Good day! It’s Librarian Husky. Ready to boost your rank in League of Legends? This guide by Librarian Husky has everything you need to master the meta. Whether you’re a top laner, jungler, mid, ADC, or support, you’ll find the best tips and strategies to carry your games.
Top Lane Dreams
If you’ve ever wanted to dominate the Top Lane, now is your chance. Our top solo carry pick for this patch is Aatrox. Aatrox has consistently been a strong presence in the Top Lane, and with recent updates, he’s become even more adaptable. Riot’s changes have significantly boosted bruiser Builds on Aatrox, making him versatile and allowing him to excel in various game scenarios.
Aatrox Build Versatility
Previously, lethality Builds were the only viable option for Aatrox. However, with both lethality and bruiser Builds now equally potent, Aatrox is in an exceptional position. The bruiser build is ideal for games where the enemy team is tanky, typically starting with an Eclipse rush, followed by Sunderer, and finishing with Sterak’s Gage.
Lethality Build for Aatrox
The lethality build also begins with Eclipse as the rush item, followed by Profane Hydra and Serylda’s Grudge. This build excels in games where the enemy team consists of mostly squishy champions. Aatrox can struggle against ranged top laners with high mobility, so banning out champions like Quinn or Vayne can be a strategic move.
Optimal Rune Setup for Aatrox
The best rune setup for Aatrox includes Conqueror with Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand, while Second Wind and Revitalize are solid choices for secondary Runes. Once again, Volibear proves to be a top contender in the Top Lane, standing out as a powerful solo queue champion this patch.
Volibear’s Core Build Power
Volibear‘s core build is incredibly strong, and he’s an easy champion to pick up, allowing you to hit a power spike early on. The core build, which includes Rod of Ages and Navori Quickblades, is cost-effective compared to other fighter items. After this, you can transition into tankier items, giving you a balanced combination of consistent damage output and durability.
Rune Synergy
The reason this build works so well is its synergy with the Jack of All Trades rune. This rune provides you with 25 adaptive damage if you have 10 unique stats from all your items, perfectly complementing the build and enhancing its overall effectiveness.
Key Bans and Matchups
When playing Volibear, it’s wise to prioritize banning Jax, as his E can significantly disrupt Volibear‘s kit. Another strong solo carry pick for the top lane this patch is Sett, who continues to be a formidable presence.
Sett’s Dominance
Sett has maintained his position as a top solo carry choice for a while, especially in Diamond and below. Although we might expect Sett to receive some nerfs in future patches, he remains one of the best top laners currently, so it’s worth capitalizing on his strength while you can.
Sett: A Versatile Top Lane Champion
Sett‘s versatility makes him an outstanding solo queue champion. His split push potential is excellent, particularly with Hullbreaker and his Q ability. Sett‘s W also enables him to excel in 1v2 situations when ahead, making it easier to win outnumbered fights due to his robust kit.
Team Fight Impact
Sett‘s impact in team fights can be equally significant, as his R allows him to isolate and neutralize a fed carry, which can change the course of a game. Ranged top laners are the most challenging opponents for Sett, so banning champions like Quinn or Vayne can be a smart choice.
Optimal Build and Runes
The best build for Sett starts with a Stridebreaker rush, followed by Sterak’s Gage and Overlord’s Bloodmail. The ideal rune setup includes Conqueror with Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand, with Second Wind and Overgrowth as secondaries.
Jungle Powerhouse: Lillia
Despite the minimal changes to the jungle in Patch 14.15, Lillia remains a powerful solo carry option. Although she was slightly nerfed in patch 14.14, the adjustments were minor, and she continues to be a strong pick in the jungle.
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Lillia: A Top-Tier Solo Queue Jungler
Lillia continues to rank highly among solo queue junglers. Her strength in solo queue lies in her ability to land catches with E while offering exceptional team fight impact through her R. This combination of skills makes her a potent playmaker, enabling you to take control of games and snowball off early game leads.
AOE Damage and Jungle Clear
Lillia‘s W and Q provide substantial AOE damage, making her jungle clear incredibly efficient. This simplicity in clearing camps is ideal for solo queue, as it allows her to maintain tempo. However, champions that can burst Lillia down quickly and negate her kiting abilities should be avoided, so banning Kha’Zix is a strategic move.
Optimal Build and Runes for Lillia
Lillia‘s optimal build starts with a rush on Blackfire Torch, followed by Liandry’s Anguish and Zhonya’s Hourglass. Conqueror is the preferred Keystone Rune, paired with Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand. For secondary Runes, Free Boots and Cosmic Insight are solid choices.
Kha’Zix: Rising Power in Patch 14.15
Kha’Zix, a top jungler in patch 14.14, is poised to become even stronger this patch. Although the Dark Harvest buffs are minor, they still offer Kha’Zix a slight boost in power, as this rune is currently his best Keystone option. The nerf to Shyvana is also beneficial for Kha’Zix, as she was one of the few champions who posed a significant challenge to him in recent patches.
Current Jungle Meta: Ban Strategies
The current jungle meta doesn’t have a must-ban champion, so it’s often more effective to ban a contested ADC like Kai’Sa, who can be tough to isolate in fights. Kai’Sa’s meta build involves Ghostblade paired with Edge of Night, which offers significant snowball potential by enhancing her catch and isolation capabilities.
Kai’Sa’s Optimal Rune Page
The most effective rune page for Kai’Sa currently includes Dark Harvest with Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Treasure Hunter. For secondary Runes, Free Boots and Cosmic Insight are recommended.
Nocturne: The Best Fighter Jungler
To complete the top three jungle picks, Nocturne stands out as the best fighter jungler for Patch 14.15. Nocturne’s ability to heavily influence the outcome of the bot lane gives you a strong chance of winning every game. With bot lane being especially dominant in Season 14 and the prevalence of melee engage supports, ganking at level six can lead to massive snowballing.
Maximizing Nocturne’s Impact
A well-timed R from Nocturne in the bot lane can result in multiple kills, tower destruction, dragon control, and overall map dominance. To ensure your level six ganks are effective, consider banning supports like Janna or Lulu, who can hinder your gank potential. Focusing on Nocturne‘s core items is crucial for maximizing his impact on the game.
Optimal Build and Runes for Nocturne
Nocturne‘s ideal build starts with a Stridebreaker rush, followed by Hexdrinker as your second item and Black Cleaver third. The best Keystone Rune is Conqueror, paired with Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand. For secondary Runes, Eyeball Collection and Ultimate Hunter are the top choices.
LeBlanc: Top Mid Lane Assassin
LeBlanc is one of the most effective assassins in the mid lane for Patch 14.15. Thanks to recent indirect buffs, particularly to Electrocute, her lane dominance has increased. The cooldown reduction and increased damage of Electrocute have significantly boosted her ability to harass opponents, making it easy for her to activate this rune frequently.
LeBlanc’s Playstyle and Matchups
A well-played LeBlanc can easily snowball the early game, leveraging her burst damage, excellent gank assistance, and strong skirmishing abilities. However, be cautious when facing Vex, as her fear can limit LeBlanc‘s aggressive playstyle, making this matchup challenging.
Core Build and Rune Setup for LeBlanc
LeBlanc‘s core build typically includes rushing Luden’s Tempest, followed by Shadowflame and Rabadon’s Deathcap. The primary Runes are found in the Domination tree, with Electrocute as the Keystone. Interestingly, a new secondary rune setup has gained popularity among high ELO players, replacing Sorcery with Precision, focusing on Triumph and Cut Down.
Precision Rune Setup for LeBlanc
Cut Down provides an extra damage boost against healthier enemies, enhancing your early burst potential in lane. Triumph, on the other hand, helps sustain your health, allowing you to maintain lane dominance and capitalize on kills.
Lux: The Best Mage for Solo Queue
Lux has solidified her position as one of the top mages for solo queue, especially following recent adjustments. The introduction of Aurora in the last patch has further strengthened Lux, as her longer range allows her to outmaneuver and outdamage shorter-range champions like Aurora. Proper spacing makes it difficult for such opponents to retaliate effectively.
Lux’s Playstyle and Matchups
Lux’s long-range abilities make her an excellent catch champion, enabling her to deal significant burst damage from a distance. Adopting an assassin-like approach in the mid-game, where you play from the fog of war and look for picks on vulnerable targets, can lead to securing numerous kills.
Optimal Core Build and Rune Page for Lux
Lux struggles most against champions with high mobility and burst potential, so it’s wise to ban champions like Fizz or Irelia. Her optimal build starts with Luden’s Echo, followed by Horizon Focus and Rabadon’s Deathcap. Focusing on the right primary and secondary Runes is essential for maximizing Lux‘s impact in the game.
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The New Best Solo Carry Champions on Patch 14.15