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New Updated Tier List For Patched

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Hello guys. It’s Librarian Husky here today, going to League Of Legends here. Is Amumu’s support back after his recent buffs? Volley is a new top lane build that’s giving him a ton of extra strength. Welcome back to the 12.12 mid-patch tier list update with the help of our challenger players and analyzing the most recent data. We strive to bring you all the emerging trends and a complete update on the Soloq meta.

Top Changes

So let’s jump into that volleyball build we mentioned during the intro. Lane Volley players would run divine Sunderer for the most extended time top and go for more of a Bruiser Hybrid setup. That time has ended, though, due to the recent tank item buffs.

The brand new build revolves around a Frostfire gauntlet rush into frozen Heart second and spirit visage third. This core is especially deadly to top lane champions who rely more on auto-attacking to deal their damage. Frostfire and Frozen Heart are relatively cheap items compared to a standard Bruiser build.

  • The combined cost of frost and frozen is 5300 gold whereas.
  • The build of gore drinker and death stance costs 6 600.
  • You’ll have your two atoms spike way faster than most top laners, which gives Volley a massive edge up in skirmishes.

The build isn’t the unique aspect of volley top, though, as a ghost with teleport’s Sumner combination is more optimal than Flash. We’re seeing many more ghosts playing on picks like Volley and Tom due to their shorter cooldown and superior sticking power.

Top Tier List

The overall state of the top lane meta hasn’t changed a lot halfway through the patch, as Darius and Tom Kench remain our two-op picks. Singed was hit quite hard by his nerfs and has gone from being one of the best Soloq top laners to a mediocre pick. The same thing goes for Mundo.

  • He loved 12.11 with grievous wounds being weaker and tank items buffed. But he was nerfed right away before he even had a couple of patches to thrive.
  • We don’t want to Jinx it for Yorick mains, but the buffs look lovely. Your pick will be in our top three low ELO picks of the patch and is one of the better solo queue tops for 12.12.

Garen and Mordekaiser are our other low ELO recommendations, while Tom Moord and Darius are the highest priority bands.

Jungle Changes

12.12 Belveth changes targeted her late-game while providing more early-game potency. She’s been dominating even more as a result of the lower. Tiers like bronze and silver. Bell Beth has seen a slight decline in win rate, but especially for the higher ranks; she’s insane right now. Belveth’s early to mid-game is much better than before.

  • The build allows Belveth to dive in more aggressively and skirmish exceptionally well.
  • Regarding Belveth’s tearless placement, we’ll be moving her into op as the 12.12 changes have turned out very favorable.

So even though her late game was nerfed, suppose you can snowball harder early on and grab more items. Late-game nerfs aren’t that detrimental in the grand scheme of things. One of our challenger jungle shots has a new build he’s been playing for Belveth. Which consists of a blade of the rune king rush into Frostfire gauntlet second and Titanic Hydra Third. Dldr on the setup is the blade and Frostfire combo. Gives Belveth some friendly sticking power, as her main weakness is getting kited.

Jungle Tier List

We had initially moved Viego into a tier for our pre-patched tier list. But a further move down into b is needed Amumu Volley Bear and Shyvana are mighty low elo jungle picks. Volley bear Belveth and Wukong are optimal ban options due to their relative power and high play rates. The jungle is one of the quieter roles in alterations for 12.12 as we have:

  • Belveth.
  • Diana.
  • Volley.
  • Wukong.


Amumu is the most op solo queue pick. Don’t sleep on Amumu, especially if you’re in the lower ranks, as his 12.12 buffs have turned him into one of the best solo tanks. 40 mana off q at rank one has been a massive win for the champ. That was the only buff Amumu needed, but Riot increasing his alt damage was also the icing on the cake. Has seen a pretty big hit due to his nerfs.

Mid Changes

It’s no secret how op Seraphine has become a bot lane carry after her 12.12 buffs. What about seraphine mid? Seraphine is mid had become a pretty forgotten pick. Always hovers between a 0.5 to 1 play rate, but with. the buffs in this patch, she’s made a serious pushback into meta.

  • Sarah was always a pretty good mid-lane pick in recent patches. Because of this, due to the 12.12 buffs, she has shot up into a strong S-tier standing.

The durability patch has made it so these mages who can output consistent damage have shot up in priority over burst to your champs. Seraphine is one of those mages who love drawn-out fights, as she can spam her low cooldown q for lots of consistent damage.

Mid Tier List

Anivia and Victor will continue to lock down our top-tier slots as the most consistent mid-lane picks. As long as you don’t waste stun and permanently save it for when those champs try to dive on. You’ll never lose out on a single trade. Silas is another mid-liking the past couple of patches, as his direct buffs and grievous wounds being nerfed have seen him solidify a powerful s-tier position.

  • Attention to Heimerdinger right now, as his 12.12 buffs have him flying under the radar.
  • A super good answer to meta picks like Silas Yone or Katarina.

We were optimistic that singed mid would remain a good pick even after the Nerfs, but it hasn’t transpired that way. Direct Nerfs combined with predator changes were just too much to handle for Singed, and he has fallen out of our s tier. It was a pretty cheesy pick anyways. So I’m sure many are happy to see it go. Vegar Mal and Annie are the patch’s top three low ELO mids, and you and Cass are of excellent value.

ADC Tier List

Bands bot lane meta has been very stable as we reach the midway mark at 12.12. Seraphine is undoubtedly the number one bot lane carry you can play, but she won’t gain much recognition because she isn’t a traditional marksman.

  • Jynx is the strongest and joined seraphine in the top tier. Zero Nerfs have seen her fall a little more complicated than anticipated.
  • So we’ll be adjusting her tier list placement from s to a.

Support Changes

Amumu’s support was once upon a time the most broken champion in the game and fell entirely off a cliff. That changes for 12.12, as he’s seen a significant spike in power due to his buffs. It is one of the best melee supports. 40 less mana on cue gives Amumu’s laning phase so much more power, as he would run out of mana way too quickly when it costs 70 per charge. Some added all-in power at level 6 is fantastic to have as well.

Amumu will be making a big move up the tier list being placed in s. Nami had been one of the better Enchanter supports for many patches, and her time on top has come to a close. Lucian being nerfed and dropping in play rate affects Nami quite heavily, as the duo is a big reason why Nami was seeing so much success.

Support Tier List

Nothing changes regarding the op pick midway through the patch, with Senna and Renata’s glass continuing to stomp on everyone. The general theme for support is the same for yet another patch. With enchanters leading the way while engaged, supports as Leona rots in the gutter.


Stats aren’t everything, but an exciting one for support right now is Tarik holding the highest solo q win rate. The buffs he recently received have been super impactful, and few players have picked him up as his play rate still hovers around two percent. An incredibly underrated duo to try out is Kalista, paired with Tarik.

Thank you for reading this guide. My name is Librarian Husky – I am your faithful companion in the world of League Of Legends. Please check our League Of Legends Guides main mage for more valuable articles.

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