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Fast Leveling & Guild Entry in Lich King Classic

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Considering Wrath of Lich King Classic in 2023

So, you don’t like having friends, you don’t want a girlfriend, and you aim to be rejected by your entire family, hence you’re looking for a new MMO to play in 2023. You’re considering playing Wrath of Lich King Classic but are worried about starting late and falling behind everyone. Today, I’ll put everyone’s minds at ease by covering the common concerns of starting late: gearing up quickly, leveling up swiftly, and finding a guild.

Is it Too Late to Start?

Many players who start late often worry if it’s too late to join the game, especially when an expansion is ending or playing on a season of Mastery server since these servers shut down periodically. However, there’s absolutely no need to worry about falling behind now due to various catch-up mechanics introduced by Blizzard.

Game Changes to Aid New Players

Blizzard has implemented changes so that new players can gear up faster. These adjustments ensure that gear is distributed more liberally to players, facilitating their progress in the game. The game now throws gear at you more frequently, aiding in catching up with veteran players.

Enhancements in Dungeon and Raid Loot Systems

Heroic dungeons drop Badges of Valor, with future phases dropping Conquest and eventually Triumph. Heroic+ dungeons and 10-man raids like NAX are now more rewarding and easier, dropping loot equivalent to that found in 25-man raids, which significantly simplifies the gearing-up process during the initial phases.

Additional Ways to Acquire Gear

Aside from the enhanced loot systems in dungeons and raids, players can also benefit from away runs, which are straightforward and offer Phase 2 tier and PvP pieces. These pieces are not ideal for PvE but still provide additional options for gearing up.

Efficient Gearing and Farming in Game

Most players nowadays focus primarily on your gear score, and while you’re improving this, you’ll be collecting Badges of Valor from various sources. The Valavender gear is excellent, and even some badges of heroism pieces are valuable. Additionally, many items can be purchased at low cost; you won’t need much gold, approximately a thousand, but as you level up, you’ll accumulate five to seven thousand gold effortlessly.

Easy Gold Farming Techniques

The most efficient method to farm gold currently is straightforward. You may consider creating a nine-tail female character and offering services to weary travelers. Another alternative for gold acquisition and initial gearing is engaging in the Odua 10-man raid, a simple and accessible entry raid.

Gearing with 4K Gear Score

Once players attain around 4K gear score, others will begin to include you in groups, facilitating your progression into 25-man raids. Earning badges through completing quest chains in Ice Ground and Storm Peaks will further assist in gearing up for Heroic+ dungeons.

Understanding Heroic+ Dungeon Dynamics

Heroic+ dungeons in phase one are comparable to 10-25 man raids in difficulty, necessitating skilled DPS and a competent tank. Though it’s possible to manage with a lower-geared healer, be prepared for them to be out of mana frequently due to increased mob health and damage. Understanding additional mechanics, like kiting mobs out of boiling blood in Gundrak to prevent their healing, is crucial for success.

Efficient Leveling in Wrath of the Lich King Classic

You might be concerned about leveling up in time. Leveling in Wrath of the Lich King Classic is notably faster. With 30% less XP required to hit max level, and tools like group finders facilitating dungeon runs for essential quests, the process is streamlined. Dungeon grinding is also an efficient XP earning method.

Speed-Leveling with XP Add-On

If your goal is to level up extraordinarily fast, consider utilizing the XP add-on. This tool guides you through optimal questing routes for maximum XP gain per hour, highlighting extra quests and providing crucial tips, such as dev skips and log out skips, significantly enhancing your leveling efficiency.

Alternative Leveling Strategies and Tips

For alternative leveling methods, consider watching my ALT power leveling guide. While I discuss heirlooms extensively, returning players without heirlooms can simply skip this section. The guide delves into various effective leveling strategies, including solo dungeoning, AOE farming, and using consumables to empower your character for faster leveling.

Finding a Guild in Current Game Environment

If you’re concerned about finding a guild, fear not. Most guilds, at least on my server, are actively recruiting due to a decrease in player base. Many players initially joined during the launch but retreated due to the game’s social aspect.

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