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New Liminality GM Glitch Guide

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New Liminality GM Glitch Guide

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A guide on tackling the new challenging Luminosity strike in Destiny 2. Covers strategies, glitches, tips for solo and group players, and boss fight tactics.
🕑 2 Minutes: reading time
⏳ Popularity: HOT

Hey, what’s going on everybody, it’s Librarian Husky. Welcome back to another day in Destiny 2 for some more Destiny 2 news and the Final Shape slos Intel. Today, I’m going to be running you through what is, in my opinion, the toughest GM currently in the Nightfall rotation. This is the new strike added in the Final Shape, the Luminosity.

Overview of the Luminosity Strike

There are several things to know about this strike. There are several bosses or mini-bosses. The final boss is very difficult to handle. Builds are going to be important; Prismatic is a must. Hunters’ tether is paramount, but I’m going to run you through every single facet of this particular strike that I found was easier done with a glitch or two.

Glitches and Strategies

There are a couple of Glitches that you can utilize in this particular strike. Some you can utilize in every single strike or GM. I think all of them will come in handy, though not all of them will be the thing to do if you are a solo player. If you can complete the strike at the GM difficulty this week, you will earn yourself The Slammer sword in its Adept form. Remember, all adepts now from GMs are also upgradeable and have enhanced perks.

Dealing with the Mini Boss

The first thing I wanted to talk about was the mini boss, the Hive Lightbearer Knight that you’ll see here. This Knight can one-shot you, so it’s best to, if you are only one person, save a super.

Strategic Hiding Spot in the Tunnel

I found that up in the corner, actually in the tunnel where you enter here on the left side, is a fairly good place to hide out in order to get the Knight to come up onto the top platform and then use your super or nuke them with your heavy. The only thing you have to worry about up in this area is occasionally some yellow bar cursed Thall will spawn, but being in the tunnel should help avoid them sneaking up on you and exploding behind you.

First Major Encounter Mechanics

The next part is going to be for the first real encounter where you’ll have some mechanics. There’s also another mini-boss in this area, though you don’t actually fight them as it is the final boss, sort of making you do the mechanics. But if you are in a group, something you can utilize in this particular zone, possibly as a solo player too, though you’d have to do the mechanics, so I really can’t see any way you would use this, is you can glitch inside the wall.

Wall Glitch Strategy

If you’re a Titan, your teammate could run and do the mechanics while you stay alive. You will not get any damage in this spot. You can also, if you have Stasis turrets on a warlock like I had, send them through the wall, and they will help not only freeze but do damage to the enemies and help your teammates out. You can jump up high or low once.

Utilizing the Wall Glitch

When you’re in the wall, the only part that you can shoot, as you can see, is the far right, but that’s where the Stasis turrets come in. You can get a fairly good vantage point of the entirety of the map, though this probably isn’t useful for solo players as you still need to do the mechanics. However, it is something to know.

Joining Allies Cheese

One more thing to know is that in order to do this glitch successfully, as you will be stuck in the wall as the actual strike progresses and your teammates progress, you will have to do the Joining allies cheese. If you don’t know what that is, essentially all you have to do is quit the game from the home screen. So, if you’re on a console, go to your home screen and then quit the game. Then you’ll be able to rejoin the game at the exact place where you left. You won’t have any revives lost, and you will be alive, so you will not need to be revived. Your teammates can progress further, and you will be able to just spawn back in and join them. If you’re on PC, just quit from your Steam page, same kind of thing.

Benefits in Group Play

If you do these two things together, I think this actually makes this room a lot easier, especially when running with a group. The next area I wanted to talk about is, let’s call it, the open land floor is Lava area. Name coined by DJ. Big shout out to DJ and Sinister for helping me with this gameplay.

Door Glitch Strategy

You can utilize the exact same door glitch that you did in the last room here. Now, it might not be as necessary if you want to have all three players or if you’re solo. The best area I found was the back right corner. There’s a bridge over there where you can get a little bit more cover, and it sort of bottlenecks the enemies.

Escaping the Wall and Safety Tips

The great thing about this spot is that at the end of the stage, you can actually just jump up into the air and back up, and you’ll be able to get out of the wall, and the door will be open for you, so you won’t need to do the joining allies. There is a death barrier on the wall; as you can see, the Taken goo will spawn in, but you can actually jump up into the door and be above it. You can still use your Stasis turrets to help out your teammates.

Comparison and Risk Assessment

Overall, the difference between doing this method and just going in with all three players didn’t seem to be major. The risk of dying or wiping in this room is quite high, as there are just so many Ads, as you can see.

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Effective Ad Clearing Strategies

I was able to do quite a bit of ad clear even from this position, so I think it did ultimately help out. This strategy would be good for people who haven’t done this strike at all or who are novices to GMs.

Challenges in the Boss Room

Now, on to the boss room. There’s really no easy way to handle the boss. This is actually a very difficult encounter. The best advice I can give is to keep moving and always prioritize the Ads. Don’t do any damage to the boss until you’ve cleared out all the Ads.

Oracle Strategy and Role of Warlocks

For the right side, where you have to pick up one of the oracles, I would recommend sending in a warlock with turrets. The turrets will also destroy the Taken eyes and can make this whole section quite a bit easier. Otherwise, this is much more difficult than the opposite side where you just have to run.

Positioning and Awareness in the Boss Room

Stay close to the door and take out enemies as quickly as possible to get out of the room. I would also recommend setting up with one player in each corner of the room—one in the back, one on the right, and one on the left. There is Lava that forms on the perimeter of the boss room, so keep an eye out for that. It’s not always there, so just make sure you know when it’s spawning in. It’s not that obvious when it’s there versus when it isn’t, as there’s still some remnant-looking Lava on the ground. Prioritize the Ads and be cautious of the Tormentor.

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Effective Use of the Right-Side Pillar

I found that this pillar on the right side of the room actually works well for the first couple of boss phases. Once the boss is over here, they sort of get stuck trying to kill you on either side of the pillar, allowing you to take fairly easy shots at the shoulders. If you have a stasis turret, this also helps because it will distract the boss and grab the aggro. You can combo it back and forth, and the boss ends up just not moving. Prioritizing the ad clear and then focusing on the boss is really the best way to do it.

Boss Encounter Tips

If there’s anything about the Boss encounter that I learn as far as cheese spots are concerned or places to get outside the map, I will let you know. Unfortunately, at the moment, it seems like this was pretty well designed to keep you focused on what you’re supposed to be doing and not trying to find an unavailable advantage.

Challenges for Solo Players

If you can get those things done, I think you’ll be able to get a completion on this. It is going to be very hard for solo players, but if you’re running it at one of the lower level difficulties, you’ll be able to get a clear if you’re fairly proficient in running the Nightfalls or the GMs.

Effectiveness of Tethers and Super Abilities

Tethers are really great as they make a lot of orbs. In this case, I had two Hunters running with me as a Warlock, and I was able to get my super quite often, which also helped a lot. Damage overtime effects, if you are a Warlock, also help quite a bit because they allow you to do damage and then move away from where the Ads are spawning or where the boss is spawning.

Combining Abilities and Weapons

Dragon’s Breath was a good combo, as when you throw on your super, you get the Autoload. You could shoot, then use your melee, then use your grenade, then shoot another rocket, so that did fairly good damage. I’m sure Still Hunt would also be good, as if you can get a crit spot, it’ll do quite a bit of damage.

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