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Main Choice for the War Within

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Main Choice for the War Within

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This guide discusses choosing a main class in War Within, focusing on factors like efficiency, flexibility, and visual appeal, with a detailed look at Death Knight.
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Hello there, it’s Librarian Husky. Today, I’m diving into the topic of choosing my main for War Within. Deciding on a main character in World of Warcraft is always a big deal, and there are plenty of factors to consider.

Choosing a Quick and Efficient Class

I wanted a quick class that could get things done quite efficiently out in the open world. I do lots of keys and raids every now and then as well, but the open world was where I spent most of my time. Just because something’s fast and saves you a few minutes over a different class, it shouldn’t be the main reason why you picked that class, should it?

Criteria for the New Main

I also wanted something that was quite tanky and self-reliant. That phrase, self-reliant, should probably give you a big nod, especially when you think about the tanking components of this class. So, yes indeed, it is something that can tank. That was the last thing I said: I would rather have a class that could have the option to tank or heal if given the opportunity.

Breaking the Cycle

Even though I did moan about that with the Druid, sometimes feeling compelled to tank even though I didn’t necessarily want to, I would rather have done DPS in some format. Just having that tank option there was a bad habit I had fallen into. Breaking the cycle with a new main also seemed like a good idea.

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Flexibility in Playing Different Specs

I think it’s important when you’re picking a main that you are willing and able to play each of the specs. This is crucial if you have a class that can fulfill different roles because it gives you the Flexibility to adapt. For example, if you play a mage, it might be that two specs are viable, and one of them currently isn’t. You can choose to play the one that is viable if you wish to do so.

Hunter as a Strong Consideration

For me, Hunter has been an alt since the beginning of time. It was the second class I ever made; the Druid was the first. Hunter was something that I did fit quite well with. I enjoyed that they were very mobile, and again, they were quite speedy at getting around. I do enjoy playing a ranged class, which is typically what I would go for.

Hunter Improvements in War Within

They saw some good improvements going into War Within. The reworks to the class and spec talents are very nice. The hero talents for the Hunter are also seemingly very nice as well.

The Appeal of the Dark Ranger Theme

I do like the theme of the Dark Ranger even if the actual implementation of what that means for your rotation isn’t that great overall. The Sentinel hero talents seem very cool, and the survivability of the Hunter has been greatly improved. This was one of the things they were definitely lacking in Dragonflight and previously in the game.

Popularity and Play Style Concerns

The only thing that was kind of putting me off Hunter, though, is the fact that they are, of course, very overplayed. It’s one of the most popular classes, always usually in the top three. You’ve also got things like Beast Mastery Hunter being quite simple, which is fine every now and then if you just want to jump on, blast through dungeons, get some keys done, and be quite effective in the group with good damage and decent Utility in Mythic Plus and raids.

Challenges with Marksmanship Hunter

However, it does get boring for me pretty quickly playing something like BM. I love the theme of Marksmanship Hunter, but I do feel like rotationally it’s still in quite a weird spot. As much as I would enjoy it for a short period of time, the clunkiness of things at times and the way certain aspects of the Marksmanship Hunter just don’t seem to work together perfectly well. It’s kind of hard to describe what I mean, but if you’ve played Marksmanship Hunter for any period of time, you probably understand what I’m getting at here.

The Underdog Specs in Raids

You’ve probably had the experience where you’re playing a raid, let’s say towards the end of a tier, like a normal or heroic pug, and then there’s a Feral Druid in there that’s absolutely destroying the damage meters. You’re thinking, where the heck has this guy come from? I thought Feral was bad. It’s nice to prove that Underdog specs can indeed perform well in the right hands. I’m not saying my hands are the right hands, by the way.

Considering Hunter and the Final Choice

So, Hunter, after some deep consideration, wasn’t really jelling 100%. What class did I pick? I better just get on with it and tell you guys what I have chosen, right? The class I picked was indeed the Death Knight.

Why I Chose Death Knight

Now, Death Knight. Why did I pick Death Knight as someone who says he prefers ranged classes and doesn’t want to tank? Why the heck have I made this choice? Well, you can’t tell me that it isn’t cool, okay? That’s one thing I’m going to say. These points are not necessarily in order of importance, but you want to feel cool when you’re playing a spec.

The Importance of Visual Appeal and Enjoyment

You want it to thematically look good, you want the transmog to look nice, and you want the spell effects to look cool. If it isn’t visually appealing to you, then you’re not going to enjoy it, are you? It’s something that you see all the time whenever you play the game, no matter what type of content you’re doing. Looking cool, feeling good playing your class, and enjoying the theme of it—that’s very important. Talent spec-wise and rotationally, Death Knights have undergone some improvements, as have many of the other classes, but they really gel nicely with how I feel currently.

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Enjoying the Unholy Spec

If Unholy was going forward as an exact copy into War Within, I probably wouldn’t want to main this. But the way Unholy is now on the beta, with all the changes, even though there’s been some recent nerfs and minor tweaks, I really enjoy it. I feel they’ve streamlined the spec quite a bit. It’s not as complicated as it once was, but there’s still a decent level of complexity to keep you engaged.

Flexibility and Viability

Potential varying talent builds make it fun and engaging, and it takes some brain power to actually perform well on it, which is nice. You kind of need that, right? With Death Knight having two possible DPS specs in Frost and Unholy, it’s likely that at least one of those will always be viable at some point in all types of content.

Preference for Unholy Over Frost

I do massively prefer Unholy over Frost, but I’m definitely not opposed to learning Frost, so I can always use that if there ever is a reason for me to need to. Also, with Blood, I do like the theme of Blood Death Knight tanking. Back in Cataclysm, I did actually used to main Blood Death Knight and raided with my guild in some of the expansions, so that was pretty enjoyable.

Hero Talents and Final Choice

It’s a nice blast from the past to go back to the Death Knight. The hero talents, man, the spec I’m going to be playing is Unholy for the most part, and I will probably tank some keys every now and then. The hero talents are both so good, thematically, maybe not performance-wise, like the Sandlane DK basically.

The Cool Theme of Vampiric DK

You’re a vampiric DK. The theme of that is so cool. Also, the Riders of the Apocalypse—the fact that you can mount in the open world—is just brilliant. One of my gripes with the Death Knight was that it always felt really slow. Sometimes you just have to do things like using speed potions or Nitro Boost on the belt if you’re an engineer, but this solves that problem completely for me.

Utility and Dungeon Performance

It even feels really good in dungeons too because you can take the talent where you get your Death’s Advance buff and then summon your horse in the dungeon, allowing you to fight while on top of your horse. It looks brilliant. Also, summoning The Four Horsemen is just so cool. Now, there are, of course, some downsides. Death Knight isn’t the most Utility-heavy class.

Unique Utility of Death Knight

It does have some very nice unique Utility like Death Grip, being probably the main one, and Anti-Magic Shell. Those kinds of things are great, but it’s not usually the go-to pick in a meta Mythic Plus comp. However, do I care about the meta? Not as much as some people do. As long as I’m having fun, that’s what matters most to me.

Downsides of Death Knight

The downside, of course, which you could say is a downside or some would prefer it as a positive, is that DK is melee only. There’s obviously no ranged specs on the DK, whereas with the Druid I had the option of Feral or Balance, as melee and ranged. But that is fine with me because the reason I enjoy the Death Knight outweighs these limitations.

Mid-Range Elements of Unholy

I quite like Unholy because there are some Mid-range elements to it. You’ve got things like Death Coil, which is a rotational spell. If you ever are in a situation where you can’t access the mobs in melee range, you can fling off a few Death Coils and apply diseases from range. There are other things you can do from range, so you don’t feel completely useless when you can’t reach the target.

Improvements in Ret Paladins

This was also a big improvement that came to Retribution Paladins because a lot of their spells used to be just pure melee range only, but now they also have some mid-range spells. It just makes the class feel better overall and less useless whenever you can’t reach the target.

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