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Nuke Everything with This Solar Build!

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Nuke Everything with This Solar Build!

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This guide by Librarian Husky covers a powerful Warlock Solar build in Destiny 2, featuring Song of Flame, Phoenix Dive, and Dawn Chorus, optimized for Scorch and ignition effects.
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Hello, Librarian Husky here! Today’s guide features a Warlock Solar build that has been significantly enhanced by the artifact mods introduced in Act 2 of Echo. This Solar build will enable you to annihilate everything in your path while maintaining an easy-to-use ability loop. This loop will ensure frequent access to grenades and supers, as well as nearly instant class ability regeneration. If you’re seeking an enjoyable and destructive Solar build, this guide is perfect for you.

Build Overview

In this guide, I will detail the aspects, fragments, exotics, mods, and weapons necessary to become a flame-wielding Warlock. We begin with our super, Song of Flame. This ability grants us a supercharged melee and flame wisp, which triggers scorching explosions. The focus of this spell is on creating scorching ignitions, making Song of Flame ideal for this build.


While Daybreak is an option, it does not compare to the effectiveness of Song of Flame. Regarding abilities, Phoenix Dive is highly recommended. With this build configuration, you’ll frequently access your class ability, which in turn helps reduce the cooldown of other abilities. Therefore, Phoenix Dive is an excellent choice.

Alternative Abilities

For those needing additional survivability or participating in high-end content where health is a concern, Healing Rift is a viable alternative. For melee, Incinerator Snap is my choice, and for grenades, I prefer Fusion Grenade. The Fusion Grenade‘s short cooldown, high damage, Scorch application, and ignition capability make it exceptionally enjoyable and effective.

Preferred Grenade and Aspects

Personally, I favor the Fusion Grenade, but you can opt for a different grenade if you have a stronger preference. I find the Fusion Grenade highly effective. For our aspects, I’m using Helion. This provides us with a solar mortar, which significantly aids in applying numerous scorch stacks, resulting in bonus ignitions and additional Scorch stacking.

Second Aspect: Touch of Flame

As our second aspect, I have chosen Touch of Flame. This pairs excellently with the Fusion Grenade, as it causes two explosions instead of just one, thereby enhancing Scorch application and overall damage output.


Moving on to fragments, I’m utilizing Ember of Char. This fragment ensures that your solar ignition spreads Scorch to affected targets, so as ignitions occur, Scorch spreads to nearby enemies. Additionally, I’m using Ember of Eruption, which amplifies the area of effect of our solar ignitions, thereby increasing the damage radius.

Ember of Singeing and Ember of Ashes

Ember of Singeing accelerates your class ability recharge when you Scorch targets. This is particularly useful for quickly regaining your class ability, especially with Phoenix Dive‘s reduced cooldown. I find Ember of Singeing to be an excellent fit for this build. Lastly, I’m using Ember of Ashes, which increases the number of Scorch stacks applied to targets, speeding up the process of achieving ignitions.

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Exotic Choice: Dawn Chorus

I have found Dawn Chorus to be incredibly effective. It provides Rites of Ember, which makes your Daybreak projectiles deal increased damage and Scorch targets upon impact. Crucially for our build, it enhances your Scorch effects and grants a small amount of melee energy when Scorch damages a target. This means our Scorch will continuously damage all enemies, making it easier to regain melee energy and boost our overall damage output.

Weapon Synergy

This exotic synergizes perfectly with our Scorch and ignition-focused build. Dawn Chorus enhances our damage, increases the number of ignitions we can trigger, and seamlessly integrates into our overall strategy.

Solar Weapon: Dragon’s Breath

I experimented with various solar weapons for this build, but Dragon’s Breath stands out, especially with its Catalyst. Its rockets embed in targets and periodically release incendiary fuel that inflicts Scorch, delivering massive damage and triggering numerous ignitions. It excels in DPS against bosses and large groups of enemies.

Catalyst Benefits

The Catalyst for Dragon’s Breath speeds up the fuel replenishment and causes defeated targets to drop fire sprites periodically. This effectively keeps the weapon auto-reloaded and allows you to maintain its five stacks with ease.

Weapon Choice: Dragon’s Breath

Dragon’s Breath is exceptionally powerful for this build. Its ability to ignite nearby targets and partially replenish fuel makes it an ideal choice for maximizing DPS with ignitions and Scorch stacks. Although other solar options like Polaris Lance are available for longer ranges, Dragon’s Breath remains a top DPS option for this build.

Energy Slot: Luna’s Howl

In the energy slot, I use Luna’s Howl for ad clearing and cleanups. While a double energy weapon setup is possible, I recommend a solar weapon. Mine features Heal Clip and Incandescent, which provides Scorch effects and some survivability. This combination is highly effective, managing enemies efficiently.

Kinetic Slot: Succession

For the kinetic slot, I’m using Succession. A rapid-frame sniper rifle could be even better, but this choice complements our artifact mods. I recommend a sniper to add another method for generating Scorch stacks, which will be further detailed when we discuss our mods.

Artifact Mods

For artifact mods, I suggest starting with Overcharge Armory. This isn’t crucial, but authorized scavenger mods can be very helpful. These mods enhance your build’s overall efficiency and combat effectiveness.

Artifact Mods

It’s beneficial to run authorized scavenger mods if you’re running low on ammo. Additionally, we have Incendiary Rifle Rounds, where solar scout rifle precision hits Scorch targets. This offers another way to keep Scorching enemies, making Succession or any sniper rifle highly effective.

Radiant Orbs and Solar Fulmination

We use Radiant Orbs to provide another method of increasing our damage output. By picking up orbs of power, we become radiant. We also utilize Solar Fulmination, which boosts both the damage and the radius of our ignitions, enabling them to annihilate everything nearby as they detonate.

Enhanced Scorch and Grenade Damage

Thanks to Dawn Chorus, we gain increased Scorch stacks and improved melee regeneration from Scorch effects. Additionally, we use Shield Crush. When amplified to radiant, your grenades recharge more quickly and deal increased damage, enhancing our Fusion Grenades’ effectiveness.

Sniper’s Meditation

Lastly, Sniper’s Meditation is a key mod. Sniper rifle hits grant stacking bonuses to sniper rifle damage, stability, and reload speed. This significantly boosts our build’s overall performance, making it exceptionally effective in various combat scenarios.

Sniper Rifle Enhancements

Heavy ammo sniper rifle hits temporarily count as multiple hits. This enhancement makes our sniper rifle even more powerful, adding to the Scorch stacks and ignitions we will be creating. The increased damage and stability also help with flinch, which has been reduced by 50% in PvE, making precision hits easier to land.

Helmet and Gloves Mods

For my helmet, I’m using double Harmonic Siphon, which ensures that rapid solar final blows create an orb of power, facilitating the generation of Radiant Orbs. I also include Font of Wisdom to speed up super regeneration, though this build typically doesn’t struggle with super energy. For the gloves, I have double Firepower, which allows kills with Fusion Grenades to generate an orb of power.

Chest and Weapon Mods

For the chest piece, you can choose resistance mods that best suit your activity. Additionally, I use double Solar Weapon Surge to maximize solar weapon damage. When paired with Dragon’s Breath, this results in substantial damage output, enhancing the build’s lethality.

Class Ability Mods

For our class ability, I recommend using mods that enhance the rest of your build. This ensures sustained high damage and survivability, completing the overall effectiveness of this setup.

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Class Item Mod Synergy

For our class item mod or Warlock bond, I’m utilizing Bomber and Outreach. When we activate our class ability, it reduces both melee and grenade cooldowns. Shortly after using your class ability, your next weapon final blow spawns an orb of power. This synergizes well with the frequent use of Phoenix Dive, creating a seamless loop that reduces cooldowns for all abilities: grenade, melee, and spawning an orb of power upon getting a kill after Phoenix Dive.

Synergy and Damage Output

This setup allows us to generate additional orbs, enhancing and amplifying the damage we deal through Scorch and ignitions. Although I expected this build to be strong, revisiting Dragon’s Breath and experimenting with these artifact mods revealed just how powerful ignition builds can be.


I hope you enjoy this build and give it a try with Dawn Chorus. I’m having a fantastic time and effortlessly completing activities with this configuration. Share your experiences and the builds you’re exploring with the release of the second act and the new artifact mods in the comments below. I’m eager to hear about the ignition builds you’re enjoying.

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