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Elite PvP Gear Boost

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⏳ Start: 30 min.
1800 arena rating in 3v3, which is Rival II rank.


03 Hidden Artifact Skin

You need to choose something to proceed
04 Elite PvP Gear

You need to choose something to proceed
05 Shadowmourne Legendary

You need to choose something to proceed
06 Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros

You need to choose something to proceed
07 Thunderfury, Blessed Blade

You need to choose something to proceed
08 Deaths of Chromie - Timelord

You need to choose something to proceed
09 Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings

You need to choose something to proceed
10 Warglaives of Azzinoth

You need to choose something to proceed
11 Fangs of Father Daggers

You need to choose something to proceed
12 Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest Legendary

You need to choose something to proceed
13 Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury

You need to choose something to proceed
14 Battle of Dazar'alor Transmog Sets

You need to choose something to proceed
15 Heritage Armor Set

You need to choose something to proceed
16 Goblin Heritage Armor

You need to choose something to proceed
17 Worgen Heritage Armor

You need to choose something to proceed
18 Tusks of Mannoroth Transmog

You need to choose something to proceed
19 Sun-Lute of the Phoenix King

You need to choose something to proceed
20 Arcanite Ripper

You need to choose something to proceed
21 Twinblade of the Phoenix

You need to choose something to proceed
22 Geti'ikku, Cut of Death

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My Step

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b. Fish (1)

You need to choose something to proceed
02 The Great Vault Carry

You need to choose something to proceed
01 Full PvP Gear Bundle
Boost method:
🕑 15 Minutes: Start time
~ [variable-11965] day(s): Delivery time

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24. Mythic Plus Gear
Choose the key level:
Gear Options:
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🕑 15 Minutes: Start time
~ Flexible: Delivery time
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Greetings! Librarian Husky here. In WoW Classic, You will see different kinds of Transmogrification. And to be honest, owning any set will make your toon stand out from the crowd. Giving your toon some swag. But this transmog is not easy to come by. One will surely invest their time just to get a hold of these sets! We offer our Boosting Service to help you get your hands on one of the PvE sets that we offer!

Why should I buy the PvE Gear Transmogrification Boost?

Our PvE Gear Transmogrification Boosting Service offers a wide range of options you can choose from for an affordable price compared to others! 100% fast and efficient delivery. Each set might take longer to achieve due to the random drop rate and amount of options. May we remind you that BoE is not included in all of your PVP gear packages?

How does it work?

What do Customers receive?

  • Obtain the Classic PvE Transmogrification set and Achievement if chosen.
  • Obtain the PvE Transmogrification set and Achievement of The Burning Crusade if chosen.
  • Obtain the PvE Transmogrification set and Achievement of The Lich King if chosen.
  • Obtain the PvE Transmogrification set and Achievement of Cataclysm if chosen.
  • Obtain the PvE Transmogrification set and Achievement of Pandaria if chosen.
  • Obtain the PvE Transmogrification set and Achievement of Draenor if chosen.
  • Obtain the PvE Transmogrification set and Achievement of Legion if chosen.
  • Obtain the PvE Transmogrification set and Achievement of BFA if chosen.

After Selecting your desired Boosting Service, our friendly Representative will get in touch with you to carefully plan your schedule for the boosting service. We will cater to your available schedule and adjust accordingly. If you have additional questions, feel free to ask our Representative.

Execution Speed

  • Express speed – We will complete your order with a higher priority, and the completion time will be faster by 30%.

Additional options

  • Broadcast – Want to spectate the whole process of farming items & completing your order? No problem, you will be able to do it. Our professional player will start the stream for you.
  • Pilot Mode – Our Professional and Talented Booster will log in to your account and play during the Boosting Service. This means you need to provide us with your email and password to fulfill the Order. Always Make sure that you don’t provide the answer to your secret question and make sure that your email and email password is different. Our team takes extreme measures such as using a VPN to make sure the safety of your account because that’s our number one priority.


  • 60+ level

Not qualified for the Service yet? Avail our Power Leveling Service to match the Level Requirement!

Buy PvE Gear Transmogrification Boost now!