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Itemization Guide for ALL ROLES – Patch 13.10

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Itemization in LoL

Hello, fellow League of Legends players! It’s Librarian Husky here today, going League Of Legends here. I thought I would do kind of a special guide for you guys, which we haven’t done before we’re going to delve into the exciting changes brought by patch 13.10 and guide you through the updated builds for various champions. Whether you’re adapting to the meta or exploring new viable builds, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s jump right into our comprehensive itemization guide for 13.10!

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Exploring New Build Paths and Item Strategies

Now, let’s get back to the main point. Starting with top lane champions, while most of them weren’t heavily impacted by the item changes, there are a few notable exceptions. Gangplank and tryndamere have experienced shifts in their build paths due to the changes in ADC items. Previously, Gangplank favored Prowler’s Claw as his mythic item, but now that it’s a legendary item, his new build consists of Essence Reaver into Quickblades, followed by the Collector or Stormraiser.

On the other hand, tryndamere is finding great success with the new Galeforce, as its passive damage now scales off critical strikes. High ELO tryndamere players are opting for a build that includes Phantom Dancer into Essence Reaver. Quinn offers different build options, allowing you to choose between crit or lethality. If you’re facing a squishy team composition, the new Ghostblade is a powerful choice. For more durable enemy teams, a Stormraiser rush into crit items works best. Combining Stormraiser with Galeforce creates an incredibly bursty two-item core.

Top Lane Power Shifts

Moving on to Camille, she has been thriving with the Trinity Force buffs, making it a priority item for her in patch 13.10. This build is particularly effective when the enemy team lacks two or more tankier champions. Jax, another top laner, has also shifted towards building Trinity Force almost exclusively. A Trinity Force into Blade of the Ruined King core turns Jax into an absolute menace in the side lane. Yorick has seen a surge in power with Trinity Force as well, with Trinity users winning about 5% more than Divine Sunderer users.

While Ghostblade is seeing more play on junglers and mid laners, there’s one top laner you should consider running it on: Jayce. Jayce loves the ability to exert early aggression, and the new Ghostblade complements that playstyle perfectly. Another top lane champion worth mentioning is Renekton, whose optimal mythic item in previous patches was Prowler’s Claw. With that option gone, Gore Drinker emerges as the next best choice for a bruiser build. Alternatively, Blade of the Ruined King provides more dueling power in the early game.

Path of the Jungle

Let’s now turn our attention to the jungle, where patch 13.10 has brought significant changes to build paths. The emergence of Ghostblade as a core item has impacted several champions. Kha’Zix, Rengar, Hecarim, and Graves all benefit greatly from rushing Ghostblade. In particular, Ghostblade synergizes exceptionally well with Hecarim, enhancing his overall performance compared to other champions.

While Ghostblade has become a popular choice for many junglers, it’s essential to consider your team’s needs and the enemy team composition before committing to a build. Some junglers, like Vi or Jarvan IV, still benefit from a tankier build path, utilizing items such as Divine Sunderer or Sterak’s Gage.

Evolution of the Mid Lane

That’s it for the top lane and jungle. Now let’s move on to the mid lane, where we’ve seen relatively few changes in terms of core itemization. However, there are a few new builds you might want to try. Starting with Malzahar, he benefits from starting with a Manacrystal, which provides a smooth early game power curve. It allows him to sustain his spells and farm efficiently, ensuring a solid mid-to-late game transition.

Talon, the assassin from Noxus, continues to thrive in the mid lane, and his build path remains similar to previous patches. Ghostblade, Prowler’s Claw, and Edge of Night are still the go-to items for him. However, it’s important to adapt your build based on the enemy team’s composition and the threat they pose. Pantheon, another aggressive mid laner, has experienced success with both Ghostblade and Eclipse. The choice between the two largely depends on your playstyle and the specific game scenario.

As for Katarina, she now benefits from rushing Rocket Belt or Divine Sunderer. Rocket Belt provides her with an incredible burst potential and increased mobility, making it an excellent choice for assassinations. Divine Sunderer, on the other hand, grants her sustained damage and survivability through the increased health and healing it offers. Choose the one that suits your preferred playstyle and the needs of your team.

Moving on to Yone and Yasuo, they have found success by building Galeforce into Bloodthirster. This combination provides them with burst damage, mobility, and lifesteal, allowing them to sustain through fights and take down enemies quickly. Kassadin, the Void Mage, has seen success with the new Quickblades and Stormraiser. These items synergize well with his kit, allowing him to cast spells more frequently and enhance his overall damage output.

Unleashing ADC Potential: Dynamic Builds and Strategies

Now, let’s transition to the ADC role. ADC builds have seen considerable changes in patch 13.10, providing more variety and options. Starting with Miss Fortune, her new go-to build includes Ghostblade as her first item. This lethality-focused build path enhances her ability to assassinate squishy targets and dominate the mid-game.

Lucian has seen success with both Stormraiser and Essence Reaver into Quickblades. Stormraiser provides him with early game power, while Essence Reaver into Quickblades focuses on sustained damage output. Draven, the high-risk, high-reward ADC, now has the option to build either lethality or crit. Ghostblade, into Edge of Night or Infinity Edge, offers lethality-focused burst damage. Alternatively, building Infinity Edge into crit items maximizes his late-game potential.

Jinx build

Jinx enthusiasts will be pleased to know that her core build hasn’t changed significantly. She still rushes Stormraiser, followed by Infinity Edge and Hurricane or Rapid Fire Cannon. This build provides her with a well-rounded mix of burst damage and consistent DPS. Varus, with his flexible playstyle, can opt for either on-hit or lethality builds. On-hit Varus remains a potent choice, while lethality Varus gains even more strength with the new changes to Ghostblade.

Vayne, the Night Hunter, continues to excel as a late-game carry. Trinity Force has become a popular choice for her, as it provides a powerful two-item spike when combined with Ghostblade or Quickblades. The additional attack speed, movement speed, and Sheen proc synergize perfectly with Vayne’s kit.

Embracing Versatility: Unveiling Support Builds and Strategies for Enchanters and Tanks

Lastly, let’s cover the support role. The support meta remains diverse, with a variety of viable options. Enchanter supports like Lulu, Janna, and Nami continue to prioritize their core items, such as Moonstone Renewer and Ardent Censer, to enhance their utility and provide sustain for their teammates.

For tank supports, items like Chemtank and Sunfire Aegis are still the go-to choices. However, keep in mind that the recent nerfs to Chemtank have shifted the balance slightly in favor of Sunfire Aegis. It’s important to assess the specific game scenario and adjust your build accordingly.

That concludes our comprehensive itemization guide for patch 13.10. We hope you found this information helpful in navigating the new changes and optimizing your builds for success on the Rift. Remember, experimentation and adaptation are key, so don’t be afraid to try different approaches and find what works best for you. My name is Librarian Husky – I am your faithful companion in the world of League Of Legends. Please check our League Of Legends Guides main mage for more useful articles. Good luck, and may your games be filled with victory!

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