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How to farm with Barbarian? Build Guide

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How to farm with Barbarian? Build Guide

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This guide updates the Barbarian build for Diablo Immortal to optimize farming across various game activities, detailing enhanced combat skills, set items, and legendary enhancements for maximum damage and mobility.
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It’s been a while since we updated the farm build for the Barbarian because we didn’t really get many Essences to change it much. However, with the newest essences, I have created a different build that we can use. Let’s discuss this build, which you can use while doing bounties, Terror Rifts, hidden layers, and your regular Circle Farm. Before we move on, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel if you haven’t yet, and if you’re feeling a little generous, leave a like as well.

Updated Combat Skills

Starting with our skill set, the first notable inclusion is Cleave. Historically unused in farm builds, this skill has been revitalized with a new main hand Essence that summons a spirit dealing damage to nearby foes. Following Cleave, we utilize Chain Spear, augmented with three distinct Essences. The new chest Essence mimics the function of the Cleave Essence by drawing enemies closer, allowing us to inflict damage more effectively. Additionally, the off-hand boosts this skill by launching two extra spears, while the pants Essence bolsters our damage by 19% for three seconds.

Signature Skills and Equipment

A key ability for the Barbarian is Rage of the Berserker. Familiar to most, it is now enhanced with the Sun Legacy off-hand, igniting nearby enemies. Sprint is another critical skill, improved to increase our speed and partnered with a shoulder Essence that ignites a damaging trail of flames in our wake. Furthermore, I employ a head Essence generating path-clearing tornadoes, and a damage-dealing pet, though an alternative head Essence could be used to prolong Sprint if cooldown reductions are insufficient.

Primary Attack and Essence Enhancements

Almost overlooked, we have Frenzy as our primary offensive move, intensified by a main hand Essence that raises our attack speed—vital when confronting purple monsters during bounty tasks. Next, we will explore the strategic set items employed.

Set Item Configuration

I have configured my setup with four pieces of Vus’ Urge and four pieces of Banquet of Ice, though you are free to tailor your set item combination according to your preferences. This build is versatile and effective with most set combinations, particularly when your damage output is substantial. Let’s now delve into the details of the legendary items utilized.

Legendary Items and Effects

The headpiece in use, Spirit Breaker, generates tornadoes that traverse our path, inflicting damage on struck enemies. If your build lacks the means to reduce Sprint’s cooldown, consider the Second Breath, which extends Sprint’s duration, ensuring its constant availability. The chest piece is equipped with a novel Essence, Shackled Fate. This essence enhances Chained Spear by summoning the spirit of the ancients, who cast repeated spears for 5 seconds, damaging and slowing enemies while drawing them closer.

Additional Equipment Details

The shoulder slot features Hell’s Legacy, an indispensable Essence for any Barbarian focused on farming builds. This Essence allows Sprint to leave behind a flame trail that harms enemies for 4 seconds. In the pants slot, Buried Talons amplifies the effect of Chain Spear, boosting damage by 19% for 3 seconds. The primary hand is equipped with Borrowed Might, which empowers Cleave to periodically summon an ancient spirit, slicing through nearby foes for 5 seconds. Additionally, the second hand hosts Riddler Ru, which enhances Frenzy’s impact by significantly increasing attack speed by 50% following a critical hit.

Legendary Item Overview

This legendary item configuration offers significant advantages, especially when engaging purple monsters during bounties. For 3.2 seconds, the effects can be pivotal. The first off-hand, Obin’s Many Fingers, enhances Chain Spear by adding two additional spears. Completing our setup, the second off-hand, Thered Legacy, enhances Rage of the Berserker, causing it to ignite nearby enemies. This succinct rundown encapsulates the essentials of our legendary items.

Additional Build Details

Discussing additional facets of the build, it’s worth noting that cursed or ancestral properties are not pivotal, allowing you to maintain your existing setup. Within the Paragon tree, options like Treasure Hunter provide extra resources such as scrap and dust, while Warden enhances mobility. While specific legendary gems are not crucial, incorporating certain ones can enhance the farming experience.

Legendary Gems and Their Utility

If you lack Void Spark, consider experimenting with it as a supplementary gem; its efficacy is proven in my own experience. Other notable gems include Roing Consequence and Ignis Scorn, which also offer substantial benefits. While there are staple gems like Blood Soaked Jade, Bottled Hope, and Pain Clasp, I’ve chosen not to dwell on these. Essentially, leveraging any gems currently in your possession should suffice for this build’s success.

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