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15 Best Champions to Escape Low ELO in Season 14

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15 Best Champions to Escape Low ELO in Season 14

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This guide highlights three champions for each role in League of Legends, optimized for climbing out of low ranks with effective builds, strategies, and rune setups.
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Hello, Librarian Husky here! If you’ve been having a difficult time climbing out of those lower ranks, this guide is for you. We’re going to break down three champions for every single role that are Low ELO machines, giving you the greatest chance of ranking up the fastest.

Top Lane Champion: Dr. Mundo

One of the most ridiculous Low ELO champions in general right now for the Top Lane is Dr. Mundo. For Low ELO, champions who scale well and are pretty easy to execute will help you climb a lot faster than more early game-reliant picks. Mundo is a complete menace once he has a few items, especially now that Warmog’s Armor has come into the meta. You stack a massive amount of health with this build and become super tanky.

Mundo’s Build and Runes

Because of how Mundo’s kit works, the damage output is actually pretty insane too. Mundo’s E damage scales off of bonus health, so by running a core of Warmog’s Armor and Heartsteel, you’re getting the maximum value out of that health scaling. The third item is very situational, as you can go more offensive with Overlord’s Blood Mail or more defensive with Spirit Visage and Thornmail. The optimal rune page for Mundo consists of Grasp of the Undying with Demolish, Second Wind, and Overgrowth, while Free Boots and Approach Velocity are for secondaries.

Learning to Split Push

One of the easiest ways to climb out of Low ELO is by learning how to Split Push effectively, and Yorick is the best champion to get you there the fastest.

Mastering Yorick for Low ELO

There’s not a ton of mechanical skill required to play Yorick at a good level. Correct W usage is one thing that you can get better at over time, but it really doesn’t make or break the champion as a whole. Just farming up to your core items and eventually applying pressure in the side lane should be what you’re focused on the most.

Effective Split Pushing with Yorick

You always want to try and be splitting on the side of the map furthest from the next objective. This way, if the enemy team collapses on you and you’re not able to escape, your team should have the numbers advantage to take a dragon or a tower elsewhere. It’s really important that you don’t die in the side lane well before that objective spawns.

Timing and Map Awareness

If you’re splitting and dragon is still yet to spawn for another minute, just don’t overpush if you don’t know exactly where the enemy team is on the map. Wait until about 15 seconds before that dragon spawns and then begin to apply pressure. By doing this, the enemy top laner will likely think you were going to join the team fight, so they won’t be there in the sidelane to stop you, and you’re going to end up taking at least one tower for free.

Yorick’s Core Build and Runes

The standard core build for Yorick consists of a Profane Hydra rush into Serylda’s Grudge second and an optional third item. Conqueror is the keystone rune, with Triumph, Bloodline, and Last Stand, followed by Demolish and Bone Plating for secondaries.

Strategic Macro Course

For a more in-depth look at how to macro as a top laner, our new course on strategic macro is a great resource to help you out.

Versatility of Volibear

Volibear is a champion who can do a little bit of everything. With a new meta build, he’s got some really strong sidelane threat, but due to the champion’s kit, his team fight can be quite impactful as well. Volibear is one of those champions where if you get ahead with him, it’s very hard to actually throw a lead due to all of his point-and-click damage.

Advantages of Volibear in Low ELO

This makes him a great Low ELO champ because no matter how bad you are mechanically, you’re always going to provide value for your team, which is a win for everyone. Especially in the lower ranks where ADCs won’t be spacing immaculately, diving in with his R and locking a high-priority carry down with his Q stun is so impactful and it literally takes no skill at all.

Volibear’s Core Build and Runes

The core build for Volibear consists of a Rod of Ages rush into Navori Quickblades second and Frozen Heart or Spirit Visage third. The rune page to take with this build is Press the Attack with Presence of Mind, Legend: Alacrity, and Last Stand, followed by Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insight.

Shyvana’s Return to the Meta

After being a pretty mediocre champion through the first half of season 14, Shyvana is back in a big way and an excellent Low ELO jungler. A few patches back, Riot issued a change that increased the XP gained from jungle camps, which has been really great for Shyvana. As a jungler who wants to hard farm and reach her level six spike as soon as possible, more experience to help her reach that faster is amazing.

Playing to Shyvana’s Strengths

The fact that Shyvana has such a big spike at level six gives you a very clear win condition to play for in every game. You never want to be forcing ganks with Shyvana early on, as ensuring you reach your level six power spike is crucial.

Shyvana’s Early Game Strategy

You take your camps off respawn, hitting six before the enemy jungler and then looking to be more aggressive. In Low ELO, players are going to be a lot less cognizant of Dragon spawns, which is great for Shyvana because she deals 20% bonus damage to Dragons and becomes tankier with each Dragon she takes due to her passive.

Shyvana’s Core Build and Runes

The core build for Shyvana revolves around a Spear of Shojin rush into Liandry’s Anguish second and Riftmaker third. Fleet Footwork is the best keystone rune with Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Cut Down, while Biscuits and Cosmic Insight are for secondaries.

Warwick: An Active Early Game Jungler

If you want to play a jungler who can be a little bit more active in the early game, whether through skirmishing or ganking, Warwick is our recommendation for you. Low ELO games are chaotic with fights happening all the time, and Warwick is a really great jungler to take advantage of this chaotic nature.

Warwick’s Strengths and Playstyle

With Warwick‘s W, he gains a massive amount of bonus movement speed towards enemies below 50% health, making it easy to get around the map and capitalize on opportunities. Besides Warwick‘s R, his main damage source comes from point-and-clicking the enemy, so when you get ahead with him, you can just end up stat-checking the enemy and rolling over them in fights.

Nuances of Warwick’s Kit

There’s definitely some more nuanced parts of Warwick‘s kit that take a little bit of time to master, as his Q and E can be used in unique ways. However, the skill floor of Warwick is pretty low, so even without knowledge of his more advanced mechanics, you can still find a lot of success with him.

Warwick’s Core Build

The core build for Warwick is a Titanic Hydra rush into Blade of the Ruined King second and then situational items based on the game.

Optimal Tank Build for Junglers

You go tanky from then on out. Press the Attack is the keystone rune with Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand, followed by Celerity and Water Walking for secondaries.

Low ELO Jungler: Nocturne

Another really strong Low ELO jungler who you can win with by executing a very simple game plan is Nocturne. Nocturne has a ton of value in lower ranks because players just won’t respect the threat of his ultimate very often. This makes being super consistent with your clear and hitting level six as soon as you can very important.

Effective Use of Nocturne’s Ultimate

Once you get to six with Nocturne, it’s very important you don’t end up wasting your R and get nothing out of it. Before you even load into the game, you should have a general plan in place as to which lane is going to be the best for you to gank. Ganking for lanes that have crowd control is the most reliable way for you to secure kills.

Nocturne’s Core Build and Runes

The build that you should be running on Nocturne is a Stridebreaker rush into Hexdrinker second and Black Cleaver third. Conqueror is the keystone rune with Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand, followed by Eyeball Collection and Ultimate Hunter.

Mid Lane Champion: Brand

Moving on to the mid lane, first up is going to be one of the best team fight mids that you can play: Brand. With all of the percent health damage that Brand is able to acquire, he works so well in the lower ranks where games last a little bit longer. The longer the games last, the more health the enemies will have, making Brand‘s damage even more impactful.

Brand: AOE Damage Powerhouse

Brand’s AOE damage allows him to thrive in 5v5 scenarios and makes him an absolute monster when fighting for objectives. The objective-taking power of Brand is incredible as well since his percent health damage helps to absolutely melt Baron or Dragon.

Brand’s Core Build and Runes

The core build performing the best for Brand in solo queue consists of a Liandry’s Anguish rush into Demonic Embrace second and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter third. For the rune page, it’s Arcane Comet with Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Scorch. The best secondaries are Presence of Mind and Cut Down.

Malzahar: Consistent Mid Lane Champion

One mid lane champion that you can never go wrong with if you’re looking to climb out of Low ELO is Malzahar. What makes Malzahar so great for the lower ranks is that he always has value regardless of how ahead or behind you are in the game.

Malzahar’s Influence in Fights

The silence from Malzahar‘s Q combined with the suppression from his R gives you the ability to influence fights extremely well, whether you’re fed or not. Even if the enemy mid laner is up a few kills on you, just using R on them while they try to dive into a fight can completely nullify any damage they have.

Malzahar’s Early Game Strategy

Malzahar does need his items and levels to really come online, as his early game is pretty weak. There is a strategy you should use to help get past that early game quicker. Instead of starting with a Doran’s Ring, look to start with a Sapphire Crystal and Refillable Potion. This way, you’re able to reach your Lost Chapter spike faster, which is when you can actually start shoving out waves and being more useful.

Malzahar’s Playstyle and Core Build

At level six, always try to play with your jungler and look to fight when they’re around. As long as you provide the lockdown with your R, winning 2v2 skirmishes is pretty easy with Malzahar once he hits level six. The core build for Malzahar consists of a Liandry’s Anguish rush into Rylai’s Crystal Scepter second and Demonic Embrace third. The rune page revolves around Summon Aery with Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Scorch, while Free Boots and Cosmic Insight are for secondaries.

Assassin Mid Lane Pick: Naafiri

If mages are not of interest to you and you’d rather an assassin mid lane pick, Naafiri is exceptionally strong for Low ELO right now. Naafiri was just heavily buffed a few patches back and has been absolutely dominating the lower ranks ever since. Even though Naafiri is an assassin, the one thing that sets her apart from many other assassins is that she’s less mechanically demanding.

Why Naafiri is Great for Low ELO

This is a big factor that makes Naafiri a great Low ELO pick because there’s just fewer ways for you to blow a lead and mess up with her. You’ve got the point-and-click engage, which makes finding catch plays and bursting out a target really easy if you get ahead.

Mid Game Strategy with Naafiri

How you’re going to look to execute with Naafiri in the mid game is by shoving out side waves and then looking for flank angles. Playing straight-up team fights can be a little bit more difficult with Naafiri since her engage is more telegraphed, so trying to get in behind opponents is key to taking them out.

Naafiri’s Core Build and Runes

The core build for Naafiri revolves around an Eclipse rush into Ravenous Hydra second, and it’s pretty situational from then on out. First Strike is the optimal keystone with Free Boots, Biscuit Delivery, and Cosmic Insight, while Sudden Impact and Treasure Hunter are for secondaries.

Consistent ADC: Miss Fortune

One of the main consistent ADCs for Low ELO who’s just become even better due to recent buffs is Miss Fortune. MF is such a phenomenal Low ELO ADC because you have much less to worry about micro-wise in order to be impactful with the champion.

Playing Miss Fortune Effectively

With Miss Fortune, all you really have to do is focus on sitting behind your front line and be ready for when a team fight breaks out. This makes her a reliable and straightforward choice for players looking to climb in the lower ranks.

Effective Use of Miss Fortune’s Ultimate

When the enemy is CC’d, you look to rain down with R, and that’s really all you need to do a lot of the time in fights to make an impact. No space gliding or kiting needed, just straight-up using your R at the correct time, and you’re golden.

Miss Fortune’s Meta Build

The meta build for Miss Fortune is really strong right now as it gives you a little bit more margin for error. Bloodthirster is the rush item, and you’re also taking Barrier for your secondary summoner spell, so the amount of bonus shielding you have is absolutely crazy. It’s a very heavy burst-focused setup that’s going to allow for MF’s Q and R to hurt really bad as you’re following up the Bloodthirster rush with Essence Reaver and Infinity Edge. The standard rune page is Press the Attack with Presence of Mind, Alacrity, and Cut Down, followed by Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm for secondaries.

Consistent ADC: Ashe

Another ADC who’s pretty strong in general right now but even better for the lower ranks is Ashe. If you can get really good at Ashe, climbing out of Low ELO shouldn’t take you very long at all. This is because Ashe has one of the stronger early games for any ADC, and her ability to extend a lead and close out games is also top tier.

Ashe’s Strengths in Low ELO

The long auto-attack range combined with her W poke allows you to bully shorter-ranged ADCs pretty nicely. Once you get a lead in lane, closing out games is way easier with Ashe than most ADCs because she has the ability to start fights with her R. Very few other ADCs have this same kind of catch power that Ashe provides, so you’re able to take matters into your own hands and not rely as much on your support to be that source of engage.

Ashe’s Optimal Build and Runes

It’s a crit-centric build that’s performing best on Ashe right now as you’re rushing Kraken Slayer into Phantom Dancer second and Infinity Edge third. The rune page consists of Press the Attack with Overheal, Alacrity, and Cut Down, while Biscuit Delivery and Approach Velocity are for secondaries. This rune page has an incredibly high win rate but is very underrated right now, as most Ashe players are taking Presence of Mind with Bloodline instead of Overheal with Alacrity.

Low Mechanical Skill Requirements

You can get away with very elementary mechanical skill and still win with Miss Fortune or Ashe. However, if you want to delve into a pick with a little bit more skill required who’s still great for Low ELO, then Jinx is absolutely the play for you.

Jinx: A High Skill ADC for Low ELO

Spacing well is going to be a little bit more important on Jinx due to the fact that so much of her value is going to come from the DPS potential she has with her auto attacks. Her passive helps with this, as finding a proc in a team fight gives you a burst of movement speed, helping you reposition or chase down kills.

The Power of Jinx’s Passive

Honestly, Jinx‘s passive gives her so much potential in Low ELO because all you need is that one proc to completely take over a team fight. There are few ADCs who have as much raw team fight impact as Jinx, with her execute from her R and some of the most disgusting DPS power due to the stacking attack speed from her passive.

Jinx’s Core Build and Runes

The build you’re going to want to prioritize on Jinx consists of a Kraken Slayer rush into Phantom Dancer second and Infinity Edge third. Fleet Footwork and Press the Attack are both viable keystone runes that you can swap between based on what your lane is looking like. For example, when paired with a melee engage support, opting for Press the Attack can work well to provide more damage for all-ins. If you’re with someone like Yuumi, who doesn’t offer as much early kill threat, going for Fleet Footwork is definitely good value, as games in the lower ELOs tend to last a little bit longer on average.

Sona: A Strong Scaling Enchanter

It gives a strong scaling enchanter like Sona a lot of added strength. Sona always has one of the highest win rates in silver and gold, and it’s honestly for a really good reason. Get Sona to two items, and the constant healing and speed boost she provides for her team gives her so much consistent value. It takes absolutely no skill at all to use Sona‘s W and E, so you could be playing with your toes and still making an impact.

Sona’s Utility and Catch Power

Utility aside, Sona actually has pretty strong catch power as well with her R. She’s not just a healbot; you can make plays with Sona and be the engage for your team, which is something that separates her from a lot of other enchanters. The damage output from the champ really isn’t to be understated either, as you should be taking Bloodsong as your item upgrade instead of Moonstone Renewer. Bloodsong has a much higher win rate and it’s just the more selfish option that’s going to help you carry more and rely less on your teammates.

Sona’s Core Build and Runes

Rush item is Echoes of Helia and then Staff of Flowing Water slots in second. The best rune page consists of Summon Aery with Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Gathering Storm, while Conditioning and Revitalize slot in for secondaries.

Leona: A Great Melee Support

If you don’t fancy playing an enchanter, one of the best melee supports for Low ELO is Leona. Leona is such a great Low ELO support for a multitude of reasons. For a support champion, the damage that Leona can output is actually very respectable, and you’re often going to be able to out-duel the enemy ADC early on in lane.

Leona’s Crowd Control and Tankiness

Leona’s CC is incredible as well, as you have the ability to single out and lock down a target for multiple seconds. To tie everything together, Leona is also super tanky due to the damage reduction and bonus resist she gets when using W, so she can be a great front line for her team to soak a lot of the damage.

Leona’s High-Rank Success Build

A build that’s finding a ton of success in the higher ranks right now that more Low ELO Leona players should be using revolves around Bloodsong, Warmog’s Armor, and Locket of the Iron Solari. The Bloodsong item upgrade is super good for Leona as she’s a champ who wants to be aggressive, looking for all-in plays, and Bloodsong just really helps to amplify that.

Leona’s Optimal Rune Page

The rune page finding the most success right now consists of Aftershock with Font of Life, Bone Plating, and Overgrowth, while Sudden Impact and Relentless Hunter are for secondaries.

Zyra: A Pure Carry Support

For more of a pure carry from the support role, you really can’t go wrong with Zyra. Zyra is one of the few supports in the game who can make an impact without relying on her ADC to be competent. The damage that Zyra can output at level six is incredibly high, which means you can find kills by yourself without your ADC needing to do anything at all.

Zyra’s Solo Carry Potential

All you need to do is land one E and follow up with the rest of your abilities to completely wipe out an enemy squishy. Every game is winnable with Zyra as long as you’re playing well, which makes her a great Low ELO champ. Not only is Zyra’s all-in strength great at level six, but it also spills over into her team fight ability as well.

Zyra’s AOE Damage and Zone Control

The AOE damage potential that Zyra has gives her great value when fighting around key objectives, and her zone power is absolutely amazing too. For the build with Zyra, your two core items for every game are going to be Liandry’s Anguish and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter. The power spike is huge when you complete both items, as they’re really all that Zyra needs to reach maximum effectiveness.

Zyra’s Optimal Rune Page

As for the rune page, it’s going to be Arcane Comet with Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Scorch, followed by Taste of Blood and Relentless Hunter for secondaries.

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