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The 10 Most Broken Bot Lane Combos for Season 14

In this article, we will share with you the 10 most powerful bot lane combinations that will allow you to dominate Season 14 games.

Top Bot Lane Combos

From old classics to brand new Season 14 combinations, we’ve collected a little bit of everything in this article. So let’s get started!

Twisted Fate and Zilean Combo

One of the most intriguing combos to play right now involves Twisted Fate and Zilean. If you haven’t been actively playing recently, you might be surprised to learn that Twisted Fate has become a legitimate ADC pick, thanks to his 14.2 buffs. Riot has added a bunch of AD ratios to his spells, and he now scales much better with critical strikes.

The synergy between Twisted Fate and Zilean is strong for several reasons. Firstly, Zilean’s speed boost makes it incredibly easy for Twisted Fate to get in range for his Gold Card, allowing for effortless catch plays. In the mid-game, this duo excels by lying in wait in the fog of war, ready to pounce on an unsuspecting enemy champion clearing a wave, ensuring easy catches.

Secondly, the synergy works well because Twisted Fate’s stun sets up perfectly for Zilean’s double bomb. Landing Zilean’s Q becomes foolproof when the enemy is already controlled, making the combined poke from Twisted Fate’s Gold Card and Zilean’s Q undodgeable. The gank assistance provided by this duo is unparalleled, with the chain crowd control from Twisted Fate’s Gold Card followed by Zilean’s double bomb stun locking down enemies for an extended duration. This synergy is not only potent for Season 14 but also one of the more underrated ones at the moment.

Pairing with Smolder

With the release of Smolder, many players are looking for the best partner to duo with to ensure the highest chance of success. Smolder is a champion that scales incredibly well, but his early game can be challenging. In such cases, pairing Smolder with an enchanter support who can provide safety in lane and allow him to scale is optimal. This combination ensures that Smolder can navigate through the early game effectively and reach his full potential in the later stages of the game, making it a formidable duo in the current season.

Optimal Enchanter for Smolder

The best enchanter for Season 14 is Janna, making her the recommended partner for Smolder, especially from level six onwards. It becomes very difficult for enemies to approach Smolder with Janna by his side. Once Smolder accumulates 225 stacks of his Q passive, his attacks significantly increase in power. Dive champions are the only real threat to him, and in this scenario, there is no one better to pair with Smolder than Janna. Her ability to peel is arguably the best in the game for any champion. Achieving victory with this duo may be easier said than done, but it revolves around surviving the laning phase and ensuring that Janna remains close to Smolder during team fights.

Seraphine and Senna Combo

This next combination, featuring Seraphine and Senna, is statistically one of the most potent in the game for Season 14. With Seraphine as the carry and Senna as the support, the main appeal of this duo is the substantial amount of utility and damage they bring to the team.

Unlike most bot lane duos, where the ADC primarily deals damage and the support offers utility, this pair excels in both aspects. Both champions can deliver significant damage while providing their team with ample healing, shielding, and crowd control.

The duo’s main vulnerability lies in their susceptibility to hard engages due to their squishiness. The primary strategy should be to maintain an even standing and stay low-key until both champions acquire two items. After the 25-minute mark, there are few bot lane duos that can outscale Seraphine and Senna, as both champions scale exceptionally well.

Lucian and Camille Synergy

An unusual yet highly potential combo is Lucian ADC paired with Camille support, creating an all-out kill lane. This duo has a kill threat as early as level one, with Camille’s E and the hail of blades providing significant lockdown and burst potential. Lucian, with the Press the Attack keystone rune, can easily follow up with considerable burst damage when Camille stuns an enemy. Avoiding leashing is advisable to capitalize on the level one ambush strategy, hiding in the far lane brush and engaging on the more vulnerable enemy champion as they approach the lane.

This initial engagement should at least force the enemy’s flash and significantly reduce their health, preventing them from laning effectively, or potentially secure first blood. An early advantage with this duo leads to tremendous snowball potential. Lucian synergizes well with Camille, as he can follow up on her catch plays from a distance, unlike champions like Draven who, despite potentially being a good match, lack Lucian’s range for effective follow-ups.

Varus and Maokai Synergy

This duo carries immense catch potential, pairing Varus with Maokai for exceptional teamwork. For Varus to outperform the enemy ADC in a skirmish, he needs to land three auto-attacks to stack his W passive and then use an ability to consume the stacks. With Maokai’s strong lockdown capabilities, this combination works flawlessly, allowing Varus ample time to stack his W passive and follow up on Maokai’s engage with significant burst damage.

The duo becomes nearly unstoppable at level six, especially if Maokai has his flash available and the enemy is within range of his flash W, practically guaranteeing a kill every time. Maokai initiates the engage, and Varus follows up with his R to chain CC the enemy, leaving them no escape.

It’s crucial that Maokai does not misplace his Q to avoid any anti-synergy with Varus’s R. Always aim to knock the enemy back in Varus’s direction. Varus, particularly with lethality builds, synergizes exceptionally well with Maokai due to the instant burst that capitalizes on Maokai’s catch plays. Varus’s effectiveness increases when paired with champions who provide strong CC lockdown, making it easier to land his skill shots.

Caitlyn and Bard Combo

Caitlyn paired with Bard is a duo with a clear win condition that, when executed properly, can dominate games. The synergy excels due to Bard’s ability to set up guaranteed traps for Caitlyn, especially becoming potent at level six. The strategy revolves around playing off Bard’s R, looking for catch plays that can lead to lethal combinations of Bard’s R into Caitlyn’s trap. Repeating this strategy whenever Bard’s R is available should lead to significant advantages throughout the game. Caitlyn’s safety as an ADC early on further enables Bard to roam if necessary. Caitlyn can comfortably farm from a distance with her Q and disengage with her E if enemies attempt to engage, making this duo highly effective.

Miss Fortune and Leona Aggressive Lane

Miss Fortune paired with Leona is a classic, highly aggressive kill lane that remains effective due to the current strengths of both champions in their respective roles. The duo’s win condition centers around playing off cooldowns, particularly Leona’s R, which can lock down an enemy for an extended period. This setup allows Miss Fortune the opportunity to unleash a fully channeled ultimate, maximizing their combined damage potential and making this synergy highly valuable for players who prefer an aggressive playstyle.

Miss Fortune and Leona Synergy

When Miss Fortune is able to unleash a fully channeled R, the chances of winning the fight significantly increase, and Leona excels at enabling this with her crowd control abilities. With the meta build for Miss Fortune focusing on lethality, the synergy becomes even more deadly due to the incredible burst follow-up. A great strategy for Leona players to enhance this duo’s effectiveness is to choose the Bloodsong support upgrade. Bloodsong amplifies the duo’s all-in strength further and boasts the highest win rate for any support upgrade on Leona. Combined with Leona’s passive, which provides bonus damage, and the Bloodsong item, this duo offers Miss Fortune an extraordinary burst capability.

Jhin and Zyra Combo

Jhin paired with Zyra is arguably one of the most formidable duos in the game when played optimally. The catch power and subsequent kill threat from this duo are unparalleled, particularly from level six onwards.

If Zyra’s E or Jhin’s W lands, the enemy is almost guaranteed to be eliminated. The sequence of Zyra’s E into Jhin’s W, followed by both champions’ ultimates, provides substantial lockdown and damage. In many cases, enemies will not survive past Zyra’s E and R, but if they do manage to flash away, Jhin’s R serves as insurance to secure the kill.

This duo excels in capitalizing on picks, offering numerous ways to secure kills. The lethality setup that Jhin often runs amplifies this combo’s strength, increasing the burst damage from Jhin’s W and Q, thus enhancing their ability to secure kills when Zyra lands a pick.

Vayne and Yuumi Scaling Duo

For those preferring a late-game scaling approach, the synergy between Vayne and Yuumi is unmatched. Vayne is currently a top-tier ADC, and her impact is greatly enhanced when paired with Yuumi. The primary challenges for Vayne, such as dive champions and crowd control, are effectively mitigated by Yuumi’s abilities. Yuumi provides Vayne with a “get out of jail free card” for every fight, thanks to her ultimate serving as a cleanse. This combination allows Vayne to navigate team fights with greater ease and confidence, significantly increasing her potential to carry games single-handedly.

Vayne and Yuumi Synergy

This duo is highly aggressive and excels at forcing the issue, particularly against compositions with limited crowd control spells. The speed boosts and shields from Yuumi’s kit significantly enhance Vayne’s safety in team fights. The general win condition is to equip Vayne with two core items and then have Yuumi protect her at all costs. The scaling strength of this combination is extraordinary, making longer games more advantageous. A skilled Vayne player, supported by Yuumi, should have no trouble carrying games once she acquires a few items.

Nila and Taric Aggression

For our final duo, we’re highlighting the aggressive synergy between Nila and Taric. These champions complement each other exceptionally well, with Nila’s inclination towards aggressive dives and Taric’s proficiency in close-quarters combat. Unlike with other ADCs, where Taric may need to initiate engagements, the melee range preference of both champions makes landing Taric’s stun more reliable. At level six, the dive threat and kill power of this duo are almost unfair.

Nila initiates with a flash ult, followed by Taric’s ultimate, creating a nearly invincible engagement. This duo’s all-in potential offers minimal counterplay for the enemy bot lane, especially if their escape abilities are on cooldown. With Season 14’s focus on bot lane and the map changes facilitating easier dives by junglers, mastering Nila and Taric can provide a significant advantage in games.

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