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All New Changes for Patch 14.14

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All New Changes for Patch 14.14

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Explore the upcoming changes in League of Legends Patch 14.14, including buffs, nerfs, and item updates. Stay ahead of the meta with our detailed breakdown.
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Hello, Librarian Husky here! Rumble’s Q Damage is receiving a massive nerf. Tristana and Cori are both becoming weaker, while this Zed buff is actually looking pretty impactful. We’ve got all this and so much more to cover as we’re going to be breaking down every single change that Riot has planned for Patch 14.14, which is set to hit live servers July 17th.

Item and Rune Changes

Starting off by covering the Item and Rune Changes, there are just two adjustments planned here. Absorb Life is being nerfed so that its sustain from levels 1-12 is weaker, but its sustain from levels 13-18 is stronger. The whole point of taking Absorb Life is for the early game sustain, so this is without question a net nerf and should put a lot more priority back on Triumph or Presence of Mind for Patch 14.14.

Warmog’s Rush Nerf

Rumble’s Q Damage is becoming weaker as the health required to activate Warmog’s passive is going up from 1300 to 1500. This is really going to hurt supports who rush Warmog’s the most, as it’s going to take much longer to get all that bonus health due to the lower gold income of the role.

Aphelios Q Damage Buff

Aphelios Q Damage on his red, purple, and white guns are all being increased for this patch. AD ratios are going up on all three.

Scaling Buffs for Champions

While the base damage is going to be increased on the purple and white guns, Cho’Gath will receive a few Scaling Buffs with his Q damage being increased from 80 scaling to 320 to 80 scaling to 340. E damage is up as well from 22 scaling to 82 to 20 scaling to 100. The E buff is quite significant, as it’s the spell you max out first, so 18 added damage per hit when you reach level 9 is absolutely amazing.

Jayce’s Poke Power Boost

Jayce is going to be getting a small boost to his poke power for this patch, as his Q base damage is up by five at all ranks while the bonus AD ratio is going from 120 to 125%.

Scion W Damage Increase

Scion W damage is being increased, with the damage based on the target’s health going from 10 scaling to 14% to just a flat 14% at all ranks.

Smolder Q Buff

We’ve got a very simple buff to Smolder Q damage for this patch, as it’s being increased from 15 scaling to 55 to 20 scaling to 60.

Teemo Stealth Improvement

Teemo is going to be able to enter stealth a little bit faster for this coming patch, as Riot has stated you’re going to clock into stealth around 0.125 seconds quicker.

Zed Buffs

Zed is actually getting some pretty impactful buffs for 14.14, with his Q base damage going up by 10 at all ranks and E cooldown refund up from 2 to 3 seconds.

Champion Nerfs

Moving on to the Champion Nerfs, we have a couple of range changes to Bel’Veth, as her base auto range is dropping from 175 to 150, while the bonus range she gets from R is up from 50 to 75.

Brand Nerf

Brand is being nerfed yet again, and this time Riot’s targeting his E, as the base damage is going down by five at all ranks while the cooldown is up by 1 second.

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Early Game Punishments

Riot’s looking to punish Corki’s early game even more by reducing his base health from 640 to 610. Jax’s consistent dueling threat is being reduced for the next patch as his E cooldown takes a hit, going from 15 scaling to 9 seconds to 17 scaling to 9 seconds.

Kindred’s Q Nerfs

There are two nerfs being issued to Kindred’s Q. The attack speed ratio is dropping from 35% to 30%, while the AD ratio is going down from 0.75 to 0.65.

Lillia’s Nerfs

Lillia has been the most OP jungler for solo queue in recent patches, so she’s finally getting nerfed. Lillia’s passive healing is being lowered, with the multi-champion healing going down from 33% to 15%.

Needle Cougar Nerfs

Needle Cougar’s W and E damage are both getting nerfed. The base damage on W is dropping from 60 scaling to 210 to 55 scaling to 190. However, there is now going to be a 50% AD ratio on W damage. E base damage is dropping by 10 at all ranks, the AP ratio is down from 45% to 40%, but the AD ratio is going from 40% to 70%.

Rumble’s Q Damage Nerf

Rumble’s Q Damage in the early game is getting absolutely slaughtered, as the base damage is going from 125 scaling to 185 to 80 scaling to 180. The minion modifier, however, is going up from 55 scaling to 75% to a flat 75%, so even though the damage to champions is nerfed hard early on, damage to minions won’t be hit as badly.

Tristana’s Mana Adjustments

Riot’s going with a rather unique change for Tristana, as they’re increasing her base mana from 250 to 350. However, her Q will now have a mana cost, as it’s going from 0 to 50. The W mana cost is being lowered from 60 to 50.

Tristana’s Mana Changes

What this means is that Tristana’s extended laning strength becomes weaker for the next patch, as once you’ve used Q twice, everything from then on out is going to hurt your mana pool more than before.

Zyra’s Plant Damage Nerfs

Zyra’s plant damage is going to be targeted for this patch, as the base damage is dropping from 16 scaling to 84 to 15 scaling to 75, while the AP ratio sees a small boost from 18% to 20%. Plant bonus monster damage is going down as well from 60 scaling to 100 to 50 scaling to 100.

Hecarim Adjustments

A couple of Hecarim adjustments are going live for this patch. Health growth is being increased from 99 to 106. W duration is down from 5 to 4 seconds.

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Healing and Cooldown Adjustments

The healing is going up from 20% to 25%, while the cooldown of the spell is being lowered from 16 scaling to 14 seconds to a flat 14 seconds. E cooldown is going to be nerfed early on but buffed later, going from 18 flat to 20 scaling to 16 seconds.

Irelia’s Passive and Q Changes

Riot’s going to be changing the way in which Irelia’s passive attack speed scales moving forward. Instead of giving you bonus attack speed at levels 1, 7, and 13, the attack speed you receive will scale with each level. Irelia’s AD per level is dropping from 4 to 3.5. The Q cooldown reduction from putting points in R is going down at rank two and rank three of Irelia’s R.

Milio’s Passive and Q Adjustments

Milio’s passive damage is going to be reduced for this patch, as the AD ratio is going from a flat 15% to now 7 scaling to 15%. Q is receiving a buff to compensate, as the cooldown drops from 12 to 10 seconds, while the range is going from 1,000 to 1,200 units. A third buff is being issued to Q, as you’ll now receive a mana refund of 50% if you hit an enemy champion with the spell. W recast range is buffed as well, going from 700 to 3,000 units.

Shield and AP Ratio Changes

E shield is going to be nerfed with the base value dropping by 15 at all ranks, but the AP ratio is going up from 30% to 45%. We’ll have to see how powerful these buffs land. However, we are leaning more towards these being net negative changes for Milio, just because he’s losing quite a bit of consistent value from passive and E. Q buffs are definitely super nice, but it’s hard to say if they’re going to make up for all the other nerfs.

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