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Easiest and Strongest Characters in My Roster – Lost Ark

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Easiest and Strongest Characters in My Roster – Lost Ark

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This guide provides an in-depth analysis of various character classes in a game, highlighting their strategies, builds, and recent updates to optimize gameplay.
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Mayhem was my main since launch. This is why I know that it has a large portion of the player base. Those who play it may find Mayhem to be one of the easiest, or is the easiest class available in the game. The lower health visual is just that, a visual; it is super tanky, fast due to its Mayhem stance, and has the ability to be always hitting. The class utilizes nightmare, so it only really requires an alt at the start.

The rotation, since a recent patch, is actually even more relaxed. We have a Crit buff based around two moves: Red Dust and Mountain Crash. Typically, it’s the same five skills following the Red Dust into the same one to two after Mountain Crash. So, if you like set rotations, it is the most set you can get, but if you hate that, then this isn’t for you. Previously, if you missed your Red Dust, you would also lose its 6% damage buff, but a recent balance patch has remedied that. Mayhem outputs decent to alright damage, but because it has the ability to keep attacking and has great movement, you can make up for this. Additionally, it provides great Stagger and destruction utility for the party.

Exploring Berserker’s Technique

I’ve been playing Berserker’s technique on one of my low ping zerks, and it feels amazing. A recent revamp allows you to get into stance almost immediately and then allows you to output an insane amount of spec damage with a somewhat Mayhem Mobility state.

Exploring Different Builds

I know most will see the Salvation build and want the higher ceiling, but the Hallu build with Sub Swift has great cooldowns, mobility, and just feels so fluid. All in Zer is one of my favorite classes to play, but of course, I am biased to the main I’ve played since launch. It is super cheap, delivers decent damage, is quick, and if you want additional fun, try the Zerk tech and just feel how great it is to play. Additionally, it’s a great class to pair with Sharpshooter, which is one of those classes that is feeling power creep more specifically.

Sharpshooter Insights

Sharpshooter is one of those classes that kind of is feeling power crept more specifically. Loyal Companion Death Strike still hits hard, but I’ve kept my loyal companion for how relaxed it is. Don’t get me wrong, it still does great damage, especially on somewhat current content. For example, I have a 1580 Sharpshooter with not full a con gear and not honed a con weapon, but I can keep up with others who don’t gap the content with their own gear or aren’t meta monsters, but on Guardians and overlevel content like Brell, I’m just Perma fighter unless the party I’m with is new.

Introduction to War Dancer

War Dancer was the third class I ever made. I heard that War Dancer was broken in Korea’s version and I thought, “Damn, let me see this,” not realizing the pain I would endure. It is the Swiss Army knife of Lostar; it can be remade to work after every Nerf and has relatively easy secondary build first intention. Recently, this class got a giant rework that makes the play style more fluid and feel more powerful. The Halu 4 spender has AER Blue Dragon that hits like a truck and is instant, while First Intention has a swift Dominion build that pumps big numbers but is one of the easiest classes.

Advanced Mobility and Skill Variants

To play with maybe the best mobility in the game, the Theo variant needs near-perfect spec to function smoothly, so it is expensive and isn’t the easiest of classes to play effectively. This once again could just be a personal thing, but it definitely has a higher skill level than the others on this list, but not in general for the game.

An average player will be able to do decent damage on it, assuming they understand the fundamentals of getting your crit in and damage boost in the respective order, as your main window will be only 6 seconds. I’ve only recently realized that I have an adrenaline uptime problem that was kneecapping my damage. It is probably the least beginner-friendly class on this list, but is probably tied with the later class for highest potential damage if played effectively.

Exploring Predator Slayer

The Predator Slayer class seems to be an enigma of sorts. People who don’t play it say it’s the easiest class in the game, and people who main it say it takes skill, but both are true. Yes, it’s entropy, yes, you get a significant bonus for back attacking, yes, constant uptime is great for staying in stance, but its damage floor is super high because I can throw a Brutal Impact and Guillotine from a mile away and still do super large amounts of damage, and then they will come back off cooldown in no time for me to do that large number again. Its damage ceiling may only be achievable if you have hands; notably, I don’t, but its floor is super high, and its raw damage, crazy mobility, and great utility in fights make it one of the best beginner classes in the game.

Discovering the Soul Leader Class

I had not planned to roll a Soul Leader, then I watched a guide for the crit build and my intrigue skyrocketed. I built it, and my goodness, this has to be the most enjoyable class to play in the game. You build, you dish, and when you dish, it is an insane amount of damage. I don’t have experience with a spec build, but out of the two, it is, to my understanding, the significantly easier build to play with relatively the same amount of damage.

However, note it’s a spec class, so it will be relatively more expensive to build. I do highly recommend trying this class out if you have not. With the upcoming Express event, maybe opt-in for a spec one first to try it out as getting the access to crit of decent quality will be easier and cheaper than the spec alternative. It is the second newest class as of the upcoming release, and it feels fresh and fun to play, and I have yet to find someone not enthralled by one of its play styles.

Community Reception and Performance

It is being deemed by many in the community to be broken damage-wise, and after playing it for a few months, I have to agree. Any lobby with a Soul Leader I’ve played with, that is bare bones in regards to your build, will still be able to contend with the bigger folks in the party. It is similar to PR Slayer in that regard, but I think it hits bigger peaks with its damage that it allows its attainable ceiling to be just higher on average. I once again highly recommend this class if you’re at all interested in it.

Exploring the Striker Class

Striker is one of those classes that recently got somewhat of a buff, but mainly because it is essentially paired with War Dancer based on their shared skills. It is a back attacker, builds orbs, and then dishes, but it is slow. My gripes with this class are that I already have this in War Dancer, but I’m not restricted to only back attack. I also have more swiftness, so it feels less sluggish, and its LTS equivalent, Azir Blue Dragon, is fast, hits harder, and feels better in general.

I’m currently trying to figure out my last character for my main six, and it’s a serious contender in regards to ease of play and cost of play. It is not the easiest to build and play out the gate, having below the spec breakpoint which is very high quality. The third esoteric damage skill is not fluid as you will have to hit at least one auto attack to be full orbs; to negate this, you will need almost perfect quality spec met accessories, so keep that in mind. Esoteric Flurry is quite fun; I do have that build for it.

Class Experience and Adjustments

I initially made this class for deep blow, and with the recent buffs, it is more fun to play. Just keep in mind this character will take more experience and gold to be clean in your runs, as well as access to higher-tier wealth runes from horizontal. But if that’s what you enjoy, I definitely recommend it. Note that Esoteric Flurry is on the cheaper side and can get away with less horizontal. Also, note with its slight revamp, its synergy is up all the time, and you’ll be less gated than before, as you’ll be a real crit synergy now.

Continuing with Arrow Class

Arrow remains one of the most fun classes to play in the game. Its Hitmaster play style is great for newer players and could be great for progression with all the group buffs it brings. It’s also relatively cheap with its meta build being primarily swift. I seem to be the only person in the game to not do big damage with the class, but from everything I’ve seen from raids, its damage standing is decent among the others in average groups.

Discovering the Destroy Class

Destroy is one of those classes where it’s either the most fun to play or the opposite, based on the content you’re playing with it on. It’s another one that is a strong contender for my main six. The issue lies where it’s currently parked: I am doing Hamaton as a guardian raid and Kangle as one of my weekly raids with it, two fights that are horrendous for front attackers and have just made me resent playing it at the moment.

The issue is if I push it, I hear a con is also dreadful. The class has gotten a slight buff in its cooldowns and charge times, which makes the class feel so much more fluid to play. Hitting a 200 million perfect swing as a 1550 character on Brell is a feeling I have yet to replicate in the game. The class has huge utility, and for tunable content, it is great for that. Additionally, its access to super armor makes it feel like a giant walking tank that, if played correctly, can output godly amounts of damage.

Paladin Updates and Playstyle

It remains the same and it actually got easier with the F mine balance patch. Paladin can now use its alt and it doesn’t even need to hit anymore to gain gauge. Additionally, you can use your alt while doing its blessed aura and re-top off your meter. Its buffs have range and its play style is super simple, only rotating in Conviction and Judgment for your alt to make sure you get it back ASAP. Supports have huge desirability in-game and are probably the best way for a new player to learn and get access to these raids.

Rediscovering Scutter Class

I play the 332 Hallu build, and I’m having a blast on 1500 iLev content. Great Stagger, great damage, if you have back attack you can have some extra damage, but it’s still unnecessary. I think it lies in between an easy play style and a slightly harder one as positioning is necessary, as well as small adaptability for the drone placement. Though it does great damage, you won’t really see it until the MVP screen pops up, as it is a multi-hit class so many numbers adding together for one big sum. Another pro: super cheap to build.

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