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New Jungle Champions Tier List (Best Champs to Main) – LoL 13.22 Meta

Hello, this is Librarian Husky. Today we’re taking a look at the full list of jungle levels for patch 13.22. There have been many changes to the jungle landscape in this patch, mostly influenced by evolving strategies during the World Cup.

Understanding the Jungle Tier List in Patch 13.22

One notable change is the increased popularity of Jarvan, and this change happened without any major updates to his character. In this tier list, we will try to tell you about the best champions to ascend, especially geared towards players below Diamond rank.

We’ll start by analysing level C. The defining traits of a level C yungler are limited carry options, less effective gank strategies, and average scaling potential. These champions can be quite demanding or may not perform well in the current meta. Take Zed, for example. While Zed isn’t the most efficient yungler, mastering him takes a significant amount of time and effort. His mop-up method is different from others, and his ganking efficiency and scaling pale in comparison to other duelists. Nevertheless, C level champions can still have an impact on the game, although the results don’t always justify the effort.

Exploring the B Tier of the Jungle

B tier champions are not as challenging as those in C tier, but their impact is less pronounced. An example of a current B tier champion is Vio. Vigo is situationally strong, but he has a specific win condition: he needs a reset and must avoid falling behind early in the game.

Meta champions like Lee, Graves, and Brier are adept at shutting down Vigo and snowballing a game before he gains momentum. While Vio isn’t inherently a bad champion, his rewards are significantly lower than those of higher-tier champions. B tier champions often find themselves outpaced early in the game, forcing them into a reactive playstyle.

In the jungle, it’s preferable to dictate the game’s pace rather than respond to opponents’ actions. Notable B tier champions include Vigo , VI, NY, and even Wukong.

Deep Dive into the A Tier Jungle Champions

If you’ve been playing jungle for a while, you’ll know that around 20 champions typically dominate the scene, overshadowing those ranked below them. This is certainly the case in the current meta, where these champions are stronger than many others available.

Having discussed the B tier, let’s now focus on the A tier. A tier champions offer a more balanced risk-reward ratio but require a higher time investment. Lee, Kindred, and El Lee are prime examples. Each of these champions can be dominating when played in their unique styles: Lee demands good mechanics, Kindred requires an understanding of auto-spacing and mechanics, and El Lee needs management of six different cooldowns.

Maximizing Potential in A Tier Junglers: Strategy, Skill, and Meta Dynamics

These champions can reach S tier status with the right playstyle and knowledge. However, to climb using these champions, more effort is needed compared to those in the S or OP tiers. Lee is a classic example, being incredibly strong in specific situations, but requiring a deep understanding of matchups, smart decision-making regarding summoner spells, and near-perfect use of the kit to counter opponents.

Some champions in this tier, like Shyana and Scarner, however, are too linear and straightforward to reach their peak strength. While strong when they can engage, their effectiveness is limited by the high mobility, strong CC, and tempo advantages of meta junglers. A stat-checker champion may find it easier to handle opponents in the B or C tiers than those in S or A tiers. Nevertheless, if the enemy team misplays, these champions can quickly take control of a game.

Exploring S Tier Jungle Picks and Brand’s Rise

Moving beyond the A tier, we turn our attention to the S tier selections, highlighting a somewhat unconventional choice for this patch: Brand. While Brand may not have made a significant impact in solo queues across Europe and North America, his presence has become increasingly notable in Korean play. In the S tier, Brand effectively competes against many A tier champions and stands his ground in the OP tier. His success is multifaceted, with a key aspect being his AP-centric role, which brings a unique dynamic to team compositions.

Brand’s Unique Strengths in Patch 13.23

The recent surge in Brand’s popularity can be attributed to a combination of factors that underscore his strength in the current 13.23 patch. As a ranged character, Brand benefits from the recent adjustments to monster damage, losing less health during jungle clears. His prowess in combat, empowered by red buff, enhanced attack speed, and his passive ability, positions him as a formidable duelist.

Brand’s combat approach typically involves initiating with his E, followed by a series of auto-attacks, and capitalizing on his Q and W for amplified damage and passive trigger. This sequence results in significant cumulative damage, forcing adversaries into challenging engagements.

Despite facing tough matchups against the likes of Mastery, Belth, and Jarvin, Brand can excel in the S-tier with strategic play and effective use of his abilities. The upcoming introduction of new items and the onset of a new season could further cement Brand’s position as a strong pick, despite the current challenges with AP itemization.

Graves in the S Tier: Adjustments and Impact

Shifting focus to another S tier contender, Graves, despite a recent nerf that slightly diminished his overpowering presence, continues to be a strong force in the jungle. This nerf, particularly targeting his armor, has made him more susceptible in the early stages of the game, traditionally his strongest phase.

As a result, Gravesnow faces increased challenges in certain jungle matchups, particularly against champions like KX and Ringar, who are recognized as some of his more formidable adversaries. Despite these changes, Graves’ ability to effectively scale in confrontations against AP junglers or assassins ensures his continued relevance in the late game.

As the jungle meta continues to evolve, Graves remains a significant character to watch for those exploring strategic options within the S tier.

Master Ye: A Popular Choice in the Current Patch

In the current patch, Master Ye has remarkably risen in the ranks, becoming a popular choice among players. His viability as a blind pick is notable, particularly when the team composition is yet undecided or leans heavily towards carry champions.

However, choosing a non-CC jungler like Master Ye carries inherent risks in such scenarios. It may be more prudent to select a utility-focused jungler under these circumstances. Champions such as Rexi, Malai, and Iver stand out in this tier, offering substantial map control, reasonable scaling, and favorable matchups against a wide range of opponents.

While playing these champions might entail sacrificing some degree of solo carrying potential, it’s crucial to remember that the jungler’s primary role is to bolster the laners, rather than being the centerpiece of the game.

Ivern’s Emergence as a Potentially OP Champion

Ivern has recently emerged as a top contender in the overpowered (OP) category this patch. His distinct playstyle, efficient jungle clearing, and the intricate management of his companion Daisy add layers of complexity to his gameplay. Mastery of Ivern’s unique mechanics and strategy is crucial, and it’s recommended to consult in-depth guides for a comprehensive understanding of his jungle routes and tactics. Once proficiently handled, Ivern can boast a win rate nearing 55%, positioning him as a remarkably strong choice. However, his complex nature presents a barrier to widespread recommendation across all player levels.

Brier: Dominating the OP Tier

Brier has solidified her position as one of the top AD junglers with an impressive win rate. Her near-unbeatable status makes her either a critical pick or a mandatory ban in matches. Brier’s ease of play, remarkable scaling ability, and the flexibility of her build paths, accommodating both lethality and bruiser styles, make her a versatile choice for any team composition. Her resilience and effectiveness in combat pose a significant challenge to other junglers, including those like Graves, who theoretically should have a favorable matchup. Her arsenal of abilities, including damage output, healing, and crowd control, makes her a continuous threat on the battlefield.

Continued Dominance of Brier in OP Tier

Continuing her reign in the OP tier, Brier’s arsenal, including a potent AoE crowd control ultimate, a strong single-target stun, and an AoE knockback that also heals, keeps her at the forefront. Despite the anticipated nerfs in the upcoming patch 13.23, there is speculation about whether these changes will effectively diminish her dominance. Holding an S Plus tier ranking since her introduction, Brier’s future impact remains a point of keen interest and speculation.

Nocturn: A Strong Contender in the OP Tier

Nocturn stands out as a significant challenger to Brier in the OP tier. His ability to match or exceed Brier’s effectiveness, particularly in influencing the map’s dynamics before she can assert her presence, highlights his competitive edge.

His ultimate, known for its psychological impact and mistake-inducing nature, is a formidable tool in solo queue. Nocturn’s flexibility in gameplay, capable of aggressive ganking or a more reserved farm-centric approach, marks him as a top selection for many players.

His optimal build, favoring the Stride Breaker, surpasses other configurations. While combining Stride Breaker with Axiom may seem appealing, a more balanced approach with items like Sterak’s Gage or Black Cleaver is recommended. Choosing additional items should be contingent on the opposing team’s composition, with options tailored for heavy AD or magic damage countermeasures.

Rammus: An Overpowered Choice Post-Buff

Rammus, significantly buffed recently, has become excessively powerful in the jungle. Originally nerfed for being too effective in the early stages of the jungle meta, his current state is overwhelming. Running Ghost and focusing on frequent ganks is the recommended strategy.

The ideal skill progression is Q-E-W, enhancing the uptime of Q, increased CC from E, and later in the game, the necessary armor from W. When ganking as Rammus, it’s crucial to position behind the opponent to maximize the impact of your Q, follow up with E as the CC ends, and then activate W for additional damage.

His ultimate should be reserved primarily as an escape mechanism and not used for initiating ganks unless absolutely necessary.

Rammus Build Path and Strategy

The recommended build path for Rammus remains consistent: Thornmail, resistance boots, and then opting for Ajack’s Show as the third item. This stage allows for more flexible choices like Abyssal Mask, Sunfire Cape, and Dead Man’s Plate.

Particularly in cases where Graves is selected by the opposing team and you’re unsure of your pick, Rammus is a strong recommendation. His long taunt duration, combined with the disruption from his Q and ultimate, makes him a formidable threat against both AP champions and others. His abilities provide significant control and disruption, making him a vital asset to any team composition.

Master Yi: A Dominant Force in the Current Meta

Master Yi has reemerged as a dominant force in the lower echelons of the ranks, mainly due to his resilience against the majority of contemporary meta junglers. He notably outperforms Brier, evades Nocturn, and surpasses Rammis in later game stages. The essence of Master Yi’s prowess lies in his agility and strategic pressure.

Opting for items such as the Blade of the Ruined King and various on-hit equipment bolsters his durability and offensive capabilities. Yi shines in jungle skirmishes, leveraging these encounters to his benefit. Proficiency with Yi demands more than mere auto-attacks; it requires precise timing and adept use of his W, Q, and ultimate abilities.

Master Yi’s Ascendancy in Jungle: Strategies and Builds for Dominating the Game

With these skills mastered, Yi becomes an overwhelming force against a vast array of jungle foes. His challenging matchups are few, including Lilia, Kha’zix, and sometimes an adept Rammis. Yi’s progressive scaling is impressive, particularly in a game meta that favors gradual advancement over rapid domination. Consequently, his victory rate has surged.

While traditionally considered a champion for specialized players, a new build focusing on maximizing EQ before W is gaining traction. Yet, the classic QE into W max remains a reliable standard. For rune choice, Lethal Tempo is optimal, and initiating builds with a blade significantly strengthens his early game.

Master Yi’s Optimal Build Path

The most potent damage configuration for Master Yi starts with the Blade of the Ruined King, enhancing his movement speed to closely engage with adversaries. The choice between resistance boots and Berserker’s Greaves depends on the match context, followed by a Rageblade. Yi’s subsequent item selection is flexible, with options like Wit’s End and Kraken Slayer being viable. A hybrid tank build should not be discounted, incorporating items such as Death’s Dance, The Gaug, and Randuin’s Omen for a balanced offense and defense. Master Yi’s adaptable itemization strategy allows him to effectively navigate various game situations, simultaneously boosting his survival and attack power.

J4’s Rising Popularity and Effective Gameplay

Jarvan IV, or J4, has seen a surge in popularity, significantly influenced by his performance in the World Tournament and the effectiveness of his Spear of Shojun build. Even with an anticipated nerf in Patch 13.23, J4 maintains his status as a formidable choice. His straightforward gameplay, efficient ganking ability, and impactful ultimate position him as a counter to the prevalent Oriana syndrome in solo queue.

Mastering Jarvan IV: Versatile Strategies for Diverse Team Setups in League of Legends

J4’s capacity to perform adequately in even his toughest matchups renders him a solid choice for blind picks. He integrates well into diverse team setups, particularly excelling against squads with numerous mages. J4’s skill set facilitates both engaging and defending, with his EQ knockup and ultimate proving crucial in safeguarding carries.

  • Additionally, he can create opportunities for his team, opting for items that enhance his survival and thereby ensure his damage dealers are effective. J4’s ultimate should be tactically employed to isolate opponents lacking mobility, and his EQ combination can be repeatedly used in battle, depending on his total ability haste.
  • J4’s versatility makes him an exceptional choice for early aggression, scaling strategies, or focusing on suppressing a key opponent. Despite upcoming nerfs, he will remain a versatile and valuable champion in various game scenarios.

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