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1 Secret Tip for Every Support Hero – Pro Ultimate Tips and Tricks

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1 Secret Tip for Every Support Hero – Pro Ultimate Tips and Tricks

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This guide explores the best ways to use each support hero's ultimate in Overwatch 2, providing tips for maximizing their offensive and defensive potential.
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Hello, Librarian Husky here! Despite having the least heroes in their role, supports have the most impactful ultimates in the game by far, and a lot of them charge really fast when there’s a lot of healing to be done. Let’s explore the best ways to use every support ultimate to get the most out of the strongest abilities from all the heroes.

Effectiveness of Ana’s Ultimate

First up, we have Ana. Even though Ana hasn’t always been great, her ultimate has consistently been one of the best overall. It’s a really simple effect: 50% more damage and 50% less damage taken. The damage reduction is a stronger effect, effectively doubling your health. Now that the normal health is 250, you have to go through 500 HP on top of the pocket to take down a boosted DPS or support. This ability has always been good defensively, but after Season 9, it’s even better.

Using Nano Boost Defensively and Offensively

Nanoboost is especially useful for protecting your healer when they get dived. Naning your Genji, Winston, or even D.Va is great for ramping up pressure on the enemy team. If they don’t respond and your team pushes with Nano, you often win the fight. However, not every team composition has a great target for an aggressive push, but you can easily adapt to the situation as long as you are aware of the enemy’s strategy.

Adapting to the Enemy Team

If the enemy team can dive hard and kill your allies, you can instantly react with a defensive Nano. The only problem with a proactive Nano is that enemies can kite it. Since Nano Boost no longer provides a speed boost, it doesn’t help your target push further, aside from making them harder to kill. Therefore, a well-coordinated team will fall back when they see a Nano Boosted enemy.

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Maximizing the Impact of Nano Boost

If the enemy team is prepared, the Nano Boost might not have the desired effect. However, once they are already committed to a fight, Nano will have a much higher impact. Both options are viable: a Nano Boosted DPS with a pocket and anti-nade shortly after is difficult to counter. The key is watching the situation closely and choosing your target based on the enemy’s actions.

Using Amplification Matrix Effectively

Similar to Nano, Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix is flexible between offense and defense. Whether peeking around a corner with the window or reacting to enemy tank abilities, both approaches are highly effective. The most crucial factor is timingβ€”use it early in the fight when both teams are fully committed to winning.

Positioning and Team Coordination

Positioning is essential for both options. Not everyone on your team needs to use the Amplification Matrixβ€”Baptiste alone can sustain and burst enemies. This, however, requires staying further back than usual. If your team lacks coordination, take time to set up properly, as positioning plays a huge role in maximizing the effect of your ultimate.

Making the Most of Baptiste’s Abilities

If the enemy has defensive tools like Orisa’s shield or Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp, use Baptiste’s neutral spam to wear them down before engaging. Swinging around a corner with the Matrix can create optimal space for your team, and going first is advantageous when your team pushes together. But if coordination is lacking, it’s better to set up carefully rather than rushing in.

Brigitte’s Rally: Defensive Powerhouse

Using Rally for yourself is highly valuable as long as you utilize the double healing to sustain your team while zoning out the enemy. Brigitte’s Rally is more effective for matching and countering enemy pushes rather than initiating fights. She can still play like a tank against some heroes, and the armor and shield amplify that playstyle even more.

Strength of Brigitte’s Shield and Stun

Brigitte’s shield has 700 HP, the same as Sigma’s shield, although with a lower regeneration rate. Despite this, it is more than enough to protect both you and your team from follow-up damage after an ultimate engage. When using the stun, it’s best to be patient. At the start of your ultimate, with full armor and shield, you are already difficult to deal with, so saving the stun for mid-fight offers more impact.

Targeting Key Abilities with the Stun

During Rally, your stun can cancel important enemy abilities like Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp or Junker Queen’s Carnage for maximum value. It’s often better to aim for one high-impact stun than using two lesser ones in the same rally. Properly timed, this can be a game-changing move.

Illari’s Aggressive Ultimate: Focusing on Mid-Fight

Illari may have the most aggressive, kill-focused ultimate among supports, but it’s not ideal for initiating fights. Most teams can block or cleanse it at the start. Instead, her ultimate shines in the middle of a fight, fitting well with her playstyle of playing slowly, poking from off-angles, and patiently waiting for an opening to strike.

Capitalizing on Illari’s Debuff

The key to success with Illari’s ultimate is patience. Play for the 6-second debuff duration, and try to time the detonation when the enemy has run out of defensive abilities like Sound Barrier or Immortality Field. Since your targets are slowed by 40%, similar to Doomfist’s Meteor Strike, it’s crucial to detonate at the perfect moment to maximize damage.

Maximizing Illari’s Fireball Effectiveness

Illari’s Fireball is easier to utilize over its full duration. The key is ensuring that your Fireball hits its target. After that, two more shots on affected targets will trigger an explosive chain reaction. While some shots may be blocked, waiting for the enemy to fully commit before engaging increases your chances of scoring multi-kills.

Juno’s Orbital Ray: Opening the Fight

Juno’s Orbital Ray is primarily an opening ultimate. The laser moves forward, but slowly, unlike Kiriko’s Kitsune Rush. The Orbital Ray covers less than 20 meters, starting 4 meters away from you and traveling another 16 meters. Since it’s a slow-moving ultimate, positioning on the objective is crucial to maximize its impact.

Balancing Damage Boost and Objective Control

The damage boost from Orbital Ray starts immediately, but if you’re not fighting on the objective, the enemy has little reason to engage. It’s best used when you can either capture or defend the point. While long-range heroes can potentially get early picks, focusing on the objective with such a slow-starting ultimate is always a better strategy.

Importance of Timing with Orbital Ray

Although some teams may not instantly flee when the laser revs up, it’s a good habit to prioritize winning the objective with Juno’s ultimate. The slow nature of the Orbital Ray means it requires more strategic planning to be effective, but it can still lead to significant damage when used correctly.

Kitsune Rush: Unmatched Cooldown Reduction

Although Juno’s ultimate seemed like it could rival Kiriko’s when first revealed, Kitsune Rush remains one of the strongest support ultimates in the game. The cooldown reduction it provides is incredibly powerful, lasting just over 10 seconds with a 25-meter range. This ultimate can be used to catch enemies off guard, particularly with the added speed boost, making it perfect for both starting and sustaining fights.

Maximizing the Healing and Speed Buffs

Kitsune Rush grants not only faster fire rates and shorter cooldowns but also improved healing, making it invaluable for your team during engagements. The healing targets your allies, while the speed boost helps them dodge enemy fire. It’s crucial to balance damage and healing during the ultimate to ensure your team stays healthy, as the ultimate doesn’t provide direct healing like Juno’s.

Lifeweaver’s Tree of Life: Sustaining Through Enemy Ultimates

Lifeweaver’s Tree of Life may not be the strongest ultimate for initiating fights, but its instant value and sustain make it a top-tier counter to many of the game’s most powerful ultimates. The burst healing it provides can neutralize intense enemy abilities, giving your team a much-needed edge in critical moments. Although it’s easy to disengage from, the support it offers can turn the tide in your favor.

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Lifeweaver’s Tree of Life: Strategic Placement

Lifeweaver’s Tree of Life is one of the best ultimates for matching others, and its simplicity makes it highly effective. However, heroes like Bastion or Ramattra, with their high-damage output, can destroy it quickly. The key to making the most of this ultimate is strategic placementβ€”use the massive tree to block chokes or flanks, even if it gets broken, as it can still waste valuable enemy time.

Using Tree of Life for Objective Control

One of the best uses for Tree of Life is securing key objectives, such as a push checkpoint or controlling a round’s final fight. By blocking flanks or key routes to your backline, you can gain a unique advantage, especially in crucial moments of the game. Make sure to deploy it in areas where its size and duration can provide maximum utility.

Lucio’s Sound Barrier: The Ultimate Counter

While Lifeweaver’s Tree of Life is strong, Lucio’s Sound Barrier is considered the ultimate counter ability. However, you must time it correctly to avoid dying before activation. Sound Barrier is incredibly effective when used to counter enemy ultimates, but it’s tricky to use aggressively. Holding it for too long can be a mistake, and using it at the wrong time may waste its potential.

Pushing with Sound Barrier

Using Sound Barrier aggressively requires more finesse. Instead of immediately using it while speeding into battle, it’s more effective to engage first and then pop Sound Barrier to sustain your team through the fight. Activating it too early can lead to wasted overhealth, as most teams will kite back and wait for the barrier to fade before re-engaging. Timing is crucial for gaining a real advantage.

Mercy’s Valkyrie: Timing and Survival

Mercy’s Valkyrie is a fairly selfish ultimate, with its main focus on survivability. Although it offers a team-wide damage boost, it’s not as strong as something like an Orbital Ray. The real value lies in Mercy’s ability to survive. During Valkyrie, Mercy is almost unkillable unless a serious mistake is made. Be cautious not to use Valkyrie recklessly; its offensive value is limited, but when under pressure, it ensures 15 seconds of survival and team sustain.

Moira’s Coalescence: Balancing Healing and Damage

Moira’s Coalescence is equally effective for engaging enemies or countering their ultimates. The beam’s healing far outweighs its damage, healing twice as much as it damages. While keeping your team alive is a priority, you shouldn’t neglect the beam’s 30-meter range and piercing damage, which can target enemies otherwise unreachable, providing both offensive and defensive advantages.

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