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Solo Queue Meta Guide: Patch 13.17 Insights

Patch 13.17 unfolds a dynamic solo queue meta with the rise and adjustment of various Champions. Here, we delve deeper into these changes, providing a thorough analysis based on Challenger players’ insights and recent data.


In patch 13.17, League of Legends has witnessed significant shifts in the meta, with various champions and new builds emerging as powerful contenders in solo queue. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the key changes and provide an updated tier list based on insights from Challenger players and recent data analysis.

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Top Changes

Aatrox has experienced a resurgence of power in this patch. The adjustments, combined with Gore Drinker buffs, have elevated his overall win rate. This resurgence introduces versatility in Aatrox’s build options, particularly when facing squishy opponents. Duskblade remains a strong choice, but Gore Drinker now offers reliability against bruisers and tanks with strong crowd control. As a result, Aatrox has ascended from the A tier to the S tier for this patch.

Aatrox’s Resurgence:

Aatrox has seen a remarkable resurgence in this patch, thanks to adjustments and Gore Drinker buffs. This has not only boosted his win rate but also diversified his build options. Whether you’re facing squishy targets or bruisers, Aatrox is now a potent pick, moving from A to S tier.

Tryndamere’s Surprise:

Tryndamere’s attack range has been increased by 50 but at the cost of 4 AD. This change has proven to be beneficial, offering more dueling potential and trading advantages. Take advantage of this while you can; Tryndamere is now in the OP tier.

Renekton’s Spear Synergy: Renekton benefits greatly from the combination of Gore Drinker and Spear of Shojin. This mid-game power spike is often underestimated, with Spear outperforming other items. Renekton finds himself in the Top Lane S tier for 13.17.

Top Tier List

In the Top Lane tier list, OP tier now features Malphite, Garen, and Tryndamere. Illaoi, due to Tryndamere’s resurgence, drops to S tier. Malphite’s armor-stacking abilities make him an excellent counter to Tryndamere, making him a top priority pick. Nafuri, while slightly affected by nerfs, remains a strong choice in the top lane. For climbing in lower ELO, consider Malphite, Mundo, or Garen.

Jungle Changes

The jungle role has undergone notable transformations in patch 13.17, with several champions and build paths showing substantial shifts in power. In this section, we’ll delve into the key adjustments and insights that have shaped the jungle meta for this patch.

Xin Zhao’s Power Boost:

Xin Zhao has received direct buffs to his passive, but his true strength lies in exploiting the synergy between Gore Drinker and Spear of Shojin. The scaling of Xin’s passive with health aligns perfectly with these items, making him a formidable choice. He moves from B tier to Jungle A tier.

Hecarim’s Build Evolution:

Hecarim’s build has evolved once again in 13.17. Spear of Shojin rush is the optimal choice, followed by Stride Breaker as the second item. Gore Drinker is also a viable option. This shift has made Hecarim a durable and potent pick, keeping him in the S tier.

Jungle Tier List

Jarvan dominates the OP tier in the Jungle tier list, as he excels with Gore Drinker and Spear of Shojin. These items remain crucial in this patch. Rengar and Kayn also benefit from this item combo. Kindred, however, faces a decline in strength and drops to the Jungle B tier. Jarvan, Hecarim, and Kha’Zix are top jungle bans, while Rammus, Shyvana, and Nocturne are recommended for climbing in lower ELO.

Mid Changes

Patch 13.17 has ushered in significant shifts in the mid-lane meta, with several champions gaining prominence. Let’s delve into the key changes and insights for the mid-lane role:

Lux’s Empowered Cooldowns:

Lux has emerged as a strong mid-lane pick with her Q cooldown reduced at max rank. This change enhances her pick potential and elevates her to the S tier for mid-lane champions.

Kassadin’s Secret Buff:

Kassadin receives a hidden buff with a significant increase in the AP ratio on his ultimate. This change revitalizes Kassadin, moving him into the mid-lane S tier.

Mid Tier List

The OP tier in the Mid Lane tier list is now occupied by Vex. Nafuri, although affected by nerfs, remains in the S tier. Brand is a sleeper pick with a unique setup, worth exploring. Zed, Nafuri, and Fizz are among the top mid-lane bans, while Malzahar, Aurelion Sol, and Annie are recommended for swift climbing in lower ELO.

ADC Tier List

In the ADC tier list, OP tier continues to feature Ashe and Miss Fortune as dominant picks. Vayne is on the rise with Trinity Force, showcasing the impact of itemization on a champion’s performance. Vayne is placed in the S tier.

Support Changes

Patch 13.17 has brought significant changes to the support role, altering the dynamics of bot lane and shifting the power balance among support champions. Here’s a closer look at the key support changes and their impact:

Blitzcrank’s Revival:

Blitzcrank has made a significant comeback in 13.17 due to changes that enhance his durability. His passive now scales with Mana, making the Everfrost build more powerful. Everfrost Blitz is now in the support OP tier.

Support Tier List

The support OP tier includes Zyra, Rakan, and Blitzcrank. Lux support is gaining popularity, offering a damage-oriented option. Lux support paired with lethality Caitlyn can be a deadly duo. The nerfs to Everfrost have impacted champions reliant on it, such as Leona, Nautilus, Maokai, Alistar, and Amumu, who drop from S to A tier. Blitzcrank is a top choice for this patch, as he’s not dependent on Everfrost. Nautilus, Blitzcrank, and Rakan are recommended bans, while Heimerdinger, Zyra, and Blitz are great choices for climbing in lower ELO as support.

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