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The 5 New Best Champions to Climb for Every Rank!

In this article, we’re going to provide you with five of the best champions to help you climb out of the rank you’re currently stuck in. We have grouped the ranked tiers into three unique ELO brackets to address the significant overlap in champion recommendations across certain tiers.

Champion Recommendations for Escaping Ranks

For example, a champion recommended for Bronze might also be applicable for Silver players, making it logical to organize these tiers into specific ELO brackets.

Opinions vary on what constitutes low and high ELO. However, for the purposes of this discussion, we’ll define the low ELO bracket as encompassing Iron, Bronze, and Silver tiers, which together represent 43% of the player base. The mid ELO bracket includes Gold, Platinum, and Emerald, accounting for 50% of players. The remaining 7% of the player base falls into the high ELO category, which includes Diamond and higher ranks.

We have also introduced a comprehensive update with new strategies and tips for season 14. To support your learning process, we provide detailed guides on how to effectively play each champion, tailored to your specific rank. These resources are designed to give you a competitive edge and enhance your gameplay, ensuring you have the tools needed to climb the ranked ladder successfully.

Top Picks for Low ELO

For players in the low ELO bracket, our top lane recommendation is Yorick. Following significant updates in patch 14.3, Yorick has experienced a positive surge in his win rate, making him an excellent choice for players in lower ranks. Yorick’s strength lies in his self-sufficiency and ability to win games without heavy reliance on his team.

Your primary strategy with Yorick should be to maximize split push pressure in the side lanes. Many players in lower ranks struggle to effectively counter a split push champion, often leaving Yorick unchallenged in the mid-game, allowing him to easily advance through the enemy’s base.

Yorick’s potential to handle 1v2 situations is impressive and doesn’t require extensive skill, thanks to his straightforward stat-based advantages. With a lead, you might find that landing your E skill shot becomes less critical, as you can overpower opponents with your Q. This approach aligns with the meta build for Yorick in season 14, enhancing your chances of climbing out of low ELO.

Strategic Item Builds

A strategy gaining popularity involves rushing Hydra, followed by Spear of Shojin, and then Serylda’s Grudge. For the rune page, the choice between Comet and Conqueror depends on your matchup; Comet is preferable against ranged top laners, while Conqueror is better for melee confrontations.

Top Jungler for Low Ranks: Nocturne

Nocturne stands out as the most effective jungler for lower ranks due to his distinct power spikes, which you should leverage in every game. The first significant spike occurs at level six, achieved fastest through a complete jungle clear. Consistency is key to escaping low ELO, and Nocturne offers just that without the need for early ganks or invasions.

At level six, it’s crucial to have a clear plan for which lane to target, avoiding wasted ultimates. Pre-game analysis can greatly benefit Nocturne players, allowing for a solid strategy before the match begins.

Following the initial spike, the next major boost comes with the completion of Hexplate, enhancing Nocturne’s dueling capabilities, especially when combined with Eclipse and Axiom Arc. The recommended rune setup includes Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Alacrity, and Coup de Grace, with Eyeball Collection and Ultimate Hunter as secondary choices.

Midlane Recommendation: Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol has recently received significant buffs, making him an excellent choice for midlane in lower ranks. His suitability extends across all ranks but is particularly potent in Iron, Bronze, and Silver due to the prolonged nature of games at these levels, favoring champions with strong scaling abilities. Once Aurelion Sol acquires a few items and accumulates Stardust, his team fight presence becomes unparalleled. The preferred build for Aurelion Sol focuses on AP Bruiser items, maximizing his damage output and survivability in extended engagements.

Optimizing Aurelion Sol’s Build

Aurelion Sol thrives when equipped with items that bolster both his survivability and his ability to deal sustained damage. The inclusion of health in Liandry’s Anguish as of Season 14 greatly benefits Aurelion Sol, allowing him to engage more confidently in close-range combat with his Q. The standard build for Aurelion Sol starts with a rush to Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, followed by Liandry’s Anguish, and then Archangel’s Staff. It’s crucial to purchase Tear of the Goddess early to begin stacking it towards Archangel’s. The most effective rune setup includes Comet, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Gathering Storm, complemented by Magical Footwear and Minion Dematerializer as secondary choices.

Mastering Miss Fortune in Low ELO

Miss Fortune stands out as an ADC perfectly suited for low ELO due to her low reliance on complex mechanics. Her Q and R abilities alone can inflict substantial damage, reducing the necessity for intricate auto-attack weaving. Many players struggle to climb out of low ELO because they frequently switch between mechanically demanding champions, which hinders their overall game learning. Focusing on Miss Fortune allows players to concentrate more on macro play, thereby enhancing their game understanding.

The recommended build for Miss Fortune includes a Ghostblade rush, followed by Duskblade of Draktharr and Edge of Night. For runes, First Strike is the optimal keystone, supplemented by Magical Footwear, Biscuit Delivery, and Cosmic Insight, with Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm as secondaries.

Zyra: The Independent Support for Climbing

Zyra is an excellent choice for players looking to climb from the support role in low ELO due to her independence from team performance. Enchanter supports like Lulu or Yuumi heavily rely on competent teammates, a requirement that can be unpredictable in lower ranks. In contrast, Zyra can single-handedly influence the game’s outcome with her potent level six burst combo. Even with an underperforming ADC, Zyra’s ability to execute a full combo on the enemy ADC at level six can, at the very least, force summoner spell usage, and more often than not, secure a kill. This capability makes Zyra a formidable support capable of carrying games in the right hands.

Zyra’s Autonomous Advantage

With Zyra, you can secure advantages independently, without relying on your ADC for damage output. In fact, taking kills as Zyra support is beneficial due to the efficient use of additional gold income. The essential items for Zyra in every game are Liandry’s Anguish and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, with Zyra’s best support upgrade being the Staff of Flowing Water. For runes, Comet is the keystone, accompanied by Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Scorch, with Taste of Blood and Relentless Hunter as secondaries.

Illaoi: Mid ELO Powerhouse

Illaoi has transitioned from one of the weakest champions at the start of Season 14 to a dominant force in the mid ELO bracket, thanks to significant buffs in patch 14.2 that enhanced her tentacle range and trading capabilities. Illaoi requires more skill to play effectively compared to champions like Yorick, making her more suited for mid ELO players.

Her ability to land the E skill shot is crucial for maximizing her dueling threat and 1v2 potential. At level six, Illaoi can turn gank attempts into double kills, offering high outplay potential and rewarding gameplay.

The recommended build for Illaoi includes Spear of Shojin, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Sterak’s Gage, with Grasp of the Undying as the keystone rune, complemented by Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth, Presence of Mind, and Last Stand.

Brand in the Jungle for Mid ELO

Brand has consistently been a strong choice for the jungle, maintaining his effectiveness even after the 14.3 nerfs. He is particularly favored in mid ELO due to his mechanically demanding kit. Brand excels at full clearing, thanks to his AoE spells and percent health damage, making him highly efficient at farming. The key to success with Brand lies in farming towards Liandry’s Anguish, which provides a significant power spike in the mid-game.

Even without advanced proficiency, Brand’s impact in team fights can be substantial, simply by utilizing his R and E effectively. While Brand allows for a high skill ceiling, players can achieve success with him even with limited experience, making him a versatile choice for mid ELO junglers.

Brand’s Mastery and Rune Page

The effort invested in mastering Brand is what makes him a rewarding champion. The recommended rune setup for Brand includes Dark Harvest, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Treasure Hunter. For secondary runes, choose Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight. This combination enhances Brand’s damage potential and utility, allowing for impactful gameplay across various stages of the match.

Twisted Fate: Mid ELO Solo Carry

Twisted Fate has emerged as a formidable midlane champion in the mid ELO bracket, especially after significant buffs in patch 14.2. His ability to impact the map at level six is unmatched, making him a lethal choice for solo queue. While high ELO play may present more challenges due to increased awareness of Twisted Fate’s presence, mid ELO is where he truly shines.

The strategy with Twisted Fate should involve pushing waves and frequently disappearing into the fog of war, leveraging the mere threat of his ultimate to influence enemy positioning. His core build includes Rod of Ages, Lich Bane, and Rapid Firecannon. The optimal runes for Twisted Fate are First Strike, Magical Footwear, Minion Dematerializer, and Cosmic Insight, complemented by Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm.

Vayne: A Mid ELO ADC Choice

Vayne is particularly suitable for mid ELO play, from Gold through Emerald, where her laning phase weaknesses are less likely to be exploited. While transitioning to more mechanically demanding champions in this bracket can be beneficial, mastering Vayne requires patience and practice.

A two-item Vayne in the mid-game can significantly influence skirmishes with her DPS and mobility. Indirect buffs in patch 14.3, particularly to the rageblade, have strengthened her on-hit build.

The preferred build for Vayne starts with Blade of the Ruined King, followed by Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and then a choice between Phantom Dancer and Wit’s End. The standard rune page for Vayne includes Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Alacrity, and Coup de Grace, with Conditioning and Overgrowth as secondaries, offering a balance of damage output and survivability.

Maai for Mid ELO Support Mains

If you’re a support main in Gold, Platinum, or Emerald and Maai isn’t in your champion pool, you’re missing out on an opportunity to climb the ranks. Despite the 14.3 nerfs, Maai’s strength in solo queue remains largely unaffected. Maai is particularly effective in mid ELO as he requires some degree of follow-up from the ADC, unlike Zyra, who can independently dominate in low ELO.

In this bracket, ADCs are generally more reliable, making Maai a strategic pick. Key to Maai’s gameplay is the management of his Flash cooldown, which, when available, provides unparalleled gank assistance. A Flash-W combo is nearly impossible for enemies to evade, making it a potent tool for securing kills.

At level six, Maai can surprise enemies with ganks using his ultimate from the fog of war, leading to easy victories. The optimal build for Maai includes Trailblazer and Locket as core items, with the support item upgrade being Solari’s Locket. Aftershock is the recommended keystone rune, supplemented by Font of Life, Bone Plating, and Unflinching, with Biscuits and Cosmic Insight as secondary runes.

High ELO Top Lane Pick: Zac

In the high ELO tiers of Diamond and above, Zac emerges as a top-tier choice for the top lane. His unique playstyle has become exceptionally effective due to recent indirect changes, such as the addition of a scaling health shard in patch 14.2, which synergizes well with Zac’s health scaling. Zac’s ability to output significant damage while building full tank is remarkable. His short trading pattern, initiated with a Q followed by an E after the Q’s CC, ensures successful trades.

Upon reaching level six, Zac’s dueling capabilities often surprise opponents, leveraging his damage and sustain to dominate less experienced players in the matchup. The standard build for Zac in the top lane includes Sunfire Aegis or Frostfire Gauntlet, followed by either Spirit Visage or Thornmail, depending on the situation. The rune page for Zac should feature Grasp of the Undying, Demolish, Second Wind, and Revitalize, with Tenacity and Last Stand to enhance his resilience and damage in prolonged fights.

Belv in High ELO Jungle

Belv stands out as a formidable champion for high ELO jungle play, where her ban rate jumps significantly from 2% in Silver to 16% in Master tier. Her win rate also sees a notable increase, reaching over 53% in patch 14.3. The adjustments to Kraken Slayer and Stridebreaker in the same patch have enhanced her early game damage and overall snowballing capability. Learning Belv requires patience and practice, but the investment pays off with her potential for slipperiness and outplay. The recommended rune page for Belv includes Conqueror, Triumph, Alacrity, and Coup de Grace, with Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight as secondaries.

High ELO Mid Laner: Tia

Tia, often considered a more mechanically demanding counterpart to Twisted Fate, is recommended for high ELO mid lane play, especially after receiving buffs in patch 14.3. Unlike Twisted Fate’s point-and-click gold card, mastering Tia’s W requires more precision, making her a challenging yet rewarding champion.

Tia’s early game influence and skirmishing capabilities outshine Twisted Fate’s, making her particularly valuable in high ELO where early void grub fights are common. The ideal build for Tia includes Archangel’s Staff, Cosmic Drive, and Rabadon’s Deathcap, offering a mix of burst and sustained damage. For keystones, Phase Rush is ideal against dive-heavy compositions, while First Strike or Electrocute can be chosen for more offensive setups.

Lucian for High ELO ADCs

In Diamond and above, opting for early game dominant champions like Lucian can be highly advantageous. His self-sufficiency, characterized by his evasive E dash and the long-range capabilities of his R, allows for independent playmaking. However, Lucian’s complexity and higher skill floor make him more suitable for experienced players who have mastered the game’s fundamentals. The Season 14 energized build, featuring a Stormrazor rush followed by Kircheis Shard and Rapid Firecannon, enhances Lucian’s burst potential. The recommended rune page for Lucian includes Press the Attack, Presence of Mind, Bloodline, and Coup de Grace, with Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery as secondaries.

Enchanter Supports in High Ranks: Janna

In higher ELO, particularly in Diamond and above, enchanter supports like Janna become increasingly effective. Janna’s exceptional peel capabilities make her an invaluable protector, especially against melee-heavy compositions prevalent in the current meta. The Season 14 build for Janna leans towards a more offensive approach, with Imperial Mandate and Ardent Censer as core items, complemented by Staff of Flowing Water as the support item upgrade. This build emphasizes W maxing first for its damage output in the early game. The optimal rune setup for Janna includes Comet, Manaflow Band, Celerity, and Scorch, with Taste of Blood and Relentless Hunter as secondaries.

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