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Diablo 4 Guide to Classes & Gameplay Styles

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Choosing Your Class in Diablo 4

So, you’re thinking about playing Diablo 4 and you’ve got that all-important decision: which class are you going to play? Now, it’s easy to find videos out there saying which is the best class, which is the most OP class. I’ll do that for you right now: it’s Necromancer, then Sorcerer, followed by Barbarian, then Druid. Easy done.

But what about the most fun class to play? That’s a little bit trickier, and that’s what I’m going to tackle in this video. Based on the beta, and having gotten every class to level 25, we’re going to rank every class from the least fun to play to the most fun to play, and I’ll give my reasons for all of them. If you enjoy this video, don’t forget to like and subscribe.

Rogue Class Overview

At number five, we have the Rogue. Now, this kind of hurts me a little bit. The Rogue was the class that I was most looking forward to playing; it was the first class that I played. However, it’s just not that much fun. Although it has some cool abilities on paper, like teleporting around, going invisible, poisoning everything, and even making enemies explode when you kill them, unfortunately, none of these really add up to something that’s enjoyable to play.

Rogue’s Invisibility and Stealth

The invisibility stuff doesn’t really matter because stealth isn’t a big deal in this game. Sure, it means that you can escape a little bit to regain your health, but many of the other classes don’t ever need to stop fighting; they can just keep going, making this feature somewhat redundant. Furthermore, poisoning enemies isn’t particularly enjoyable. While you’re technically doing a lot of damage and it can be useful against bosses, it’s never thrilling to watch an enemy’s health slowly tick down.

Shadow Abilities and Combat Dynamics

Using the shadow abilities to make enemies explode sounds awesome, but it’s a lot less spectacular since many of your attacks are only damaging one or two enemies at a time. Therefore, you’re not experiencing explosions that are clearing entire levels; instead, you’re occasionally popping one enemy here or there, which feels underwhelming.

Final Thoughts on Rogue

In summary, while the Rogue class still offers a fun gaming experience, it is arguably the least enjoyable class to play. Despite having abilities that seem thrilling on paper, the actual gaming experience feels somewhat lackluster and does not live up to expectations.

Shadow Step: An Overview

In my mind, the teleport ability Shadow Step is absolutely amazing. You can teleport right across the screen, stab something in the back, and then teleport straight back, which is thrilling. You can also get movement buffs, making you incredibly fast. However, when fighting bosses or massive hordes of enemies, the experience is less exciting, making the Rogue class rank at number five.

Controversial Fourth Place: The Sorcerer

Now at number four, we have what I think might be the first really controversial class, the Sorcerer. This class is undeniably powerful, probably the second most powerful one observed in the beta. Sorcerers can easily navigate dungeons, zapping everything with electricity, dealing single fire damage, freezing enemies, or calling dragons to set things ablaze. However, their dominant position leads to less engaging gameplay.

Concerns About the Sorcerer Class

Despite its power, the Sorcerer class has its downsides. The damage-over-time aspect isn’t thrilling, and it often feels like you’re annihilating everything on screen without much effort, which eventually becomes monotonous. With the Sorcerer, you’re not required to dodge or think deeply about enemy strategies, which diminishes the overall gaming experience.

Fire Branch Weakness

Moreover, it’s disappointing that some of the Sorcerer’s flashier abilities, like those within the fire branch of spells, aren’t as effective as they could be. The fire spell branch appears to be the weakest, diminishing the class’s appeal despite its initial overwhelming power.

Spell Slot Selection

Choosing one of your spells to slot into a special spot so you get a bonus ability doesn’t feel spectacular so far. With all of these Frank rankings, there might be legendaries I haven’t come across that make them more exciting.

Let me know in the comments if you found any awesome legendaries for any of these and what they do. There might be interactions later on that make these more fun, but the sorcerer, for me, is incredibly powerful but just not that engaging to use.

The Barbarian Class

At number three, we have the Barbarian. This is a class I was really looking forward to. While not particularly strong, being a melee class requires getting close, often putting yourself in danger. This dynamic makes the gameplay engaging, as it necessitates dodging attacks and using the dodge button frequently.

Building up abilities, like rage, is enjoyable, with various skills providing rage. When spent, you can use the Whirlwind skill, spinning around and defeating foes. Although it would be beneficial if the attacks were stronger, the Barbarian has an enjoyable finishing move, smacking enemies, and if successful, you can use this ability repeatedly.

Engaging Combat with the Barbarian

This powerful move is very engaging. One of the Barbarian’s most enjoyable features is the ability to leap into battles, jumping onto enemies, gaining rage through shouts, and then using the Whirlwind ability.

Gameplay Experience

The gameplay with Barbarian is thrilling due to its close combat and dynamic moves. Leaping into fights and using special abilities provides a fantastic power fantasy experience. While I’d prefer if the Barbarians were a bit stronger with attacks carrying more weight, they offer an exciting gameplay experience as they are.

Conclusion and Rankings

In second place, we have another potentially controversial class. This ranking might spur discussions, and I’m open to opinions and insights from other gamers who might have had different experiences with the classes and their respective abilities and dynamics in the game.

Introduction to Necromancer

Gonna put much lower down the list until I found a very specific legendary, and I still haven’t really made up my mind whether that’s okay because there might be legendaries for the others that I just haven’t seen. But at second place, we have the Necromancer.

The Necromancer has a lot of the same problems as the sorcerer: it’s insanely powerful, and a lot of the time, you don’t really have to do anything. They have some incredible spells like bone spear and the bone shards.

Minions and Spells

Necromancers have a bunch of minions that you can summon and send them to attack; all of that stuff is a lot of fun at the beginning, like the sorcerer. However, it means that you’re a bit less engaged since you can steamroll all of the content in the game without really having to think about it at all.

Explosive Blood Mist Ability

Just after I got to level 25, I heard about something for the Necromancer that changed everything: there’s Explosive Blood Mist. This ability, available on legendary weapons, allows any corpse you go over in Blood Mist mode to explode, dealing damage that often kills other enemies. This chain reaction causes these enemies to explode too, damaging their allies.

Engaging Gameplay Mechanic

Explosive Blood Mist is an engaging mechanic, overpowered but entertaining. While not effective against bosses due to lack of corpses, it’s excellent for clearing dungeons, offering fast-paced, visually thrilling gameplay that players will find immensely satisfying and fun.

The Appeal of Necromancer

I truly appreciate the Necromancer in the game for its distinctive and awe-inspiring armor, a combination of precious metals with skull and bone motifs, which looks absolutely stunning. This visual appeal strongly tempts me to choose the Necromancer as my initial character.

Despite not considering it the most entertaining character, it undoubtedly facilitates a smooth gaming experience, allowing players to swiftly and efficiently advance through various content. I anticipate that Blizzard might not significantly nerf the Necromancer, considering players enjoy feeling extraordinarily powerful in Diablo.

Exploring Necromancer’s Unique Gameplay

It would be intriguing to observe how the Necromancer manages in PvP contexts without abundant corpses to utilize. Currently, playing as a Necromancer offers immense enjoyment, provided you acquire a specific legendary item that enhances the gaming experience significantly.

The Fun of Playing Druid

Druid, in my opinion, is the most enjoyable character in Diablo. Though some might find this viewpoint controversial, it is indeed the primary reason behind creating this video.

It is an acknowledged fact that the Druid is not a powerful character and presents challenges, especially without possessing a potent legendary item, which can be acquired later in the game. This item allows the use of the pulverize ability, emitting a wave of energy, significantly easing the gameplay.

Druid Gameplay: Challenges and Enjoyment

Prior to obtaining this item, playing as a Druid feels somewhat underpowered as the character’s abilities seem not very effective. The Druid relies on spirit for attacks, which does not passively increase and demands active effort to replenish.

Being a melee character, the Druid needs to engage in close combat, similar to the Barbarian, but without the latter’s movement abilities. This limitation results in the Druid feeling feeble, struggling across various content.

However, the Druid’s abilities are undeniably entertaining and hilarious, making the gameplay amusing and enjoyable, especially when you successfully execute the attacks.

Druid Abilities Overview

With Druid, there are numerous exciting abilities. One transformation allows you to morph into a werewolf, while another lets you become a bear.

The bear transformation is particularly powerful, allowing you to summon enormous rocks to crush enemies between them. My favorite ability sends a boulder careening towards foes, pushing and continually striking them.

Unique Summoning Abilities

Druids can summon ravens to assault enemies or have wolves accompany them. There’s also an option for a pet vine that trails behind you as you navigate through the game’s map. These varied summoning abilities contribute to the delightful and bizarre ways to engage with the Druid character, each providing a unique and often humorous gaming experience.

Legendary Items and Effects

Each legendary item Druids acquire has a fascinating effect on their abilities. For instance, one cherished legendary item I obtained offered health regeneration every time I shifted forms. This feature enabled me to create a build where every ability I utilized transformed my character’s form, providing continuous health recovery and allowing extensive use of the skill tree.

Character Building and Gameplay

The Druid’s dynamic abilities and legendary items significantly influence character building and gameplay, making it an exhilarating experience. The character model, armor, and overall aesthetic are commendable, and the gameplay is versatile, whether you prefer being in bear form, wolf form, or casting lightning spells from a distance.

Remember, the most enjoyable character to play is subjective, so feel free to share your thoughts and favorites in the comments below. With the release of Diablo 4, there might be changes, and I’ll be creating more content to keep you updated, so stay tuned!

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