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Secretly Broken Champions in Patch 14.13 for Free LP: Hard Carry in Every Role – LoL Guide

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Secretly Broken Champions in Patch 14.13 for Free LP: Hard Carry in Every Role – LoL Guide

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This guide highlights underrated champions in patch 14.3, covering strategic builds and tips for Dr. Mundo, Gwen, LeBlanc, Ziggs, Seraphine, Ivern, Nocturne, Nami, and Pyke.
🕑 2 Minutes: reading time
⏳ Popularity: HOT

Hello, Librarian Husky here! Here is the ultimate underrated champions list for Patch 14.3. If we miss any secretly busted picks that you’ve been abusing in the ranked ladder.

Dr Mundo’s Comeback

Up first, nobody thought that we would be seeing this guy near the top again, but welcome back Dr Mundo. With the Warmog’s buff running rampant on tanks all across the rift, it still came as a surprise to see Mundo scale up the ladder so well with it.

Impact of ADC Nerfs

Many on-hit ADCs took a pretty big nerf with the Blade of the Ruined King nerfs. The standard crit ADCs got hit with Riot taking away the Giant Slayer passive on Lord Dominic’s. Tanks such as Mundo can freely build all the health they want, making it almost impossible to get him dead.

Optimal Mundo Build

Build three huge HP items and slap on an Overlord’s Blood Mail to suddenly become a god in your own right as Mundo. However, this power comes at a price. While becoming an unstoppable force in the late game, Mundo’s early game is still really bad.

Early Game Challenges

You have no way to freely control the lane other than farming with Q if you’re in a bad matchup or trying to land Q as poke if you are winning. One little mistake and you just become a meatball, as you have no CC in your kit to peel with. That being said, if you play the early game safe enough and scale up, you will have 8K HP and tons of damage with Heartsteel, Warmog’s, and Blood Mail.

Gwen’s Return to Top Lane Dominance

The other top lane god that is making her way back is Gwen. As ADCs are not doing so hot at killing mega tanks, let’s resort to a true damage cutter. Gwen has always had a kind of push-pull match-up versus tanks.

Early Game Strategy

In the early game, Gwen can get away with a few good autos and Q’s but is then punished on the first base. While you scale up to Riftmaker and Nashor’s, the enemy full buys a Negatron Cloak and nullifies you for a little bit.

Mid to Late Game Power Spike

Once you reach two or three items, you then retake the side lane pressure and win just about any duel. To make the most out of Gwen’s lull phase, you want to shift your focus from trading in lane to pushing and proxying. This will allow you to maximize your CS.

Optimal Playstyle and Team Composition

While you can clear the wave first, you should be able to fight the enemy jungler post-six. The weakness is versus your lane who itemizes MR, so target the enemy that isn’t. A final note for Gwen is to make sure you are drafting towards last pick as a top laner. If your mid and jungle lock in double AP, then a full AP top side is not a fun comp to work with.

Mid Lane Overview

Next up, we thought really hard about just skipping mid lane as Tristana and Kai’Sa are still miles ahead of every other mid laner in the meta right now. But there is one champion that is finding success versus these two champs.

LeBlanc’s Rise in the Meta

LeBlanc is trying her absolute hardest to keep up with this meta as she possesses the ability to one-shot these ADCs in the mid lane, but the level of execution is quite high. The first level depends on how well you can space the

Challenging the ADCs

The whole game and put up a fight versus the ADCs, but you must have an insane level of mechanical skill and mental game to make it work. If you’re up for the challenge, then by all means, lock in LeBlanc and show your skills.

ADC Picks in Mid Lane

With many ADC picks going over to mid lane, we are back in the meta where ADC players are picking up mages again to balance out the comps. So for ADCs, get ready to learn Ziggs and Seraphine.

Ziggs’ Popularity in China

Ziggs has become quite popular in China, especially in the LPL pro league. His ability to provide wave clear and being an insane pairing with an engaged lockdown support is unmatched. Imagine a champion whose entire kit revolves around skill shots, paired with a big tank that ensures your targets can’t move.

Ideal Pairings and Strategy

If any bot lane locks in Jinx or Kai’Sa or any other immobile ADC, and you lock in Ziggs plus Nautilus or Leona, it is basically lights out. You’re going to outrange them with poke and probably take five plates before 10 minutes.

Seraphine’s Comeback

Seraphine is also making a comeback as her wave clear is no joke. But the W is a large reason why as well. With so much poke and space created between both teams these days, Seraphine’s sustain is what keeps the team going.

Debate on Build Paths

A big debate right now is whether to go AP or enchanter build, and honestly, it depends on the team composition and the specific needs of the game.

Optimal Builds for Seraphine

If your team lacks AP damage, then go Seraph’s Embrace and Cosmic Drive. If your team has champions such as Kai’Sa, Lillia, or Zyra, then go enchanter with Echoes of Helia and Moonstone Renewer. Both builds are viable in the proper scenario.

Seraphine’s Playstyle

Keep in mind, however, that your champion is incredibly boring as you are mainly a scaling wave-clear and shield bot. Hang in there if you do want that LP.

Ivern’s Return to the Jungle

In the jungle, we have found the counter to Kai’Sa, and it is none other than the tree guy, Ivern. Ivern had a fierce presence earlier this season when he was one of the most broken junglers of the patch. Then, after a quick meta change to hardcore invading junglers, this tree guy lost his place in the ranks pretty quickly.

Ivern’s Strengths in the Current Meta

Now, with champions going crazy with space-making and poke, Ivern found his way in as a counter. By using his shields and items to soak up damage and using Daisy as a method of closing the gap, Ivern excels. He also has an insanely fast 2 minute and 40 second clear if done properly, which unironically outspeeds every jungler in the game.

Abusing Ivern’s Tempo Lead

Abusing this tempo lead means you can set up traps for the enemy full-clear junglers and actually deny them a full clear if you play it with your priority lanes to deny them that all-important first recall. Doing this completely ruins most AP junglers’ games and gives you a significant lead.

Moonstone Renewer’s Effectiveness

Rushing to a Moonstone Renewer means you will literally out-heal and out-shield the damage they dish out.

Nocturne’s Rise in the Jungle

Another juicy jungler that is currently climbing is Nocturne. This is what happens when you let the jungle meta devolve into a full scaling one. The benefit of having these AP junglers comes out in team play when you can coordinate around Kai’Sa, Lillia, and Zyra ultimates in team fights.

Nocturne’s Simplicity and Drawbacks

On Nocturne, you kind of just speed rush to level six and then find a single target to inflict nightmares upon. The execution is much simpler, allowing Nocturne to climb. The drawback, however, is that in higher elos many midlaners are drafting ADCs, which might not pair well. If you pick early, you can at least ask your teammates to draft AP elsewhere, and it can all work out.

Nami and Lucian’s Aggression

For supports, Nami is making her comeback with Lucian as many ADCs have grown tired of this super scaling meta with tons of range in between comps. Lucian and Nami break that with unfiltered aggression both in and out of lanes.

Nami’s Utility and Strength

Nami being a prime user of Echo means you can dish out tons of damage while healing allies to full. Nami’s ultimate is strong at creating space for her allies. The E enchantment also boosts Kai’Sa’s ults, Zyra’s plant autos, and other allies, making Nami one of the best enchanters in the game.

Surprising Last Pick

This last pick may come as something of a surprise, and the requirements are up on power with LeBlanc.

Pike’s Role in Breaking the Meta

As it all comes down to personal execution, this is going to be about Pyke. Just like Lucian and Nami, Pyke wants to break the mold of perma-scaling tops, full-clearing junglers, scaling ADCs mid, and whatever shows up as ADC. Pyke players are out for blood, always progressing the game with the champ’s strong early AD damage.

Early Game Aggression

Play the lane level 1 to 3 hyper-aggressive by taking bush control and seeing if you can cause any all-ins during this time. Pyke is super tanky, really strong, and has built-in sustain. After level 3, you want to play waves appropriately and then roam when you have the chance.

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