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How to appear offline in LoL?

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How to appear offline in LoL?

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Awesome guide on how to appear offline in LoL.
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From time to time, we just wanna get things on our own without any distractions so that we won’t appear on our friend lists. Avoid the status online in the League of Legends fast with this great guide. Usually, we call our friends from the friend list to play some ranked matches or just a regular one. Right after we add a friend to our list, you can create a nice connection with the player and win matches with your new teammate.

Offline mode in League of Legends

The most important thing in playing with friends is to share emotions. It might get really spicy sometimes, but that’s the interest of playing this game. There are tons of toxic players in League of Legends, so by playing a ranked match with your friends, prepare to receive some slurs from your side for doing something silly in the match. But when we want to play this game alone, the League of Legends doesn’t give us the option to go offline, so we have to google the tricks to do it.

Enable offline mode via CMD

The easiest way is to insert a special command to disturb your IP address with riot games servers so that you won’t appear online in your friend list. But it will cause some issues, such as you won’t be able to use the in-game PvP chat. Not only that, but you are no longer accessible to your friends online status, so keep that in mind.

Why this is the easiest way? You are not forced to install any additional software, it’s just a matter of one cmd command. Here, at HuskyBoost, I’d like to tell you all the steps in order to achieve the result of getting offline in League of Legends.

  1. Check your windows firewall status, it has to be activated at the moment of the execution of the CMD command. How to do it? Hop right into your search bar and type windows firewall. As a result, you will have all of the information on the current status of the windows firewall.
  2. Now, this is the time to open your CMD. To do it, click on your windows icon with the right mouse button – Terminal (Admin), either Command prompt (Admin).
  3. What are the servers you’re playing on? It’s either NA or EU, so check the version of your client first, and then execute the command.
  • If you are on the NA servers: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”lolchat” dir=out remoteip= protocol=TCP action=block
  • If you are on the EU servers: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”lolchat” dir=out remoteip= protocol=TCP action=block

And the final step is to execute the command by pressing Enter on your keyboard, and that’s it! You did the job.

Enable online mode via CMD

So if you are tired of playing with offline mode, there is a quick command that will turn you right into online mode again. Just follow the steps I’m giving you, and everything will work as it supposes to.

  1. Now, this is the time to open your CMD. To do it, click on your windows icon with the right mouse button – Terminal (Admin), either Command prompt (Admin).
  • Paste the following command into your CMD window – netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name= “lolchat”.

And the final step is to execute the command by pressing Enter on your keyboard, and that’s it! You did the job. So this is super easy to do, and you are not required to have any degree in IT, right? But there are still options of how to do it using additional software.

Enable offline mode via Deceive

If you are worried about the safety of your League of Legends account – forget it. You won’t get banned for using it, but it is pretty complicated to use. Here, at HuskyBoost, you will receive steps you have to follow in order to quickly jump into the offline mode without any problems. It will simply disturb your IP connection and riot game servers.

  1. Firstly, you have to download the Deceive from an official website – the link for it is here.
  2. Now, when you’re planning on going offline, make sure you open your League of Legends through this launcher. Quick note: the program must be opened as administrator, just like with the CMD commands.

Sometimes it gets tricky with the Deceive, but you will get used to it, don’t worry. The software may be laggy from time to time, so maybe you better look for the CMD commands instead. Who knows what’s more likable for you? Thanks to the developers of this software as well as CMD commands. We are now able to quickly go offline in our friend lists even without a special game option.

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