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New Updated Tier List for Patch 14.1

The latest patch, 14.1 B, has introduced a series of significant tweaks to the League of Legends gameplay, bringing about dynamic changes. In this detailed article, we explore the nuances of these updates, providing an in-depth analysis of the current solo queue tier standings. This analysis is the result of a joint effort between our top-tier Challenger players and an exhaustive examination of the most recent gameplay statistics. For those looking to improve their League of Legends prowess, we recommend considering Skill Capped.

Meta Shifts in Patch 14.1

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Item Changes: Essence Reaver and More

Essence Reaver, an item traditionally chosen primarily by Gangplank, has received a notable upgrade in the recent patch. This enhancement serves to augment Gangplank’s capabilities, although it’s not expected to have a substantial effect on the wider champion pool. The item’s cost has been reduced from 3,000 to 2,900, coupled with an elevation in the Spellblade passive base damage, which has risen from 130% to 140%. In addition, Heart Steel has also seen an upgrade, now providing a total of 900 health compared to the previous 800. This modification is particularly advantageous for champions such as Mundo, Tom Kench, Cho’Gath, Sion, and Shen, enhancing their in-game resilience and performance.

Introduction of Hubris and Its Impact

In a recent update, Riot Games addressed the performance of the new lethality item, Hubris, which initially didn’t quite match up to other items in its category. They have significantly boosted its potency. Now, the item’s passive ability grants an increased AD of 15 per takedown, up from the original 10, and the AD bonus per stack has been enhanced, moving from 1 to 2. Additionally, the duration of this passive effect has been expanded, lasting for a full 90 seconds. This enhancement is particularly beneficial for champions like Kiana and Miss Fortune, who have been effectively incorporating Hubris into their arsenal. These changes are poised to make a considerable impact on their gameplay, further leveraging the advantages provided by this updated lethality item.

Adjustments to Tiamat and Profane Hydra

Recent updates have brought significant enhancements to Tiamat, a pivotal item in League of Legends. Its active damage output has been increased, now dealing 75% AD instead of the previous 60%, and the activation of this item has been harmonized with the timing of the user’s auto-attacks. These refinements also impact items that build from Tiamat, such as Profane Hydra. This is particularly advantageous for champions like Rengar, who has shown a strong affinity for Profane Hydra in his gameplay.

Despite prior predictions, AD assassin mid-laners have found Profane Hydra less effective than expected due to its initially underpowered state. However, with these updates, champions such as Nafiri, Kiana, Talon, and Zed are anticipated to benefit significantly. Among the notable changes is the reduction in the price of Profane Hydra, now costing 3,300 instead of 3,400. Its active abilities have also been boosted, with the minimum damage increased to 100% AD and the maximum damage now reaching up to 150% AD. Furthermore, the conditions for achieving maximum damage have been made more accessible, requiring the enemy’s health to be below 50% as opposed to the previous 30% threshold.

Top Lane Champion Adjustments

Riot Games has recently adjusted the AP to attack speed conversion ratio for a notable top lane champion, scaling it down from 1% per 100 AP to 0.5% per 100 AP. This change, while considerable, is not anticipated to greatly hinder Kale’s overall effectiveness in matches. Singed, renowned for his high win rates in the top lane since the start of season 14, has experienced a decrease in his QAP ratio, now modified to 80% from the prior 90%. Nonetheless, this change is not likely to significantly diminish Singed’s strong standing in the current meta. Additionally, Teemo’s Q damage AP ratio has been reduced to 70% from 80%, along with a comparable reduction in his total damage AB ratio. Despite these alterations, Teemo is expected to remain a formidable force in the top lane during this season.

Top Lane Tier List and Meta Shifts

With the arrival of patch 14.1 B, the top lane in League of Legends has seen a significant reshuffle. The OP tier now welcomes new champions such as Singed and Mizer, who stand alongside Trundle, showcasing a growing preference for AP-focused top laners. This trend is further emphasized by the recent enhancements to items like Rift Maker and Liandry’s, which have notably boosted the abilities of AP bruiser champions like Mor, Singed, and Teemo. On the other side of the spectrum, champions traditionally dependent on Iceborn Gauntlet, like Illaoi and Volibear, are witnessing a downturn in their effectiveness, as reflected in their current standings in the C tier. Illaoi, for example, is particularly affected by the lack of optimal build options and the absence of favorable item buffs in this patch. Meanwhile, champions who utilize Stridebreaker, such as Garen and Darius, have benefited from updates, gaining a slight advantage and distancing themselves from the lower echelons of the tier list.

Jungle Adjustments and Tier List

Riot Games has taken swift action to address Zac’s challenges encountered during the early stages of season 14. Several strategic boosts have been applied to enhance his jungle gameplay. These include an increase in his passive healing capability, a reduction in the cooldown for his Elastic Slingshot (E ability), and a notable decrease in the cooldown time for his Let’s Bounce! (R ability). With Zac’s win rate previously hovering around 47%, these enhancements are designed to bolster his competitiveness in the jungle environment.

Mid-Game Champion Dynamics

The introduction of patch 14.1 B in League of Legends has reshaped the mid-game scenarios for several key champions. Notably, Ekko, Evelynn, and Diana have seen a decrease in their competitive viability, mainly due to the recent adjustments to items like Storm Surge and Rocket Belt, which have dampened their mid-game strength. In the jungle, Karthus stands out for his decreased performance since the season’s start. The expected advantages from items like Malignants and Liandry’s haven’t translated into success, as evidenced by his win rate dipping below 46%. This trend points to broader strategic shifts and challenges in the mid-lane role.

Mid Lane Champion Changes

Corki has witnessed substantial enhancements in recent updates, particularly with an increase in his base AD, now reaching 61, up from 59. This boost, accumulating an extra 6 AD across updates, significantly improves his base damage. Additionally, adjustments to his AD ratio in the initial game stages have fortified his early game. However, these improvements primarily serve to offset the diminished impact of Trinity Force in the current season. Lux, facing underperformance in the early phase of 14.1, has received a series of buffs to her abilities, including increased base health, armor, and attack speed growth, as well as a slight boost to her W Shield’s AP ratio. These changes are Riot’s response to the overhaul in Mage itemization in Season 14, notably the removal of health benefits from core AP items.

AD Assassin Mid Lane Adjustments

AD assassins in the mid lane have not performed as anticipated in the early part of season 14, leading to targeted improvements. Neury, for instance, has seen enhancements in her base movement speed and increased base damage for her Packmate ability, along with a reduced cooldown on her passive in later stages. These tweaks, combined with enhancements to Profane Hydra, are aimed at boosting Neury’s effectiveness in competitive play, albeit she may still not meet initial performance expectations. Zed has received substantial boosts, including a decreased cooldown on his W, increased E damage in later stages, and a significant enhancement to his R damage AD ratio, now at a robust 100% from the previous 65%. Despite these upgrades, Zed’s win rate at the onset of season 14 indicates that he might not yet surpass the 50% threshold, hinting that other mid-lane options could remain more dominant.

Mid Lane Champion Balance Updates

In the mid lane, several champions have undergone balance adjustments, especially with regards to nerfs. Fizz’s Q damage AP ratio has been reduced to 50% from 55%, and his W active damage AP ratio has been decreased to 40% from 50%. These modifications, in line with the nerfs to Storm Surge, impact Fizz’s overall gameplay. Despite these changes, Fizz’s earlier win rate of 55% suggests he will continue to be a strong mid-lane choice. Players who have found success with Fizz in the current meta may not need to alter their strategies significantly. LeBlanc, too, has seen nerfs, particularly due to the introduction of Voltaic Cycos Sword. Her attack speed ratio has been notably reduced, while increases to her attack speed growth and her Q and E AP ratios have been implemented. These changes, especially considering the nerfs to Storm Surge, might weaken AP LeBlanc’s effectiveness, whereas AD LeBlanc could experience a decrease in overall power.

Additional Champion Adjustments

In Solo Queue, a champion known as Ha has been maintaining a win rate around the 43% mark. Addressing this, Riot has rolled out several enhancements to improve his gameplay. These include a boost in his overall health growth and increased damage outputs for his Q and E abilities. Additionally, the missile radius of his R ability has been widened. Despite these positive changes, they are somewhat incremental, suggesting Ha’s climb in the current meta may be limited, likely keeping him stationed in the C tier of the mid lane.

Mid Lane Tier List and Item Influence

Post the introduction of patch 14.1 B, the mid lane tier list sees Fizz and Vladimir as predominant figures in the OP category. Fizz, even after recent nerfs, is expected to continue wielding significant influence in the lane. Vladimir, benefiting from the synergistic effects of Rift Maker and Liandry’s, emerges as an especially commanding force. The prevalent use of Rift Maker among elite AP bruisers is a point of interest, sparking discussions about the potential need for a reevaluation of this item.

Surprise Picks and ADC Updates

In an unforeseen turn of events, Azir has shown exceptional performance early in season 14, with a win rate slightly above 50% in solo queue. His success is largely attributed to a strategy focusing on an early Nasher’s Tooth acquisition followed by a Shadowflame. The recent tier list adjustment reveals a descent for champions such as Twisted Fate, Annie, and Nico from the S tier, predominantly due to the revisions made to Storm Surge. Concurrently, Ahri and Sylas are grappling with the removal of Everfrost, leading to their demotion to the B tier. Ezreal, who initially saw a downturn due to Trinity Force adjustments, has been bolstered by Riot through a reduction in his W ability’s cooldown.

Revised Early Game Strategy for Ezreal

The latest update, patch 14.1 B, has brought significant tweaks to Ezreal’s early game strategy. The mana cost for his E ability has seen a notable reduction, going down from 90 to 70, and its cooldown period has been cut from 12 seconds to 8. These modifications to his W ability significantly boost his laning phase effectiveness, as the reduced cooldown substantially influences his gameplay over time. The decreased mana cost for his E ability also allows for a more frequent and effective usage of his blink-W combo. Despite these positive changes, Ezreal’s standing in the ADC hierarchy still falls short of the lethality ADCs, which currently dominate the field.

Focused Adjustments to Aphelios

In patch 14.1 B, Aphelios has been specifically targeted with nerfs, despite maintaining a balanced win rate of 50%. These changes address his potential impact in professional play. His AD growth has been reduced from 3 to 2.3, a revision influenced by the significant advantages he gained from the Season 14 lethality updates, his unique passive, and the use of The Collector. These aspects previously granted Aphelios a marked improvement in his mid-game performance. Following these nerfs, Aphelios is still expected to be more effective than he was at the end of season 13, now positioned in the ADC B tier.

Shifts in the ADC Meta Landscape

The ADC meta has followed our predictions closely. Lethality-oriented ADCs, with Miss Fortune as a prime example, have risen to the top tier. The upcoming nerf to The Collector is likely to have a more pronounced effect on champions like Samira and Nila compared to Miss Fortune, who frequently includes this item in her build. Lucian’s success with Ghostblade and Jhin’s preference for lethality over traditional crit builds underscore the shift towards lethality-focused ADC strategies. Conversely, ADCs reliant on crit or on-hit builds, such as Xayah, Kai’Sa, Sivir, Tristana, and Varus, have seen a reduced preference in the current patch dynamics.

Support Role Adjustments

The most recent update has introduced minimal changes within the support role, with Tahm Kench being the primary focus of nerfs. His armor growth has been slightly dialed back from 4.6 to 4.3, and the bonus armor from his W ability has been reduced by 1% at all ranks. Despite these adjustments aimed at balancing his previously high win rate of 54%, Tahm Kench is anticipated to remain a strong choice in the support role. These tweaks are unlikely to significantly alter his standing or effectiveness relative to other supports in the game.

Current Trends in Support Meta

The OP tier for supports remains largely unchanged from the pre-patch predictions, with stalwarts Blitzcrank and Maai retaining their positions, joined by the newly ascended Bard. The nerf to Trailblazer in 14.1 B affects these champions, but given their win rates surpassing 53%, they’re anticipated to continue being higher priority picks than most other supports.

Zyra’s performance post-item changes has been surprisingly resilient. The absence of mana in Liandry’s, initially thought to be a major setback for Zyra, has not impacted her as negatively as anticipated. This adjustment has proven to be more neutral in power, allowing Zyra to reclaim her position in the S tier.

Overview of Support Meta Dynamics

The current support meta aligns well with our forecasts, favoring melee engage supports, while enchanters and mages have moved to a less dominant role.

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