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The 10 Most Overpowered Builds in Patch 14.13

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The 10 Most Overpowered Builds in Patch 14.13

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This guide covers patch 14.12 updates, highlighting Atrox's Healing changes, optimal builds for Olaf, Talon, Sejuani, and others, and innovative rune setups for enhanced gameplay.
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Good day! It’s Librarian Husky. In patch 14.12, Riot increased Atrox’s Healing from R while reducing his Healing from E. This change has significantly boosted the effectiveness of Bruiser builds. Atrox, a champion known for surviving with low health and turning fights around due to his Healing, is highly underrated when paired with Overlord’s Blood Mail.

Overlord’s Blood Mail Passives

One of the key passives of Overlord’s grants bonus AD based on your missing health. Additionally, the second passive converts 2% of your bonus health into AD. The first two items in this build are Sundered Sky and Black Cleaver. With these three items, you gain 1350 bonus health, translating to 13.5 bonus AD. Overlord’s is the highest-winning third item for Atrox, yet it’s only used in about 5% of games.

Runes and Masteries

For this build, the rune page should include Conqueror, followed by Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand. For secondary runes, select Second Wind and Revitalize. After the recent focus on Zeke’s Convergence for Hecarim, this build has seen a surge in popularity.

Underrated Olaf Build

Olaf is another champion who benefits greatly from Zeke’s Convergence. By slotting in Zeke’s as the third item, after Ravenous Hydra and Sundered Sky, Olaf gains significant advantages. Zeke’s is particularly effective for Olaf because using his R provides bonus damage and a slow effect. As long as Olaf can stay on his target, he has no trouble defeating them, and the slow from Zeke’s enhances this capability. The Zeke’s passive, which lasts for 5 seconds and provides a 30% slow, is incredibly powerful. Zeke’s is an affordable and effective third item for Olaf, who can then transition to more defensive items after building as a bruiser with Ravenous Hydra and Sundered Sky.

Rune Page for Olaf

Olaf’s optimal rune page includes Conqueror, Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand, with Biscuits and Approach Velocity as the secondary runes.

New Talon Jungle Rune Setup

An intriguing new rune setup has recently gained popularity for Talon jungle. Instead of opting for First Strike or Conqueror, many high ELO Talon jungle players are now choosing Hail of Blades. Hail of Blades provides Talon with significant upfront burst, making it very easy to proc his passive. Proccing Talon‘s passive is crucial for winning skirmishes, and Hail of Blades almost guarantees the proc before the enemy can dash or flash away. Choosing Ignite over Flash for your summoner spell increases the early kill threat with this setup. With the buffs Talon received in patch 14.12, he is now in a great spot for jungle.

Full Rune Page for Talon Jungle

The full rune page includes Hail of Blades, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter, with Free Boots and Cosmic Insight as secondary runes.

Core Build for Junglers

The core build consists of rushing Ghostblade, followed by Profane Hydra as the second item, and then Edge of Night third. Recently, the meta has seen a significant focus on the emergence of Warmog’s Armor on many support champions, but there’s a jungler who also excels with this item.

Warmog’s Effectiveness on Junglers

In the last patch, many Skarner players found great success with Warmog’s Armor, and this trend has also started to catch on with Sejuani. Sejuani benefits greatly from a Warmog’s rush because, like Skarner, her abilities scale with health. Sejuani’s W deals damage based on her max health, so the thousand health from Warmog’s not only makes her tankier but also increases her damage output. Players rushing Warmog’s on Sejuani have a 3% higher win rate compared to those who opt for Sunfire, highlighting its effectiveness. While you should still build Sunfire, it’s best to delay it until the second item, with the third item choice depending on the game—Thornmail or Anathema’s Chains are solid options.

Rune Page for Sejuani

For the rune page, select Aftershock followed by Font of Life, Conditioning, and Overgrowth. Optimal secondary runes are Triumph and Alacrity.

LeBlanc’s Early Game Buffs

LeBlanc’s early game has become more lethal in this patch due to Electrocute buffs. However, there’s a rune setup that many players are overlooking, which can make her even stronger. Most LeBlanc players are currently opting for a more scaling-focused setup with Transcendence and Gathering Storm as their secondary runes.

Optimal Rune Setup for LeBlanc

The secondary page that is finding the most success for LeBlanc revolves around the Inspiration tree. Biscuits and Time Warp Tonic are outperforming Sorcery secondary runes for good reason. Time Warp Tonic provides sustain in the early game, allowing for more aggressive plays and better lane control.

LeBlanc’s Rune and Item Build

Your items should be selected to gain the 10 bonus AP from Jack of All Trades. From these two items, you receive move speed, magic penetration, ability haste, mana, and ability power, which total five unique stats. With Electrocute now offering more early game damage and an additional 10 AP from Jack of All Trades, LeBlanc’s early kill potential in patch 14.13 is substantial. The standard build for this rune setup includes rushing Luden’s Echo, followed by Shadow Flame, and then Rabadon’s Deathcap as the third item.

Katarina’s AD Bruiser Build

Recently, Korean Katarina players have been experimenting with an AD Bruiser setup, diverging from the traditional Blade of the Ruined King rush. Instead, Stridebreaker has become popular. One major advantage of Stridebreaker is its durability, offering 450 health, which gives you more room for mistakes. This is particularly useful if you are not the most mechanically skilled Katarina player. Another significant benefit is the sticking power, as Stridebreaker‘s active ability helps Katarina stay on her target after jumping in. Stridebreaker is the only durable item in this build, with Kraken Slayer and Infinity Edge being the next two items focused on damage. For runes, you should select Conqueror with Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand, and use Sudden Impact and Relentless Hunter as secondary runes.

Nilah’s Unexpected Build

A surprising new build for Nilah has emerged recently, prioritizing Death’s Dance over the typical crit-oriented ADC items. This build involves rushing Essence Reaver, followed by Death’s Dance. Death’s Dance is particularly effective for Nilah in specific scenarios. The 40 armor and its passive provide substantial durability, which is crucial for Nilah, as she needs to be up close and personal to maximize her effectiveness.

Optimal Situations for Nilah’s Build

If the enemy team drafts an all AD composition, this build is a clear choice. However, forcing it in games where the enemy composition includes both magic and physical damage isn’t ideal. When used in the right scenarios, it adds significant versatility to Nilah. The optimal rune page for this build includes Conqueror, Triumph, Bloodline, and Last Stand, with Free Boots and Cosmic Insight as secondary runes.

Unique Jinx Build

Recently, some pros have been experimenting with a unique Jinx build that excludes Kraken Slayer. This build is heavily AD-focused, incorporating Galeforce. Instead of Kraken, start with Infinity Edge, followed by Phantom Dancer, and then Galeforce. Despite its strong analytical performance, this build hasn’t yet become mainstream. It provides higher upfront damage, which is particularly beneficial in solo queue. R and W damage will be boosted, making it easier to secure kills, and your auto attacks will hit harder. This build excels in shorter, bursty fights, while Kraken Slayer is better for extended engagements. If the enemy team is squishy and can be taken down quickly, this heavy AD build is worth trying. For the rune page, use Fleet Footwork, Presence of Mind, Bloodline, and Cut Down, with Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm as secondary runes.

Bard’s New Build

Bard is known for having unconventional builds every few patches, so it’s not surprising to see him now utilizing Warmog’s Armor. Players are finding success with Warmog’s paired with Wit’s End as the second item. This setup focuses on dealing significant damage with Bard’s auto attacks, and the support item upgrade is Bloodsong. While this build may seem unusual, it works well because the durability from Warmog’s allows Bard to be more aggressive and leverage the on-hit damage from Wit’s End and Bloodsong. Previously, Heartsteel was a popular rush item for Bard, but the current trend favors Warmog’s for its added survivability and aggression potential.

Warmog’s Build Variation

This variation is a spin-off of the popular build, leveraging the immense power of Warmog’s Armor. Given the high frequency of auto-attacks in this setup, consider taking Fleet Footwork instead of Guardian for the Keystone Rune.

Gallo’s Value as a Support Champion

Gallo is a support champion with immense potential, yet he hasn’t gained widespread popularity. In patch 14.6, Gallo’s W was adjusted to scale damage reduction based on his bonus health. With Warmog’s Armor now offering extra health, its value for Gallo has increased significantly, making him one of the most underrated users of Warmog’s in patch 14.13.

Gallo’s Synergy with the ADC Meta

Gallo’s place in the current meta is well-justified, not only due to his synergy with Warmog’s but also because of the alignment of the ADC meta. Kaisa has become the most picked ADC in solo queue, and Gallo synergizes exceptionally well with her. Gallo’s crowd control abilities allow Kaisa to quickly proc her passive, providing the duo with significant burst potential.

Full Build and Rune Page for Gallo

The optimal build for Gallo currently includes Warmog’s Armor and Locket of the Iron Solari as core items, with Celestial Opposition as the item upgrade. For the rune page, opt for Aftershock, Shield Bash, Second Wind, and Overgrowth. The best secondary runes are Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insight.

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