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Update Season 2024 Tier List for League of Legends

Greetings! My name is Librarian Husky here. Season 14 has been absolute chaos, but it’s the best kind of chaos. There’s a ton of hype for League across the board, with plenty of returning players. The LC has gone crazy on its opening weekend, and the meta itself is incredibly unpredictable. Patch 14.1 B brought in some balance changes quickly after the initial patch, with plenty of buffs and nerfs to champions and items to help identify the biggest winners and losers of the patch.

League of Legends Season 14 Chaos

But before we get into the tier list, comment below how your climb is going. Are you beasting it and farming LP , playing well but can’t climb, or are you just having a tough time in general? I am loving the new season so far, but I am an AD carry main, so pray for me. Now, we’re going to start off with the Top Lane, and let’s just say this may have been the most unpredictable role of all.

We knew AP champions were going to be strong across the board, but they were so strong that even in the Top Lane they are dominating the meta. Champions like Singed, Morisakale, and Teemo were insanely OP in 14.1 and, to be honest, despite a few nerfs, they’re still OP in 14.1 B. A lot of this just comes down to their AP itemization. Singed has way too many OP items, Teo is face melting teams with shrooms, and K’s pretty much the same as she’s always been at level 16 , just with tons more damage. Then we’ve got those tanks, and they’re just not quite as strong as we first thought they’d be.

Mal Fight and Or are still solid A-tier picks, but Puppy is the only one that stays in the S , and that’s because she has more build versatility. In general, more AD damage options too. Fighters and bruisers have kind of fallen somewhere in the middle. Some of them, like Atro and Jacks , are still S-tier picks.

Impact of AP Champions in Top Lane

We knew AP champions were going to be strong across the board, but they were so strong that even in the Top Lane they are dominating the meta. Champions like Singed, Morisakale, and Teemo were insanely OP in 14.1 and, to be honest, despite a few nerfs, they’re still OP in 14.1 B. A lot of this just comes down to their AP itemization. Singed has way too many OP items, Teo is face melting teams with shrooms, and K’s pretty much the same as she’s always been at level 16 , just with tons more damage.

Tank and Bruiser Dynamics

Then we’ve got those tanks, and they’re just not quite as strong as we first thought they’d be. Mal Fight and Or are still solid A-tier picks, but Puppy is the only one that stays in the S, and that’s because she has more build versatility. In general, more AD damage options too. Fighters and bruisers have kind of fallen somewhere in the middle. Some of them, like Atro and Jacks, are still S-tier picks.

Top Lane Champions Overview

Champions like Fucamil and Darius don’t feel as strong as we’d expect. Fiora’s Ravenous Hydra setup feels a bit clunky compared to the Assassin version in Profane Hydra. Cameo hasn’t been performing as well as the likes of Jack One Trick, and counterpicks like Rengar, Riven, Rumble, and Vain are also solid in the top lane. These champions are placed in the A tier because you need to pick them in the right matchups and you need to know what you’re doing to pull them off consistently. Split pushing Titans from last season like Garin and Elaoi have unfortunately fallen off this patch. They just feel pretty terrible overall with several issues and underperforming items, so they may be ones to avoid unless you like playing on hard mode.

S-tier Champions in LoL

Now, let’s have a look at the Top Lane tier list. In the S tier, we have Aatrox, Gwen, Jax, Kale, Morisapoppy, Quinn, Sing, Teemo, and Trundle. As you can see, the S tier is mostly dominated by AP picks with some exceptions. You’ve probably already seen tons of Trundles in your games, so I don’t need to mention just how powerful he can be. Don’t forget, if you want to stay up to date with all the best Top Lane builds and runes this season.

Here you can see four of the highest performing builds for every champion, for example, the most popular, the highest win rate, and some off-meta or alternative build options too. Then all you got to do is click import to client to send it straight into your game and get the runes and champions select and the items in the in-game shop.

Jungle Picks and Strategies

Let’s move into the jungle now, where there are some pretty obvious standout picks. Belf feels like she was born for this new, void-themed Summoner’s Rift with her voidlings and the void grubs, ending games quicker than ever before. And that’s in a matter of games seeming to last a hell of a lot longer than usual. Her item choices are solid, she ganks well, she clears well, she takes out objectives easily, and she’s just a great pick. As we predicted, the strongest AP picks to play in the jungle.

Current State of AP Junglers

Right now, Evelyn and Lilia feel a bit overpowered, but honestly, you can play plenty of other AP junglers too, like Brand, Diana, Ekko, Elise, Gragas, Tia, and even Teo . You’ll still have great success. Lethality items are also feeling kind of broken this patch, especially with the recent buffs in 14.1 B. There is simply no better jungler to abuse these than Rengar, who is winning a ton of games with the new buffed Hubis. Then, of course, there’s Propane Hydra and Opportunity. It just feels a bit absurd.

Lethality Items and Their Impact

You can also build these kinds of items on other junglers like Blue Cane, Kix, and Brier, but Rengar definitely feels like the most abusable. Graves and KN, in turn, are up there with the big guns too. Master E comes back into parity with his usual Blade, Gnu’s Kraken, and even experimental Hex Plate build. Now that Jax is just that strong, he’s even a top pick in the jungle too. So, let’s have a look at the tier list.

Jungle Tier List Analysis

In the S tier, we have B Brier, Evelyn, Graves, Iver, Jax, Lilia, Master ye, Nocturn, and Rengar . Yes, despite Iver still not really being played that much, he proves he’s here to stay with one of the best win rates in the game. The A tier is jam-packed full of amazing junglers too, like VI, Trundle, Vigo, Zja, Kindred, and Fiddlesticks . These picks are all performing really well this patch, just not quite as consistently across all ranks as those in the S tier.

Performance of Other Picks

B tier picks like Amumu, Jaara, NY, and Talon just aren’t doing quite as well at the moment. However, Riot has plenty of other changes planned in the next few months, so stay tuned for updates. Jumping into the mid lane next, there are plenty of changes here too. AP assassins are seriously proving their power in the center of the map, and with the strength of items like Storm Surge, they are very hard to beat. Champions like Ekko, Fizz, Ahri, Diana, and even Gragas are just one-shotting carries in half a combat, so give them a go.

Midlane Tier List Overview

All just feel a bit worse to play so far, and they’ve even had a few buffs already in the hotfix patch to try and help them out. The infamous anti-balance duo of Ryze and Azir make an appearance back into the tier list this week, and we’ve added both of these into the B tier. But, if you can play Azir well enough, he feels really good, so he’s up there in the top tiers in our High ELO tier list. So, let’s have a look at the midlane tier list. In the S2, we have Ahri, An Echo, Fizz, Neeko, Taliyah, Twisted Fate, and Vladimir . Twisted Fate’s global presence, strong items, and ability to influence games have carried over from the end of last season.

New Midlane Additions

There are some new midlane additions this week, with Rumble, Kayle, Kennen, and Gragas coming to join the party. If you want an underrated pick, Kennen mid has been pretty OP for quite some time. The B tier is mostly full of champions that just haven’t really found their groove yet. Maybe they don’t have the right build, or maybe they just need a little bit of love.

Bot Lane Meta Analysis

Speaking of needing a little bit of love, let’s go down to the bot lane and take a look at how the AD carry meta is shaping up so far. Well, the general consensus from the player base is that AD carry mains are now more depressed than they’ve ever been before. The role is harder to play because there’s so much damage in the game, so you can get blown up in 0.1 seconds.

Red side bot lane brushes don’t really feel too good to play with, and void grubs mean your support abandons you half the time, leaving you in the bot lane alone to reconsider your life choices.

Alternative Picks in Bot Lane

If you are fed up with the meta, you can just play mages in the bot lane instead, with picks like Seraphine and Swain winning a ton of games here so far this patch. However, if you are like me and you’re a sucker for pain and far too stubborn to play anything other than an AD carry, then the best options are mostly those that can really abuse the lethality items. That’s Draven, if you are good enough, but also Jhin, Miss Fortune, Samira, and even Caitlyn, Lucian, and Nila too.

Miss Fortune is a bit of a demon, though, with one of the highest win rates in the bot lane, and it’s not hard to understand why when her Q deals half your health bar and her ultimate can genuinely disintegrate entire teams. Twitch and Jinx are also pretty strong here at the moment, albeit a bit more situational than some other picks, but if you get the right matchups and lane for them, they can definitely pop off, especially with the right enchanter by their side.

AD Carry Tier List in Patch 14.1

Eddie carries like Varus and Kalista in low ELO . They really aren’t performing well, but in high ELO, with the combination of Terminus and Jack Show, they’re definitely having more success. Some regions and pro players rate these picks very highly. Aidios was also super OP in 14.1 due to the lethality changes, and he was above a 50% win rate for the first time in years.

However, Riot nerfed him in 14.1 B. So, let’s take a look at the AD carry tier list. In the S tier, we have Draven, Jhin, Miss Fortune, Samira, and Seraphine—a bit of a weird mix of champions. You can tell that it’s mostly lethality that wins out here.

Performance of Carus and Vay

On the other hand, Carus didn’t perform as well as predicted and was one of the biggest losers in the initial patch. Vay moves down from S to A this week. She’s still great in the right lanes and if she gets ahead, but with so much burst and wave clear in the bot lane, she can struggle to get through the lane phase in many matchups.

Support Roles and New Items

Finally, let’s look at supports. Like most roles, some things were expected and some were very unpredictable. However, one thing is for sure: the new support items feel pretty powerful. We’ve even seen teams stacking those World Atlases across multiple roles in the same game. The new starting item system brought five different options, most of which feel really strong, especially Bloodsong, as it’s essentially an Evan Shroud with a Sheen.

Bard’s Emergence as a Top Support

Speaking of Bard , he’s emerged as one of the best supports this season with the new item combinations. He feels like he can 1v1 enemy carries and roam around the map, influencing games. Bard has always been a great pick in the right hands, but right now, he’s definitely among the best in the game.

Other Support Roles

Melee tank supports like Blitzcrank, Maai, Rakan, and Re are also seeing fantastic results this season, with the new Trailblazer and Zeke’s Convergence feeling great for early roaming, team fight impact, and durability. AP poke supports like Lux, Zera, and Velos have fallen a bit this season, though.

Sustained supports like Sona and Saka are still viable in the right games, but other picks like Nami, Renata, and Karma are struggling a bit this patch. Generally speaking, the squishier the support, the harder they are to play this patch. There are a few exceptions, though, with Jna and Sena staying in the S tier alongside Bard, Blitzcrank, Maai, Rakan, and Re.

Support Tier List and Closing Thoughts

Other strong melee picks like Alist, Braum, Leona, and Tck are all definitely up there too, just a bit more situational. I even played against a full AP Alistar with a Storm Surge the other day, and that was an interesting experience. Hooking supports like Thresh, Pike, and Nautilus aren’t quite as OP as Blitzcrank but are still great options if played perfectly.

Milio is a solid alternative in this meta, bringing tons of utility and pairing well with carries like Lucian, Caitlyn, and Jinx. That brings us to the end of our patch 14.1 B update for season 2024. Don’t forget to let us know how your climb is going so far and head to our website for all the best builds, runes, guides, counters, combos, and more. Thanks for reading, and as always, take care.

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