Resistance Weapons at item level 500, and culminating with the Augmented Law’s Order at item level 515. Obtaining these weapons involves navigating the complex Resistance Weapons mission chain, closely intertwined with the “Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr” storyline. You must complete challenging quests and collect unique items to receive these weapons.

To upgrade these weapons, participants must be at level 80 in either the Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic class and complete certain main and side quests. This process is challenging, requiring participants to embark on a series of quests and engage in boring material collection for each upgrade stage of a RW. Huskyboost’s team of pros is here to simplify this process for you. Reach out to us, select your preferred weapon, and let us handle the grind, saving you time and effort!

What do Customers receive?

  • Choose the relic weapon that best suits your preferred job.
  • The chance to buy replicas of iconic relic weapons.
  • Gather a lot of Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
  • Unlock multiple outstanding triumphs.
  • Finish all Bozja Full Active Time Events.

How does FFXIV Resistance Weapons Boost work?

  • Express speed – We will complete your order with a higher priority, and the completion time will be faster by 30%.

Additional options

  • Stream – watch the boost happen in real-time with a live HQ video.
  • Complete Resistance Weapon – acquire every phase of RW for your job at a discounted price.
  • Bozja unlock – Huskyboost will provide access to the Bozjan territory.


  • You must own a prior relic if you wish to unlock the next relic. Case in point: You need Recollection Weapons to receive Law’s Order Weapons.
  • A hero elevated to the 90th level.
  • The Bozja zone must be accessible.

Buy FFXIV Resistance Weapons Boost now!