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Season of Discovery – Future of WoW?

All right, so Ebben Har released a discussion earlier today about why the Season of Discovery is the future of World of Warcraft, not just World of Warcraft Classic but World of Warcraft as a whole.

Introduction to the Season of Discovery

Let’s delve into his perspective on respect for your time, valuing your hard work, accomplishments, and rewards that truly matter—elements that playing World of Warcraft will seemingly provide, yet for some reason, it feels like it does for more reasons than there are words. Classic is one of the most cherished versions of World of Warcraft, with every player having a unique reason for their love for Classic and why they are engaged with it.

Classic vs. Retail WoW

Are more people playing Classic than Retail WoW right now? It’s hard to say for sure without official data, but the discussion is open for opinions. Many refuse to play Retail or Wrath of the Lich King Classic mainly because they don’t want their gear to become obsolete within a few updates or they don’t wish to raid Ulduar or Icecrown Citadel for years.

Most of these reasons boil down to the three core reasons presented at the beginning: a significant portion of Classic’s player base grew up with these games and holds deep, compelling memories of a better time—a time that rewarded effort and hard work.

Dragonflight’s Reception

Even though Classic WoW is hailed as one of the best versions of World of Warcraft in a long time, not counting the story because, while Dragonflight’s story wasn’t bad, it ended up being disappointing with its emphasis on power and friendship. The decline in WoW’s storytelling quality over time isn’t the main reason Classic players are hesitant to engage with it. It simply doesn’t feel like World of Warcraft to many anymore. The essence of what made Warcraft uniquely Warcraft seems to have been lost.

Community and Gameplay Shift

The longer one plays into Classic’s lifecycle, even into the Lich King era, it becomes evident that the сommunity, player base, and the very way we play the game have shifted in a manner that makes each continued iteration of Classic somewhat inferior to its predecessors.

This shift is largely why, after experiencing Classic TBC and Classic Wrath, many players have come to the realization that, perhaps, Vanilla is the pinnacle of the World of Warcraft experience. Is Vanilla truly the best? That remains a significant takeaway and a point of discussion within the сommunity.

Comparing Classic WoW Versions

When comparing The Burning Crusade (TBC) and Wrath of the Lich King to Vanilla, there’s a consensus that Vanilla stands superior for many. The future of Retail WoW appears promising, largely due to the success of the Season of Discovery.

Despite some claims of it being the worst game or boring, it’s important to remember that Classic Era servers, being nearly six years old, naturally wouldn’t be as popular as newer servers. The conversation isn’t about late-game stagnation or inflated economies but about the core experience that made Vanilla WoW special.

Popularity of Classic WoW

The popularity of Classic Era WoW, even compared to Classic Wrath, is notable despite its age. There’s speculation that as many people are playing Classic Era as Classic Wrath. This reflects a deep affection and nostalgia within the player base for the original Vanilla WoW, emphasizing that the criticism often stems from a passion for the game and a desire for a version of WoW that continues to embody what made the game standout initially.

Season of Discovery’s Impact

The Season of Discovery stands out as the best version of Warcraft in a long time for many, offering a continuation of the elements that made WoW unique among MMOs. While the future of Retail WoW remains uncertain, the Season of Discovery is celebrated for delivering content that resonates with the сommunity.

The primary critique isn’t the quality of content but the desire for more, and more quickly. This longing for additional content is a testament to the game’s success and the community’s engagement with the World of Warcraft universe.

The Freshness of Season of Discovery

I’m enjoying it; I just want more to do. Season of Discovery has achieved exactly what I hoped for Classic: to feel fresh and unique. We are a little over three months into the Season of Discovery, and in that time, we have seen two new leveling rates, a dozen new crafting recipes making professions feel compelling, the world being full and active, a whole new reputation system which is slightly lackluster, and then two massive new PvP events.

Despite their issues, these events have been a success in terms of introducing new gameplay elements. The success of Season of Discovery, even at this preliminary stage, is evident, filled with hope and fun.

Comparing Seasons of Mastery and Discovery

Season of Mastery, the predecessor of Season of Discovery, was decent, but it was essentially a harder version of Classic with little else to offer. The leap from Season of Mastery to Season of Discovery has been significant. Imagining the future developments is exciting. We already know that more content is on its

way before the end of the Season of Discovery. The anticipation for what’s next, including phase three with the remastered Sunken Temple as a new leveling experience, heightens the excitement.

Anticipated Future Content

Speculation suggests that the Sunken Temple is likely the next adventure for players, though not confirmed. This introduces another phase of leveling at level 50, expected to last around three months, leading up to level 60 where players will utilize new runes, gear, itemization, rotations, and experience new class and raid balances in Molten Core and Blackwing Lair.

It’s been confirmed that level 60 content will be rolled out in multiple phases, mimicking the Classic WoW rollout in 2019. Blackwing Lair will not be available from day one at level 60; it, along with other raids like Ahn’Qiraj and Naxxramas, will be released in stages, offering a structured and evolving gameplay experience.

Enhancing Raid Challenges

I do believe there is a necessity to enhance the difficulty of raids further. This was successfully implemented in the Season of Mastery, suggesting that the Vanilla WoW raid buffs used during that season could be effectively reapplied. The progression to levels 50 and 60 promises to be thrilling, potentially accompanied by a new PvP event. However, it’s uncertain if another PvP event will occur since the roadmap does not indicate such an event at level 51, leaving us to ponder whether its absence is deliberate or merely an oversight.

Future Content Possibilities

The roadmap hints at exciting possibilities, such as a new PvP event at level 25 and another at level 40, but remains silent about one at level 51, sparking curiosity about the developers’ intentions. Additionally, phase four may introduce us to Karazhan Crypts or another revamped dungeon from a selection of possible locations.

There’s also the potential for a completely original raid, a concept not previously explored in WoW’s history, which could tap into various thematic inspirations such as the Scarlet Crusade or the mysterious and eerie settings like Medivh’s Karazhan.

Exploring Classic Plus

Season of Discovery represents the initial venture into Classic Plus, offering entirely new content on a significant scale. This includes not just repurposing existing locales but introducing entirely new ones. While adventurers can technically access Karazhan Crypts through out-of-bounds exploration, the upcoming content promises to be a fully realized, unprecedented experience.

This approach not only revives ideas from the original Vanilla Alpha and Beta phases, which were abandoned due to time constraints but also marks a bold step forward for the Classic WoW experience, venturing into uncharted territories that players have long speculated about.

The Unveiling and Future Content Speculation

This is the first time we’ve ever seen what he looks like, and he just flipped it in, revealing a face that surprises many. The actual location for the upcoming content is still under debate; while many anticipated a different setting for phase 3, we received the Sun Temple instead.

I’m not engaging in speculation about future locations, but it’s clear that whatever comes next will be incredible and highly anticipated by the player base. This enthusiasm underscores the developers’ capability to continue evolving Classic WoW, ensuring its place alongside expansions like The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King as beloved, yet distinct, continuations of the WoW universe.

Preserving the Essence of Classic WoW

Despite how enjoyable The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King are, they do not represent the core of Classic WoW. They are continuations, similar on paper but fundamentally different in spirit. If there were ever to be a Season of Discovery for TBC or Wrath, I believe it should not happen.

The focus should remain on the Vanilla experience, maintaining the level 60 cap and enriching the Vanilla world with new content such as dungeons and raids within Azeroth. This direction leverages the untapped potential within Vanilla, offering years’ worth of content possibilities without straying from the classic formula that has proven so fitting for this era of WoW.

The Ongoing Legacy of Season of Discovery

The Season of Discovery‘s path and future are thrillingly vast, filled with potential even as we consider its eventual conclusion. With five phases currently planned, the journey seems well-defined, yet the possibility of extending the season exists if popularity and player engagement remain high.

This speculation suggests that, akin to the inevitable ends we all face, Season of Discovery might continue to thrive and evolve, provided the community’s support and interest persist. This prospect hints at a vibrant future for Classic WoW, where new explorations and adventures await, keeping the spirit of the original game alive for years to come.

The Future of Season of Discovery

I believe it’s not only likely but also advisable for the continuation of Season of Discovery if its popularity endures. The logical progression involves perpetually introducing new content for level 60, possibly expanding leveling experiences, incorporating new zones for level 60, enhancing professions, and adding class quests. There’s a vast potential for growth if the player base remains engaged. The essence of Season of Discovery, despite its inherent temporality as “seasonal” content, hints at an eventual evolution into something more substantial and enduring, which could very well be the much-anticipated Classic Plus.

Classic Plus: Reality or Myth?

There’s a prevailing notion, possibly controversial, that Season of Discovery acts as a beta test for Classic Plus, serving as an experimental phase before the introduction of a more refined Classic Plus. However, I am inclined to believe that Season of Discovery might be the closest we get to Classic Plus.

Despite the dreams and discussions surrounding Classic Plus, and the existence of numerous private servers claiming to be its precursor, Season of Discovery showcases the potential success of Classic WoW with added content. This iteration may very well be the realisation of Classic Plus, demonstrating its capacity to significantly impact WoW’s popularity.

Impact and Speculation on Classic Plus

Season of Discovery has highlighted the immense appeal of Classic WoW when supplemented with additional content. The concept of Classic Plus could potentially revolutionize the Classic WoW experience, much like the original release of Classic WoW in 2019, which surpassed many expectations in terms of popularity.

While there was skepticism about classic WoW’s potential success, it has become a substantial part of WoW’s modern player base. However, whether Blizzard can execute Classic Plus without significant missteps remains a subject of debate, given the complexities and challenges involved in expanding the Classic WoW experience.

Speculating on Classic Plus Origins

Playing Devil’s Advocate, let’s entertain the idea that a few years back, the classic development team proposed Classic Plus to Activision Blizzard’s higher-ups, suggesting it could be popular. They might have been tasked with creating a minimal version of Classic Plus to test the waters before committing significant resources.

This approach would allow them to gauge player interest in a conceptually reduced Classic Plus, potentially leading to full-scale development if the feedback was positive. This hypothetical scenario implies Season of Discovery could be a litmus test for Classic Plus, contingent on player reception to justify further investment.

Blizzard’s Approach to Customer Feedback

Speculating about the internal decision-making processes at Activision Blizzard is complex, yet considering Blizzard’s history, including recent critiques regarding customer support, it’s plausible that feedback plays a crucial role in their development strategy.

The idea that Season of Discovery serves as a proof of concept for Classic Plus suggests that, should the model prove successful, it could lead to a more substantial commitment from the company. However, Blizzard’s current customer support challenges highlight a broader issue with responding to and integrating сommunity feedback, underscoring the importance of effective communication and support for maintaining player trust and satisfaction.

The Future of AI in Customer Support

Considering the ongoing challenges with customer support at Blizzard, it’s conceivable that within the next year or two, advancements in AI could revolutionize this aspect, potentially eliminating the need for human intervention. The prospect of AI reaching such a level of efficacy offers hope, especially given Blizzard’s prolonged struggles with providing adequate customer support. This shift could represent a significant change in how companies manage customer relations, though the feasibility and implications of such a development remain speculative.

Classic Plus Development Team’s Engagement

The team responsible for Classic Plus, led by Ag and his colleagues, has shown commendable dedication to open communication, providing detailed explanations for their decisions. This approach is a welcome change for the World of Warcraft сommunity, fostering a more transparent relationship between developers and players. Their efforts in discussing future possibilities and engaging with the сommunity set a positive precedent for the development of Classic Plus.

Potential Directions for Classic Plus

Speculating on the specifics of Classic Plus reveals a myriad of possibilities, from a Vanilla WoW remaster akin to Cataclysm—updating the world while maintaining its vanilla essence—to incorporating originally planned but never implemented content like Hyjal, the Caverns of Time, and Gilneas.

There are numerous unexplored zones already present within the game’s geography, such as the area south of Ahn’Qiraj, showcasing Blizzard’s potential to expand the classic experience with these pre-existing but undeveloped lands. This approach not only taps into the rich lore of Warcraft but also offers exciting new adventures without deviating from the beloved classic formula.

Exploring Unused WoW Territories

Wall jumping into an expansive valley resembling an ice glacier zone reveals the vast amount of unused territory within World of Warcraft, particularly east of the Wetlands. These regions, never before utilized in gameplay, present a treasure trove of possibilities for new adventures.

Envisioning these areas as integral parts of Azeroth, such as a pathway leading into Naxxramas as originally intended, underscores the vast potential for expanding the Classic WoW experience. The appeal of Season of Discovery and Classic Plus lies in their ability to tap into this uncharted content, promising new raids, dungeons, PvP instances, questlines, and open-world locations that were previously removed, changed, scrapped, or abandoned.

The Classic Plus Vision

The success of Season of Discovery and the anticipation for Classic Plus underscore a simple yet profound desire among players: to experience more of the Classic WoW they love, akin to the evolution of Old School RuneScape.

This expansion doesn’t necessitate a transformation into subsequent expansions like The Burning Crusade; rather, it calls for a continuation of the Classic experience, enriched with the content initially envisioned or partially developed but never fully realized. The community’s enthusiasm for such developments mirrors the ongoing success of OSRS, suggesting a roadmap for WoW that honors its roots while exploring new horizons.

Community Engagement and Content Release

The main challenge facing Season of Discovery is the pacing of content release. The phases tend to extend for too long, leading to a drop-off in player engagement towards the end of each phase. Addressing this issue by accelerating the content release schedule could significantly enhance the longevity and success of the Season of Discovery.

Engaging with the сommunity through feedback, much like this discussion encourages, will be pivotal in refining and realizing the full potential of Classic Plus. As always, maintaining an open dialogue with players remains essential to navigating the future of WoW, ensuring that the journey ahead is as rewarding and exciting as the realms that lie unexplored within Azeroth’s vast expanse.

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