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WoW SoD The Ultimate Tank Tier List Guide

Welcome back, guys. Today, we’re creating a tier list for tanks in the Season of Discovery. There are six classes capable of tanking, and we’ll start with the Paladin.

Tier List for Tanks in Season of Discovery

In my opinion, the Paladin is going to be S tier in the Season of Discovery, receiving significant buffs. Let’s dive into the specifics, starting with the Paladin’s spec.

Maximizing Paladin Efficiency: Strategic Skills and Runes for Enhanced Tanking

The Paladin already boasts Redoubt and Shield Specialization, enhancing block effectiveness and damage absorption. Adding three points in Hit can be tremendously beneficial. We opted for Improved Righteous Fury for increased threat generation, Toughness for 4% more durability, and, of course, the Blessing of Kings.

If Hunters aren’t utilizing Aspect of the Lion, Paladins gain a major advantage with the Hand of Reckoning rune. This glove Rune, now a taunt, boosts the threat bonus from Righteous Fury by 80%. Moreover, Righteous Fury enables mana regeneration when healed by others, equivalent to 25% of the healing received. For instance, a 300-point heal returns 20 mana, and a 400-point heal gives back 100 mana.

Additionally, while Righteous Fury is active, damage reducing your health below 35% is lessened by 20%. This Rune is incredibly powerful, potentially elevating Paladins to a higher viability.

Paladin’s Enhanced Abilities and Strategies

Next, we delve into the Seal of Marom. This seal has undergone modifications, transitioning from an AoE cleff spell to a mana-enhancing ability for the party. For those not opting for Seal of Martyrdom and choosing Improved Seal of Righteousness instead, Aegis becomes a valuable alternative. Similar to Readout, Aegis increases block value by 30% and the chance to block by the same amount. While it doesn’t stack with Readout, it can be strategically used in succession to maximize defense.

Strategic Insights: Paladin, Warlock, and Warrior Classes

Regarding mitigation at level 25, you might not need as much, but if it’s necessary, the rune choices become crucial. The Theine Storm offers a great option for those with slower weapons, enhancing both damage output and party healing. Additionally, the Avenger Shield is a powerful tool, dealing significant damage (165 to 197) to up to three targets and slowing them down, making it a valuable asset for Paladins. This contributes to why Paladins are likely to be S-tier.

Moving to the Warlock, a newly modified tanking class, it presents unique capabilities. Previously more of a Caster tank, the Warlock now boasts spells akin to those of the Paladin, signifying a complete overhaul. The Warlock’s Demonic Embrace increases stamina by 15%, combined with five points in Corruption for multi-dotting and three in Suppression to reduce spell resistance. Adding three points in Improved Voidwalker boosts the sacrifice spell significantly, making it a formidable choice at level 24.

Detailed Exploration of Warlock and Warrior Class Features

For the Warrior class, managing rage and maximizing damage output are key. Choosing between Superior Armor for reduced rage cost and Defiance for additional threat depends on your playstyle and needs.

The Devastate skill, especially effective in Defensive Stance with a shield, increases weapon damage by up to 150%. Flagellation, which offers a 25% bonus to physical damage for 12 seconds after activating Blood Rage or Berserker Rage, is ideal for building initial threat or early damage.

Warbringer, providing versatility in charge usage across combat scenarios, and Consumed by Rage, enhancing abilities once 80 rage is reached, are also crucial for effective Warrior gameplay.

Druid and Rogue Tanking: A Comprehensive Overview

Turning our attention to the Druid, I see it as an A-tier tank. The skill allocation includes five points each in Ferocity and Thick Hide for enhanced armor from items, one in Brutal Impact, one in Feral Charge, three in Sharpen Claws for increased critical hit chance, and one in Primal Fury for extra rage. Lacerate, as a glove rune, inflicts significant bleed damage and stacks up to five times for continuous threat generation.

The chest rune, Wild Strikes, benefits party members in various Druid forms, while the Survival of the Fittest rune, specifically for tanking, offers critical hit reduction and damage mitigation.

For the Rogue, I predict a B-tier ranking. The Rogue’s combat spec focuses on increased dodge, parry, and hit chances, with Main Gauche enhancing offhand weapon damage and parry probability. Just a Flesh Wound and Blade Dance further augment the Rogue’s tanking capabilities, though their effectiveness is contingent on Blade Dance being active.

Critical Assessment of Rogue’s Tanking Viability

However, the Rogue’s reliance on Blade Dance for its tanking abilities is a significant limitation, particularly against bosses with casting abilities. The lack of ability to Parry spells like Shadow Bolt, even with the option to kick, is a notable shortcoming. Alternative cooldowns, such as Cloak of Shadows, could potentially enhance the Rogue’s tanking efficiency.

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