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Beginner Tips I Wish I Knew in Silver!

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Beginner Tips I Wish I Knew in Silver!

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This guide offers essential tips for improving your Valorant gameplay, covering strategies like gunplay, patience, and mastering specific characters to help you climb the ranks efficiently.
🕑 2 Minutes: reading time
⏳ Popularity: HOT

Hey there, gamers! Librarian Husky here to help you out. Let’s dive into some essential tips to level up your Valorant game. Whether you’re stuck in Silver or aiming for those higher ranks, I’ve got you covered. So grab your favorite snack, sit back, and let’s break down the strategies you need to climb the ranks and become a top-tier player.

When I first started playing Valorant, I sucked. I was really bad at Valorant. It was my first Tactical shooter, and at the very beginning, I was in Silver. There were things that, if I had known back then, I would have quickly climbed. But it took me a little while to get through it, and some of these Misconceptions persist even in your games.

Breaking Down Tips

We’re going to break down these tips that you need to learn, that you need to know if you want to climb out of Silver, out of Gold, out of Plat, into the high ranks, and play as quickly as possible.

The Tactical Shooter Nature of Valorant

The first thing I want to talk about is the Tactical shooter nature of Valorant. If you come from other shooters, you don’t really have the Fundamentals that a Tactical shooter needs to succeed and be accurate.

Misunderstandings and Fundamentals

There were two core things that I misunderstood back then. Number one is the idea of crouching. I assumed that crouching and committing to sprays, and controlling sprays, was the most effective way to get good at Valorant. However, because of the RNG aspect of sprays and the importance of first-shot accuracy and being mobile and hard to hit, crouching is a situational thing to do.

Correct Approach to Gunfights

Crouching is not something you should do in every single gunfight. Most of the time, you’re supposed to take a duel, take a couple of steps, and take another duel. If another person jumps on you while you’re taking that second duel, then you could commit to a spray and a crouch to help that spray. But it’s a specific tactic, not something to do each and every time. That was something I was doing wrong a lot.

Committing to Crouch Sprays

I was just committing to Crouch sprays all the time. Another important aspect of a Tactical shooter compared to many other shooter games is that it’s about challenging an angle deliberately. Whether there’s a person there or not, you should be ready to fight an angle.

Challenging Angles

When challenging an angle perfectly, you either need to do a micro flick or no flick at all. It’s not like games such as Apex and Overwatch where you’re trying to follow a target through the air and always adapt to every random situation. You’re trying to deliberately isolate the amount of situations that you have to aim in and do a lot of the heavy lifting by challenging these angles whether they’re there or not and clearing them appropriately.

Peeking Corners and Angles

If there’s a corner or an angle, if you are further from it and Peeking slowly, you will see the enemies’ hitbox and character before they see you. If you don’t understand this concept, you’ll get into gunfights where you get shot before the enemy is even on your screen, making it impossible to win those fights. It’s important to understand this concept and ingrain it into your play.

Dying with Abilities Out

Next up is something that happens to almost every new Valorant player: dying with your Abilities out. You’re constantly whipping out your Abilities and dying. Many players will not use their Abilities enough because they’re afraid of getting pushed or killed while trying to set them up.

Clearing Forward Space

This is why you need to clear forward space and gather information about it. If you’re going to use a dart, don’t just walk up to the corner and use it. Jiggle peek the next open space so you know that if someone wants to cross, they need 3-4 seconds—enough time for you to use your ability and get back to your gun to fight.

Reacting to Enemy Movement

If an enemy decides to push you, or if they use Abilities like double Satchel, Dash, or others to get to you, it will make noise and give you information. This noise will alert you to cancel your ability and prepare for the fight.

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Preparing for Fights

I need to get ready to fight. If you start to ingrain this with all your ability use, you won’t get caught with your Abilities out and get rolled and smoked. You’ll have much more impactful Abilities each time.

Getting Value from Abilities

One of the things I struggled with is getting value each time I use an ability. This is something that you’ll continue to have a problem with throughout all ranks unless you really lock in on this one key detail.

Using Utility for Specific Purposes

It’s important to use utility for a specific purpose or goal instead of just a general one. For example, don’t just use a Sova Dart or a Molotov to do some damage or clear some corners. Instead, gather specific information or clear a specific corner.

Focusing on Singular Goals

The idea is to get value out of your Abilities by focusing on a singular purpose. If you try to clear every corner, you might miss many little corners that enemies are hiding in. But if you force clear one corner, you guarantee value from that corner. This is super important to make sure you use your Abilities for singular purposes and goals.

Guaranteed Value from Abilities

It’s going to make sure that you get guaranteed value out of them. Now, fifth on the list, and this one is something I fell into the trap of a lot, is trying to play “gotcha.” It’s really fun to try to break the rules of Valorant. You’re not playing precisely; you’re not trying to rifle take angles properly. You’re running and gunning, shotgunning, and judging.

Playing “Gotcha”

You might thrive a little bit off of making people mad, maybe you’re double dashing, up-drafting, and doing some psycho stuff. Whatever it is, it’s playing “gotcha.” It’s trying to ignore the rules of Valorant, not get better at Valorant, and dive headfirst into some nonsense and silly stuff.

Fun vs. Improvement

Don’t get me wrong, some of this stuff can be really fun and a cool part of Valorant. But if your goal is to get better, you need to lock in on doing the proper Fundamentals. Get better with your gunplay, get better with your angle-taking, and not try to cheese your way to wins each time.

Focusing on Fundamentals

If I had done a lot less of this and a lot more fundamental gunplay, I would have improved a lot quicker instead of stagnating my skills. The sixth point, and this was really difficult for me, is that Patience is one of the hardest skills to learn in Valorant.

Patience in Valorant

Patience is the hardest skill to learn in Valorant, different from most other games, especially FPS games. You always feel like you want to do more. You want to randomly bust out your knives, dash, updraft, and pop off. You want to randomly run it down mid or push.

The Importance of Patience

This push, that push, you want more and more, but at the end of the day, Valorant is a game about Patience. Nothing happens until everything happens. It’s really important to quell that inner ADHD, that inner desire to do things all the time. This is one of the disciplined skills where one little mistake or forced action could be the difference between losing and winning.

Using Time as a Resource

To reach the highest peaks and have highlight moments, you need to appreciate the moments where you have to be patient. These are the moments where you’re waiting, where the opponent has to make the first move, and where you use time as a resource. Getting better at Valorant is never boring, and winning is never boring.

Warming Up Consistently

One of the things I wish I had done more is just Warming up. Often, I was inconsistent; some days, I would pop off, and other days, I would play terribly. It comes down to consistency. I would either not warm up, be really tired, or just hop on the computer randomly. Most importantly, I never built a routine to play efficiently day after day, making it hard to improve and optimize my play sessions.

Sticking with a Set of Characters

The last thing I wish I had known in Silver is to stick with a set of Characters. I’m naturally curious and like to flex, wanting to play different Characters and roles. However, this hurts your progress because you only get surface-level understanding of each character.

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Mastering Specific Characters

I got okay at Sova, I got okay at Omen, I got okay at Jett, and it’s cool to be okay at things, right? You get to flex, fill, and play the character your comp needs. But I was never the best version of that character in the lobby. I could play an okay Jett, but the Jett main would always be better than me. The same was true for Omen.

Focus and Repetition

If you want to get repetition and become great with a character, you need to isolate your agent pool. Make sure you’re not playing too many Characters at once. I suggest three or fewer, maybe four depending on your role. Minimize the Characters you play and get really good at them.

Avoid Chasing the Meta

Another thing to note is not to chase the Meta. Just because a character is good this patch doesn’t mean they will always be good. If you’re always chasing the Meta, you’ll never stick with anything long enough to get good at it.

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