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Abyss Viper Guide! – Setups, Lineups, and More!

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Abyss Viper Guide! – Setups, Lineups, and More!

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The guide provides advanced strategies and setups for mastering Viper on Valorant's Abyss map, covering both attacking and defending tactics to improve gameplay.
🕑 2 Minutes: reading time
⏳ Popularity: HOT

Hey gamers! Welcome to Librarian Husky’s guide. Today, we’re diving into Valorant to master Viper‘s setups. Whether you’re new or experienced, these tips will boost your game. Let’s get started and level up your play!

Map Control with Viper

Whether it’s to slice up areas for map control or make enemies second guess your location, Viper definitely knows how to get the job done. But today, we ask the age-old question: will Viper work on Abyss? Spoiler alert: the answer is yes. Today I am going to show you how to conquer the Abyss with these insane Viper setups.

Attacking Setup: A Site

You’ll never have to dread this map again as you can be the instalock controller of your team whenever Abyss pops up. A word of warning here: please watch your step. For our first attacking Setup on A, simply align yourself towards this wall on A Main. Pull out your Toxic Screen and check your mini-map to ensure that your wall aligns with A Tower all the way to A Link.

Advanced Viper Strategies on Abyss

There’s a darker shade of rectangle; aim your crosshair towards the middle of that rectangle. Then, pull out your Smoke Orb and do a jumping throw. This lineup is going to cover the entirety of the choke point on CT. Now, as for the wall, you’re going to be protected from any peers coming from A Tower.

Attacking A Site: Setup One

Our second Setup for attacking A has two variations for the Smoke Orb lineup. One can be used for a basic post-plant side hold, while the other is useful for a post-plant Molly Lineup. To get started, wait for the barriers to drop, then head to this corner on Mid. Align your wall towards the choke points of A Tower and CT as seen from your mini-map.

Basic Post-Plant Orb Lineup

For the first orb lineup, you’re going to need to head over to this corner so it can land directly behind A Bridge. Look for the tip of this tree and do a jumping throw in that direction. Once you activate your wall and orb, you can see how it completely covers A Tower as well as the majority of back site. This can work perfectly if you’re doing a quick push that allows you to isolate close fights after planting.

Post-Plant Molly Lineup

For our alternative orb lineup, stand on the corner of this box and aim towards the tip of this pointy rock. Then, pull out your Smoke Orb and do a jumping throw. This orb will land directly on top of A Bridge. It also still provides coverage from back site while allowing a post-plant Molly Lineup opportunity if you plant on A Bridge.

Planting and Repositioning

Once you get to the site, you can plant the spike right here or have a teammate do it for you before heading back to A Main to do the A Bridge lineup. Look for the middle line of this box and align yourself towards it. Next, aim your crosshair towards…

Mastering Viper’s Lineups

The tip of the shadowy patch on this mountain right here, pull out your snake bite and do a normal throw. This Molly Lineup will cover the entire section of the bridge, denying spike defuse for a good amount of time. Just be wary of any flanks or have a buddy to help you out so you can focus on your Molly Lineup.

Defending A Site: Basic Strategy

Defending A site is pretty straightforward since there’s only one main entry point that can easily be controlled. Our first Setup actually only needs your Viper wall so you can save your Smoke Orb for a retake. Simply stand right next to this wall near A Main and aim your Toxic Screen as seen on your mini map.

Using the Toxic Screen

The goal here is to cover each corner of A Main’s entry point. Once you pull this wall up, you can use it to make sneaky plays with your team due to the coverage it gives. It’s going to work well with run-and-gun weapons as well as shotguns on an eco round. You can also see how much value it gives due to the space that’s being denied from the enemy team.

Enemy Perspective and Advantages

It can easily bait out a bunch of utilities early on before they can comfortably peek an angle. Now, as for the enemy’s perspective, they’re going to have to go through the Toxic Screen multiple times to get into the site. This gives your team multiple instances of decay, allowing for easy spams and easy frags.

Advanced Defense Setup

Our second defense Setup on A only requires using Viper‘s Smoke Orb, allowing you to plan a Retake Wall later in the round if needed. This orb lineup must be paired with an active hold on A Main that can either be done by you or a teammate.

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Executing a Smoke Orb Lineup

I do recommend having a duelist hold it for you or an agent with easy escape utilities since you’d want to live longer in the round. To do this lineup, stand on this corner before the barrier drops. Look towards the two parallel lines right here and aim in the middle of them. Pull out your Smoke Orb and do a normal throw. You’ll see the poison orb land on top of this tall box on A Main, giving you and your team a nice One-Way Smoke to work with.

Challenges of Attacking B Site

Attacking B site is a bit more complex due to the corners and the layers of the site. This is the exact reason why controllers such as Brimstone, Omen, and Viper really aren’t as efficient on this map, especially when they’re solo controllers. Luckily, as Viper, you’re going to have more room to cut off the site to your team’s liking and your team’s preference.

Advanced Viper Strategies for B Site

This ridge on the wall, now use your mini-map as a guide to align your wall just enough to cover B Link and the entry point of B Tower. For our orb lineup, head to the corner of this box, but make sure to clear angles first or have a teammate cover you while you’re doing it. Aim your crosshair towards the leftmost tip of this line and do a jumping throw. This Setup gives your team a lot of coverage and space to work on-site, opening up many opportunities for post-plant plays. Just be wary of how fast your fuel gauge can drain, especially if you have both your poison orb and Toxic Screen activated.

One-Way Post-Plant Hold

Our second attacking Setup on B incorporates a one-way Post-Plant Hold for diffusers. Make your way towards the entrance of stairs and head to this corner here. Now, pull out your wall and align it towards the leftmost part of B Tower. For the one-way orb lineup, head to this corner and aim your crosshair right in the middle of these two corners here. Do a normal throw and your Setup should look like this once you push onto the site. Now plant the spike towards back site and make sure it’s covered by your one-way Smoke Orb from Rafters. Now you can hold this angle from B Main, peeking through Danger for an absolutely unstoppable post-plant.

Defending B Site

Similar to attacking, defending B Site is also a bit more tricky due to the multiple angles the attacker can come from. Nevertheless, Viper has more than enough in her kit to slow the enemies down in their tracks. For our first Setup, align yourself towards this ledge and aim your Toxic Screen all the way up to the entry point of Mid Catwalk. This allows you to gain coverage from B Main up to Mid Library and Catwalk.

Using the Smoke Orb for Defense

As for your Smoke Orb, simply throw it towards this part of Danger. This should be enough to prevent enemies from pushing towards the narrow passage. Now, if they’re brave enough to go through Danger, you’ll also be able to easily spam them for easy picks.

Defending B Site: Mid Control

You can see that there are barely any angles to take for an early B Main engagement. As for mid holders, there’s enough coverage to control both Mid Library and Catwalk.

Holding B Site with Viper’s Wall

Now, the second Setup is a bit more focused on holding B Site. First off, Viper’s wall goes right here in this corner. Then, make sure it’s aligned towards the entry points as seen on your mini map. For the orb lineup, head to this corner on the box and aim your crosshair towards this corner and do a normal throw. As you can see, this Setup covers your B Nest, allowing you to isolate peers from B Main.

Effective Use of Decay

Anyone daring enough to peek is going to be easy targets due to the decay effect from the Toxic Screen. What’s great about this Setup is that you can also use it to sneak around Danger. While you and your team create a diversion, one of you can take an unsuspected angle from here, which is going to surely catch the enemies off guard.

Mid Push and Default Setups

If you’re looking for a default Setup or mid push, Viper’s kit can absolutely give you that aid, whether it’s a lurk or a full push. While these Setups do work best with a second controller, it can still work as long as you get to control the space you take on A or B from mid.

First Setup for Mid Control

Our first Setup starts off by aligning yourself with this wall and making sure your Toxic Screen is at the left tip of Catwalk. For the orb lineup, head to this corner and use the tip of this line as a reference point. Now aim the middle part of the left click HUD on your poison orb towards the reference point, do a jumping throw, and the orb should land right over this area here, providing you cover if you decide to push vents.

Mid Catwalk Toxic Screen Setup

You’re going to be doing a variation of our mid catwalk Toxic Screen. Now aim your wall like this to give cover all the way up to midtop. As you can see, anyone holding from midtop is going to be wary of the decay, lessening the chances of getting peeked from this angle. If they do decide to peek, you and your team can get the best of them due to their decayed state.

Advantages of the Catwalk Toxic Screen

The fight will also be isolated since the majority of catwalk is covered by the wall. This allows you and your team to take space on plus you still have a Smoke Orb at your disposal, whether on-site or elsewhere. If you need an all-around defensive Setup that works for both A and B, I’ve got you covered here too.

Proactive Defensive Setup

While this is an easy and straightforward Setup, the key is to be proactive in order to get set up before the barrier drops. Make sure to get in position as soon as the round starts so that you can prepare to hold a site. First off, you’re going to want to head to this corner on Mid Library to set your wall for B.

Setting Up for B Site

Next, head to A Tower and align yourself towards the left side of this window here. Aim your crosshair towards the middle of these lines and do a normal throw for a deep Smoke Orb in A Main. This Setup is going to give your team coverage from both sides, giving Viper a global presence should you decide to hold from A.

Using the Wall for Retakes

The wall that’s set up on B is also useful for retakes. As you can see, it covers enough to let you and your team retake some space on-site. Now, of course, since we go the extra mile here, there’s absolutely no way we leave a Viper Setup guide without showing you a few bonus lineups.

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Effective Molly Lineups

Use this leftmost tip as a reference point and align the third line of your fuel bar on the ping. Once in position, throw your molly, and you can see this lineup covers the entirety of default. The second lineup won’t be as much of a hassle since you can stay in the same position.

Second Molly Lineup

While standing in the same corner as the first lineup, you’re still going to use the symbol as a reference point. This time, use the tip of this line. Align the rightmost tip of your fuel bar towards the reference point and do a normal throw. This molly will cover a huge part of the left side of B site should your team decide to plant in that area.

Viper’s Pit Lineup

Last but definitely not least, we have a nasty Viper‘s Pit lineup you can use to absolutely dominate the site. To get started, head to the site and plant the spike on A Bridge. Then make your way towards the top of this generator and pull out your ult. Make sure you’re aiming your ult towards the bridge before casting.

Maximizing Viper’s Pit

As you can see from the mini map, this creates a semicircle around A Bridge, leaving the plant spot open. This ult allows you to see enemies coming from backside as well as those trying to get up to the generator.

Open Plant Strategy

It’s an open plant, so you can freely spam the spike from multiple angles whenever you hear the enemy trying to defuse. You can also drop down to backside for some repositioning or just spam from the front. With this ult Setup, you can use your Smoke Orb on the spike for added decay and easier spam.

Using Viper’s Ult in Clutch Situations

While this ult can be incredibly useful in Viper clutch situations, it also works great if you have some teammates holding different angles for you too. This collaborative approach enhances your defense and increases the chances of maintaining control over the site.

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