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5 Hero Combos in Patch 7.37c – The Best Lane and Game Combos

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5 Hero Combos in Patch 7.37c – The Best Lane and Game Combos

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This guide highlights five powerful hero combos in Dota 2, showcasing their synergy, strengths in lane and teamfights, and how they dominate the current meta.
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Hey, what is up guys, it’s Librarian Husky, and today we’re going to talk about five of the best DOTA combos in the game right now. These combos can be tried with your friends, or even if you’re flying solo, you can still pick one of the heroes when you spot the other in a game. Ideally, you’ll pick the core hero after seeing the support, which is how it usually works. But enough with the intro, let’s dive into five of the best DOTA combos you should try.

Lone Druid and Mirana Combo

This combo is really cool for one main reason, though there’s another aspect I enjoy as well. The first reason is Solar Flare and how it interacts. It works on both the hero and the bear, doubling its effectiveness. What I suggest is to play Lone Druid using the Bare Necessities setup, focusing on three core items: Treads, Bracer, and Glimmer Cape. These items give you control, especially since Mirana struggles with early game control, not putting points into Arrow. With this setup, you can easily land an arrow, making the combination incredibly powerful and reliable.

Lone Druid’s Frontline and Control Power

Lone Druid is a hero that excels at frontlining and controlling fights, forcing the enemy to engage in double Solar Flare. He’s a strict right-clicker with incredibly high attack speed, thanks to Bare Necessities, which gives him a 50-80% increase in attack speed through items like Treads and Glimmer Cape. The bear can also equip Treads, enhancing the attack speed further, especially with Mirana’s help. Stacking Wraith Bands also maximizes this effect, and while Solar Flare boosts attack speed, its main value lies in the increased damage output.

Naga and Razer Combo: Synergy and Kill Potential

Next up is the Naga and Razer combo, which stands out for various reasons. This is primarily a lane combo, with Naga as a position five support, though it works well with Razer in the offlane too. The key synergy lies in Razer’s Static Link. Once Razer reaches level three, his kill potential rises significantly, especially if the target cannot escape. Naga’s ability to net opponents perfectly sets up Razer to reel them in and secure kills.

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Naga and Razer Synergy in Teamfights

Right now, Naga’s ability to pull enemies in works extremely well with Razer’s Static Link. The enemy has no way to kite or escape it. Naga serves as a tanky frontliner with high armor and movement speed, solving Razer’s main weakness of being slow and squishy in the lane. She prevents enemies from focusing Razer using her abilities and enables his aggression once he hits his timing with double Wraith Bands and level three.

Naga’s Utility Throughout the Game

Naga continues to be valuable throughout the game, as she also covers Razer’s weakness in wave clearing during the mid-game. Razer struggles to quickly clear waves unless he has Glimmer Cape or other wave-clearing items, and Naga’s illusions and Rip Tide solve this problem. Additionally, Naga’s ultimate now provides healing, which is crucial for Razer, who lacks sustain from his early abilities or items. This allows him to fully commit in fights, and after using BKB, Naga can reset with her song, giving him a second chance to initiate with Static Link.

Naga and Razer: Constant Engagement Potential

Naga’s abilities perfectly complement Razer’s playstyle. With a cooldown of just 20 seconds, Razer can repeatedly engage in fights, and Naga’s ability to buy Solar Crest—one of Razer’s favorite items—amplifies this synergy. An interesting interaction occurs during Naga’s song: if Razer has already linked an enemy, he continues draining damage even while the song is active. This combination ensures maximum control and damage output in teamfights.

Marcy and Vissage: A Powerful Lane Combo

Next up is the Marcy and Vissage combo, easily one of the most powerful duos in the game. Marcy’s Bodyguard facet is incredible with Vissage, who benefits from the bonus lifesteal, extra damage based on his base stats, and additional armor. Vissage, being a universal hero, tends to build stats-heavy items like two Bracers or a Bracer and Null Talisman. At level one, Marcy’s Dispose ability, which slows and tosses enemies, ensures Vissage can get kills rather than just chipping away with Soul Assumption. This lane becomes nearly unstoppable with such early aggression.

Marcy and Vissage: A Lane Dominance Strategy

When you’re playing Marcy and Vissage, the goal is to get kills from full health and capitalize on bonus gold. Marcy excels at repositioning, slowing, and stunning enemies. Her Bodyguard ability amplifies Vissage’s attack speed, allowing for passive double hits when within range of an ally’s target. Vissage’s Q further boosts his attack speed, making this combo incredibly strong. While the combo shines mostly in the lane, it remains a consistent threat. Although the mid-game synergy isn’t as powerful, with Bodyguard having a 45-second cooldown, the lane dominance is what truly makes this combination stand out.

Bristleback and Omniknight: Mid-Game Synergy

Next up is a combo that’s less about lane control and more about the mid-game: Bristleback and Omniknight. These heroes enable each other well, with Omniknight solving Bristleback’s main issue of being kited. Bristleback benefits from getting the Aghanim’s Shard early, often immediately after acquiring his Aghanim’s Scepter. This combo allows for Bristleback to continue his aggressive style while Omniknight provides the sustain and protection needed to keep him in the fight longer.

Bristleback and Omniknight: Mid-Game Power

Bristleback’s Aghanim’s Shard, which grants him the Hairball ability, provides an AOE mega slow on a low cooldown, even after being nerfed. This slow works perfectly with Omniknight, who lacks control but excels at enabling heroes that can force engagements. Bristleback is one of the best heroes for this, as he can charge into fights and make full use of Omniknight’s Repel and Guardian Angel. This synergy allows Bristleback to ignore most debuffs and survive burst damage, especially from Silver Edge breaks.

Why Bristleback Shard Works Well with Omniknight

While this isn’t the strongest lane combination, it shines in the mid-game. Bristleback’s Hairball slow, combined with Omniknight’s Repel, gives Bristleback the freedom to engage without worrying about being kited or chipped away. Omniknight’s Guardian Angel prevents Bristleback from being burst down during breaks, adding further synergy. Although Bristleback usually avoids early BKB and prefers items like Bloodstone and Sange, Omniknight’s spells compensate for his vulnerabilities, making them a formidable pairing in fights.

Late-Game Bristleback and Omniknight Synergy

Bristleback prefers to build items like Shiva’s Guard and Assault Cuirass instead of an early BKB, though he can consider buying one later in the game. In the late game, pairing BKB with Omniknight’s Repel creates a second layer of invulnerability. This combination becomes extremely powerful in teamfights, allowing Bristleback to charge in and absorb damage while being immune to disables.

Elder Titan and Shadow Fiend: Ultimate Synergy

The final combo is Elder Titan and Shadow Fiend, which has immense synergy but isn’t necessarily the strongest lane. Shadow Fiend typically benefits from heroes that enable his early Shadowrazes, and Elder Titan lacks a reliable stun. However, in this lane, Elder Titan might consider taking Stomp at level two to allow Shadow Fiend to follow up with his short, medium, and long-range Shadowrazes for kills.

Ultimate Power: Stomp and Requiem Combo

The real strength of this combo lies in the minus armor and ultimate synergy. Elder Titan’s Stomp provides a 5-second disable, giving Shadow Fiend more than enough time to close the gap and unleash Requiem of Souls on top of his target. If Elder Titan positions his Astral Spirit well, it can reduce magic resistance by up to 100%, allowing Shadow Fiend’s ultimate and attacks to deal devastating damage. This combo shines in both mid and late-game teamfights.

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Elder Titan and Shadow Fiend: One-Shot Potential

Thanks to Elder Titan’s ability to completely remove magic resistance, any target hit by Shadow Fiend’s ultimate, Requiem of Souls, is almost guaranteed to be one-shot. This combo is devastating in the early, mid, and late game because Elder Titan’s Natural Order not only removes magic resistance but also strips away base armor. When combined with Shadow Fiend’s Presence of the Dark Lord, which further reduces armor, enemies are left vulnerable to both magic and physical damage, allowing for quick and easy kills.

Synergy of Magic and Physical Damage

This combo works well due to the synergy between Elder Titan’s Natural Order and Shadow Fiend’s mixed damage output. Natural Order reduces both armor and magic resistance, while Shadow Fiend deals significant magic damage through his Shadowrazes and Requiem of Souls, as well as heavy physical damage with his regular attacks. The combination of minus armor and reduced magic resistance allows Shadow Fiend to fully unleash his damage potential, making him one of the best mixed damage carries in the game.

Counter-Initiation and Game Impact

Elder Titan provides a strong counter-initiating presence, ensuring that any enemies who try to focus Shadow Fiend will be dealt with swiftly. By setting up with Stomp and Earth Splitter, Elder Titan gives Shadow Fiend the time to activate his BKB and decimate whoever he targets. The damage amplification from both heroes creates one of the most powerful combos in the game, allowing them to dominate teamfights and secure easy kills. This duo truly excels at amplifying damage better than any other combination.

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