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The 5 best champions to climb for every rank

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The 5 best champions to climb for every rank

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Discover the best champions for each ELO bracket in League of Legends. From low to high ELO, find optimal picks.
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Hello, Librarian Husky here! We have got something for everyone as we are going to be breaking down the Best champions for each ELO bracket. We’re going to be splitting the ranked tiers up into three different ELO brackets: one being Low ELO, the second being Mid ELO, and the third High ELO.

Top Lane Pick for Low ELO

Covering our picks for Low ELO, by far the best Top Laner you can play right now is 100% Dr. Mundo. Mundo is great for Low ELO because he can do a little bit of everything without the need for high mechanical prowess. You get super tanky, deal a ludicrous amount of damage just from your auto attacks, and can either split push or team fight depending on the state of the game.

Mundo’s Strengths and Itemization

Due to the fact that Mundo just stacks Tank items, you’re always going to be of use to your team regardless of if you’re ahead or behind. Being that Frontline for your team and soaking a ton of damage for your carries is a more underrated but extremely valuable way to make an impact. The two core items that you’re going to be prioritizing in every single game with Mundo are Warmog’s and Heartsteel. Warmog’s rush being in the meta is a big reason why Mundo has so much added strength right now. Grasp is the Keystone Rune followed by Demolish, Second Wind, and Overgrowth, while Free Boots and Approach Velocity are for secondaries.

Jungle Pick for Low ELO

Our number one recommendation out of the jungle for Low ELO is going to be Shyvana. Shyvana is one of the most effective Low ELO junglers because she scales quite well, and her Power spikes are very well defined. Level six is such a huge spike for Shyvana, so hard farming your jungle and hitting six as soon as you can is an easy game plan to play towards.

Shyvana’s Strategy

You really want to focus on stacking those early Dragons as well, as Shyvana becomes more tanky the more Dragons she secures. Especially when you hit level six, taking dragon is pretty risk-free.

Shyvana’s Escape and Core Build

You can save your R to escape if the enemy team tries to collapse on you. The core Build for Shyvana is a hybrid setup consisting of Spear of Shojin, Liandry’s, and Riftmaker. This Build heavily outperforms full AP as you have more margin for error and can be more engaged in fights due to the added durability, instead of just sitting back and being an E-bot with full AP.

Shyvana’s Optimal Rune Page

The optimal Rune page consists of Fleet Footwork with Triumph, Alacrity, and Cut Down, while Cosmic Insight and Magical Footwear are for secondaries.

Best Mid Laner for Low ELO

The best Top Laner that you can play for Low ELO in season 14 is Brand. Brand mid has really burst onto the scene this season and is the perfect Low ELO Top Laner for a few different reasons that we’re going to explain. Champs who scale well or have massive Power spikes off completing items are generally going to be more favorable in the lower ranks, and Brand is one of those Champs.

Brand’s Scaling and Power Spikes

Once you complete your Rylai’s and Liandry’s with Brand, the champ becomes absolutely godlike. Since Low ELO games last longer on average, there’s a really great chance of you hitting that spike in most games. Brand’s kit also makes him an excellent Low ELO midlaner because he has percent health damage from his passive, which becomes more valuable as the games drag out.

Brand’s Team Fight Impact

You can also be very impactful with Brand without even landing a single skill shot, as using R in a grouped-up team fight can be a game changer on its own. If you can play around objectives and look to force the enemy into 5v5s, the strength of Brand is incredibly high, and you’re going to come out on top more often.

Brand’s Optimal Rune Page

The best rune page for Brand is Comet with Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Scorch, while Presence of Mind and Cut Down are for secondaries.

Misfortune: The Optimal Low ELO ADC

Fresh off some really impactful buffs, Misfortune is back to being the most optimal Low ELO ADC. Misfortune is such a phenomenal Low ELO stomper because of how easy it is to be consistently valuable. You don’t need any crazy mechanical skill to play MF, which is amazing when you’re trying to escape Low ELO from ADC because you can focus more of your energy towards macro play, which actually makes you a better player as a whole.

Misfortune’s Playstyle

With many other ADCs, you have to be incredibly focused on your micro and think about how you’re going to play out situations mechanically. But with MF, most of the time, it’s just about sitting behind your carries and being ready to press R.

Misfortune’s Meta Build

The new meta Build for MF makes her an even better Low ELO pick because you’ve got more margin for error with the shield coming out of Bloodthirster, combined with running Barrier for your secondary Summoner spell. You’re actually pretty difficult to take down, and even assassins are going to have a tough time. There’s a lot of burst from the Build as well, since it doesn’t involve a single attack speed item, which is amazing for newer or inexperienced ADC players. A lot of your damage is front-loaded from using Q and proccing Essence Reaver, which takes absolutely no skill at all.

Misfortune’s Rune Setup

The rune setup for Misfortune consists of Press the Attack with Presence of Mind, Bloodline, and Coup de Grace, while Free Boots and Biscuits are for secondaries to Climb out of Low ELO the fastest.

Optimal Support Champion: Zyra

From the Support role, it’s in your best interest to spam a champion like Zyra, who is much less team reliant. The majority of Support champions rely heavily on their ADC or team to do well in order to win games, but with Zyra, you can be the carry yourself, giving you much more agency over how games play out.

Zyra’s Impact in Games

Say, for example, you pick someone like Soraka. Sure, you can heal your teammates like no tomorrow, but if they aren’t actually competent, it’s not going to translate into anything. On the flip side, Zyra can top the damage charts with ease. So, even if one of her carries isn’t having their best game, as long as you’re playing well enough, whether your teammates are good or not, it shouldn’t matter.

Zyra in Team Fights

It’s those team fights around key objectives where Zyra can really sway a game in her team’s favor. If you can secure vision around the next objective that’s spawning and force the enemy to face-check into you, Zyra’s E followed up with R in a choke point is extremely powerful.

Zyra’s Core Build and Runes

The core Build that you’re going to want to be running on Zyra consists of a Liandry’s rush into Rylai’s second, while Void Staff is the item upgrade. The standard rune setup is Comet with Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Scorch, while Taste of Blood and Relentless Hunter slot in for secondaries.

Best Solo Queue Top Lane Champion: Sett

One of the best solo queue top lane champs for all ranks right now, but even better for the mid bracket, is Sett. In High ELO, it can be a bit more difficult to succeed with Sett just because his kit is quite linear, and good players can outplay him by spacing well and kiting him around.

Sett’s Suitability for Mid ELO

This won’t be as much of an issue in the mid ELO bracket. If you can get really good with Sett, your ability to consistently perform will shine through.

Sett’s Impact and Build

Sett’s ability to impact games is going to be great. Build bruiser, but he’s pretty tanky due to all the health stacks along with the massive shield he gets from W. You’re able to be such a disruptor in team fights as the CC from R and E allow you to lock down a target really easily.

Sett’s Damage and Core Build

Once you get a couple of items, the damage coming out of W can absolutely just wipe enemies that are grouped up and is one of the most satisfying parts of Sett’s kit. The optimal core Build consists of a Stridebreaker rush into Sterak’s Gage second and Overlord’s Bloodmail third. Conqueror is the best Keystone Rune, followed by Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand, while Second Wind and Overgrowth are for secondaries.

Strong Mid ELO Jungler: Nocturne

A very strong Jungler in the meta who thrives the most in the mid ELO bracket right now is Nocturne. Nocturne is going to follow a similar game plan as Shyvana for most games, as farming for that level six is key. However, you do have a little bit more early game agency with Nocturne, as he fits into this mid ELO bracket perfectly.

Nocturne’s Playstyle

Using R with Nocturne definitely takes a little bit more skill than using R with Shyvana, as you’ve got to be more on point with how you use the ability or you’re just going to get punished a lot harder. The potential to snowball games if you know what you’re doing is definitely higher with Nocturne, as his R just gives him so many windows of opportunity that many junglers don’t have the luxury of being able to go for.

Maximizing Success with Nocturne

To find the most success with Nocturne, it’s very key to keep track of who the most fed carry is on the enemy team so you’re not wasting R in fights.

Optimal Targeting with Nocturne

Most of the time, using R on the enemy ADC is the correct play. However, if they’re 0-5 and completely useless while the enemy Top Laner is popping off, you’re going to be much better off singling out the enemy mid in that case. Even though mechanically Nocturne is pretty simple, you need to have some decent game sense to make him work, which is why we like him better for Mid ELO rather than Low ELO.

Nocturne’s Build and Runes

The Build for Nocturne consists of a Stridebreaker rush into Hexdrinker second and Black Cleaver third. Grab Conqueror for the Keystone Rune with Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand, while Eyeball Collection and Ultimate Hunter are for secondaries.

Mid Lane Dominator: Vex

A Top Laner we really like for this mid ELO bracket who can absolutely dominate games is Vex. Mechanically, Vex is a little bit more difficult, which kind of eliminates her from being a Low ELO selection. In High ELO, you can run into issues in certain matchups where your opponent just really knows what they’re doing, so Mid ELO is the perfect bracket for Vex to succeed in.

Vex’s Strengths in Mid ELO

Enemies in Mid ELO won’t be punishing you in lane as hard, and you should have enough mechanical skill required to play Vex at a good level. If you can get really good at Vex, then you’re going to have the ability to completely take over certain matchups. Vex completely destroys mid lane champs with dashes as her passive stacks up faster whenever the enemy uses a dash. This makes Vex insane against LeBlanc, Yone, Katarina, Akali, and Sylas, who are all very popular picks in the mid ELO bracket right now.

Navigating Difficult Matchups

What will really take your Vex to another level is being able to navigate through her more difficult matchups, which are longer-ranged mages.

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Vex’s Matchup Strategy

If you can go even in matchups against champions like Lux and Ahri but always win lane against those melee champs, your win rate on Vex over time is going to be really high. The standard Build for Vex is a Luden’s rush into Shadowflame second and Zhonya’s or Rabadon’s third. Run Electrocute for the Keystone Rune with Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter, followed by Manaflow Band and Transcendence.

Perfect ADC for Mid ELO: Jinx

The perfect ADC for the mid ELO bracket that everyone should have in their champion pool right now is Jinx. Jinx is one of those ADCs who’s not the most difficult mechanically but she’s not super easy either, so she fits into this mid ELO bracket really well. Your clicks do need to be more on point with Jinx as opposed to Misfortune, and once you reach Gold, your mechanics should be at a level good enough to where you can pilot Jinx.

Jinx’s Playstyle

The longer range of Jinx from her Q makes her a little bit more noob-friendly compared to many other ADCs, as you can stay back at a safer range and still output some really good damage. What’s so great about Jinx is that her damage per second can get quite high, but there’s no shortage of burst strength either. Jinx’s R, being that execute, can deal a crazy amount of damage when enemies drop low on health, allowing Jinx to follow up on her teammates’ engages really well.

Jinx’s Versatility and Core Build

Whether you’re paired with champs who want to dive in or you’re with a more passive ranged comp, Jinx fits in regardless and is just a very versatile pick. The core Build for Jinx consists of a Kraken Slayer rush into Phantom Dancer second and Infinity Edge third. Fleet Footwork and Press the Attack are both viable Keystone Runes for Jinx, so you can swap between them as needed.

ADC Rune Choices Based on Support

The choice between Fleet Footwork and Press the Attack (PTA) for Jinx depends on your lane Support. If you’re with a melee range Support like Nautilus or Leona, taking PTA so that you can deal more damage in all-ins is definitely a great choice. If you’re with an enchanter Support, the value from Fleet is going to be higher in most cases.

Value of Engage Supports in Mid ELO

Once you get up past Gold and are playing Support, you should be able to rely on your team to follow up on your engages a little bit more than in Low ELO. Playing an engage Support like Leona has more value, and she’s the best in that class right now. Leona is one of the most powerful lockdown Supports in the game, as her full CC combo can take an enemy out of a fight for multiple seconds.

Leona’s Strengths

The damage that Leona can deal is actually pretty good for a melee Support as well, so even if your ADC isn’t the best, you’ll be able to finish off kills by yourself a lot of the time. You really want to be playing for that level two with Leona, as hitting two before the enemy and looking for an all-in is a great way to generate an early advantage.

Leona’s Optimal Build and Runes

Leona works better for Mid ELO than for Low ELO because in the lower ranks, it’s more difficult to execute on this level two play if your ADC lacks basic game knowledge. Warmog’s and Locket are what your core Build should look like for the majority of your games. Aftershock is the Keystone Rune, with Font of Life, Bone Plating, and Overgrowth, while Sudden Impact and Relentless Hunter are the best secondaries.

High ELO Top Lane Champ: Camille

A top lane champ who’s seeing a lot of priority in High ELO right now and winning at a very high rate is Camille. Camille has received many direct buffs throughout season 14 and is by far the best carry Top Laner if you can pilot her well.

High ELO Top Laner: Camille

Camille is more complex than the top laners we featured earlier, such as Sett and Mundo, so she fits much better in the high ELO bracket where players can easily get the most value out of her. There’s so much that goes into playing a good Camille, as utilizing her passive and E optimally will take time to learn. Maximizing the power of Ignite with Teleport is quite unique to the champ, as few other top laners run that summoner combination.

Camille’s Versatility and Strengths

Once you master Camille, her kit is highly rewarding. Her long-range engage and true damage give her an assassin-like presence that few other bruisers have. Most fighter top laners either excel at team fighting or split pushing, but Camille can do both very well. Her engage range allows her to dive the backline easily, while Q with Trinity Force procs lets her take down towers quickly.

Camille’s Optimal Build and Runes

The Build that works best for Camille is a Trinity Force rush into Ravenous Hydra second and Sterak’s Gage or Shojin third. Grasp is the Keystone Rune with Shield Bash, Second Wind, and Overgrowth, while Free Boots and Biscuits are for secondaries.

High ELO Jungler: Nidalee

A Jungler who’s always going to excel more in the higher ranks and is really strong in the meta for Diamond and above right now is Nidalee. Plain and simple, Nidalee is a more feast-or-famine champion and she’s very early game reliant, making her much better suited to dominate High ELO games. In High ELO, games are much shorter than games in Low ELO, so a snowballing champ like Nidalee can absolutely take over games.

High ELO Jungler: Nidalee

Nidalee is not the most noob-friendly champion at all, so these two factors combined—Nidalee being an early game-reliant pick and also more mechanically demanding—make her best suited for High ELO players. Analytically, Nidalee is one of the most interesting champions in the entire game because she wins over 52% of the time in Diamond and above but has a 47% win rate in Gold, Silver, and Bronze. In Iron, her win rate is literally 44%, showing how important good macro and micro knowledge is when it comes to winning with Nidalee.

Nidalee’s Optimal Build and Runes

The Build that most High ELO players have gravitated towards for Nidalee as of recent is a Lich Bane rush into Liandry’s second and Zhonya’s third. A lot more players have also started taking Electrocute due to its recent early game buffs, giving her a little more snowball power with the rune now.

High ELO Mid Lane Champ: Tristana

If there is one mid lane champ that every High ELO player should have in their champion pool for solo queue, it’s Tristana. There’s a lot of priority being put on ADCs in the mid lane in High ELO and pro play as of recent, and we think Tristana is the best out of the bunch.

Tristana’s Early Game Impact

Tristana has the ability to impact the early game a lot better than the likes of Corki or Ezreal. The pushing power from Tristana’s E gives her free lane priority in many matchups, which you can use to your advantage much more in High ELO, where playing off your Jungler is very key.

Tristana’s Synergy with Junglers

If your Jungler is playing an aggressive pick like Nidalee or Lee Sin, who want to skirmish, complementing them with a Tristana pick has a ton of value as your 2v2 power is going to be extremely strong.

Tristana’s Early Game Dominance

Massive early on, if you get ahead in lane with Tristana, it’s also way easier to close out games quickly due to the tower-taking power she has with E. In High ELO, you’re more likely to force out surrender votes if you get a big lead early on, and Tristana is one of the best mids to capitalize on that. Even if you don’t end up snowballing super hard early on with Tristana, she still scales pretty well, so there are just a few weaknesses to the champ.

Tristana’s Core Build and Runes

The core Build for Tristana mid lane consists of a Kraken Slayer rush into Flickerblade second and Infinity Edge third. The optimal rune setup is Fleet Footwork, Overheal, Alacrity, and Cut Down, followed by Bone Plating and Overgrowth for secondaries.

High Priority ADC: Kai’Sa

The highest priority ADC in High ELO for solo queue that every High ELO ADC should be able to learn is Kai’Sa. Kai’Sa is dominating the High ELO meta right now, being picked in almost 40% of games while holding a very respectable 51% win rate.

Why Kai’Sa Excels in High ELO

So why would we have Kai’Sa in the High ELO slot instead of for the mid or Low ELO slot? The main reason is that your mechanical skill needs to be on point to win with Kai’Sa way more than with MF or Jinx. Misfortune has her R that she can sit back from range and use; Jinx has her Q, which provides her with long range. But with Kai’Sa, her main damage source comes from her autos, and her auto range is very short.

Kai’Sa’s Playstyle and Skill Requirements

This means you need to choose your openings a lot more wisely with Kai’Sa, and when you do enter a fight, being able to kite around and space well is very important so that you don’t get deleted instantly. That being said, the outplay potential of Kai’Sa is a lot higher than that of MF or Jinx, so when you’ve mastered the champ, you can excel.

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Kai’Sa’s 1v9 Potential

There’s a little more 1v9 potential with the pick. The best Build in the meta for Kai’Sa consists of a Statikk Shiv rush into Guinsoo’s Rageblade second and Nashor’s Tooth third. Press the Attack is the Keystone Rune with Overheal, Alacrity, and Cut Down, while Biscuits and Cosmic Insight are for secondaries.

High ELO Support Champion: Pyke

One Support champion who dominates the higher ELOs and is extremely powerful when piloted well is Pyke. The general decision-making and mechanical skill required to play Pyke is much higher than the average Support pick, which is why he fits pretty nicely in the high ELO bracket. Pyke can win through smashing the laner or executing timely roams, so there are many ways in which you can approach each and every game.

Mastering Pyke

There’s a big difference between an average Pyke and a mastered Pyke player. Depending on who’s playing him, the champ can either look like the most broken pick in the entire game or the most useless. Hitting Q consistently, timing those E flashes correctly, and hitting R consistently are not easy to do. But if you can get to the point where your hit rates on those become quite high, then honestly, the sky’s the limit with Pyke.

Pyke’s Stealth and Catch Potential

The stealth factor and being able to find catch plays on enemies make Pyke incredibly powerful.

Pyke’s Value in High ELO

Catching enemies who are out of position gives Pyke a lot of value in High ELO, where getting a numbers advantage can snowball a lot harder. The core Build for Pyke revolves around an Umbral Glaive rush into Edge of Night second, with Celestial Opposition as the item upgrade. Pick up Hail of Blades for the Keystone Rune with Cheap Shot, Zombie Ward, and Relentless Hunter, while Biscuits and Cosmic Insight are for secondaries.

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