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New Updated Tier List for Patch 14.1 – League of Legends

Patch 14.1, known as a major update in League of Legends, significantly alters the game’s meta. This extensive update brings crucial changes to the solo Q tier list, informed by the expertise of Challenger tier players and the latest data analyses.

League of Legends Patch 14.1: Meta-Shifting Updates

Riot Games has introduced major modifications influencing gameplay dynamics, champion performance, and the effectiveness of various items. Notably, this patch enhances specific items, likely to substantially affect in-game strategies and outcomes. Additionally, for players aiming to improve their League of Legends skills, Skill-Capped provides a unique service. They offer a guarantee of climbing at least five divisions, with a refund option if the promised improvement isn’t achieved, underscoring the confidence in their training methods.

Item Adjustments: Essence Reaver and Heartsteel

The recent enhancements to Essence Reaver have made it a more appealing item choice, particularly for characters like Gangplank. Its cost has been reduced from 3,000 to 2,900, coupled with a boost in the spellblade passive’s base damage from 130% to 140%, adding to its allure. In a similar vein, Heartsteel has also been upgraded, with its health capacity rising from 800 to 900. This change is likely to be most advantageous for champions such as Mundo, Tom Kench, Chogath, Sion, and Shen, potentially altering their roles within the game’s meta dynamics.

New Lethality Item: Hubris and Tiamat Buffs

Hubris, a recently introduced item in the lethality category, has undergone substantial enhancements due to its initial underperformance. The buffs include a notable increase in passive AD gained from takedowns, now up from 10 to 15, and a rise in AD accumulation per stack from 1 to 2. Additionally, the passive’s duration has been extended from 60 to 90 seconds. Champions such as Kiana and Miss Fortune, who have already shown proficiency with Hubris, are poised to gain even greater strength. Furthermore, Tiamat and its derivatives, like the Profane Hydra, have received improvements. These changes are set to positively affect champions including Rengar, Fiora, Kiana, Talon, and Zed, potentially reshaping their roles and effectiveness, particularly in jungle and mid-lane gameplay.

Ravenous Hydra and Other Key Changes

The Ravenous Hydra is another item that has been updated in this patch. Notable enhancements include a boost in its lifesteal capability, going from 10% to 12%, and a more fluid casting time that now aligns with the user’s auto-attack timing. This improvement is especially advantageous for champions like Trundle, who is currently prominent in top lane play. The modifications made to Ravenous Hydra, along with other item changes in this patch, are anticipated to significantly influence gameplay tactics, champion selection, and overall strategies in League of Legends.

Top Lane Dynamics and Item Changes in Patch 14.1

Patch 14.1 in League of Legends has brought about considerable shifts in the top lane landscape. Fiora, Olaf, and Camille are experiencing a boost due to the modifications made to Titanic Hydra, which now has decreased attack damage (from 55 to 50) and health (from 550 to 500). Conversely, this change poses a disadvantage for champions like Xin Zhao, Urgot, Rek’Sai, Warwick, and Sett. Furthermore, the Stridebreaker has been enhanced, with increases in both AD (from 50 to 55) and attack speed (from 20% to 25%), along with improved attack movement speed and slow (now 35% up from 30%). These modifications are especially beneficial for Bel’Veth, augmenting their effectiveness in jungle roles.

Impact on Mid-Lane and Jungle Champions

The recent reduction in Rocket Belt’s active damage (from 175 to 125) notably impacts mid-lane and jungle champions like Kennen, Neeko, Ekko, Akali, Fiddlesticks, Evelynn, and Diana, who commonly incorporate this item into their gameplay. This adjustment presents a significant challenge to these characters. Similarly, the nerf to Storm Surge, with its diminished passive damage for both melee and ranged characters, affects those who heavily relied on it, such as Ahri, Diana, Evelynn, Kennen, and Neeko.

Bot Lane Adjustments and Support Changes

In the bot lane, the meta is evolving due to the increased cost of The Collector (now 3,100 gold, up from 3,000), affecting champions like Samira, Nilah, Miss Fortune, Draven, and Graves. Support roles have also undergone changes, with Trailblazer’s price now at 2,500 gold (up from 2,400) and a reduction in health from 250 to 200. This modification seeks to equilibrate the previously dominant state of champions such as Blitzcrank, Maokai, Bard, and Rakan, aligning them more closely with other selections while maintaining their competitiveness.

Adjustments to AP Top Laners and Rift Maker

Season 14’s top lane landscape has witnessed a surge in champions adept at using Rift Maker. Initially overlooked, the rework of Rift Maker has significantly influenced the game, prompting nerfs to champions like Gwen. Her passive’s maximum health damage scaling was cut from 0.8% per 100 AP to 0.65% per 100 AP. Moreover, Kayle has also been subject to nerfs, signaling a shift in the strength of AP top laners. These modifications suggest that players may need to rethink their strategies for selecting and gearing top lane champions in the current season.

Top Lane Champion Adjustments in League of Legends Patch 14.1B

In Patch 14.1B, Riot Games has introduced several nerfs affecting top lane champions. Kayle’s conversion rate from AP to attack speed has been halved from 1% per 100 AP to 0.5% per 100 AP. However, this alteration isn’t likely to substantially diminish her effectiveness. Singed, known for his high win rate, has had his Q AP ratio reduced from 90% to 80%, but he is expected to maintain his strong position in the meta. Teemo’s adjustments include a reduction in his Q damage AP ratio from 80% to 70% and a decrease in total damage AP ratio from 55% to 50%. Despite these changes, Teemo’s overall strength as a top laner in Patch 14.1 is projected to remain significant.

Top Lane Tier List Changes and Impact on Champions

The latest top lane tier list in Patch 14.1B reflects considerable changes, especially among AP top laners, due to updates to Riftmaker and Liandry’s Anguish. Champions such as Mordekaiser, Singed, and Teemo have emerged as formidable choices. Even with the nerfs applied, these AP champions are likely to keep their dominance in the top lane. In contrast, champions reliant on Iceborn Gauntlet, like Illaoi and Volibear, have seen a decline in their effectiveness, evident in their relegation to lower-tier status. The lack of beneficial item updates in Patch 14.1B adversely affects Illaoi’s viability. Stridebreaker users such as Garen and Darius, previously struggling, might see slight improvements from the recent enhancements to Stridebreaker.

Jungle Adjustments and Tier List in Patch 14.1B

Zac, a jungle champion, has been fortified with substantial enhancements in Patch 14.1B to counteract his early-season difficulties. The elimination of Radiant Virtue and the restricted availability of ability haste were detrimental to his performance. The improvements made include augmented healing in his passive, a two-second reduction across all ranks in the cooldown of his E ability, and a notable 10-second reduction per rank in the cooldown of his R ability. These modifications are anticipated to boost Zac’s win rate, potentially bringing it nearer to the 50% mark and increasing his viability as a jungler. Additionally, champions Lillia, Rengar, and Master Yi have also received buffs, reinforcing their status in the overpower (OP) tier of jungle contenders.

League of Legends Season 14: Jungle and Mid Lane Updates

Season 14 in League of Legends has seen certain lane bruisers, especially in the jungle, performing exceptionally well. Lillia, in particular, has been thriving due to her effective use of Liandry’s Anguish and Riftmaker, leading to a significant boost in her mid-game prowess. Rengar, known for his lethality-based jungle play, has received further strengthening in Patch 14.1B with enhancements to Profane Hydra. Master Yi has emerged as an unexpectedly strong contender with the incorporation of Experimental Hexplate, combined with Blade of the Ruined King, enhancing his mid-game capabilities. Conversely, the nerfs to Storm Surge and Rocket Belt have led to a drop in the tier list for champions like Ekko, Evelynn, and Diana. Carthus, despite seemingly favorable synergies with Malignant and Liandry’s Anguish, has been underperforming, with his win rate falling below 46%.

Mid Lane Champion Adjustments

The mid lane in League of Legends has undergone various modifications, notably with Corki receiving a considerable enhancement in base AD. Following an increase in patch 13.24b and now in 14.1, Corki’s AD increment of 6 marks a significant change. These buffs are aimed at compensating for the impact of Trinity Force’s weakening in Season 14, revitalizing Corki’s effectiveness in gameplay. Lux, who initially faced challenges in patch 14.1, has been fortified with improvements to her base health, armor, attack speed growth, and the AP ratio of her W shield strength. These adjustments are partly due to the changes in Season 14’s mage items, which eliminated health benefits from primary AP items. Moreover, the Storm Surge nerf has also played a role in Lux’s direct enhancements, positioning her as a strong contender in the mid lane A tier.

Direct Buffs to AD Assassin Mid-Laners

AD assassin mid-laners, who initially showed subpar performances in Season 14, have been granted significant buffs. Nefy’s base movement speed has been increased, alongside an escalation in base damage for Packmate and a reduction in passive cooldown in later ranks. These adjustments, combined with the Profane Hydra changes, are designed to elevate Nefy’s competitiveness. Zed, another AD assassin, has received substantial enhancements. His W cooldown has been decreased, E damage amplified in the later ranks, and a dramatic increase in R damage AD ratio from 65% to 100% AD. This notable enhancement in Zed’s R is particularly critical, considering his 45% win rate at the commencement of Season 14.

Mid Lane Champion Balancing in Patch 14.1B

Significant alterations have been made to mid lane champions in League of Legends Patch 14.1B. Despite Zed’s considerable buffs, it is doubtful that his win rate will surpass 50%, suggesting that other mid lane champions will remain more favorable. Fizz has experienced nerfs, including a reduction in his Q damage AP ratio from 55% to 50% and a decrease in the W active damage AP ratio from 50% to 40%. These adjustments, along with the Storm Surge nerfs, impact Fizz, but given his previous 55% win rate, he is expected to stay competitive in the mid lane. LeBlanc has encountered nerfs as well, especially in her attack speed ratio, now substantially reduced. These changes, in conjunction with the Storm Surge nerfs, indicate a weakening of both AD and AP LeBlanc, potentially resulting in a lower win rate. Additionally, H has received a series of buffs, including an increase in health growth and enhanced damage on Q, E, and R missile width. However, these buffs are unlikely to significantly shift his position in the mid lane.

Mid Lane Tier List and Item Impact

The mid lane meta in Patch 14.1B of League of Legends has seen notable shifts. Fizz and Vladimir continue to dominate in the OP tier, even with Fizz receiving nerfs. Vladimir’s prowess is significantly attributed to his effective use of Riftmaker and Liandry’s Anguish. The absence of nerfs to Riftmaker, despite its considerable influence on AP bruisers, is a point of interest. In solo queue, where Azir generally maintains a win rate below 50%, he’s been excelling with a build focused on Nashor’s Tooth and Shadowflame. The tier list has seen a downward movement for champions like Twisted Fate, Annie, and Neeko, previously favored for their Storm Surge usage. The adjustments to Everfrost have led to a less favorable positioning of Ahri and Sylas, relegating them to the B tier. Additionally, the impact of the Trinity Force nerfs on Ezreal’s efficacy has led to Riot implementing buffs to improve his viability, although he remains a suboptimal choice among ADCs.

ADC Adjustments and Champion Focus

In the ADC role, Ezreal has seen enhancements aimed at bolstering his early game, with notable reductions in the cooldown of his W and the mana cost of his E. Despite these improvements, Ezreal’s position in the ADC hierarchy remains uncertain, as champions utilizing lethality continue to lead the meta. Riot’s decision to implement nerfs on a specific ADC in this patch reflects their commitment to maintaining a balanced and varied ADC meta.

League of Legends Patch 14.1B: ADC and Support Updates

Patch 14.1B in League of Legends introduces significant alterations to both ADC and support roles. Aphelios, with an even win rate of 50%, faces potential nerfs, particularly due to his prominence in professional play. His AD growth has been scaled down from 3 to 2.3. Despite this, Aphelios’ performance remains robust, aided by Season 14’s lethality changes and his passive’s lethality contribution. Even after the nerf, he continues to be more potent than in the previous season, securing a spot in the ADC B tier. ADCs like Misfortune, Samira, Nila, and Lucian, who excel at leveraging lethality, have risen to dominance in the meta.

Support Changes and Meta Analysis

The support category in Patch 14.1B sees minimal changes, with Tahm Kench (referred to as T) receiving some nerfs. His armor growth has been dialed back from 4.6 to 4.3, and the W bonus armor has been slightly decreased. Tahm Kench, with a previous win rate exceeding 54%, faces these nerfs, which are unlikely to substantially impact his overall strength. The OP tier in the support section remains largely unchanged from pre-patch forecasts, with stalwarts like Blitzcrank and Maokai maintaining their positions and Bard emerging as a strong contender.

Zyra’s Performance and Skill-Capped Service Overview

Contrary to expectations, Zyra has maintained a solid performance despite the alterations to Liandry’s Anguish, particularly its removal of mana benefits. These changes have not adversely affected her, enabling her return to the S tier in the support category. The current support meta shows a preference for melee engage supports, with enchanters and mage supports being less favored.

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