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How To Increase Your Power Every Day in WoW-Remix

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How To Increase Your Power Every Day in WoW-Remix

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This guide offers tips to become powerful in WoW Remix, focusing on daily activities, gear upgrades, and efficient Bronze farming for optimal gameplay.
🕑 2 Minutes: reading time
⏳ Popularity: HOT

Hey there! I am Librarian Husky, and today we’re going to discuss how to become more powerful in WoW remix. If you’re struggling to catch up with other players who may already be far ahead, I want to assure you that it’s okay to play the game however you like. Whether you’re in it for the cosmetics, enjoying floating around through Bronze orbs scattered around Pandaria, or doing campaigns for more cosmetic rewards, you can play your way. If you aim to increase your power in raids and Dungeons, we can begin discussing the necessary Daily Activities.

Daily Activities and Character Focus

The amount of time you have available for playing will influence the rewards and upgrades you can achieve. My first tip for growing stronger is to focus on one main character. I chose a monk because it resonates with Pandaria and offers tank, healer, and DPS capabilities, which allows for fast queues. Alts are very quick to level and excellent for cosmetics. For instance, reaching level 70 on a new character took me about five hours without a boost, just by queuing for available content. After completing all the daily tasks on that same character, I had just under 95k Bronze, which I used to purchase the last of the mounts I needed.

Using Alts for Cosmetics

While using alts for cosmetics, it’s important to focus Bronze Gear Upgrades on your main character. Despite spending a large amount of Bronze on mounts during the first week, my main monk is still quite powerful. Occasionally, I take short trips into the Heart of Fear trash, which takes about half an hour.

Gear Upgrades and Efficiency

Understanding how Gear Upgrades work is crucial. The highest item level gear you can obtain at level 70 is 346, whether it is uncommon, rare, or epic. I recommend retaining the purple and blue gear to replace your green items when you start upgrading, as they also provide main stats and the upgrades are significantly cheaper if you already possess items of a higher item level.

Upgrade Mechanics

Gear Upgrades must be done per full gear set. This means you cannot upgrade a single item to the max item level and then move on to the next one. Instead, all your items must be upgraded one at a time to unlock the next stage of upgrading. You need to upgrade the helm, shoulders, chest, wrists, weapons, gloves, belt, pants, and boots sequentially before you can upgrade the helm again. Currently, neck rings and trinkets are not upgradeable.

Optimizing Gear and Resources

So you don’t need to worry about spending any Bronze on that. Your cloak will continue to grow more powerful as you do content from the threads you loot and the spools rewarded by Daily Activities or bosses. But the Gear Upgrades and the gems inside that gear are what really make players powerful. It not only increases the stats on the item but also how much the gems you wear in it are empowered, thus making your entire power grow exponentially when you upgrade.

Earning Bronze Efficiently

Let’s see how we actually get the Bronze in order to grow more powerful each day. I will start with the fastest activities and end with the slowest ones, in my opinion, in case your playing time is limited and you can’t do all of them every day. First of all, it’s very important to pick up the bizarre quest for completing a scenario to defeat three dungeon bosses and two raid bosses. Then, use the LFG Tool to queue for an LFR wing if you don’t have time for higher difficulty raid, a dungeon, and a scenario. The scenario queue will generally be instant, and by the time you finish it, the dungeon or the LFR might pop up.

Maximizing Daily Quests

Something to mention here: at the moment, the Mosan Palace dungeon has three bosses. However, one of them doesn’t count as defeated for the daily quest, so if you get this one as a random dungeon, you will need to do one more in order to complete the quest. The next step after these three quests is to queue for more content. Every day, the LFG Tool will reward a greater Bronze cache and an epic spool of Eternal thread for completing a normal scenario, a heroic one, a normal dungeon, and the heroic dungeon. You already get a pretty hefty amount of Bronze just from these, to which you can add the daily bizarre quests as well.

Utilizing Time and Resources

Next, if you still have some extra time on your hands or while waiting for your LFG queues, go around Pandaria and defeat the world bosses. These include the Sha of Anger in Kai Summit, Hasta on the Isle of Giants, Nalak on the Isle of Thunder, Galleon in the Valley of the Four Winds, Ordos, and the Four Celestials on the Timeless Isle. I recommend doing the Four Celestials one time for the achievement, which also rewards Bronze.

But then, on a daily basis, you will just need to defeat one for the reward. Extra tip: if you’re in a bit of a rush and Ordos seems to be too far to run around the island or to wait for a seagull to get you up there, you can equip either the Heroic Leap or Disengage Cogwheel gems. I personally prefer the Heroic Leap in many situations, or the Windweaver Tinker, which makes you immune to fall damage, and then get on a dragon flying mount, leave from the Jade Forest, go around the Timeless Isle, and fly high enough to aim where you need to land.

Optimizing Landing Techniques

If you want to land as late as possible, go to the area where Ordos is located, then drop towards it using your Cogwheel gems to aim precisely where you want to land. If you’re too slow, pressing the Wind Weaver Tinker gem can still save your life. Defeat Ordos, and after that, just jump down at the bridge and sign up for a Celestial group.

Efficient Bronze Farming in Raids

For more time-consuming Bronze farms, you can participate in raids. The higher the difficulty, the greater the Bronze rewards. During WoW Remix, Pandaria raids are on a daily lockout for both Remix and Retail, so you can visit them every single day. In Remix, you can do LFR if you have the time and willingness, as it rewards threads for your cloak and a lesser Bronze cache per wing.

Raid Difficulties in Pandaria

There are five raids you can clear in Pandaria, and their difficulties vary. Mosan Vaults is the easiest and the fastest one, generally being cleared in less than 10 minutes if you have a few geared people in your run. Heart of Fear is also very quick and easy. The next raid is Terrace of the Endless Spring, which has only four bosses and very little trash, but it is a bit more difficult than the first two. Still, it is not too hard, and I seriously doubt that the recent word nerf will change this significantly.

Challenging Raids and Strategic Play

The next raid is Throne of Thunder, and it is the most difficult raid to clear with a full group of lower geared people, due to the Dark Animus boss, which actually requires you to perform some tactics. However, if you have a really strong tank and a big blaster, it’s not much of an issue. Heroic Moras also requires a bit of strategic thinking, so be careful when signing up for what kind of group you are joining.

The last raid is Siege of Orar, which is pretty long but, in my opinion, easier than Throne overall. It is also where you can get the bones of Manoro from Gash as a currency to exchange for the Tusks of Manor Roth in Remix. Four of the five raids have a shared lockout for normal and heroic difficulties, so unlike retail, you will not be able to clear both on the same day. If you can and want to do heroic, do that instead of normal as you will get more Bronze out of it. The later bosses in Throne of Thunder and Siege of Oramar also reward double greater Bronze caches.

Maximizing Raid Clearances

So it’s even better if you also manage to completely clear out the raids. Additionally, if you start clearing heroic with one group and then need to leave, you will be locked out to that instance ID, as you would be in a Mythic raid on retail. This means you will not be able to join a different raid group with a different raid ID to continue that same day.

Detailed Raid Lockout Information

Now, I mentioned that four of the five raids share a normal and heroic lockout, so I want to clarify that Siege of Vamar has four available difficulties: LFR, normal, heroic, and Mythic. You can do every single one of these difficulties every single day. This allows you to get the Bronze from LFR from all of the five raids, normal or heroic for four of them, and then you could do Siege of Vamar in four difficulties every day if you have that much time on your hands.

Alternative Methods for Farming Bronze

This is the biggest part of farming Bronze, but not the only option. Maybe you don’t like raiding; that’s perfectly fine. You can use other methods: you can do the campaign quests and the daily faction quests around the world. You can defeat rares in the meantime, as rares also give a lot of threads for your cloak. And if you get bored of this, spam heroic Dungeons. They also reward a lot of threads, Bronze, and gems you can use to either upgrade the ones you are wearing or you can scrap them for even more Bronze.

Enjoying the Game at Your Own Pace

All the gear you no longer need, scrap it and improve the items that you want to keep. Basically, play the game any way you like and enjoy it. Obviously, the biggest Bronze rewards come from the daily bizarre quests, the daily scenarios and Dungeons, and from the raid bosses. But if you don’t have time or the mood for all of these, just do whatever you feel comfortable with, and you will get where you want to be at your own pace. There is still so much time left of the event that everyone should be able to reach all of their goals before the remix ends.

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