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The 10 Most Overpowered Builds in Patch 14.10

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The 10 Most Overpowered Builds in Patch 14.10

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This guide details optimal builds for League of Legends Patch 14.10, focusing on the strategic use of newly updated items and runes for champions across various roles, including top lane, ADC, and mages, to maximize gameplay effectiveness.
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Patch 14.10 has introduced a plethora of optimal builds. It’s essential to take advantage of these while possible, as they are likely to be hot-fixed or nerfed soon.

New Top Lane Build in 14.10

One of the most overpowering new builds in the top lane for Patch 14.10 involves the use of Overlord’s Blood Mail on Sett. Overlord’s is a new bruiser item that synergizes perfectly with Sett’s abilities. The base stats of Overlord’s offer AD and health, but it’s the passive that truly enhances its value. The passive grants up to 10% bonus AD based on your missing health, which is incredibly beneficial for Sett. Often, when Sett uses his W, he will be at lower health, which means his W will deal significant damage and allow him to turn fights in his favor. While Overlord’s is an excellent third item purchase after obtaining Stridebreaker and Hullbreaker, it’s not recommended as a first or even second item due to its other passive, where 2% of your bonus health is converted into AD.

Optimal Rune Page for Sett

The best rune page for Sett consists of Conqueror with Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand, followed by Second Wind and Overgrowth for secondaries. This setup maximizes Sett’s combat effectiveness, enhancing his durability and damage output in prolonged fights.

Importance of Overgrowth Rune

It’s especially important to include the Overgrowth rune in this build, as the bonus health from Overgrowth will increase your AD when you pick up Overlords. This synergy enhances the effectiveness of the item, providing significant combat power through increased attack damage that scales with your health.

New Offensive Build for Aurelia

Aurelia has a new, snowbally offensive build for 14.10 that can be utilized in both the Top Lane and Mid Lane. The initial item remains the Blade of the Ruin King, but the second item selection has evolved. Instead of opting for Sundered Sky or Wit’s End, Kraken Slayer has emerged as a legitimate option. Recently, Kraken Slayer’s attributes were adjusted: the crit was completely removed, and in exchange, it was enhanced with a 7% increase in movement speed, a 10% increase in AD, and a 5% boost in attack speed. These adjustments significantly bolster Aurelia’s performance, making it easier for her to stick to targets and capitalize on the on-hit damage from her auto attacks.

Core Build for Aurelia

For this patch, the complete core build for Aurelia should start with a rush of Blade of the Ruin King, followed by Kraken Slayer, and then either Sundered Sky or Wit’s End. The optimal rune page for this setup includes Conqueror with Absorb Life, Alacrity, and Last Stand, while Biscuits and Cosmic Insight serve as the best secondary runes. Absorb Life proves particularly effective, enhancing Aurelia’s ability to recover health when executing minions with her Q.

Impact of Blackfire Torch on Mages

The newly introduced mage item, Blackfire Torch, is proving highly effective for many mages, but it is particularly transformative for Karthus in Patch 14.10. Although Malignance was previously beneficial, Blackfire Torch aligns perfectly with Karthus’s needs. The item’s burn damage passive is ideal for his kit, and the added bonus damage to monsters is a significant advantage. This feature enables Karthus to expedite his jungle clear, achieve high CS levels quickly, and reliably build into his core items, which typically include Blackfire Torch followed by Liandry’s Torment.

Enhanced Item Cores in Current Game

Right now, the item cores in the game are significantly enhanced. The burn passive on Blackfire and Liandry’s are distinct, allowing you to benefit fully from both. The rune page you should use with this build includes Dark Harvest, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter. Presence of Mind and Last Stand are the optimal secondary runes.

Impact of Blackfire Torch on Way

Patch 14.10 has notably boosted Way as he’s another champion thriving with Blackfire Torch. The AoE damage potential from his kit benefits immensely from Blackfire’s burn passive. Additionally, Blackfire’s second passive is incredibly powerful for Way; it grants 4% bonus AP for every enemy damaged, and this bonus also applies when hitting epic and large monsters. This makes it easy for Way to stack significant amounts of AP in fights around Baron or Dragon.

Mana Efficiency and Midgame Spike

With Blackfire providing mana, there’s no longer a pressing need to rush Archangel’s on Way, although it remains a viable option. Many high Elo players are now prioritizing a burn damage core of Blackfire and Liandry’s for a powerful midgame spike. The most effective rune setup for Way in Patch 14.10 involves First Strike with Cashback, Triple Tonic, and Cosmic Insight. Manaflow Band and Transcendence are recommended as secondaries. The new Cashback rune, which returns 6% gold for every legendary item purchased, helps Way accelerate into a strong midgame position.

Revolution in ADC Builds

The ADC role has been the most affected by recent item changes. There’s a new Draven build that capitalizes on the resurgence of Blood Thirster as the best rush item. Essence Reaver, now ineffective on Draven after changes, has been supplanted by Blood Thirster as a superior option. Blood Thirster provides 80 AD and 18% life steal, perfect for Draven to deliver powerful hits with his axes in quick trades and heal any damage from minions.

Additionally, Blood Thirster now includes a protective shield, making it difficult for enemies to counter-trade effectively against Draven. After rushing Blood Thirster, it’s advantageous to stack more AD with Infinity Edge. With both items, Draven gains a significant 160 AD in Patch 14.10, compared to only 120 AD in the previous patch, marking a substantial increase of 40 AD.

Draven’s Itemization Shift

The combined cost of both Blood Thirster and Infinity Edge is only 100 gold more than in previous patches, which is a minimal increase considering the benefits. Although you lose the crit on Blood Thirster, the trade-off is worthwhile due to the removal of Lethal Tempo from the game. Consequently, a new rune setup has become dominant: Press the Attack is now outclassing other options due to its burst damage and damage amplification, enabling Draven to deliver powerful hits up front with just a few auto attacks.

Unique Build for Caitlyn

Caitlyn is experiencing significant success with a unique core build that focuses on heavy AD and crit stacking, without incorporating attack speed. The Collector is her rush item, followed by Infinity Edge and Yal Wild Arrows. This build capitalizes on Caitlyn’s high AD ratios in her passive, Q, and R abilities, allowing her to deal massive damage with her traps and nearly halve the health of squishy targets with her R. The rune page for this build features Fleet Footwork, followed by Presence of Mind, Bloodline, and Coup de Grace, with Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm as secondary runes.

Essence Reaver’s Relevance for Xayah

In Patch 14.10, Xayah is one of the few ADCs benefiting significantly from the reworked Essence Reaver. Xayah players using Essence Reaver are winning about 3% more than those opting for Kraken Slayer, a notable margin. The item’s rework removed the Spellblade passive and introduced a mana regen passive that provides mana back with each auto attack. This is highly beneficial for Xayah, who consistently auto attacks in fights, unlike Ezreal, who does not benefit as much due to less frequent auto attacks. Additionally, the new Essence Reaver offers more flat AD, more haste, and more crit, enhancing Xayah’s effectiveness.

Flicker Blades’ Impact on Xayah

For Xayah, the best second item currently is Navori Quickblades. The passive of Flicker Blades significantly benefits Xayah by allowing more consistent uptime on her W and E abilities, thereby enhancing her DPS and kiting potential in fights. Her W has a lengthy cooldown of 16 seconds at max rank, so the cooldown reduction from Flicker Blades’ passive is crucial in reducing this during fights, making it a pivotal item for her performance.

Zia’s Optimized Rune Setup

For Zia, the optimal rune page features Press the Attack as the keystone, supplemented by Presence of Mind, Bloodline, and Coup de Grace. Free boots and biscuits are recommended for the secondary slots. This rune setup places Zia in a great position for solo queue, especially with the current item reworks enhancing her performance.

Tristana’s Core Item Strategy

Tristana is currently experiencing a powerful resurgence in solo queue due to the item rework. The two-item core for Tristana is particularly potent, offering a mix of burst and DPS. The recommended strategy is to forego Kraken Slayer in favor of an Infinity Edge rush, which is outperforming all other options as a remarkable one-item spike. Tristana excels when paired with an aggressive support, as the attack speed boost from her Q synergizes well with the AD from Infinity Edge, making her extremely effective in short to medium-length skirmishes.

Second Item: Navori Flicker Blades

For the second item, Tristana should consider the new Navori Flicker Blades. Although similar to the previous Quick Blades, the new item replaces AD with attack speed and movement speed. This change is significant, providing Tristana with a crucial two-item spike that enhances her overall combat effectiveness, particularly in the absence of Lethal Tempo and with the nerf to Hail of Blades.

Jinx’s Midgame Power Spike

Jinx continues to be one of the top ADCs, and the removal of Lethal Tempo this patch has not diminished her strength. A new core build involving a rush to Infinity Edge is proving highly successful. While a Kraken Slayer rush remains viable, Infinity Edge is currently outperforming it, particularly when combined with Phantom Dancer as the second item. This combination offers Jinx an exceptionally deadly midgame. The new Phantom Dancer now grants 60% attack speed, a significant increase from the previous patch, allowing Jinx to deal more substantial immediate damage.

Optimal Third Item for Jinx: Yal Wild Arrows

Currently, the new item, Yal Wild Arrows, is performing exceptionally well as the third item for Jinx. It provides 65 AD and 25% crit chance, and its passive enhances critical strikes by causing them to deal additional bonus damage over 2 seconds. Since Lethal Tempo has been removed from the game, Fleet Footwork has emerged as the best performing keystone rune for Jinx in Patch 14.10.

Kog’Maw’s New Build Path

Despite traditionally not utilizing crit items, Kog’Maw finds the reworked Navori Flicker Blades too beneficial to overlook. With Blade of the Ruin King losing much of its percent health damage, it no longer serves as an optimal rush item. Instead, a Rageblade rush into Flicker Blades second is proving highly effective. Rageblade provides stacking attack speed, which synergizes excellently with the Flicker Blades’ passive. This passive reduces the cooldown of basic abilities by 15% with each auto attack, up from 12% previously, greatly enhancing Kog’Maw’s performance in fights.

Enhancing Kog’Maw’s Mobility and Attack Speed

Kog’Maw benefits significantly from the new stats on Flicker Blades, which include attack speed and movement speed. Historically unable to use items with bonus movement speed, this is a major improvement for an ADC lacking a gap closer. A recommended three-item core for this patch includes a Rageblade rush followed by Flicker Blades and Hurricane. The removal of Lethal Tempo has not adversely affected Kog’Maw as expected, with Press the Attack effectively taking its place and performing very well.

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