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Aurora: The Witch between Worlds | Full Reveal | First Gameplay

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Aurora: The Witch between Worlds | Full Reveal | First Gameplay

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This guide introduces Aurora, the new League of Legends champion, detailing her abilities, strategic gameplay, and unique design as a versatile solo laner and potential support.
🕑 2 Minutes: reading time
⏳ Popularity: HOT

What is up, boys and girls? Today I am proud to present to you the new League of Legends champion, Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds. Now, you’ve probably got a lot of questions seeing this champion, like what role does she play, how broken is she, and am I a furry for thinking she’s hot? We’re going to answer all of these questions, so let’s get into it.

Role and Abilities

Aurora is a Mage who excels as a solo laner, able to shift between the real world and the Spirit World. Her passive, Spirit Abjuration, grants her bonus magic damage and spirit excision to her after damaging an enemy three times, transitioning her into Spirit mode where she gains increased movement speed and enhanced healing for 3 seconds.

Basic Abilities

Her Q ability releases a burst of cursed energy, dealing magic damage to enemies and marking them. Recasting the Q retrieves the spirit energy, inflicting additional magic damage to those it passes through. Her W, named Across the Veil, allows Aurora to leap in a direction and become invisible in the spirit realm. Securing takedowns resets its cooldown, enabling her to jump across the veil each time an enemy is defeated.

Advanced Mechanics

Aurora’s E, known as The Weirding, fires a laser that damages and slows enemies. She performs a backward hop, emitting a pulse that inflicts damage, slows enemies, and traps them in the Spirit World. Breaking the circle propels Aurora to the other side quickly. If enemies attempt to cross the circle, they are damaged, slowed, and knocked back to its center, making them unable to simply walk through it.

Strategic Insights

Aurora’s mobility, invisibility, and trickiness make her ultimate highly disruptive in team fights and skirmishes. Conversations with the Riot designers who crafted Aurora reveal strategic nuances: holding the Q recast increases its damage based on the enemy’s missing health, making it a potent combo finisher. By initially using Q to inflict damage and then recasting it at the right moment, you can maximize the damage output effectively.

Invisibility and Utility

Aurora’s invisibility resets with takedowns, allowing her to remain unseen for most of a team fight. This ability could be overwhelming, but let’s move forward. Her E, which is her only crowd control ability, is primarily a slow. However, it’s a visually striking laser that combines well with her R for interesting plays.

Combining Abilities

Aurora can use the jump backward from her E to exit the Spirit World circle, rapidly transporting herself to the other side. This allows for creative plays where she dodges, slows enemies, and turns invisible, frustrating opponents. These mechanics offer opportunities for clever and fun gameplay.

Role Versatility

Aurora is designed primarily as a top and mid laner. However, after speaking with Riot’s August, it’s suggested that she can also be played as a support. Despite initial skepticism, this opens up new possibilities for her use. If you want to see Aurora support in action, let me know; I’m up for the challenge.

Character Design and Representation

Aurora’s design is a mix of simplicity and complexity, featuring unique and occasionally challenging mechanics. Her bunny-like appearance and playful abilities reflect her Vastaya heritage well. Aurora’s kit, which allows her to hop around and control fights, aligns with her character’s lively and dynamic nature.

Representation and Character Design

It’s exciting to see a character on the autism spectrum represented in a video game. This isn’t about meeting a quota; it’s an integral part of Aurora’s character, influencing how she perceives and interacts with the world. Riot has incorporated this aspect into her lore and interactions, making Aurora a nuanced and groundbreaking character in the game.

Aurora’s Unique Perspective

The fact that she’s on the spectrum is in her DNA as a character. She sees the world very differently, and the way she connects with people is just very different. I’m excited to see how people receive a character like this. But that is Aurora, the new character.

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