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Dota 2 Best Heroes

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide, where we’ll dive into the top 5 Dota 2 heroes that are currently making waves in the game.

  • These picks have been carefully selected based on a combination of statistical analysis, prevailing trends in the professional Dota 2 scene, and insights from “Speed,” the content creator, and experienced Dota 2 player.
  • Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, this guide will provide you with valuable information on the heroes that can make a significant impact on your Dota 2 experience.

So, without further ado, let’s explore the best heroes that the Dota 2 world has to offer right now.

Gyrocopter (Carry)

The resurgence of Gyrocopter isn’t just a comeback; it’s a heroic return to the forefront of Dota 2. This revival is a testament to Gyrocopter’s timeless strengths and his remarkable capacity to evolve alongside the ever-shifting landscape of the game.

In the ever-shifting world of Dota 2, Gyrocopter stands as a testament to the enduring allure of certain heroes. His resurgence is a story of adaptation, versatility, and the timeless appeal of a hero who can truly rise from the ashes to shine once more.


Gyrocopter’s abilities synergize exceptionally well. “Rocket Barrage” provides early-game kill potential and strong harass. “Homing Missile” can disrupt enemy movements, while “Flak Cannon” turns him into a team fight machine. His ultimate, “Call Down,” adds AOE damage and a potent slow.


In the world of Dota 2, Gyrocopter’s itemization is akin to crafting the perfect arsenal. Each item choice serves a purpose, amplifying his strengths and addressing his vulnerabilities.

In summary, Gyrocopter’s itemization is a delicate balance of offense and defense. Each item serves a specific purpose, contributing to his overall impact on the battlefield. Choosing the right items at the right moments can elevate Gyrocopter from a formidable carry to an unstoppable force.


Gyrocopter is difficult to counter directly. However, heroes with anti-healing abilities like Doom and Ancient Apparition can be effective. Burst damage heroes and Silver Edge carriers can also pose a threat.

Treant Protector (Support)

Treant Protector’s resurgence is nothing short of a triumphant return to the forefront of Dota 2 support heroes. His newfound popularity is primarily attributed to his exceptional strength in the critical laning phase, where he excels and creates a significant impact.

In summary, Treant Protector’s resurgence as a support hero is rooted in his exceptional laning phase control, map presence, and versatility. As players and teams continue to recognize his strengths, Treant is set to remain a formidable pick in the ever-evolving world of Dota 2.

Leech Seed: Nature’s Blessing in Battle

Treant Protector’s “Leech Seed” is not just an ability; it’s a lifeline in the midst of combat. This remarkable skill deals damage to adversaries while simultaneously bestowing healing upon allies. Its versatility shines during early engagements and aggressive lanes, where it becomes a formidable tool for securing kills. Treant’s presence in such situations can quickly turn the tides in your favor, making him a force to be reckoned with from the very start of the game.

Nature’s Grasp: A Tangled Web of Control

The recent enhancement of “Nature’s Grasp” has elevated Treant’s map navigation to a whole new level. This ability has transcended from being a mere root to a multifaceted tool that allows Treant to traverse the map effectively.

Its utility extends beyond the laning phase, serving as a valuable zoning instrument that can disrupt enemy movements and control key areas. The newfound power of “Nature’s Grasp” is a testament to Treant Protector’s capacity to manipulate the battlefield like never before.

Itemization: The Art of Sustained Control

  • Treant Protector’s itemization presents an array of choices to amplify his crowd control and sustainability.
  • Items like Arcane Boots grant him the mana pool needed to sustain his abilities, while Aether Lens augments the reach of his spells, making him an even more formidable presence on the battlefield.
  • For those seeking to unlock his ultimate potential, Aghanim’s Scepter is the key that unlocks a world of possibilities, offering enhanced control that can sway the outcome of critical engagements.

Versatility: The Mark of a True Guardian

  • Treant Protector’s versatility is his defining trait. In the early game, he can serve as a guardian angel for his carry in an easy lane, ensuring their safety and prosperity.
  • However, his adaptability shines even brighter in challenging lanes, where he can apply relentless pressure with “Leech Seed” and “Nature’s Grasp.”
  • Treant can seamlessly transition between offensive and defensive roles, making him a Swiss Army knife of support heroes.
  • In conclusion, Treant Protector’s abilities and itemization offer a diverse toolkit that can adapt to a wide range of situations.
  • From the early skirmishes fueled by “Leech Seed” to the map-controlling power of “Nature’s Grasp,” Treant Protector is a support hero whose influence knows no bounds.

Whether you’re nurturing your carry or establishing dominance in the toughest lanes, Treant’s versatility ensures that he remains a formidable presence throughout the game.

3. Brew master (Offlane)

Brewmaster’s recent surge in win rate is nothing short of remarkable, especially when you consider the complexity that comes with mastering this offlaner. Success with Brewmaster isn’t merely about picking the hero but about delving into the intricacies of his abilities and understanding the art of stance switching.

In conclusion, Brewmaster’s recent win rate increase showcases his enduring appeal among players who relish complexity and the challenge of mastering a multifaceted hero. As you explore the world of Brewmaster, remember that success with him is not just about picking the hero but about embracing the intricacies and nuances that make him a truly unique offlaner in Dota 2.

Primal Split

Brewmaster’s ultimate ability, “Primal Split,” is a game-changer that sets him apart on the battlefield. With this skill, he can split into three powerful spirits, each possessing unique abilities. The key to unlocking Brewmaster’s potential lies in mastering the use of these spirits and utilizing their abilities effectively. Learning when and how to deploy each spirit can turn the tide of battles in your favor.


A successful Brewmaster relies on a core set of items to thrive in the chaos of battle. These items include the indispensable “Vessel,” which provides him with essential attributes and the ability to apply powerful debuffs to enemies.

  • “Boots” ensure his mobility, allowing him to maneuver swiftly on the battlefield and position himself effectively during engagements.
  • The “Magic Wand” offers much-needed burst healing and mana regeneration, granting Brewmaster the sustainability required to stay in fights and use his abilities to their fullest potential.
  • In certain situations, investing in a “Midas” can prove to be a valuable choice. This item accelerates Brewmaster’s experience gain, allowing him to reach critical levels and enhance his overall impact on the game.
  • In exceptional circumstances where Brewmaster is having an excellent game, “Radiance” becomes a viable option. This item amplifies his damage output and presence on the battlefield, turning him into a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Each of these items contributes to Brewmaster’s effectiveness and ensures that he can fulfill his role as a disruptive and impactful offlaner in Dota 2.

Stance Switching:

  • Brewmaster’s versatility and effectiveness stem from his ability to switch between stances: Fire, Earth, and Storm.
  • Understanding the nuances of each stance and when to employ them is crucial to maximizing his impact.
  • In Fire stance, Brewmaster gains increased attack damage and immolation, making it ideal for aggressive engagements.
  • Earth stance offers status resistance, making him more resilient against crowd control effects.
  • Storm stance enhances his mobility and provides crowd control with Cyclone and Dispel Magic.
  • Adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of battles by seamlessly switching between these stances is the hallmark of a skilled Brewmaster player.

In summary, Brewmaster’s strength lies in his ability to harness the power of “Primal Split” and adapt through stance switching. With the right itemization, he can become a formidable force on the battlefield, disrupting opponents and leading his team to victory. Understanding the intricacies of Brewmaster’s toolkit and mastering the art of spirit control are essential steps on the path to success with this versatile hero.

4. Warlock (Support)

Warlock’s recent ascent to prominence as a support hero is a testament to the impact that well-placed buffs can have on a hero’s viability. With recent improvements to his abilities and talents, Warlock has stepped out of the shadows and into the limelight as a potent support hero.

In summary, Warlock’s return to the spotlight is a testament to the ever-evolving nature of Dota 2. Recent buffs have elevated him to a potent support hero capable of influencing the outcome of battles with his devastating spells. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned player, Warlock’s resurgence presents an opportunity to harness the power of chaos and make a significant impact in your Dota 2 games.

Fatal Bonds:

Fatal Bonds” is the linchpin of Warlock’s devastating impact in team fights. This formidable ability links multiple enemies together, creating a malevolent connection that shares damage between them. When “Fatal Bonds” is cast, chaos ensues among the enemy team as each instance of damage ripples through the linked foes. The havoc caused by this ability can turn the tide of battles in favor of Warlock’s team, making it a key tool for securing victory.

Shadow Word:

Warlock’s versatile “Shadow Word” spell serves a dual purpose, both healing and damaging. In the lanes, it transforms him into a valuable support capable of securing kills or ensuring the survival of allies in intense skirmishes. The ability to tip the scales between life and death makes Warlock an indispensable presence on the battlefield.


Warlock’s itemization is centered around enhancing his healing and crowd control capabilities. Core items like “Arcane Boots” bolster his mana pool, ensuring he can cast his spells when needed. “Glimmer Cape” provides both a defensive escape mechanism and the element of surprise. “Aghanim’s Scepter” is a game-changing item for Warlock, elevating his chaotic power to new heights. These items not only amplify his healing and crowd control but also grant him the potential to turn the tide of battles.


Warlock’s well-rounded skillset enables him to adapt to various situations, solidifying his position as a strong pick in both offensive and defensive scenarios. Whether the need is to initiate a team fight with “Chaotic Offering” or save allies with “Upheaval,” Warlock’s versatility ensures that he remains a potent force, capable of shaping the outcome of battles.

In summary, Warlock’s abilities and itemization options make him a formidable support hero with the potential to shift the balance of power on the battlefield. Understanding the intricacies of his skillset and item choices can elevate your effectiveness as a Warlock player, securing victories and leaving a trail of chaos in your wake.

5. Nature’s Prophet (Support)

Nature’s Prophet, a hero known for his versatility, has made a notable resurgence in the role of a formidable support pick. This resurgence is primarily attributed to his exceptional ability to dominate the laning phase and exert relentless map pressure.

In the laning phase, Nature’s Prophet’s presence can be felt as he harasses and zones out opponents with his abilities like “Sprout” and “Treants.” His disruptive potential forces enemy heroes to expend resources to escape his tree prison, creating a challenging environment for them to secure farm and experience.


“Sprout” is an ability that can be the source of immense frustration for Nature’s Prophet’s opponents. When cast, it creates a tree prison, forcing enemies to expend valuable resources to escape its leafy confines. This ability not only serves as a tool to immobilize foes but also doubles as an excellent scouting mechanism, providing crucial vision in the heat of battle or during the laning phase.


A crafty maneuver often employed by skilled Nature’s Prophet players is the act of stealing the enemy’s Wisdom Rune. This daring move not only secures experience advantages for the prophet but also hinders the enemy’s progress. The ability to swiftly traverse the map with Teleportation allows Nature’s Prophet to be at the right place at the right time, turning the tide of engagements and securing crucial objectives.


Nature’s Prophet’s item choices often include “Solar Crest,” a popular selection that significantly enhances his physical damage output. Armed with Solar Crest, he can confidently engage and solo kill enemy supports with ease. This item choice amplifies his kill potential, making him a potent threat on the battlefield.

Map Pressure:

Nature’s Prophet’s ultimate ability, “Wrath of Nature,” has the power to create global map pressure. When cast, it bounces between enemy units, disrupting their farming patterns and causing chaos across the map. This ability not only hinders enemy farm but also provides valuable information about enemy movements, allowing your team to make informed decisions.

In summary, Nature’s Prophet’s toolkit and itemization offer a diverse range of options to disrupt and dominate the battlefield. Whether it’s creating frustration with “Sprout,” stealing Wisdom Runes with Teleportation, amplifying damage with Solar Crest, or exerting global map pressure with “Wrath of Nature,” Nature’s Prophet is a hero capable of influencing every aspect of the game. Understanding these aspects of his gameplay can lead to victories and keep your enemies constantly on their toes.


These five heroes are currently some of the best picks in Dota 2, each with its unique strengths and playstyles. Whether you’re a carry, support, or offlane player, these heroes offer great options to impact the game. Experiment with different builds and strategies to maximize their potential and climb the ranks in Dota 2. Good luck and have fun on the battlefield!

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