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Lol Placement Boost Service

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Lol Placement Boost Service

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💰 5% CashbackWith each purchase, you earn a 5% cashback coupon that you can apply towards your next payment!
✅ Money RefundsIf you decide you no longer want your purchase, or if something goes wrong, we offer a complete or partial refund. For more details, please talk to our operator.
📞 24 hours supportWe're here for your gaming needs 24 hours a day, every day without any days off.
🛡 Safe ServiceWe take security seriously and make sure all rules are followed. Our pros don't use bots or scripts and avoid using in-game chats. We also make sure IP and MAC addresses don't overlap.
⚙️ Huskycarry VPNWe use Huskycarry 2.0 - log in from your country and city with the IP and Mac address proofs screenshot. You don't need to install it on your PC; we will do it only on our side.
🔒 SSL useFor your security, our website uses SSL and 256-bit encryption to ensure that your checkout process is safe and your information is protected.
Get free with every order: Elo boost,net win, coaching, ranked ready account
80% winrate guarantee
Get placed higher and save time
Sefplay and Pilot
🕑 15 Minutes: Start time
⏳ ETA: Flexible

Hey there, get ready to see an LoL placement boost service with your own eyes. Placement matches are vital if we talk about the beginning of the season. Hire a professional booster to have a fantastic start. Low charge for magnificent 70-80% winrate guarantee. Better to buy Lol Placement Service from Huskyboost instead of losing 50% of the games. Don’t move back to the same division you were in last season – get a higher one!

Why should I buy the Lol Placement Boost Service?

There will be ten games played during each primary qualification series in total. The system is designed the way that you should be able to win 4 of them, and lose another 4 of them, and the last two are for you to determine. I’m trying to say that if you finish the series with a 5/5 score, the probability of your division matching the one you had last year is about 90%. It would be lower if you haven’t played any games between the years and a bit higher if you participated in ranked queues during that time. How does the system force you to lose and win these eight attempts? It’s simple. It just gives you worse or better teammates. But why not evade all the bad stuff with the help of our LoL boosting services? Don’t worry. We do not specialize in a single world and support fans of all gaming universes.

How does it work?

  • Guaranteed 80% winrate for Iron – Platinum Leagues. (If the booster loses more than two games, you will receive one net win for each additional loss. If the booster goes two divisions up after placement games, your boost will be counted as completed.)
  • 70% Winrate for Unranked / Diamond + (If the booster loses more than three games, you will receive one extra win for each additional loss. If the booster goes two divisions up after placement games, your boost will be counted as completed)
  • For the “Duo” option we do not provide any winrate guarantee.

Execution Speed

  • Express speed – We will complete your order with a higher priority, and the completion time will be faster by 30%.

Additional options

  • Broadcast – Want to spectate the whole process of farming items & completing your order? No problem, you will be able to do it. Our professional player will start the stream for you.

How does the system work?

The system is constructed in quite a familiar way now. The overall timeline is divided into periods. Everyone gets to claim the rewards whenever one ends and obtain icons and summoner backgrounds to represent their previous ranks. However, the end is only the beginning. It brings a whole new year of gameplay to life! This means that a big update is going to be released. The scales of balance tremble, and random champions are all over the place again.


Moreover, the period after the pre-season will be pretty chaotic again. But there is no need to worry. Husky is always there for you. In LoL, a boosting opportunity must be chosen at our service before you begin your placement games in the upcoming season!

There is a short period when the developers test if everything they have changed is going according to their plan. We’re talking about a thing called The Pre-season. You can think of it as an individual one. However, it is smaller, and you don’t get significant rewards for reaching a certain rank. But it is essential to play during it because it will affect your future ELO calibration in the actual season! So you must get ready to give out a top-tier performance! Times change inevitably, so prepare to face the upcoming challenge. Be prepared to face anything during the games to climb pretty high. Another method is to buy a League of Legends boost at Husky’s site! Quit waiting and begin writing your story with a good start!

Buy Lol Placement Boost Service now!


01.01. Elo Boost (Backup)
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Boost Method:
LP Gain:
Type of the Queue:
Flash on:
Choose the Roles:
Choose the Champions:
Additional Options:
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.
Region: [item-137450_value]; Boost Method: [item-185598_title] [item-137465_title]; Current Rank: [item-137488_value]; Desired Rank: [item-137489_value]; Current Division LP: [item-139958_quantity]; Current Master LP: [item-138085_value]; Desired Master LP: [item-138086_value]; Current LP: [item-138087_title]; LP Gain: [item-138074_title] [item-138075_title] [item-138076_title]; Speed: [item-185587_title] [item-138080_title] [item-138081_title]; Type of the Queue: [item-185589_title] [item-185590_title]; Flash on: [item-185592_title] [item-185593_title] [item-185594_title]; Choose the Roles: [item-159108_title] [item-154541_title] [item-154542_title] [item-154543_title] [item-154544_title] [item-154545_title] [item-154546_title]; Choose the Champions: [item-185596_title] [item-178671_title] [item-185597_title]; Additional Options: [item-137464_title] [item-178681_title] [item-137476_title];

You need to choose something to proceed
01. Elo Boost
Choose the Roles:
Free options:
🕑 15 Minutes: Start time
Get [variable-16636] USD back by Cashback
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
02. Duo Elo Boost
🕑 15 Minutes: Start time
Get [variable-16636] USD back by Cashback
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.

You need to choose something to proceed
05. RP boost
Select Amount of LoL RP:
Enjoy a fast start & receive the service with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated player: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!

You need to choose something to proceed
03. Net Win
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Enjoy a fast start & receive the lvling with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated booster: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Choose this option if you are busy person and want best booster and fastest possible service.
LP Gain:
Choose the Roles:
Additional Options:
Free Options:
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
06. The Hall of Legends
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Select The Bundle:
Orb Bundles:
Enjoy a fast start & receive the service with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated player: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!

You need to choose something to proceed
04. Placement
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Enjoy a fast start & receive the lvling with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated booster: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Choose this option if you are busy person and want best booster and fastest possible service.
Additional Options:
🥇 70% Winrate Guaranteed!
🕑 15 Minutes: Start time
🥇 70% Winrate Guaranteed!
~ Flexible: Delivery time
Get [variable-16636] USD back by Cashback
🥇 70% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 70% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 80% Winrate Guaranteed!
🥇 No Winrate Guarantee for Duo option!
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
07. Elo Deboost
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
LP Gain:
Enjoy a fast start & receive the service with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated player: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Choose the Roles:
Free Options:
Additional Options:
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
08. Lol Elo deboost by games
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Enjoy a fast start & receive the lvling with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated booster: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
LP Gain:
Choose the Roles:
Additional Options:
Free Options:
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
02.01. Duo Elo Boost
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
LP Gain:
Enjoy a fast start & receive the service with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated player: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Free Options:
Customer play roles:
Additional Options:
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
13. Worlds 2024 Battle Pass
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Enjoy a fast start & receive the lvling with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated booster: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Select The Bundle:
Worlds 2024 Orb Bundles:

You need to choose something to proceed
09. Challenge
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Enjoy a fast start & receive the lvling with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated booster: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Additional Options:

You need to choose something to proceed
10. Arena
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Enjoy a fast start & receive the lvling with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated booster: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Additional Options:

You need to choose something to proceed
11. Rent a Booster
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Enjoy a fast start & receive the lvling with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated booster: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Game Type:
Boost Option:

You need to choose something to proceed
01.01. Elo Boost (Backup)
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
LP Gain:
Enjoy a fast start & receive the service with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated player: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Choose the Roles:
Additional Options:
It seems your current and desired league are messed up. Check it one more time.

You need to choose something to proceed
12. Anima Squad 2024
This region is overloaded. Start time will be 1-72 hours; delivery time might be increased to 48-72 hours per division.
Enjoy a fast start & receive the lvling with default speed!
Enjoy the priority: express start & service delivery time.
We will apply our best-rated booster: maximum possible speed, x2 times fast!
Select The Bundle:
Anima Squad 2024 Capsules:
Anima Squad 2024 Orb Bundles:

You need to choose something to proceed

The final estimated price is :

Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :