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The new most OP builds – Patch 13.11

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Top Builds

Due to the changes that the 13.11 patch brought into the game, top builds are getting a huge change on itemization, the fact that Shield Bow got removed as Mythic Item opened up a new window on Irelia Builds, basically Trinity Force is the new go-to item, due to the new massive buffs of this item, giving you a huge power spike up in 1v1 situations, but if your team is heavily focused on team fights and 5v5 grouping you would rather get Jak’Sho for more durability.

With this said we strongly recommend that you build Blade of the Ruined King into Trinity Force, these two items are a good mix between burst and survivability. We consider that Death Stance as a third item is a really good option combined with Wit’s End and AP runes, this means Conqueror, Triumph Alacrity, Last Stand, Biscuits, and Cosmic Insight as secondaries.

Hull breaker

To the last, Garen’s new item built with Hull Breaker has been one of the best items that this Champion should have, even with the 200G total cost increased their Attack Speed and 5% bonus movement speed has been enough for this item to become meta on Garen, converting Hull Breaker into a very cost efficient item.

For your core build, we recommend going Stride Breaker into Hull Breaker and as a third item we also have been getting Dead Man’s Plate, do not forget runes, Conqueror and Phase Rush are a must-have, Conqueror works best against tanks or easy matchups while Phase Rush is more focused against ranged matchups or against melee champions where you have been having short trades.

Jungle Builds

Kraken Slayer got removed as a Mythic Item and Viego has been struggling to find his way into the meta, same as Irelia, Trinity Force has become a really good item, so we started considering going Kraken combined with Trinity Force, there is so much burst power coming from this build due to the Kraken passive proc and also the spell-blade proc from Trinity Force.

If you manage to land your stun you would for sure have a takedown, especially against squishy champions, this build shines against comps that lack durability, now there is no point in getting Divine Sunderer unless the enemy team has two or more Health stackers, so if they do not have that, get Trinity.

For our runes pages, we strongly consider getting Conqueror, Triumph Alacrity, and Coup de Gras, and as optimal secondaries get free boots and Cosmic Insight.

Zac builds

Zac builds with Radiant Virtue has been one of the most common mythic items that people tended to build with Zac but lately, Evenshroud made his appearance as one of the strongest newest build on this champion, due to the 13.10 changes, Radiant Virtue has seen a dropoff in win rate.

Evenshroud took his place in the game, this item combined with how Zac wants to play makes a really good item to have. Consider that Zac is all about finding pickoffs, starting fights, and his ganking potential. Evenshroud is so easy to proc due to Zac’s abilities, except for his W, all his abilities can proc this new meta item.

Third spell power

His third spell that has been heavily underrated is Abyssal Mask, outperforming Spirit Visage when comparing Magic Resistance pickup, this is the item. To wrap up we consider that Sunfire Aegis, Evenshroud, and Abyssal Mask are the item order you are looking for. For his runes, Aftershock is the keystone rune with Font of Life conditioning and revitalize, and for his secondaries, we recommend Triumph and Tenacity.

Mid Builds

Veigar has been one of the deadliest late-game champions due to his burst potential, lately, Statikk Shiv has been one of the greatest items to buy on this champion, it may sound a bit of a troll but it has a +50AP ratio on his energized attack, consider that Veigar has a huge amount of AP from his passive, you can benefit greatly from this energized attack, the other stats does not matter, it is all about the power of the passive.

Lower the enemy HP

Being able to lower the enemy HP from a basic attack will guarantee a kill when doing the correct steps, this is one of the best fourth items to buy. We like getting in order Rod of Ages, Archangel’s Staff and Rabadon’s Deathcap and finishing with Statikk Shiv. Veigar runes have not changed that much, First Strike with Magical Footwear, Biscuits, and Cosmic Insight and finishing with secondaries such as Mana Flow and Transcendence.

Not only Veigar is the late game champion but also Ekko, diving has never been so easy with Ekko’s E, melting towers and bursting everyone on your path, the build is now the same but finishing with Statikk Shiv. So we strongly recommend going with Echo of Rocket, Lich Bane, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Statikk Shiv as your powerful fourth item, you can either have Statikk Shiv as a third item if you are way too ahead into the early game.

ADC Builds

Samira has been pretty popular in Korean games, basically, Lethality Samira has made his way into the game, rushing Duskblade into Collector, an incredible synergy that goes pretty well with how Samira likes to play.

Pick off your enemy, and proc the untargetable effect from the Duskblade so you won’t end up getting blown away from the enemy, the longer Samira stays alive in a fight the more impactful his team fights presence will be. Duskblade is getting buffed so this build will be way better than ever, the Rune page still the same with Conqueror, Triumph, Bloodline, and Last Stand, with his secondaries being Eyeball Collection and Treasure Hunter.


Zeri has been one of the strongest soloQ ADC, now, rushing Trinity Force is the new most optimal build for Zeri and it works pretty well with how dynamic and versatile Zeri wants to play the game, you get almost everything from it, but the most important key of this item is the added durability.

The damage is still pretty great tho, but now you have extra health who needs it more than anything, so you will be adding as your third item Titanic Hydra, one of the most broken third item of the game. So the final build will be Trinity Force, Runaan’s Hurricane, and Titanic Hydra His ADC rune page will be Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand with secondaries being Conditioning and Overgrowth.

Support Builds

Lately, a new build and rune page has made his appearance in the meta Annie builds. Basically, it revolves around the recently released Echoes of Helia, super effective because it is pretty easy for her to proc its passive, but the really spicy and important part of this build is the fact that you will build Rylai’s Crystal Scepter as a second item and going Glacial Augment into your runes, basically, Rilay’s slow combined with Glacial Augment is super potent on Annie.

If you manage to land your combo successfully your enemy literally won’t be able to move, hitting a multi-man tibbers in a team fight combined with glacial slow will make a huge difference between winning or not winning a team fight, do not forget the fact that Echoes of Helial will be healing your allies, your runes consist of Glacial Augment, Free boots, biscuits, and Cosmic Insight, finishing with Font of Life and Revitalize as your best secondaries.

Swain with Echoes of Helia

For our final build, Swain with Echoes of Helia, you might be wondering how will Swain proc Echoes of Helia passive because Swain does not have any heal or shield in his kit, but this is where Font of Life comes in, basically, when you impair the movement speed of your enemies they will be marked for 4 seconds, attacks from your allies will proc the passive against the marked champion.

And this is how Echoes of Helia will proc successfully, combines it with Glacial Augment which will increase the chance of you impairing your enemy, making Echoes of Helia viable, same build as Annie but going Rylai’s Crystal Scepter as the first item, Echoes of Helia and finishing with Zhonya’s Hourglass as third item, for his rune page we recommend Glacial Augment, Free boots, Biscuits, and Approach Velocity, with the secondaries being Font of Life and Revitalize.

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