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Updated Patch 14.2 Tier List for League of Legends Season 2024

Hey everyone, today we’re back with a quick review of Patch 14.2, so far, and who the best champions are for you to play this season. We’re going to get straight into it, starting off with the Top Lane as usual. In the S tier, we have Aatrox, Darius, Fiora, Kayle, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Riven, Singed, Trundle, Vayne, and Zac.

Season 14.2 Overview

Tanks like Garen and Mundo climb up the tier list this week into the A tier, and AP picks like Teemo and Rumble have unfortunately felt the effects of their recent nerfs.

Top Lane Highlights

First up in the S tier, we have to talk about Darius. He didn’t have the best start to this season, but after his recent buffs, he shot right back up there. He brings some pretty insane damage to the Top Lane and can carry games so easily once he gets ahead because all he needs is one kill to basically guarantee taking out one or two other champions. This makes him the perfect skirmishing top laner for fights over objectives or just absorbing ganks from the enemy jungler and taking them out at the same time.

For all you Riven fanatics out there, this is the perfect time to main her again. She is insanely strong right now with her current items and feels super hard to deal with once she gets ahead.

Trundle’s Dominance and Zac’s Surprising Comeback in Top Lane

Trundle also continues to be a real problem in the Top Lane as he’s just one of those champions that can stat check so many other top laners. He is the definition of a split-pushing machine, and if you secure those objectives too, you just simply melt through towers like they don’t even exist.

One cheeky pick that has really surprised everyone recently though is the resurgence of Zac in the Top Lane. His win rate across multiple roles is seriously good right now, and if you enjoy playing something a little bit different in the Top Lane, then give him a go. He’s got tons of sustain, great trading power, amazing gank setup, and he scales really well too.

Jungle Dynamics

Well, let’s move into the jungle now, and again, we’ve got tons of champions to choose from. In the S tier, we have Bel’Veth, Brand, Evelynn, Graves, Ivern, Lillia, Master Yi, Nocturne, Rengar, and Zac. There are also plenty of great options in the A tier too, like Ekko, Kayn, Lee Sin, and Trundle, so don’t be afraid to play these, especially if you are really experienced with them. Champions like Jarvan IV, Shyvana, and Nidalee are still struggling so far this season, but let’s see what Riot has in store for them in the next few weeks. It is safe to say that Brand has really proven to be one of the best junglers you can play this patch. He’s performing really well in various roles, but in the jungle, he just feels especially powerful.

Jungle Champions Overview

So easy to play because he clears super easily and quickly, he offers crazy damage, and of course, he has insane scaling too. That combination of Liandry’s Anguish and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter is just so strong, and once you hit this two-item power spike, you can eliminate teams from squishy carries to big beefy tanks as well. As long as you can manage to get all of your damage off before you die, you can even carry fights from beyond the grave.

Rengar’s Jungle Dominance

Speaking of carrying from the jungle, there’s not many better champions to choose than Rengar. With the lethality items giving him some seriously OP damage, if he gets a bit too fed early game, before you know it, he will start diving into teams and genuinely one-shotting multiple enemy champions at a time. Rengar is seriously hard to deal with right now, so if you are good enough to play him and pull him off consistently, there’s not really too much reason to play anything else if he is open.

Lillia’s Jungle Potential

Lillia’s another amazing choice to go for in the jungle too, though. With Riftmaker and Liandry’s, this combo is just insane, giving her tons of damage and healing. She’s yet another jungle pick which clears the jungle easily and scales well throughout all stages of the game. Plus, there’s not many things as satisfying as landing a big Flash-Q-Ultimate combo.

Mid Lane Insights

Well, let’s get into the mid lane next, and in the S tier, we have champions like Anivia, Ekko, Neeko, Sylas, Twisted Fate, Vladimir, and Yone. Other solid A-tier picks like Ahri and Aurelion Sol are definitely ones to watch out for too, and don’t sleep on how strong Qiyana can be in the right matchups too, especially if you know what you’re doing.

Twisted Fate’s Mid Lane Strategy

But let’s get back to those S-tier picks, and the first one we have to talk about today is Twisted Fate, who’s up there with some of the best champions in the game. Yes, you can play him with the new AD and attack speed build, or you can go for the more proven and successful AP build. But either way, this guy is winning a lot of games. The thing is, with Twisted Fate, he basically has everything you really need to excel in the mid lane: wave clear, poke, catch potential, scaling damage, and he can impact games super easily and early with his ultimate. He also gets a bunch of movement speed from all of the items he likes to build, like Lich Bane, Storm Surge, and Rapid Firecannon, so he literally just zooms around the map, locking down enemies with gold cards and dealing explosive damage too.

Ekko’s Continued Success

Speaking of dealing tons of damage, Ekko is still super good this season too. He’s been an excellent choice right from the start and is continuing to prove just how good he is with the insane new AP itemization, allowing him to carry at every single rank. Ekko’s kit is designed to dash in, explode a target, and dash back out again, and with so much damage.

Mid Lane Dynamics

In the game, he’s just doing his job better than ever before. If you prefer those scaling ranged mid lane picks, then don’t forget about Azir. It’s been a while since we’ve had this champion actually be meta in the mid lane, as most of the time in recent seasons he’s been in the depths of the detail with a pretty terrible win rate. This patch, though, he’s scaling up quicker, hitting extremely hard, and bursting down teams easily with one good Shurima Shuffle.

Silas’s Unexpected Rise

Finally, we also have to mention Silas, who’s just bounced back up into the ESIT out of nowhere and after a pretty average start to season 2024. Now players have figured out what his best build is, he’s back to where he belongs. Silas is just one of those champions that always finds a way to be up there with the big guns, and after a couple of weeks of being forgotten about, he’s definitely here to stay.

Bot Lane Trends

Let’s move down to the bot lane next, then. In the S, we have Ezreal, JY, Misfortune, Seraphine, and Senna. Honestly, the bot lane is where the most diversity across different ranks occurs because so many picks are just better at different kinds of ranks, but our tier list is all about covering the majority of the player base. Now, apart from the S, the AD also has tons of amazing picks to go for like Lethality or Titanic Hydra, Caitlyn, Draven, Samira, Nila, Vain, and even Jinx too. Or, if you got the skills to pull it off, Kalista is also pretty damn OP.

Ezreal’s Buffs and Misfortune’s Dominance

Ezreal’s buffs last patch shot him straight back into the meta, and he was really underwhelming at the start of the season, but after a few buffs, he’s now back where he belongs. The most popular AAL build now has Essence Reaver instead of Triforce, but both of these options are still great in the right games, obviously just don’t build them at the same time. But either way, once you complete your main items, get that M Mana online, and a bit of penetration, you now deal tons of damage, especially with your WQ combo now that your W got pretty hugely buffed. Ezreal is the ultimate safe AD carry to pick into any different team cup, but that’s not to say that this guy can’t carry harder than any other AD carry if you truly know how to play him perfectly.

Misfortune is still pub stomping at all sorts of ranks with some pretty impressive win rates across the board. It is pretty obvious as to why Misfortune is so successful right now with lethality items popping off, and all it takes is one good ultimate to win any game with this champion. Now, there is going to be certain drafts and certain champion selects where Misfortune.

Misfortune’s Versatility in the Bot Lane

Misfortune might not be the best pick in the world, but even if you have a rough lane phase, a tough matchup, or a difficult comp to play into, all it takes is one good ultimate to win the game. She really is a great pick to play against those aggressive CC supports that can lock down enemies and allow her to pull off her ultimates and big “Double Up” bursts more easily. And with so many strong engaging supports in the meta right now like Blitzcrank, Maokai, or Nautilus, there are many opportunities to pick Misfortune, dominate the lane phase, and end the game before it has a chance to turn.

Jhin’s Dominance

If you’re looking for the most consistently high-performing champion in the bot lane this season, then you need to start playing Jhin. His win rate is seriously impressive at almost every rank. Similar to Misfortune, but even in higher ELOs, Jhin is still excelling. A lot of this success comes down to his item synergy; Ghostblade into Collector is a perfect combination for him. With these two items, Jhin deals insane damage, moves at the speed of light, especially in combination with his passive, and executes enemies so easily with his fourth shot-Collector combo. However, Jhin does need to be wary of hard-engaging CC or high-damage assassin comps, which are very common right now. But even in those situations, he can stay out of the way and land devastating ultimates.

Support Tier Shifts

Finally, moving to the support role, in the S tier, we have Bard, Blitzcrank, Janna, Maokai, Rakan, Senna, and Zyra. Yes, Zyra joins the S tier this week after her stats have been seriously impressive. Brand and Karma rise to the A tier this week to join a vast array of supports that are all fantastic options in the right games. However, there is currently no better support in the game than Bard. He continues to be one of the best picks you can go for as a support. Bard has everything you need to carry from the bot lane: exceptional roaming abilities, so he can impact those objective fights early on, stuns, creative ways to set up fights and ganks, and his itemization options are incredibly strong right now.

Bard’s Impact in Support Role

If you’re maining support and want to start dominating the lane even if your ADC seems a bit lackluster, it’s time to start playing Bard. With item options like Bloodsong or Solari’s Lament, and tank items like Anathema’s Chains, Rook’s Decree, and Frozen Heart, it’s surprising how much damage you can deal. Bard offers the ability to carry games through utility, mobility, and surprising burst damage.

Janna’s Versatile Builds

You can also consider playing Janna, who currently has two very successful build paths. You can opt for the traditional enchanter route with Moonstone Renewer and Ardent Censer, or go for a more damage-oriented build with Staff of Flowing Water into Imperial Mandate. Both options are incredibly strong, making Janna one of the highest win-rate champions in the game. Her kit is packed with utility, including shields, slows, knock-ups, and her game-changing ultimate for disengage and team protection.

Zyra’s Lane Dominance

If you’re looking to carry from the bot lane in terms of damage, then Zyra is a must-try. Her success stems not only from her itemization and playstyle but also from the current meta favoring poke ADCs. Zyra paired with Jhin, for instance, creates a formidable lane. However, she also synergizes well with a variety of meta ADCs like Ezreal, Vayne, and Draven, bringing significant damage, catch potential, and an easy path to snowballing and carrying games.

This concludes our overview of patch 14.2’s impact on the support role, highlighting Bard’s utility, Janna’s versatility, and Zyra’s lane dominance as key factors for success in the current meta.

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