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Top 5 Things Before Reaching Level 70

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Upgrade your gear regularly

Let’s dive into the first thing. When you are playing, you’ll find a lot of loot and gear in-game Across time. You should upgrade your equipment whenever you get the chance, because it will make your character more powerful for sure, and it will help you progress through the game. A lot of players are huge resource hoarders. They don’t upgrade any of their gear and that’s wrong. So, my recommendation is that when you reach things like World Tier Three or you’re trying to push towards real World Tier 4, you should be upgrading your gear minimum when you’re pushing those World Tier Three, World Tier Four, and when you first enter.

Because at World Tier 3 and World Tier 4, what ends up happening is you get gear that you’re going to be using for like 10-20 levels. It’s not like before 50 when you replace your gear every so often, like every level Honestly, this is a critical thing to remember because you get massive stat increasing, you get massive damage, massive armor, and both those things are critical to helping you get more XP in those content.

Grind dungeons

We know that Dungeons are one of the best ways to gain experience and find useful loot in Diablo IV. If you want to level up your character fast, my advice is to spend time clearing dungeons is key. When grinding through dungeons, it’s important to be Effective: Try to find a dungeon you can clear Completely that also drops a lot of loot. When you defeat more monsters and bosses, you will get more rewards. Focus on dungeons that have a high chance of dropping gear that Matches your build.

If you need a new weapon or armor of a specific type, target dungeons where those items are more likely to drop from the loot table. Work with your teammates to clear dungeons quickly. The faster you clear, The faster you’ll earn XP and move on to the next dungeon. Teamwork makes a big difference! With practice, you’ll be leveling up and gearing up your character in no time. The rewards are well worth the effort for sure!

Farm nightmare dungeons

Nightmare dungeons are more difficult than normal dungeons for sure, but the good thing is that they also offer better rewards. Try to farm nightmare dungeons If you are looking for the best gear. Trust me When you are farming nightmare dungeons, It’s important to be prepared: Make sure my friend that you have good Gear and that you are at a high level. You may also want to bring some friends with you this can help you out.

Focus on Renown BEFORE 50

This is something you’re going to want to focus on, and that is getting your renown up before level 50. Why before level 50? Because at level 50, you will open the Paragon board, and if you’ve maxed out a map, you get the Paragon points. When you get to level 50 in Diablo 4, you’ll have a bunch of Paragon points, that’s good because you’ll straight be able to access a ton of nodes. And these are huge damage increases. So, make sure to get your altars done.

Hopefully, we’ll have maps by the time we get to that point in our campaign journey at launch. And if you do have those maps, run those altars, and then immediately start doing side quests in combination with the Tree of Whispers. Head to the Tree of Whispers and start earning renown across each map. Do those unique dungeons, and don’t repeat dungeons. Make sure you’re going ahead and doing all unique dungeons to get those Renown points and overall reach those Paragon points as soon as possible because this is a really big increase at 50. Of course, the skill points are pretty big as well.

Focus on experience

Lastly, XP is the number one priority after hitting 50. Before then, you can focus more on Renown to get extra power. Of course, you can go and do all that stuff, and if you haven’t finished your Renown, go ahead and finish your Renown while focusing on XP. And the reason why XP is the number one priority is that you get so much value out of additional Paragon points. And in general, a lot of stats kind of scale with the correlation between your level and the opponent’s level.

Leveling up is the number one priority outside of finishing your Renown early because increasing your XP is going to get you closer to that World Tier Four. And once you get to World Tier Four, you can XP grind to 100 to make sure you have all those Paragon points, all that good stuff. And overall, you just need XP to give yourself additional power. You’re not going to find the best gear and min-max your gear during your leveling process. Getting XP is just a great way to go to get to that level 100 and just get as strong as you possibly can.

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