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New Updated Tier List for Patch 14.4

Welcome to the latest update to the solo queue level list! My name is Husky Librarian. Patch 1.4.4 introduced many changes that significantly altered the meta, resulting in an adjustment to our tier list.

Solo Queue Tier List Update

With input from our Challenger level players and analysing the latest data, we are ready to present a complete level list update for all roles.

Twisted Fate in Patch 1.4.4

Patch 1.4.4 has turned into the era of Twisted Fate, showcasing his prowess not just in traditional roles but now dominating the Top Lane with astonishing win rates. Despite the nerfs targeted at his AP build this patch, the AD Twisted Fate remains largely unaffected, presenting a formidable challenge to melee opponents. His point-and-click stun card becomes an insurmountable obstacle for them. Mastery in spacing and timely use of his W skill ensures Twisted Fate can effortlessly harass and control melee champions in lane.

However, players should exercise caution against Jax. Due to Jax’s ability to dodge auto attacks with his E, he can nullify Twisted Fate’s stun, making this matchup particularly tricky. Aside from this exception, Twisted Fate excels against popular meta choices such as Darius, Garen, Maokai, and Trundle, marking him as a top-tier selection for patch 1.4.4.

Given his current standing as a top contender in three distinct roles, it’s unlikely that Twisted Fate will maintain this level of dominance. Anticipate significant adjustments in patch 1.4.5, as Riot aims to balance his versatility and strength. This might be the final opportunity to leverage AD Twisted Fate’s current state before potential nerfs.

Renekton’s Return

Initially, we had reservations about the impact of the buffs on Renekton’s effectiveness in the game. However, these adjustments have surprisingly repositioned him as a strong contender in the current meta. The introduction of a new strategy where Renekton prioritizes Eclipse as his first major item, combined with the enhancement to his Q’s healing ratio, has significantly improved his performance.

The increased AD ratio on his Q skill becomes particularly potent with Eclipse, given the item’s high AD contribution. This synergy has attracted more players to adopt Eclipse in their Renekton builds during patch 1.4.4, further boosting his presence and effectiveness in games. To sum up, Renekton has reclaimed his status as a formidable pick in the current patch, ascending to the Top Lane A tier. This resurgence highlights his renewed viability and the strategic diversity his recent buffs have introduced.

Top Lane Meta Evolution

The presence of ranged champions in the top lane significantly influences our tier list decisions, and currently, Vayne is demonstrating exceptional performance in this role. Her increased play rate in patch 1.4.4, coupled with a notable rise in win rate, signals her as an exceptionally strong pick in the current meta. The recent item buffs have indirectly enhanced Vayne’s effectiveness, making her a formidable choice not only for the top lane but also as an ADC.

Vayne’s dominance in the top lane is not without its challenges, as she faces a few difficult matchups. Malphite, in particular, proves to be a tough opponent. His ability to rush Frozen Heart and target Vayne in team fights makes him a strategic ban for players considering Vayne for their top lane pick.

As a result of her outstanding performance and the strategic nuances she brings to the top lane, Vayne is set to ascend to the op tier alongside Twisted Fate in patch 1.4.4. This adjustment reflects her strong standing and the impact she can have in shaping the top lane meta.

Top Lane Tier List Adjustments

In the mid-patch update for the top lane tier list, significant changes are observed, notably with Twisted Fate, Vayne, and Urgot being highlighted in the op tier. Conversely, Illaoi has experienced a significant decline in her standing. The recent nerf to her tentacle damage proved to be more impactful than initially predicted, causing a roughly 4% drop in her overall win rate. This dramatic decrease has effectively removed her from the list of priority picks in the top lane.

Vayne and Twisted Fate have both witnessed substantial increases in their popularity and win rates in the top lane. Their ability to perform well in lane against a majority of champions, combined with their scaling potential, makes them excellent choices for blind picks. Their presence in the op tier is a testament to their current strength and versatility in the meta.

Urgot’s strength in the current patch is attributed to his effective use of Hullbreaker and Black Cleaver as core items. His rise to prominence is partly due to the adjustments that have negatively impacted many other top lane champions. Urgot’s consistent performance and the strategic advantage he offers have solidified his position in the top tier of the current meta.

Urgot’s Rising Popularity

We’ve seen Aatrox, Illaoi, Yorick, Jax, Fiora, and Trundle all lose power in one way or another, so Urgot just sneakily moves past them in priority. Riot intended for the item changes to be neutral power-wise, but they’ve actually led to the champions’ decline in strength by a significant margin. Due to his 1.4.4 adjustments, Kayn is no longer worth playing for solo Q and is being placed in our Top Lane C tier.

Volibear and Rek’Sai Adjustments

In our previous discussions focusing on the top lane, we highlighted changes to Volibear that, as it turns out, have also significantly benefited him in the jungle. The increased movement speed on Volibear’s Q skill has proven to be a game-changer for Jungle Volibear, enabling him to close the distance on opponents more rapidly and execute more effective ganks. After spending a considerable time less favored, these adjustments warrant Volibear’s elevation to the A tier in the 1.4.4 patch.

Conversely, the adjustments made to Rek’Sai in patch 1.4.4 have not been as successful as anticipated. A series of bugs and performance issues have emerged, compromising the champion’s effectiveness. An oversight in our initial review of the pre-patch changes was not fully recognizing the impact of Rek’Sai losing her true damage proc on her E ability at maximum fury. This loss, alongside reductions in damage for her W and R skills, has significantly weakened Rek’Sai’s position in the game.

Top Lane Analysis

The fact that range toplaners exist means we can’t be biased when making our tier list. Vayne is outperforming significantly in the Top Lane right now, not only has her play rate seen a spike in 14.4, but her win rate has increased as well, which is one of the bigger indicators to a champion just being extremely powerful.

The Buffs to items have provided Vayne with a nice indirect boost, and she’s in a phenomenal spot for both top and ADC. Similar to Twisted Fate, Vayne only has one or two matchups that give her issues right now, and Malphite is one of them. Malphite can rush Frozen Heart in the matchup and come team fights, just completely isolate Vayne, so it’s a good ban if you’re thinking of playing Vayne top. Vayne will be moving up and joining Twisted Fate in the Top Lane OP tier for 14.4.

Mid Patch Top Lane Tier List

The Top Lane tier list sees significant adjustments mid-patch, featuring Twisted Fate, Vayne, and Urgot at the top. Illaoi, on the other hand, experiences a significant drop due to the unexpectedly severe nerf to her tentacle damage, which has decreased her overall win rate by about 4%. As a result, Illaoi is no longer considered a priority pick.

Vayne and Twisted Fate have both seen substantial increases in popularity and win rate in the Top Lane, making it impossible to overlook their effectiveness. They are excellent choices for blind picks, as there are few champions that can consistently beat them in lane, allowing them to scale effectively into the later stages of the game.

Urgot has emerged as a dominant force in the Top Lane, greatly benefiting from a core build of Hullbreaker and Black Cleaver. His rise in prominence is also due to the decline of many other Top Lane champions in recent patches, further solidifying his position in the current meta.

Jungle Tier List Update

The Jungle tier list sees less fluctuation compared to the Top Lane for the mid-patch update, with the OP tier remaining unchanged, highlighting Viego and Lee Sin as top picks. Viego, in particular, receives a boost in the jungle tier list due to his improved performance as Season 14 progresses. Initially, at the season’s start, Viego was less favored compared to champions like Graves, Nocturne, Lillia, and Brand. However, following nerfs to these four champions, Viego’s viability has increased significantly.

He has risen to become the second most played jungler in the game, trailing only behind Lee Sin—a notable climb from his position as the eighth most played jungler at the season’s beginning. This mid-patch period has been relatively quiet for the jungle, with only Rek’Sai and Volibear receiving direct changes, leading to a stable meta.

Mid Lane Shifts

One of the biggest winners of patch 14.4 that kind of came out of nowhere has been Ahri. The buffs honestly didn’t seem all that big, but they’ve led to Ahri’s play rate and win rate spiking pretty massively this patch, and she’s back to being one of the best solo Q mids. Indirect buffs to items were also a factor in propelling Ahri up the tier list as it’s the item she likes to rush. A really strong build that’s flying a bit under the radar that you can run on Ahri this patch is a Liandry’s Anguish rush into Lich Bane second. Lich Bane has been pretty sleeper on Ahri for a few patches now and just makes the champion a lot more forgiving and easy to execute. As for Ahri’s tier list placement, she’ll be moving up into the mid lane S tier.

Champion Updates and Meta Shifts

The jungle tier list sees less movement compared to the Top Lane for the mid-patch update, with the S tier remaining the same, featuring Brier and Belthand. Vio is a champion we’re promoting in the jungle tier list due to his improved performance as Season 14 progresses. Initially overshadowed by champions like Graves, Nocturn, Lilia, and Bran, the nerfs to these champions have enhanced Vio’s position. He has now become the second most played jungler, only behind Lee Sin, a significant rise from being the eighth at the season’s start. The patch has been relatively light for the jungle, with only Rexi and Volar receiving direct changes, resulting in a stable meta.

Unexpected Shifts in the Mid Lane: Ai’s Rise and Twisted Fate’s Adjustments in Patch 14.4

One of the unexpected successes of patch 14.4 has been Ai, whose play rate and win rate have surged due to the buffs received. These changes, along with indirect buffs to Malignants, an item Ai frequently rushes, have significantly boosted her presence in solo queue. A potent build that’s gaining traction involves rushing Malignant followed by Lich Bane, enhancing Ai’s forgiveness and execution. Consequently, Ai will ascend to the mid lane S tier.

Unexpected last-minute nerfs were applied to AP Twisted Fate, including reductions in attack speed growth, and W and E AP ratios. These changes specifically target AP Twisted Fate builds, impacting his mid lane performance while sparing his effectiveness in the top lane or as ADC. This adjustment is peculiar, given the recent overperformance of AD Twisted Fate builds. Despite these changes, Twisted Fate’s mid lane standing has only slightly declined, prompting a minor adjustment from OP to S tier.

Karma’s Rising Dominance

Karma mid has become a high priority pick due to her ease of play and immediate success rate, making her an attractive option for average players. Aurelian Soul remains a strong contender even after the nerfs in patch 14.4, justifying his adjustment from OP to S tier. He remains a top-tier pick, though not overwhelmingly powerful.

Despite recent buffs to Mage items, champions like Orianna, Ziggs, Syndra, and Veigar continue to struggle in season 14. Ahri’s recent resurgence following a direct buff suggests that similar measures may be necessary to revive the viability of these mages. Jayce has received a notable boost this patch, particularly in the mid lane where his win rate surpasses his top lane performance. His ability to excel against squishier mid lane champions has led to a significant elevation in his tier ranking, moving from C to A tier.

Senna ADC has emerged as a prominent pick, with her win rate remaining high over several patches. The recent surge in her play rate, coupled with the effectiveness of a lethality build featuring Ghostblade and Duskblade, underscores her dominance in the ADC role. This build’s movement speed advantages have contributed to its popularity and success.

ADC Tier List for Patch 1.44

So if you’ve only been running quick blades, definitely give Shojun a go. Here’s how we’ve got the ADC tier list constructed for patch 1.44. The OP tier is locked down by three champions: Vain, Twisted Fate, and Senna. It’s kind of wild right now that we have two champions who are OP tier for multiple roles, being Vain and Twisted Fate. Take advantage of AD Twisted Fate while you can, because honestly, it’s very likely to be nerfed in 1.45. Get it while you can. It’s cool to see new picks like this pop up, though, so let’s hope Riot doesn’t completely kill the champion, but he’s definitely way stronger than he should be at the moment.

Mid-Patch ADC Tier List Update

Swapping spots on the tier list for the mid-patch update will be Kai’Sa and Varus. One thing we didn’t factor in enough for the pre-patch tier list when considering Kai’Sa’s power for 1.44 were the indirect buffs to Terminus. Terminus is looking really nice in the second item slot for Kai’Sa right now, so the buffs have been pretty valuable for her. Since you’re going to be able to complete the item in most games, champs that build Terminus third or fourth aren’t impacted as much by the buffs, but as a second item user, Kai’Sa has been a bigger winner and is being pushed up into the ADC B tier. As for Varus, he’s honestly not worth playing after his nerf in this patch, as there are so many other stronger ADCs to choose from, so you’re going to find Varus down in the C tier.

Support Tier List Accuracy

Support was the role that we were pretty spot on with in our pre-patch predictions, so there’s not too much to discuss in regards to the tier list. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that those Maokai nerfs would do very little to actually lower his power level, as he remains the most OP support in 1.44. Maokai’s win rate only dropped 1% due to the nerf, so he’s still riding upwards of a ridiculous 54% win rate this patch. We had moved Camille up into the support S tier for pre-patch, and as the patch has progressed, we’re liking what we’re seeing on the analytical side of things. Play rate has gone up quite a bit in this patch, with the champ actually winning more in low ELO than in high ELO now.

Notable Changes and Predictions

Camille support has emerged as an interesting niche option for those who enjoy aggressive support play. While it’s uncertain if she will become a mainstay in the support role, she currently serves as an intriguing pick for players inclined towards aggressive gameplay. Maokai and Zyra were the supports adjusted in this patch. Despite Zyra receiving nerfs, her position in the S tier remains unchanged due to the minor impact of these changes. Her effectiveness as a support continues to be recognized in high-tier play.

Bard experienced significant nerfs that affected his performance, validating our initial decision to move him down to the A tier. This adjustment reflects the direct impact of the nerfs on his gameplay and overall utility in the support role. As the season progresses, the solo queue tier list continues to evolve, offering insights into the shifting dynamics of champion performance across all roles. This mid-season update provides a comprehensive overview of current trends and adjustments in the competitive landscape.

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