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WOD Pathdinfer Flying Boost

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Welcome to Husky’s humble page! Today we are going to introduce an article about WOD Flying boost. Learn how to ascend over Tanaan Jungle, Gorgrond, and Arak Peaks and obtain the legendary mount!


To rise into the air in WoD expansion, champions must complete a meta-achievement – Pathfinder. It was the first time game developers decided to add a severe flight restriction. This complicated lives of pretty much every player of WoW. It is necessary to go through a lot of tedious tasks. Well, there is another path. Alternatively, you can buy our boost and begin Flying in WOD immediately! But if you want to spend your time and effort on obtaining it, there are many things you need to do.

A challenging task


First, start with exploring the whole territory of the expansion. Then, reached an exalted reputation level with three factions of Tanaan Jungle and completed twelve additional missions. As well as all story quests. Oh, you need to do a severe amount of treasure hunting too. According to developers’ way of thinking, players would see enough content this way. But the actual profit is in leveling the alternate characters. So don’t be shy! Order our boost applicable to US and EU regions to start flying all over the WOD!


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