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The Ultimate Wotlk Phase 4 DPS TIER LIST Revealed

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WOTLK Phase 4 changes

Hey, folks! We’re in a crunch time situation here, and there’s some absolutely critical information we’ve got to get into.

Phase four has just rolled around, and with it, we’re facing the imposing Ice Crown Citadel – arguably the most iconic and challenging raid in the history of classic WoW. The stakes are higher than ever, so if you want to lock in your raid spot and avoid being relegated to the sidelines, then you’d better stay tuned.

The Importance of Phase 4

Phase four is ushering in substantial changes for damage dealers. It’s the phase where many of you might be contemplating whether to reroll or fine-tune your specs to ensure peak performance within the frosty halls of the Lich King’s fortress. Get your choices right, and you’ll carve your name into the annals of raiding history. Get them wrong, and you’ll be watching your guild’s heroic exploits through Discord streams while munching on some salty popcorn.

Our Sources

To put together this tier list, we’ve drawn from two primary sources of information: simulated DPS data and real-world raid data. By blending the current DPS rankings from Trial of the Crusader with insights gathered from my phase four PTR experience and the freshest simulation data available, our aim is to paint the most accurate picture of which specs are going to shine when facing the challenges of the upcoming raid.

Sure, we could have taken the easy route and relied solely on the final phase four simulation data to compile this list. However, that approach wouldn’t account for the intricacies of gearing up and progressing through ICC, which are critical factors in determining the ultimate damage dealer needed to take down the Lich King and ensure raid success.

So, hold onto your seats, grab a notepad, and let’s dive into the specs that are going to make you the star of your raid group in Phase 4.

Combat Rogue

Kicking off our list at number 10 is the Combat Rogue. Combat Rogues have been turning heads, currently sitting at the impressive sixth spot among damage dealers in Trial of the Crusader.

While they’ve slipped to 14th place in simulations for Phase 4, it’s important to remember that simulations don’t always tell the full story when it comes to class-to-class comparisons. In reality, Combat Rogues are expected to remain competitive in Phase 4.


The key to mastering the Combat Rogue lies in their high gear dependency; getting the right gear early on is crucial for them to maintain a strong presence on the damage meters. Expect Combat Rogues to excel in single-target boss encounters and wreak havoc in large AOE packs, especially if they gear up quickly.

Frost Death Knight

Taking the ninth position is the Frost Death Knight. Frost brings reliable single-target damage and explosive AOE capabilities to the Phase 4 landscape, making them a versatile choice.

In Phase 3, they proudly held the fourth spot among damage dealers, and with their newfound armor penetration, one might expect an even better performance. However, Phase 4 simulations place them at the tenth position in terms of damage dealers.

Additionally, Frost Death Knights haven’t been a popular choice in raid compositions, and the early dominance of Unholy Death Knights in ICC means we won’t see many Frost DKs in this phase. Moreover, their inability to wield Shadowmourne makes them the least appealing plate-wearers in Phase 4.

Bonus Spec: Blood Death Knight

Now, let’s throw in a bonus pick – the Blood Death Knight. If your goal is to obtain Shadowmourne, then the Blood Death Knight is worth considering. When you factor in the additional damage from Unholy Frenzy, Blood Death Knight simulations perform just as well as or even better than other DK specs, all thanks to their access to Shadowmourne. Keep this spec in mind as you progress through the endgame.

Marksmanship Hunter

Coming in at number 8 is the Marksmanship Hunter. MM Hunters were already poised to outperform Survival with full armor penetration gear in Phase 4. Current simulations place a fully geared Best-in-Slot MM Hunter as the third-highest damage dealer, achieving an impressive 16,500 DPS in single-target encounters.

However, it’s important to note that Hunter simulations assume perfect gameplay and movement, which isn’t always achievable in the real world. The gap between simulations and real-world performance is particularly noticeable for Hunters.

Nevertheless, MM Hunters are in line to receive a significant quality-of-life improvement with the new Trap Launcher ability. Blizzard’s dissatisfaction with the variability in Hunter damage due to boss positioning and trap hitboxes prompted this change. Hunters are already showing better performance in the PTR than initially anticipated.

However, it’s worth remembering that MM Hunters are exceptionally gear-dependent, so don’t expect to see more than one or two of them in your ICC raid lineup.

Shadow Priest

Securing the seventh position is the Shadow Priest. Shadow Priests currently find themselves ranked 16th in DPS in Trial of the Crusader, but that’s about to change when they enter ICC. Shadow Priests shine in shorter fights, boasting a third-place ranking for 120-second encounters.

However, their prowess extends to longer battles as well, where they outshine other specs in five-minute engagements. A significant factor contributing to this boost in performance is their Phase 4 best set, nearly doubling their haste from 685 to over 1200. Additionally, their new Tier 10 set bonus turns Mind Flay into an absolute powerhouse, earning it a well-deserved place among the best Tier 10 sets in the game.

Unholy Death Knight

Taking the sixth spot is the Unholy Death Knight. Unholy DKs will be in high demand for ICC progression across many guilds, and there’s a good reason for that. They are remarkably stackable and currently hold the title of the number one damage spec in the game during Phase 3.

Moreover, their Tier 9 set is arguably the best armor set to carry into the next phase. However, it’s essential to note that Unholy DKs do experience a notable dip in performance by the end of this phase, unless they decide to pursue Shadowmourne. Phase 4 simulations place Unholy as only the thirteenth highest-end damage spec.

Nevertheless, by the time Unholy’s performance begins to wane, most guilds will have the Lich King on farm, and the phase will be drawing to a close.

Retribution Paladin.

Landing at number five is the Retribution Paladin. Retribution Paladins currently find themselves as the ninth-highest damage spec in Phase 3.

However, Phase 4 is poised to bring about significant changes. Their potent Tier 10 two-set bonus transforms them into cleave machines. Projections suggest that Retribution Paladins could ascend to the top four for many encounters. Moreover, they bring valuable utility to the raid and are prime candidates for wielding Shadowmourne.

Feral Druids

Stepping in at number four, we have Feral Druids. Ferals currently hold the seventh-highest damage spec ranking in Trial of the Crusader.

Simulations have a particular fondness for Feral Druids, ranking them higher than any other spec in Phase 4. Regardless of the encounter’s duration, Ferals consistently deliver top-tier performance thanks to their maximized armor penetration, new weapons, and robust Tier 10 set bonus.

Fury Warrior

Ferals scale exceptionally well and provide invaluable utility with Battle Resurrection and Innervate. While the most elite guilds may opt for only one Feral, it’s wise to consider multiple Feral Druids if you’re participating in PUG or GDKP runs.

Securing the third position is the Fury Warrior. Fury Warriors make a substantial leap from their tenth place in DPS rankings in Trial of the Crusader to claim a spot among the top six in ICC.

Tier 10 Fury apart

While the Tier 10 set bonus is decent, it’s the scaling of stats that truly sets Fury apart. Armor penetration sees a twofold increase, and the significant damage boost from Shadowmourne is a welcome addition. Fury Warriors also excel in cleave damage, establishing themselves as top performers on trash packs and consistently ranking high on overall damage meters throughout the raid. This phase presents an opportune time to contemplate fielding more than one Fury Warrior, although their stacking potential might not match that of specs like Fire Mage.

Affliction Warlock

At the runner-up position, we have the Affliction Warlock. Affliction claims its place as a top-two DPS spec in Trial of the Crusader, maintaining a comfortable spot among the top four throughout Phase 4.

While some expected specs like Fury and Retribution to overtake Affliction, it retains its superiority through remarkable gear scaling. Affliction Warlocks gain over 500 haste and benefit significantly from a potent Tier 10 four-set bonus.

Fire Mage

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Claiming the coveted number one spot is the Fire Mage. Fire Mages currently hold the third rank in DPS in Trial of the Crusader and dominate the top four positions on Warcraft logs.

As we transition into Phase 4, Fire Mages shine brilliantly in short encounters and perform exceptionally well in three and five-minute battles. Their Tier 10 set bonus is nothing short of extraordinary, allowing them to excel both in single-target damage and AOE mayhem. Fire Mages are remarkably stackable, enabling raid compositions to include multiple of them without breaking a sweat.

In terms of raid difficulty, if you’re uncertain about the challenges that await you in ICC, be prepared for a host of obstacles along the way.

Now, armed with these insights, you’re ready to make informed decisions for Phase 4. So, gear up, sharpen those skills, and prepare to conquer the Ice Crown Citadel!

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