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1 Advanced Tip For Every Ultimate!

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1 Advanced Tip For Every Ultimate!

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This guide provides advanced tips for every Valorant agent's ultimate ability, helping players improve their strategy, combos, and utility usage to dominate in ranked games.
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Hello, Librarian Husky here! There is an ever-growing roster of Valorant Agents, and whether you’re picking up an agent for the first time or trying to master them, there are more and more things you need to learn. This makes picking up agents pretty daunting. In this article, we’re going to go over one advanced tip for every single ultimate. Whether you’re trying to learn a character or master them, you’ll have something that you can incorporate into your play right away.

Annihilation Ultimate: Tips for Deadlock

The first ultimate we need to talk about is Annihilation. Now, Deadlock’s ultimate is really bad to throw into big groups of people. Focus on only using it when the enemy team is separated. A fantastic way to use the soul is to actually grab the spike planter. Not only will it grant you a kill, but it will also deliver the spike to your team, making it much easier to defend.

Deadlock’s Rising Popularity

In fact, Deadlock has been seeing more and more pick rate and has become a dominant force, especially on new maps like Abyss. Right now, Deadlock is in that sweet spot where the character is good enough to play, but players don’t know how to counter her because they aren’t used to facing many Deadlocks. You can really abuse this for some free SR wins.

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Bladestorm and Jett: Mastering Movement and Aiming

For the next ultimate, we have Bladestorm. Jett‘s knife’s biggest asset is utilizing movement. If you can master timing your glides, jumps, and strafes together, you will destroy everyone. Focus on hitting your shots and being patient. Don’t spam your knives when there’s no need to panic.

Cosmic Divide: Advanced Combos

Next up, number three is Cosmic Divide. The advanced tactic here is comboing it with other abilities. For example, give Yoru a corner to come out of his ult so that he can potentially sneak up on the enemy, and it makes no noise. Or have Jett updraft through your wall with knives. This is all possible because of the muted sound behind Astra’s wall. Set this up and coordinate with a teammate or a duo partner, and you can completely destroy the enemy team with a simple ult combo.

Dimensional Drift: Effective Combos with Info Utility

Next up is Dimensional Drift. Comboing Yoru‘s ultimate with info utility is super powerful and consistent. First, combine your flash and mix it with a Sova dart or a Fade eye, making the enemy choose to get scanned or flashed, sometimes both. Either way, it’s an absolute free kill because you get to see it all happen and pop out exactly when you want from your Dimensional Drift to secure that free kill.

Setting Up No-Lose Scenarios

You are basically setting up a no-lose scenario where you can guarantee getting some value and getting out safely.

Empress: Maximizing Raina’s Potential

Next up is Empress, and many Raina players don’t utilize the weapon enhancements to their full potential. When using Raina‘s ultimate, you’re constantly going to want to be jiggle pre-firing, spamming smokes, and creating a lot of chaos. You’re less likely to be caught off guard due to your weapon’s reset timer buff and faster reload. Overall, you want to have high actions per minute while using Empress. Avoid trying to win or lose an entire duel with a perfect slow-paced one-tap battle, as this doesn’t fully utilize the many strengths of this ultimate.

From the Shadows: Advanced Omen Techniques

Next up, number six is From the Shadows. The most obvious tip here is picking up the spike and using Omen‘s ultimate, but everyone already knows that. Did you know that if you teleport in front of your Sage as Omen, she can actually heal you? Simply TP in front of Sage, grab the heal, cancel the ult, and you’re back in action fully rejuvenated. And yeah, that’s probably a terrible way to use this ult, but I couldn’t really think of an advanced one to be honest. If you have an advanced tip for Omen, definitely share it.

Hunter’s Fury: Smart Usage in Clutch Situations

Next up is Hunter’s Fury. Using Sova’s ultimate in a one-versus-X scenario is almost never the correct play unless they’re all one-shot, and you could kill them with a single hit of the ult. If you have Sova in a clutch situation, you always want to get the fight down to a one-versus-one before popping it. I see way too many Sova players pop this too early, and of course, when the first person is baiting contact of the ult, the other person is going to be approaching you. You’ll have to either cancel it or commit and die. So, unless you’re really far away and know specific lineups that can help get someone off the spike as you approach it, wait until you get the first person off.

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Kill Contract: Avoiding Noise for Success

I wouldn’t use it if you’re in a 1v2. Next up is Kill Contract, and making noise is your biggest mistake when using this ultimate. You have double walls, so never give up your position by making noise. Simply hold with your crosshair placement advantage along with your bullet shield, and you’re going to win incredibly consistently. Keep in mind that if the enemy has to flick to you, it’s going to be really hard for them to hit multiple shots, including a headshot. You’ll have a huge advantage if you don’t give up your position. So, stop wide swinging and giving up all your information, and you’ll get a ton of value out of this ultimate.

Lockdown: Effective Use in Post-Plant Situations

Now, number nine, we have Lockdown. Everyone wants to use Killjoy’s ultimate to hit a site, but these days, people are extremely efficient at destroying it with all the complex utility and lineups they have. Using this ultimate on post-plant is actually massively underrated. Not only will enemies be less prepared, but there will also be fewer RNG factors that can break it. Long story short, most of the time, a Killjoy ultimate on post-plant is going to secure the win. Whenever you can use an ultimate to secure a win, it’s incredibly powerful. While you might think it’s a waste and would rather use it to retake a site, it has a ton of risks, especially with more and more people learning anti-Lockdown strats.

Efficient Use of Neuro Theft

So, I would probably go with the more efficient option a good percentage of the time. Next up is Neuro Theft, and I want you to not instantly pop your ultimate off of early kills. Remember that after a corpse is available, you have access to it for the entire round. With this ultimate, you can tell your team to prepare for a site hit. Once everyone is ready, you can gain the info and execute a perfect take while saving precious utility. I think way too many people just kill someone, run up, and pop the ultimate randomly, and their team isn’t even ready to utilize the information. A little bit of communication and setup goes a long way.

Nightfall: Saving Utility for Maximum Impact

Next up is Nightfall, and I want you to always save your utility until you pop your ultimate. Your prowler and eyes get 10 times stronger while Nightfall is active, so try not to utilize all your utility pre-round. Grab an orb and pop your ultimate when you could have actually foreseen that you would have it. Set it up and utilize your utility with your ultimate.

Not Dead Yet: Planning and Execution

Number 12 is Not Dead Yet, one of the hardest ultimates to properly execute consistently. Focus on not panicking; instead, plan plays ahead of time. Plan site hits and retakes based around your entries, or even take risky fights during post-plants. Your biggest asset with this ultimate isn’t always the kills.

Disrupting the Enemy Team: Strategic Smoke Placement

It’s about disrupting the enemy team and stalling time, leading to round wins. As a bonus tip, if the enemy team is running from your ultimate, get to the best possible spot to throw smokes so you can still help your team even after you die.

N CMD: Smart KO Plays

Next up is N CMD. Smart sentinel players will play opposite of their utility when KO’s ultimate is a potential threat. The best thing you can do is call a mid-split where the KO ults from the middle of the map. You are way more likely to get utility offline, and if the enemy is usually on site, you’ll hit them anyway. Keep this in mind. Of course, it won’t matter against bad sentinel players, but it’s happening way too often where a KO pops their ult thinking it will turn off all sentinel utility, but the sentinel is smartly playing a little off-site or towards mid.

Orbital Strike: Forcing Enemies into Your Crosshair

Next up is Orbital Strike. Stopping defuses isn’t the only great use for this ultimate. You can pop Orbital Strike to force the enemy out of positions directly into your crosshair. Great locations for this include Hookah on Bind, B Main on Ascent, and Backsite B on Abyss, among many others. Set up advantageous situations instead of just trying to stop a defuse or directly kill someone with your ultimate.

Overdrive: Creating Chaos and Pressure

Next up, number 15 is Overdrive. Similar to others, your main job with this ultimate won’t always be to get multiple frags but to cause immense pressure on the other team. The longer you stay alive, jumping around, stunning the enemy, and creating chaos, the better opportunity you and your team will have to demolish the enemy team. While this might seem like a hero ultimate at times, it’s about creating the right conditions for your team to succeed.

Creating Opportunities and Sight Takes

When you want to run in and kill everyone yourself, it can be really powerful as something that creates opportunities for the rest of your team or can be used to start a site take.

Reckoning: Timing and Quick Action

Next up, number 16, is Reckoning. This ultimate is very easy to dodge if you don’t capitalize on it quickly. Make sure that you are ready to act the instant you pop it so you can gain the most value. Overall, I think a lot of players wait too long and don’t have the timing right with this ultimate. It’s not an instant pop, especially when your team isn’t ready, very similar to Cypher’s ultimate.

Resurrection: Understanding and Utilizing Sage’s Ultimate

Number 17 is Resurrection. Many Sages have a hard time figuring out where exactly corpses are available for Resurrection and where they are sitting. Always remember that you can just glance at the mini-map, and the blue X represents a fallen teammate. Other than that, this ultimate is pretty straightforward. Just make sure the area around the Resurrection target is fully clear, and you have confirmation that no enemies are ready to take out both you and your teammate, who might get frustrated that you’re messing with their kill-death ratio.

Rolling Thunder: Combining Utility for Maximum Impact

Number 18 is Rolling Thunder, a very powerful ultimate, but you’re going to want to combo this with any utility that forces enemies out of angles so they are forced to peek at you while being stunned. On top of this, any movement duelist that can capitalize instantly off this ultimate will make it even more effective.

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Setting Up Effective Ultimates

When setting up your ultimate, try to coordinate with your team and avoid being overly greedy by trying to eliminate the entire enemy team at once. Expecting to clear every single angle before the enemy can move again is unrealistic, so focus on maximizing the strength of your ultimate with teamwork.

Run It Back: Planting Strategy

Next up, number 19 is Run It Back. A greatly underutilized Strategy with this ultimate is to use it for planting the spike. You can literally act as a wingman. Many maps these days favor a strong 5v5 post-plant scenario. When you pop Phoenix’s ultimate, the enemy often retreats, clearing the site and allowing you to plant the spike. For example, on Sunset B site, you can run directly in with the ultimate, plant the spike, and still have time to look for kills. Unlike Wingman, if the enemy team kills you, the spike will be back in your hand, safe in B Main, not stranded in enemy territory where they could easily defend it. This makes Phoenix’s ultimate super powerful and really efficient for only being six orbs.

Seekers: Combining with Flash for Maximum Impact

Number 20 is Seekers. As your ultimate turns a corner, combo it with a flash. The enemies shooting your ultimate will have no choice but to get fully blinded, allowing you to easily follow in and secure some really free kills. Often, everyone is ready with their guns out to shoot the Seekers, so it’s a great way to mix things up and catch them off guard.

Showstopper: Holding Angles for Strategic Wins

Number 21 is Showstopper. Don’t always instantly charge in with this ultimate. A really underrated Strategy is to use it to hold an angle. While it may seem strange, there are many situations where the enemy has no choice but to push into you. In these scenarios, holding your bazooka is pretty much a guaranteed win unless something unexpected happens.

Stalling Tactics and Area Control

If you’re like Rosa, it might not do much damage, but for most of us, you’re going to be able to stall for a lot of time, force enemies completely out of the area, and buy time for your spike to tick down or your team to rotate around.

Thrash: Timing and Activation Tips

Number 22 is Thrash. Many times, Thrash will get broken mid-leap and not go off at all. While Thrash is midair, you can actually hit your leap button a second time, and it will activate on the spot, confirming detains and getting you free kills. This one seems super obvious, but you’d be surprised how many Gekko players still get this wrong. Don’t just allow the full animation to happen while it’s getting shot; pop it the second an enemy is within the effective range of Thrash, explode it, and get that free kill.

T-Force: Maximizing Chamber’s Economy

Number 23 is T-Force. Remember that this ultimate is not just an OP; it’s a free OP that can massively boost your economy. When playing Chamber, make sure to plan your buys around this ultimate being available. You can play more riskily because you know that if you lose your actual OP, you’ll have a Chamber OP in the following round. This creates an endless loop of buying OPs while saving money and allows you to alter how aggressively you play because you know it won’t have huge consequences for the future round.

Viper’s Pit: Using with Multiple Teammates Alive

Last but not least, number 24 is Viper’s Pit. When you use this ultimate with many teammates alive, it becomes incredibly powerful in controlling space and ensuring a round win.

Prioritizing Survival in Critical Moments

Your life is the most important thing. As boring as it sounds, every single one of your teammates is going to be relying on your ultimate to win the round. If you die and the ultimate goes down, it ruins everything. It’s not your job to clutch up, get crazy kills, or shut the enemy team down. Your job is to live, first and foremost. Trying to go for a high-risk move, sneaking out of your ultimate to shut down the enemy team while your team is still alive, could get you killed, have the ultimate go down, and put your entire team in trouble. Just keep that in mind.

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