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New Carry Tier List: Patch 7.36B

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New Carry Tier List: Patch 7.36B

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Librarian Husky's Dota 2 Carry Tier List for Patch 7.36 B highlights the best and worst carries, detailing buffs, nerfs, and strategic insights for optimal gameplay.
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Hey, what is up guys? It’s Librarian Husky, and today we’re going to be doing the Carry Tier List for 7.36 B. Obviously, there were a lot of changes for this patch, and so it took a while. I wasn’t exactly sure where to put every single hero on this list, but I took a lot of time to try to choose each and every hero and put them in their correct category. So without further ado, let’s talk about the carries for Patch 7.36 B, where they should be, and why.

Getting to the E Tier

So the worst Heroes in the game right now is number one: Morphling. Morphling got some of the weirdest changes in the game. He got buffed recently in one of the A or B patches, I forget which, where his waveform does 50% of his auto attack damage through everything that he waveforms.

That was huge. It was a really great change that allows him to max out waveform and farm pretty quickly, but that’s it. His win rate is abysmal. The hero is already hard to play, and it tends to be a bad pub hero due to its difficulty. Then it got these heinous Facets that just kill the hero’s win rate once again. Morphling is one of those Heroes where if you’re a hyper specialist, you could probably do okay in the perfect matchups. But even with something like Dark Seer being hyper meta, it just makes Morphling a little bit more sus as well. So yeah.

Heroes to Avoid

I just wouldn’t pick this hero. It’s too hard, not worth it. Then we have Terrorblade, who got some changes that I thought would bring the hero back into the meta, but they didn’t. To put it simply, the hero is still incredibly difficult and requires a mastery of timings. There’s some people playing it as support, but as a core, it just doesn’t do the trick.

It doesn’t scale well into the late game nearly as well as some other Heroes do that are on this list. And yeah, once again, the difficulty of the hero, especially considering you can split push now. They nerfed it to the point where, yeah, the illusions do more damage if they’re close to you, but they do less if they’re far away, which just, I don’t know, it’s just not good.

Phantom Assassin and E Tier

Then we have PA. I hate PA. Her Facets are terrible. She didn’t get good Buffs, so it’s terrible. It’s E tier. She’s absolutely terrible.

D Tier Analysis

Then we have the D tier, where we have Spectre and Muerta. Spectre is just like, I don’t know, usually this hero is A or B tier, so it’s kind of shocking to have to put him in D tier. But after nerf after nerf, he just finds himself in the D tier. The hero once again did not get the best Buffs or Facets, and he’s just been targeted after being good for like 2 years, 3 years straight in S. He’s no longer the case.

It’s like a 46% win rate hero. It’s a bad laner. It doesn’t scale particularly well. It scales okay, like it always has, but not like it used to be, especially considering it no longer has its Mega Haunt unless you buy Aghanim’s Scepter. So yeah, just, I would stay away from Spectre. Then we have Muerta, who I think is too difficult to play and just not worth it. Even though she received a few Buffs recently, I don’t think she is the best Carry.

C Tier Analysis

Then we have the C tier, where we have Riki. Another hero that tends to be in the B tier, but once again, just the target of a lot of Nerfs. Also, they recently buffed one of his Facets, but it wasn’t enough. It was the Tricks of the Trade granting bonus agility, which is cool. It’s interesting, it does more damage to creeps, but I just think that…

Underperforming Heroes

This hero doesn’t have what it takes right now. Its laning stage is not good. It’s extremely free for basically every single offlane in the game. With Crimson Guard being buffed now, as well as Mek and Radiance being good, a bunch of physical damage block or evasion, Riki finds himself low in the C tier.

Sven’s Struggles

Then we have Sven, who just, I just feel like he’s not good right now. He got four base strengths recently, which was cool, but other than that, he used to get 12 strength from maxing cleave or some similar skill. It was like 9 or 12, it was insane. He was way too tanky. He just lost that straight up. Ever since then, he’s been a bad hero.

Anti-Mage’s Decline

Then we have Anti-Mage, who just didn’t get help from this patch. I really thought his Mana Thirst facet would be good enough to put him in the meta, but it just doesn’t seem like it’s good enough. It read well. I’m like, oh, this is pretty cool. You do more damage if people are low on mana, that’s pretty dope. It just doesn’t play too well, even though it also gives vision if they’re out of mana.

Faceless Void’s Nerfs

Then we have Faceless Void. Kind of the same thing as Spectre. The hero was so good for so long. It just got nerf after nerf. Time dilation is worse, his ultimate is worse, bash is worse. Maelstrom is ten times worse than it used to be. It got nerfed a ton, so he’s just not there.

Luna’s Decline

Luna is another one. She was good for a while. Now her W is like the old shard. It’s part of her W now, but it’s like a mega nerfed version. You can buff it with one of the Facets, but it doesn’t even get better than the old shard. The hero already never had a good win rate in pubs, and that’s mainly because she doesn’t scale that well. She’s a mid-game hero. Luna is a hard mid-game timing hero, and now that they nerfed that timing, I just think that the hero is pretty terrible.

Other Falling Heroes

Then we have Lina. She’s just a little too fragile. Naga, who tends to be a B tier hero, fell down a bit with number nerf after number nerf. Sniper is the same thing. He recently just got buffed. I actually think the hero maybe could be like a low B tier hero, so that’s.

Sniper and C Tier

Why I put him at the top of C tier, but for the most part, I’m not a huge fan of Sniper. Then we have Marci coming in at B, just like a whatever Carry.

Bristleback’s Uncertainty

We have Bristleback, who I actually am not sure about. I considered putting him at the top of B or in A. I’m really not sure about this one. His snot rocket facet, where you increase the max stacks of Goo that you can put on someone, and the base Goo armor loss at level one is 2.5. That means the first Goo you put on someone reduces armor by like 4.5. It is ridiculous, and it gives damage because you have Warpath now. So this hero’s laning stage with the Goo level one with the snot rocket is pretty nice. The Aghanim’s Scepter still makes you shoot quills out of your back, and you can right-click really hard. So I’m not convinced this hero is that bad, but I haven’t seen it a lot besides Gork, who I actually haven’t watched recently. So I’m not exactly sure if it’s too good or not.

Razor and Abaddon’s Decline

Then we have Razor, who is just a decent Carry, but the hero got bad Facets and nerfed mainly because of the fact that Team Falcons was winning too much with it. Then we have Abaddon, who I think after his E Nerfs has become a much worse hero. He no longer needs Manta Style to obliterate people. You kind of have to go some sort of Radiance Harpoon build, which is not terrible, but then they nerfed the E extremely hard recently, and it kind of killed the hero, at least for me. I think it’s a good support, don’t get me wrong. I actually like this hero as a support, but as a core, not so much.

Alchemist’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Then we have Alchemist. I think Seed Money Alchemist is pretty good. It just gets you off to a good start, and you can hit a nasty Radiance timing. This hero buys some of the best items in the game: Radiance and Sange and Yasha being the main two. But still, for some reason, I think it’s the Scaling because the hero doesn’t annihilate the late game. You’re going to notice this is a trend, guys. Heroes that scale incredibly well due to changes or just how the hero innately plays tend to be better in pubs because your average Dota match goes long. It’s going to go 40 minutes, and so if Alchemist goes 40 minutes.

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Mid-Game Challenges

He’s not going to win the man fight against some of the S tier or A tier carries. He’s not going to Carry the game, and that’s what’s hard. His mid-game can be incredible; you can tempo the game and snowball if you play very, very well. But it requires a high level of understanding of the hero, and that’s why it can be difficult.

Arc Warden’s Nerfs

Then we have Arc Warden, who got some Nerfs recently. Apparently, one of his Facets, Divergent or something like that, is the highest win rate facet in the game. I don’t understand why. I have a feeling maybe it has to do with smurfing. I hate blaming smurfs for win rates because there aren’t as many smurfs as people think. The comments are going to get so mad at that. I know that. “Speed, I have a smurf every single game. Every game there’s a smurf.” I understand, I understand. You’re cursed. Your life is unwinable. All your games are unwinable.

Monkey King’s Position

Okay, let’s get into Monkey King. Monkey King is in B tier. His win rate is more of a C or a D tier, but I just don’t think that’s the case. He received some very substantial Buffs. His Boundless Strike is only a 15-second cooldown at max now, which really helps him farm much, much quicker. He also has this really cool facet, Simian Stride, where if you’re above 90% health, you can hop around on a zero-second cooldown. The mobility is unbelievable. The only problem is, in order to get the most value out of this hero, you got to have a really strong map understanding.

You got to know how to go from camp to camp to camp. You got to know how to use the portal. You got to know how to find openings like, “Oh, they showed a hero top. There are two Heroes mid. There are two Heroes bottom. I can create a numbers advantage bottom,” like something like that. You got to have a very strong understanding of Monkey King, which is why he’s absolutely not S tier. The execution is insanely difficult. If you get it down, I think this hero is A tier right now. But for the average player, it’s more like low B tier or C tier.

Meepo’s Current State

I’m always a fan of the hero in pubs. I think it’s an incredible pub hero due to its reliable laning stage and fast farming. But they nerfed a lot of its timings. They nerfed its Poof damage, its movement speed, and its Shard. They also nerfed the Aghanim’s Scepter; you get way less stats from it now. The Meepos just straight up get fewer stats now. They nerfed the heck out of it, which is why it’s B tier. I usually think it’s S or high A, but right now it’s just not the case.

Bloodseeker’s Buffs

Then we have Bloodseeker, whose win rate shot up recently due to the 7.36 B patch giving him a buff to his innate Abilities and a buff to Blood Rage doing less damage to himself. They gave him some huge Buffs in the B patch, and I actually think it catapulted this hero’s win rate, so it might be decent. The only thing is Maelstrom is kind of a nerfed item, which is this hero’s main item. But Gleipnir is a great item, and I love Gleipnir Bloodseeker. It’s really good. You hit the AOE root into the Blood Rite; it feels strong.

Drow Ranger’s Position

Then we have Drow Ranger, who just shoots people, but she got nerfed a bunch. I don’t think the hero is in a great spot right now, but it tends to be such a good pub hero that it is still high B tier.

Slark’s Potential

Then we have Slark, whose win rate is not too great right now. But I actually believe, similar to Monkey King, it’s one of those Heroes where I just can’t put in C tier or D tier because I just think that it’s too good if you know how to play it to be in those tiers. The reason why? Now at level one on Slark, if you’re out of vision, you get 10 HP regen. This is something they buffed recently. Want to know what else they buffed?

They made it so you cannot Force Staff out of leashes anymore. Slark has a leash, so now the Force Staff counter to Slark is not in the game anymore. Also, what they did to this hero is they made the ultimate a lower cooldown. Instead of being 70 seconds at level one, it’s now 50. It used to be 45 at max, now it’s 30. The cooldown on the Shadow Dance is way lower and allows you to play a much faster-paced tempo game than you used to be able to do. Plus, the laning stage is better due to the changes.

Slark’s New Ability

I think it’s called Barracuda, which is his innate ability. It’s essentially the regen from out of vision that used to be a part of his old ultimate. It’s his innate now, and it’s mega buffed.

A Tier Heroes

Then getting to A tier, we have Medusa, who I haven’t seen a lot in my games, but the win rate is very good. It’s a late-game Scaling beast, which I always stress is good. She actually has a very, very good facet. Her facet, Engorge, grants Medusa bonus damage based on how much mana she stole. Typically, in the laning stage, it’s going to give you about seven or eight damage if you hit a ranged creep.

If you hit a ranged creep and a hero, you’re going to get like 14, and it allows you to last hit and really chip people down. It’s really good for trading and securing creeps. It only gives you the bonus for three attacks and it doesn’t work on multi-shot. I did all the testing for this because I was curious. But in the late game, if you hit a snake on people with a lot of mana, you can get like bonus 200 damage, 300 damage. If you hit a snake on the enemy team, it can get crazy.

Medusa’s Potential

I didn’t test the Shard, maybe it works on the Shard too, so this hero is pretty good. I’m certain it’s solid, and the build you should go is one-three branches and Mana Boots. Don’t go Treads; go Mana Boots and the hero will feel ten times better.

Chaos Knight’s Buffs

Then we have Chaos Knight, who received some big Buffs through his facet and his innate Abilities. This hero is definitely just solid overall right now, mainly because his illusions spawn 50% of the time more when you just create any illusion. You have a 50% chance of getting another one. It’s pretty good, and they’re all strong illusions, which is really, really solid. Plus, this hero received buff after buff over the last three patches, from his W to his Q. He’s just received a lot of Buffs.

Clinkz’s Versatility

Then we have Clinkz, who is really solid right now. Great hero, great laning stage, great Scaling. It really does do it all. On top of that, he has this really cool facet called Engulfing Step, where you move towards the unit you eat, and it’s really good for disengaging and engaging. If you want to chase people, you can eat towards them. If you want to run away, you can eat a creep away from them. It’s really, really cool. Plus, it reduces Death Pact cooldown, which gives this ability constant uptime. So you get to heal more, eat more, and you’re higher HP more often. I really believe in this hero. It’s super good.

Juggernaut’s Strengths

Then we have Juggernaut. Solid Carry right now, got nerfed really hard but still got a lot of Buffs in the patch. For instance, his Q just dispels him when it ends. He has really strong Facets, both Blade Storm and Blade Form are very, very powerful. Just a solid hero overall and scales well into the late game with Aghanim’s Scepter and Mjollnir.

Troll Warlord’s Improvements

Then we have Troll Warlord. Really solid right now, got some really cool Facets in the patch. Also, his melee and ranged stance is innate at level one, so you actually have access to melee and ranged axes at level one.

Troll Warlord’s Advantages

This is so good because of the fact that now you can man up very, very well. Previously, you would only have ranged axes at level one because you had to either skill the ability to swap between ranged and melee or you’d have to skill the ability to cast those axes. Now you get both. It’s really cool and really good because at the rune fight you can have a slow and miss chance early. When a level one fight happens, you can fight incredibly well. So the hero’s laning stage early on is way better, and its Scaling is very good.

Shadow Fiend’s Strength

The Aghanim’s Scepter also pierces BKB now, so you can dispel the enemy through BKB, which is nasty. If you don’t know what the Aghanim’s Scepter does, the whirling ranged axes dispel on the axe and the melee ones dispel you. This hero received some big Buffs. Big fan of the hero. You can go Battle Fury or Maelstrom. I think the Battle Fury into Sange and Yasha build is really good into a BKB or Aghanim’s Scepter.

Templar Assassin’s Position

Then we have Shadow Fiend, a very solid Carry right now. The Buffs to Shadow Raze make him a nasty laner. Then we have Templar Assassin, who would be probably S tier if we talked about the pro scene, but for pubs, she is an A tier hero due to the difficult execution and not the best late-game Scaling. However, she is so good right now because Templar Assassin tends to be E or D tier. She is so good right now that even as a pub hero, she is A tier easily. Refraction doesn’t get broken by instances anymore. She’s too good. She only needs Psi Blades to farm really fast. Even without skilling the ability, you can just take Meld and Q. So at level three, you can have Psi Blades, Meld, and two points in Refraction. This hero just zone controls obscenely well. The problem is most people don’t know how to play Templar Assassin. They just give up their area way too early, and then you don’t scale as well as you should.

Gyrocopter’s Strengths

I think this hero is one of the best carries in the game, with the most reliable laning stage in Dota, in my opinion. Literally the best in the game. This hero has no bad matchups, essentially. Not that I’ve played. I’ve never played a lane and thought it was unplayable. I’ve lost lanes, but I’ve never felt they were unplayable. There are just a lot of factors that go into it. The Crystallis into a BKB into Daedalus and Satanic build is just so powerful. It scales well, and this hero is fast-paced. Afterburn of the facet is really good for sticking on people. I just think that this hero is too good to pass up.

Weaver’s Potential

Then we have Weaver. This hero click clack GL. I’m a big fan of the item right now. Weaver buys it, and his laning stage is just insanely good. At level two, you have three Abilities. At level one, you have Geminate and Shukuchi. The harass potential is insane. This hero scales incredibly well. The Maelstrom with the Shard makes you farm faster than almost any other hero in the game. It is unbelievable how fast Weaver farms with Skitter Step, the facet which gives you bonus movement speed and a slow on Shukuchi. The Shard makes you Geminate attack everything, use Shukuchi, and then Maelstrom procs off of that. It’s really nasty, the pace that this hero can play.

Pudge’s Buffs

Then we have Pudge, who received some pretty notable Buffs. I actually think that players should take the Flare’s Hook, where the bonus hook deals damage. The base damage is reduced, but it’s faster and it deals damage based on the distance pulled. It’s just so good in the lane. CM Pudge as a lane is really strong right now. He’s good against Dark Seer and some of the meta offlaners, particularly Dark Seer. The laning stage, as I said, is just so, so good.

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Pudge’s Early Game Dominance

You’re going to get a kill at the rune in most games if you hit a hook. The Scaling on this hook is just insane; you do way too much damage. You buy Shiva’s, you buy Eternal Shroud, you buy Aghanim’s Scepter—it’s easy. Usually, the build is Phase Boots, Aghanim’s Scepter, Cloak into Shiva’s, and then Shroud unless it’s a broken magic damage game.

Ursa’s Buffs

Then we have Ursa, who basically got this huge buff where now he just gets a bonus of 11 damage at level one. This allows him to last hit effectively. Old Ursa used to have like 48 damage, now has like 59 with its innate ability. It’s just insanely good. They gave him this battle fury, making him a nice Battle Fury hero, and that item’s kind of meta right now because Maelstrom is a little weird at the moment. Maelstrom is fine, but it’s a little weird, you know. So I think that benefits Ursa. You just go Battle Fury, Blink, BKB, Basher—very standard, very straightforward.

Ursa’s Debuff and Talent Benefits

On top of that, something to keep in mind is that this hero’s debuffs inflicted last 20% longer. So its Q slows longer, bashes are longer, its Abyssal Blade eventually lasts 20% longer, which is really, really nice. Its Talents are insane. Either it’s Mana regen or Fury Swipes reset time; the Fury Swipes reset time is insane. You can’t get these swipes off of you. At level 15, you have one of the most broken Talents in the game, and Earthshock applies two Fury Swipes, which is insane. Then you have Fury Swipes damage at 20 and Earthshock has two charges at 25. This hero is just insane in its Scaling and its laning stage against a lot of the strength melee Heroes is very, very good.

Vengeful Spirit’s Viability

Then we have Vengeful Spirit. I know it might be crazy to see her here, but I really believe in this hero as a Carry. It got buffed because now it has this melee attack time thingy. You might be like, “Oh, so it’s Battlefury Venge?” No, I actually think the build is Treads, Wand, Wraith Band, Bracer, maybe a Null Talisman if you need Mana, into Aghanim’s Scepter. Then you buy Manta Style, Dragon Lance, Butterfly and go fight. It’s like the better Riki right now.

Top Fighting Carries

What I mean by that is for all these Heroes, the best fighting Carry in the game right now, in my opinion, is Clinkz, maybe Weaver, maybe Gyrocopter, and Vengeful Spirit. This hero just cooks. You just farm an Aghanim’s Scepter. The laning stage is insane; you hit like a truck with 68 base damage if you buy circlets. The starting build is two circlets, branches, and tangos because you’re universal—nasty.

Phantom Lancer’s Strengths

Then we have Phantom Lancer. It’s crazy to see this hero up here because it’s terrible in higher MMR because people just abuse the laning stage too much. Basically, people are better at playing the game fast-paced and exploiting its weaknesses. But the lower you go, the PL just becomes broken. That’s the reality, guys. If you want free wins in the late game, pick PL because he has Divergence now. Essentially, when you hit people, instead of the illusions spawning on you and you having to control them, they spawn randomly. You might think, “Oh, that sounds terrible,” but it’s not because you don’t have to be good. The illusions just hit anything. Even if you are good at PL, it’s probably still the better facet because, let’s say, a support is trying to save the person you’re going on. You’re hitting an Underlord; you don’t want to hit the Underlord with the illusions. You want to hit the CM trying to save him. It has a 600 AOE chance to just spawn illusions on the CM, and then they just follow her and Phantom Rush. So you don’t have to worry about messing up the micro on Phantom Rush, which people would do all the time.

Phantom Lancer’s Facets

So yeah, the hero’s win rate went up, and I was like, “Why?” Then I looked at some replays, and I looked at this facet. I tested it in demo mode and thought, “Ah, this is so good.” It makes the hero easy, which is always a combo for a good pub hero. Plus, Phantom Rush is innate now, where you get the ability to run up to a creep, which is really good for last hitting because it gives you five damage. It’s good for just the ability to disengage and engage because now you can have three Abilities at level two, which I always say is just broken.

Improvements and Key Carries

That got better except for maybe Kunkka. Alright, and finally, we have Wraith King for the S tier. There’s one other hero I’ll get into in a moment, but we have Wraith King. Both Bone Guard and Spectral Blade are some of the best Facets in the game. Spectral Blade just scales insanely well. The pure damage on your hits, plus you get lifesteal from it, makes you absurdly tanky, and your burst damage is nuts. It’s really strong and easy. Wraith King scales well, front lines well, and buys Radiance, which is obviously incredible in this current meta. The item got buffed a lot and is still really, really good. So yeah, Wraith King is super solid and very easy to play.

Wraith King’s Versatility

Bone Guard is also great. Even if you have a bad matchup in the laning stage, like against Death Prophet or Viper, you can take Bone Guard instead. Now you have these skeletons that ranged Heroes can’t deal with because they don’t have innate stout shield block like melee Heroes do. So I just think Wraith King is really, really good right now. Yes, his ultimate has an extremely long cooldown, which you have to play around and be careful about, but for the most part, Spectral Blade is just the way to go. It’s good, it’s strong, and they gave him some of the best Talents in the game.

Wraith King’s Talents

At level 10, his talent is not actually that great; that’s where he is kind of weak. But at level 15, you either get 1 second stun duration, which is always nasty good and makes it a 2.6 second stun on an 8-second cooldown, or you get 400 health, which is a nasty amount of health. Then at level 20, you get 70 attack speed, and when you die, this is the biggest part of the hero outside of Spectral Blade being good and these Talents being insane. When you die, you stay alive. At level one, it’s for 3.5 seconds with 30 bonus attack speed, 10% bonus movement speed, plus you get innate lifesteal. This allows you to heal more, and then at max level, it used to be better.

Wraith King’s Power

It’s not as good anymore; it’s a little bit worse but still up to 5 seconds with 75 attack speed and 25% bonus movement speed. You almost guaranteed get a kill when you die because your hero is fast, hits way harder, and can still apply Spectral Blade. It’s crazy. Best frontline tank in the game right now outside of Lifestealer.

I think these Heroes are probably tied for first. If I had to pick one, I would pick Lifestealer personally. I think the hero scales a little bit better than Wraith King. However, it’s mechanically more difficult. You have to know when to infest, when to click Rage, and when to click Open Wounds. Wraith King is like, “Oh, I’m just going to stun the first guy I see,” and then he takes half his health. That’s it. That’s literally all you have to do.

Lifestealer’s Strengths

With Lifestealer, it’s kind of the same thing where you just run up to the first guy you see, click Rage, and hit him with Radiance. They’re kind of the same hero, but you have to click Rage at the right time and infest. But you don’t have to click Rage at exactly the right time anymore because you have Corpse Eater as a facet. Every time you get a last hit or deny, you get two health.

That might not sound that good, but in the mid-game, when you have a bonus 500 health, it’s pretty good. Imagine having a 500 health talent like Wraith King does at level 20. Imagine you just have that as part of a hero that has an HP problem. You might think Lifestealer has an HP problem? Yes, Lifestealer has an HP problem. If you go Armlet Radiance or Radiance Armlet, you don’t have that much HP. Even if you go Radiance Sange and Yasha, okay, you have one strength item on a hero that doesn’t have the best strength gain. Then you go AC, which is pretty standard. You don’t have that much HP. This hero has had an HP problem, especially in the early game. Now it just doesn’t.

Lifestealer’s Abilities and Talents

Feast is innate, and Open Wounds is an insane ability. It basically makes it where you and all of your allies lifesteal with Abilities and right clicks on the target for 50% over a 7-second duration on a 15-second cooldown with a 600 cast range. This ability is really, really good. It used to be a Shard ability, and people would buy it, which would give them less HP because they had to buy the Shard.

Now you just get it. His Talents are insane: you get movement speed, 50 attack speed, Open Wounds lifesteal, or Infest movement speed, Rage duration, Feast lifesteal, and damage. Everything about his Aghanim’s Scepter is insane as well. You can get inside of an enemy target and disarm them through BKB—crazy. His worst matchups in the game, like Troll Warlord and Ursa, are completely countered by the Aghanim’s Scepter. So yeah, this hero is super good and solid.

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