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3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Use the Vandal

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3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Use the Vandal

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This guide explores the reasons why the Phantom may be a better choice than the Vandal in Valorant, offering insights on weapon strengths and playstyles.
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Hello! Librarian Husky here, ready to guide you through another enlightening journey. If you’ve been looking for a sign to reconsider your weapon of choice in Valorant, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into why the Vandal might not be the best option anymore and explore the alternatives that could elevate your gameplay. Ready to sharpen your skills?

The Decline of the Vandal

Why is the Vandal worse now than it has been before? Why is it getting secretly nerfed behind the scenes? It all has to do with the strengths of the Vandal, especially when compared directly to the Phantom. If you Headshot someone with the Vandal, you’re going to kill them, which is one of the most important reasons why players choose the Vandal over the Phantom.

The Major Appeal of the Vandal

Some percentage of the time, you’re going to get a Headshot with the Phantom, and it won’t result in a kill. This is the major reason why people like to choose the Vandal, even though it has many other weaknesses. This one reason has made the Vandal a favorite over the Phantom.

Changes in the Meta

While Headshot capability can be a valid reason, it has become less and less of a valid reason as we have seen several changes to the meta and the game overall.

Increased Mobility in Valorant

Mobility has become very commonplace, especially in ranked play, with characters like Neon getting massive buffs and increased Mobility. Additionally, players are generally getting better at movement in Valorant, which has impacted the effectiveness of the Vandal.

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Challenges with Securing Headshots with the Vandal

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to secure that one-shot Headshot with the Vandal. Essentially, you’re often placed in situations where being able to spray transfer or continuously spray is a significant advantage. However, the Vandal performs much worse than the Phantom in these scenarios, often requiring you to reset your aim frequently.

Dealing with Invulnerability and Overshields

Invulnerability, like having an ISO Shield or Headshotting someone twice, or dealing multiple sources of damage, is much harder with the Vandal. The Vandal prioritizes Headshots, making it challenging to win duels against opponents with overshields, such as ISO. The Phantom, on the other hand, outputs more raw damage over time, making it easier to handle these situations.

The Impact of Mobility and Invulnerability

As Mobility and invulnerability effects increase in the game, the Vandal’s effectiveness diminishes. The more these elements are added, the worse the Vandal becomes compared to the Phantom. Remember, these are the main reasons you would pick the Vandal in the first place, and if you’re forced to reset your aim too often, you’ll likely struggle in many engagements.

Importance of Movement and Shooting Accuracy

One of the most crucial aspects of succeeding with either the Vandal or the Phantom is ensuring that your movement aligns with your shooting. Often, players move incorrectly, failing to stop at the right moments for first-shot accuracy, leading to ineffective engagements. Proper movement is key to mastering any gun in the game.

Advantages of the Phantom Over the Vandal

One significant advantage of the Phantom over the Vandal is the ease of controlling its spray. The Phantom allows for a more consistent spread, which is crucial in the current meta, particularly in ranked play. Additionally, the extra bullets enable more overall spraying, making the Phantom a better fit for many situations compared to the Vandal.

Fundamental Differences in Usage

Keep in mind that using the Phantom is fundamentally different from using the Vandal. The types of engagements you’ll enter, and the frequency of resetting your aim, will differ. With the Phantom, you’re more likely to commit to a spray or a spray transfer in various situations, adapting to the changing dynamics of the game.

Adjusting to Weapon Differences

Getting used to the adjustments between the Phantom and the Vandal is crucial. However, if you’ve always used the Phantom, it’s important not to rely too heavily on its run-and-gun capabilities. You should still focus on taking accurate and precise engagements, without neglecting the fundamentals of proper rifle gunplay.

Understanding the Strengths of the Phantom

The goal is not to use the Phantom as a crutch for poor aim or bad fundamentals. Instead, it’s about leveraging the Phantom‘s legitimate strengths and advantages in certain situations. This mindset ensures that you’re playing to the weapon’s strengths without becoming lazy in your engagements.

Spraying Through Smokes

An underrated aspect of the Phantom is its ability to spray through smokes without being detected. As you climb the ranks and develop better game sense, you’ll recognize when it’s important to clear smokes. The Phantom allows you to do this without revealing your position, thanks to its extra ammo and lack of bullet tracers.

Advantages of Spraying with the Phantom

One of the key strengths of the Phantom is its ability to spray without getting traded out or killed. This feature allows you to gather information and win fights without direct engagement. Even if it doesn’t feel impactful in the moment, this advantage can help you win many rounds by spraying more effectively overall.

Psychological Impact of Missed Kills

You might be concerned about those moments when you hit someone in the head with the Phantom and fail to confirm the kill. However, this happens far less often than you might think. Just like how people remember a single mistake more vividly than countless successes, players often fixate on the few times they missed a kill, forgetting all the times the Phantom delivered value.

Memory Bias in Gameplay

The tendency to remember negative experiences more than positive ones plays a significant role in how players perceive the Phantom versus the Vandal. Even if you only miss a Headshot kill five times out of 100 games, those moments will stick with you more than the numerous successful kills and overall value provided by the Phantom.

Weighing the Value of Spray Control

All the value you gain from spray control and shooting through smokes with the Phantom can feel insignificant compared to the few times you hit someone and don’t get the kill. However, this is a common psychological bias where the negative experiences overshadow the positives.

Choosing Between Vandal and Phantom Based on Character

When deciding between the Vandal and Phantom, it’s essential to consider which characters benefit more from each weapon. For instance, a highly mobile character like Neon, who needs forgiveness for running and gunning, would likely favor the Phantom due to her kit’s nature.

Characters Favoring the Vandal

On the other hand, characters like Jett, who can take multiple precise shots and escape risk-free, would get more value from the Vandal. Similarly, ISO, a character who is difficult to fight against with a Vandal, becomes very powerful when using it himself, leveraging the weapon’s strengths.

Phantom’s Advantages for Reactive Playstyles

Many characters that fall in the middle, who react to situations like aggression, play around smokes, or use abilities strategically, would generally prefer the Phantom. These characters can’t fully maximize the Vandal‘s strengths, making the Phantom a better choice for their playstyle.

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Understanding When the Vandal Shines

The Vandal excels in specific scenarios, such as when you need to secure a kill after trading bullets with an operator. If you miss this opportunity, the operator could reposition and secure another pick later on. However, this is a situational strength and should not be applied universally to every round.

Deciding Between the Vandal and the Phantom

Ultimately, the choice between the Vandal and the Phantom comes down to personal preference. You need to decide what feels best for you based on the strengths and weaknesses of both weapons. While both can be effective, the Vandal‘s relative strength may decrease over time as the game evolves.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a reason to switch to the Phantom and put down the Vandal for good, this might be it. However, if you prefer sticking with the Vandal and going for those crisp one-tap kills, keep doing what works for you. Remember, it’s all about finding what fits your playstyle best.

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