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Tempest Update: June 2024 PVP Tier List

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Tempest Update: June 2024 PVP Tier List

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Diablo Immortal PvP guide: Updated class tier list for Battlegrounds. Insights on top-performing classes like Barbarian, Demon Hunter, and Tempest in the current meta.
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Today, I’m going to provide an updated list of all the classes in Diablo Immortal PVP exclusive, focusing on how I think each class is performing in Battlegrounds right now. Before I begin, this tier list is my personal opinion and not a fact, so it’s perfectly fine to have a different perspective. Now that we’ve cleared that up, we have eight classes to discuss. This is specific to PVP, and some classes will perform differently at higher resonance levels compared to lower ones. Since I play in the higher TI Battleground, I will share my insights based on that experience.


In my opinion, the Barbarian currently boasts some of the best survivability. They can pull enemies close, enter undying mode, become immune to CC effects, and cause significant havoc. So, Barbarian is really strong in the current meta, according to my experience.

Demon Hunter

Next up is the Demon Hunter. They are incredibly squishy. If you can catch a Demon Hunter, they are as good as dead—that’s how I see them. But if they manage to get to you first, you’re practically dead on the spot. They currently have the highest single-target damage and can melt you within a second or even faster. In terms of killing efficiency, Demon Hunter is at the top right now in the current meta. I consider them easily S tier. Lower resonance players might disagree and place them in B or C tier, but in the upper tiers of Battleground, Demon Hunters are formidable opponents, deserving of the S tier.

Blood Knight

Blood Knight is placed in the A tier right now. They are strong and have solid builds, but I’ve noticed them struggling in BGR after tempers were introduced. Barbarians and other classes like Necromancers can give Blood Knights a tough time, placing them somewhere in between tiers.

Blood Knight and Class Rankings

I would like to place the Blood Knight in the A tier. Next, we have the Monk. I’m not sure if many players still use this class, but I have seen a few. I’ll put the Monk in C tier. If you’re playing Monk, you might as well play Tempest; it feels like that’s what Monk is supposed to be.


In the current meta, I feel the Monk can’t do much besides provide support and maybe use a bubble to stop the Tempest’s dashes. However, Tempest can use the flowing strike to become immune to the bubble and escape. Therefore, Monk is primarily a support class and sits in the C tier.


Next is the Wizard. The Wizard is currently vulnerable to other classes. They don’t have much going on except for Arcane Torrent, Frost Nova, or the freeze build. They can use the ice block build, which is good but not fast enough to evade Tempests, who can chase them down. Other classes like Blood Knight, Barbarian, and Demon Hunter can also easily defeat the Wizard. Hence, Wizard is in the B tier for me.


As for the Crusader, this class is tricky. I would place it between A and S tier, similar to the Blood Knight. It’s not fully A tier or S tier but somewhere in between. That’s where I’d place the Crusader in the current meta. I’ve fought Crusaders who tried to stun me, but since my Tempest can avoid most of that, I’ve seen Crusaders running away. Therefore, Crusader is between A and S tier.

Necromancer and Tempest Rankings

I would place the Necromancer in S tier. It has been solid at the top for a long time, with unmatched survivability and support, along with high damage. Thus, Necromancer is easily in the S tier.


Now, we have the new class, Tempest, which I also place in the S tier. It’s really easy to kill Crusaders and even fight other Monks. I’ve fought Blood Knights who tried to stun and dash me, but I mastered dashes and escaping, so they had to retreat. The toughest challenges were against top classes, especially Barbarian with its survivability and Necromancer with advanced builds. These are really dangerous for Tempest.

Strategies and Challenges

When facing a Necromancer, ensure they are not using their key skills when you attack. Hitting a Demon Hunter while they are using their skills will result in significant damage to you. You might stun and defeat them, but you won’t have much health left. These are the top classes right now in my opinion, and this is how my personal tier list looks.


In the current meta, the Monk’s role is largely limited to providing support and occasionally using a bubble to counter the Tempest’s dashes. However, Tempest can often use the flowing strike to become immune to the bubble and escape. Thus, the Monk is primarily a support class and sits in the C tier.


Next up is the Wizard. Currently, the Wizard is vulnerable to many other classes. They don’t offer much beyond Arcane Torrent, Frost Nova, or the freeze build. The ice block build is good but not fast enough to evade Tempests who relentlessly chase them. Other classes like Blood Knight, Barbarian, and Demon Hunter can easily defeat the Wizard. Therefore, I place Wizard in the B tier.


As for the Crusader, this class is quite complex. I would place it between A and S tier, similar to the Blood Knight. It’s not entirely A tier or S tier but somewhere in between. In the current meta, I have faced Crusaders who tried to stun me, but since my Tempest can avoid most stuns, I’ve seen Crusaders retreat. Hence, Crusader is between A and S tier.

Necromancer and Tempest Rankings

Necromancer is a very strong class needed for pushing idols and objectives. Since the list doesn’t allow me to place it in between tiers, I’ll go with A tier. However, Necromancer’s solid survivability, support, and damage make it a strong contender for S tier. No other class can match its survivability and versatility, making it an easy S tier.


The new class, Tempest, is easily S tier in my opinion. It’s very effective at eliminating Crusaders and can handle other Monks with ease. I have encountered Blood Knights who tried to stun and dash me, but as a master of dashes and escapes, I often made them retreat. The most challenging opponents have been top-tier classes like Barbarian, with its high survivability, and Necromancer with advanced builds. These are particularly dangerous for Tempest.

Strategies and Challenges

You have to make sure the Necromancer is not using those skills when you try to attack. If you hit the Demon Hunter when they are using their skills, you will take a lot of damage. You might stun them and get them, but you will not be left with much life either. These are the top classes right now in my opinion. This is how my personal tier list looks.

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